I like this dude… information presented clearly with enough context info to dig into your own research.
I’ve tried the 8kun boards, the posts formatting, it’s like a mix of comma delimited code / spreadsheet / offshoot internet language / cypher .. confused the hell out of me at first.
It can been overwhelming for me as I watch & have questions about how one comm is connected to some intel from Q. I hope he will consider a Q&A on segments of his proofs. He seems to have a connection to MJ12. Did anyone get that? It was astonishing the depth of connection to the Law of War Manual and I respect he refused to put any date to the plan. I loosely follow MJ12 on telegram (even though some folks say their a larp), but they speak in terms of events, not dates. It is difficult for me not to want things to move faster.
I don't consider myself stupid until I watch this young man's thought processes. He is amazing T putting the puzzle together. A little dry for me though but I like him and his technical approach
He is so amazing. It's also amazing to me that just last April I stumbled on a Dinesh video which from there I am now Here. That's the difference between them and us. We say hmmmm idk if I believe what you say so let me do some research on that? Then that research of course opens up the rabbit holes and you can't let go once you know what you know. Goes to show that people need the Dinesh's, Candace's, the Tucker's etc. To ease them into it , if they really care then they will eventually end up Here.
that is sort of how I ended up being so passionate about this stuff. Trump of course kicked it off, but the Tuckers, Dineshs and Candaces kept me digging.
Unprivileged belligerents also cover those operating on behalf of those owned and operated by China, including Antifa, BLM and all federal, state and local officials that support, cooperate with, condone or encourage them.
Edited to add:
It also covers everyone, top to bottom, involved in any way what-so-ever with the election fraud perpetrated in coordination with China and it's own operators in our local, state and federal systems.
Also everyone in the sciences that operated in coordination with China in either tech transfers or with the release of the bioweapon known as Covid.
Anons in the comments don't seem to be grasping what's being discussed here. Stop talking about the guy. I get that you're gay for him. As a straight man, so am I.
But what's being discussed here is bigger than Q, America, or the Earth. It is literally biblical. Watch it. You don't have to believe it to watch it. Just have an open mind.
"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"
Expand your thinking.
Beijing Diary by Charlton Heston copyright 1990 - this hardcover book with dustjacket is in very good condition. There is no writing nor torn or missing pages -- the dustjacket is also in excellent condition in protective cover ............
SIGNED on 2nd page "To Dawn Charlton Heston"
Assisted by photos and a preface by his wife, the film star recounts his experiences directing The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial at the People's Art Theater in China in 1988. Heston, whose politics are no secret, was invited by the People's Republic during its most open period, prior to the confrontation in Tiananmen Square. He offers perceptive, intriguing comments on the difficulty of mounting a Chinese-language production and of interpreting a naturalistic drama for people steeped in a nonrealistic theater tradition.
Odd there is no mention of Heston producing The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial in China in 1988 on his wiki page. At least the book gets mentioned... at the very end of the write up, just before the references section:
By Heston:
In the Arena: An Autobiography (1995); ISBN 1-57297-267-X
The Courage to Be Free (2000), speeches ISBN 978-0-9703688-0-5
The Actors Life: Journals 1956–1976 (1978); ISBN 0-671-83016-3
Beijing Diary; ISBN 0-671-68706-9
To Be a Man: Letters to My Grandson; ISBN 0-7432-1311-4
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible; ISBN 1-57719-270-2
Charlton Heston's Hollywood: 50 Years in American Film (1998) with Jean-Pierre Isbouts; ISBN 1-57719-357-1
Coincidence that the same time Charlton Heston is producing a Chinese version of the Caine Mutiny Court-Martial that Robert Altman's TV version is showing on American television.
What do we really know about what was happening in China the late 80's?
Earlier posts of AC-130 Gunship Lights Up The Night
4134 05/07/2020 03:51:47 Z (UTC) 05/07/2020 23:51:47 ET
4144 05/08/2020 00:00:16 Z (UTC) 05/08/2020 20:00:16 ET (See below)
4198 05/10/2020 16:50:46 Z (UTC) 05/10/2020 12:50:46 ET
4234 05/13/2020 22:31:54 Z (UTC) 05/13/2020 18:22:54 ET
4604 07/20/2020 02:33:13 Z (UTC) 07/20/2020 22:33:13 ET
4776 09/27/2020 00:38:44 Z (UTC) 09/26/2020 20:38:44 ET (See below)
4902 10/19/2020 04:56:10 Z (UTC) 10/19/2020 00:56:10 ET (See below)
4144 Q drop contains embed of Q drop 1332 (See below)
1332 05/11/2018 02:43:20 Z (UTC) 05/10/2020 22:43:20 ET
Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.
The video had the following information displayed at the start of the video:
...Gilligan's Island
.......Mosul Iraq
.........DEC 04
This was the day that President Trump announced the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States.
(At some point the fact that Amy Coney Barrett is Catholic will become important...but we haven't reached that part of the movie yet... so even though the crumbs are there, you'll just have to wait for it.)
An Anon posting on qresearch found the following, slightly humorous delta synchronicity:
"Gilligan's Island is an American sitcom created and produced by Sherwood Schwartz. The show had an ensemble cast that featured Bob Denver, Alan Hale Jr., Jim Backus, Natalie Schafer, Tina Louise, Russell Johnson, and Dawn Wells. It aired for three seasons on the CBS network from September 26, 1964, to April 17, 1967."
