Good old days when we actually saw how Q operations beyond sending messages to us. Q would talk to [DS] and also would send instructions to operatives, all via the same Q drops.
I remember when the whole #flyrothfly happened, Q was talking to Lynn, and he was saying that he knew they were planning their escape etc.
Around the same time he sent out a stringer (something green) which turned out to be a GO order for an operation which was a Helicopter flying into the Roth's estate. At the same time a student pilot flew a plan "mistakenly" into the helicopter and they both crashed. Q acknowledged that the operation had failed. (I am not too sure that was not disinfo). Very exciting times, thanks for reminding this. Need to go back and brush up on all the deets.
Yep I remember this too. And how she suddenly was done with twtr then too. I think it was before heli but was around this time.
From beginning in oct of 17 to all thru 2018 were THE best Q days
Not just the water supplies, tho companies like NESTLES have been doing their thing to steal our water. It's also long term weather control, like heat and droughts. Last year, it was the West and Northeast with the extreme heat and drought. This year, the West and Upper Midwest.
I'd always heard that Madison WI was a hub for occult activity. . .something to do with major tunnels around the town. Similar to Hudson NY. Did you see the news about the major chemical plant explosion last week in Rockton IL? All in the same neighborhood to the people who live in that area.
How do we know this is LDR and not just someone? I have a hard time understanding how the 4chan boards work, anyone care to explain the basics to a Fren?
4chan uses an 'id' based on ip addresses so you can tell which posts are from the same person. The posts from 'ID: 78d855' are all from the same person, that ppl think is LdR, but you're right it could be anyone LARPing.
No one knows, Chans are anonymous, could have just been a little play for the board watchers. But then again it seems someone thought they traced a location. All verifications of Q are mostly from things like this where things are alluded to on boards, then real life happenings coincided. They took the Helicopter and Plane crash as confirmation.
When I first saw the Q interchange with LDR reminded me of something I had read prior. There is a very weird dialogue from years ago, it has been archived. It was supposedly with a Rothschild. If you follow the dialogue, the way the person answers the questions isn't a normal perspective shall we say. I'm not saying one way or the other this is an R, but the answers make you wonder a bit. Peruse through it, it is an interesting read.
I don't think I'm even a tenth of the way into reading this thread and it's a fascinating read. I'm leaning toward it being legit, whether it's a Rothschild that is frequently in the news is another thing. If it's a troll, it's a really good one, by someone who definitely had been down some rabbit holes.
2011, I guess they were well underway on their 16 year plan and I'm sure he felt bulletproof at that point. The arrogance and sense of superiority is just the same as the LdR thread in this post. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for posting this OP! I wasn't aware of LDR & Q conversations. I discovered Q about 2 months after the first post but didn't read a lot of 4chan in the beginning. Really fascinating to know that Q team was trolling the cabal.
Good old days when we actually saw how Q operations beyond sending messages to us. Q would talk to [DS] and also would send instructions to operatives, all via the same Q drops.
I remember when the whole #flyrothfly happened, Q was talking to Lynn, and he was saying that he knew they were planning their escape etc.
Around the same time he sent out a stringer (something green) which turned out to be a GO order for an operation which was a Helicopter flying into the Roth's estate. At the same time a student pilot flew a plan "mistakenly" into the helicopter and they both crashed. Q acknowledged that the operation had failed. (I am not too sure that was not disinfo). Very exciting times, thanks for reminding this. Need to go back and brush up on all the deets.
Yep I remember this too. And how she suddenly was done with twtr then too. I think it was before heli but was around this time. From beginning in oct of 17 to all thru 2018 were THE best Q days
She also dropped from the board at The Economist
78d855 is LDR yes.
She got drunk one night and started threatening anons.
Controlling and being able to fuck with water supply is what she is implying.
Racine, WI California water shortages
Both the Bauers and Rothschilds live in Racine, Wisconsin and have extensive business interests in Wisconsin, Arizona and New York.
Bauer was Rothschild’s real name.
"Bauer was Rothschild’s real name."
Bunch of inbreeding occurring im sure.
Bauer means pauper, they changed it to red shield.
I think she was drinking adrenochrome not alcohol.
Oh, watch the water?
Paper is for puppets huh?
Fiat central bank money
Not just the water supplies, tho companies like NESTLES have been doing their thing to steal our water. It's also long term weather control, like heat and droughts. Last year, it was the West and Northeast with the extreme heat and drought. This year, the West and Upper Midwest.
Why was Nestle located in Burlington, Wisconsin? Why are they now changing the town slogan from Chocolate City, USA?
Where did the Mormons split, what are Strangite and the Voree plates, and what was the Second Great Awakening?
What are the unique properties and characteristics of Water? What is the key to Life?
Why are all big tech giants making huge investments in and around the Great Lakes?
I'd always heard that Madison WI was a hub for occult activity. . .something to do with major tunnels around the town. Similar to Hudson NY. Did you see the news about the major chemical plant explosion last week in Rockton IL? All in the same neighborhood to the people who live in that area.
Places like Madison and Austin seem to lure in people that if they go missing, no one will notice.
You are correct and the entire state is a hub for occult activity. Racine is the true epicenter.
I just love! "Paper is for the puppets." LDR
How do we know this is LDR and not just someone? I have a hard time understanding how the 4chan boards work, anyone care to explain the basics to a Fren?
4chan uses an 'id' based on ip addresses so you can tell which posts are from the same person. The posts from 'ID: 78d855' are all from the same person, that ppl think is LdR, but you're right it could be anyone LARPing.
Well Q answered them, so I don't think it's a larper. Interesting to see this post I missed a lot not being a part of this back in the day.
But I had the Salty Cracker keeping me going.
So who is the supposed person who "found her" with the 3rd ID in the conversation? I do have a hard time believing a Rothschild would get on 4Chan
probably just an anon pointing out that it's her, or at least someone Larping as her.
Its either her? Or its not? Great insight fren
I'm new to this part too.
No one knows, Chans are anonymous, could have just been a little play for the board watchers. But then again it seems someone thought they traced a location. All verifications of Q are mostly from things like this where things are alluded to on boards, then real life happenings coincided. They took the Helicopter and Plane crash as confirmation.
Q would know.
When I first saw the Q interchange with LDR reminded me of something I had read prior. There is a very weird dialogue from years ago, it has been archived. It was supposedly with a Rothschild. If you follow the dialogue, the way the person answers the questions isn't a normal perspective shall we say. I'm not saying one way or the other this is an R, but the answers make you wonder a bit. Peruse through it, it is an interesting read.
I am a Rofschild, Axe me a question
open the link and save it, or simply save it, it is just html, then open it in a new window. You can't really read it in text format.
I don't think I'm even a tenth of the way into reading this thread and it's a fascinating read. I'm leaning toward it being legit, whether it's a Rothschild that is frequently in the news is another thing. If it's a troll, it's a really good one, by someone who definitely had been down some rabbit holes.
2011, I guess they were well underway on their 16 year plan and I'm sure he felt bulletproof at that point. The arrogance and sense of superiority is just the same as the LdR thread in this post. Thanks for sharing.
I agree, the tone of the responses projects a point of view not shared by most normal people.
Fascinating read. Not all the way through either, but pretty far. Lots of Qlues, strikes me as legit.
"Oh "you create your own reality" - GNOSTICISM - A gift of Master rockockzi, also known as Counte de-SanGermaine"
Gotta be one of the most wild links I've ever come across.
Thank you for this.
Lots of hidden info and gem in this link.
save the page to your desktop. then open the file with your browser
Yeah, thanks!
What if you are on a phone?
Just skimming through this is blowing my mind. Than. You.
Yeah, I remember that. It was wild, but I lean more towards LARP on that one.
I put more stock in FBIanon, among others.
Paper money, perhaps?
The heads of the cabal most likely trade in precious metals, fine art, and sadly, human collateral.
They are the puppet masters.
The puppets are our politicians that the puppet masters bribe and pay (with dirty paper money) to do their bidding.
IMHO, we own the water supply, or we poison it so no one can drink it and you all die of thirst. Evil Satanic bitch, may she rot in hell for eternity.
God owns the water supply
Yep, I remember when that evil bitch from hell was posting.
Remote viewing. Niice drip drip
This is fascinating. Is there more?
I've been wondering about what happens when they mess with the water. I'm guessing rainwater collection will become a problem.
Real excited to be digging my own well soon.
Where can one access the full exchange?
Thank you for posting this OP! I wasn't aware of LDR & Q conversations. I discovered Q about 2 months after the first post but didn't read a lot of 4chan in the beginning. Really fascinating to know that Q team was trolling the cabal.
I think she was drinking adrenochrome. I think that is what they are talking about.