Some GAW readers are familiar with this user's past comments detailing using the clock arena from 'Catching Fire' (2nd film in Hunger Games series / and from the book of the same name) to map Q drops and POTUS tweets on two clock-based wedge divided pie charts (one for 00:00:00 to 12:00:00 and the second for 12:00:00 to 00:00:00 on a given day) [see this username history for detailed posts on how to make, how to prepare data for mapping, and how to enter data on the ZULU based time pie charts].
After adopting the above methodology, inspired by the film and book, after charting Q 4776, and not being satisfied with the Gilligan's Island reference, as tidy a reference it is, and since 4776 fell into the ZULU "midnight" hour/wedge, 00:08:44 (refer to earlier Hunger Games themed comments for significance of that hour on the clock in the Hunger Games book 2 / film 2) on 09/27/00 I decided to give it extra scrutiny. There had to be something more than just a date match up... so I started researching the ET time of 20:38:44.
Since Q is either providing information with which to understand something in the past or of current importance, or giving a head-ups to pay attention to something that is about to happen, I checked my day planner (log dates of upcoming rallies, events, etc so I don't miss them) and saw that the first Trump -vs- Biden debate was back on 09/29/2020.
Hmmm... so sure enough, a little further down the date rabbit hole... and there was the first televised U. S. Presidential Debate on the same date in 1960:
First Debate Quick Facts
When: 8:30 to 9:30 Central Time, 9/26/1960
Where: produced by CBS in Chicago (WBBM-TV).
Moderated by Howard K. Smith of CBS; panelists were
Sander Vanocur of NBC,
Robert Fleming of ABC,
Stuart Novins of CBS (from "Face the Nation"), and
Charles Warren of MBS.
Number of viewers/listeners: 73,500,000.
Topic: domestic policy.
Transcript: https://www.debates.org/voter-education/debate-transcripts/september-26-1960-debate-transcript/
But still... seems a little too superficial for a Q drop.
Then I noticed what time the broadcast began.
20:30 Central TIme (CT)
Again nice sychronicity... but how would that tie back to the Arena Clock / Hunger Games signaling some kind of danger or warning.
So, I looked at my research some more... and paid closer attention to the
drop time again... 20:38:44. Removing 20:30:00 from from the notation leaves
a time remainder of 00:08:38.
So I printed out the transcript, listened to the debate, and when minute/second time counter (on the bottom of the video) reached 8 minutes, 44 seconds in,
Nixon was saying this (bold faced below):
MR. NIXON: Mr. Smith, Senator Kennedy. The things that Senator Kennedy has said many of us can agree with. There is no question but that we cannot discuss our internal affairs in the United States without recognizing that they have a tremendous bearing on our international position. There is no question but that this nation cannot stand still; because we are in a deadly competition, a competition not only with the men in the Kremlin, but the men in Peking.
(Pretty ironic statement for a guy who later opened the back door for China back in the early 70's... with Kissinger's help of course.)
4902 [Just one historical delta - 1962 / note panic / quarantine in
another context]
On October 18, Kennedy met with Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrei Gromyko, who claimed the weapons were for defensive purposes only. Not wanting to expose what he already knew and to avoid panicking the American public, Kennedy did not reveal that he was already aware of the missile buildup.[59] By October 19, frequent U-2 spy flights showed four operational sites.[60]
Operational plans
Two Operational Plans (OPLAN) were considered. OPLAN 316 envisioned a full invasion of Cuba by Army and Marine units, supported by the Navy following Air Force and naval airstrikes. Army units in the US would have had trouble fielding
mechanized and logistical assets, and the US Navy could not supply enough amphibious shipping to transport even a modest armored contingent from the Army.
OPLAN 312, primarily an Air Force and Navy carrier operation, was designed with enough flexibility to do anything from engaging individual missile sites to providing air support for OPLAN 316's ground forces.[61]
Kennedy met with members of EXCOMM and other top advisers throughout October 21, considering two remaining options: an air strike primarily against the Cuban missile bases or a naval blockade of Cuba.[59] A full-scale invasion was not the administration's first option. McNamara supported the naval blockade as a strong but limited military action that left the US in control. The term "blockade" was problematic. According to international law, a blockade is an act of war, but the Kennedy administration did not think that the Soviets would be provoked to attack by a mere blockade.[63] Additionally, legal experts at the State Department and Justice Department concluded that a declaration of war could be avoided if another legal justification, based on the Rio Treaty for defense of the Western Hemisphere, was obtained from a resolution by a two-thirds vote from the members of the Organization of American States (OAS).[64]
Admiral Anderson, Chief of Naval Operations wrote a position paper that helped Kennedy to differentiate between what they termed a "quarantine"[65] of offensive weapons and a blockade of all materials, claiming that a classic blockade was not the original intention. Since it would take place in international waters, Kennedy obtained the approval of the OAS for military action under the hemispheric defense provisions of the Rio Treaty:
Latin American participation in the quarantine now involved two Argentine destroyers which were to report to the US Commander South Atlantic [COMSOLANT] at Trinidad on November 9. An Argentine submarine and a Marine battalion with lift were available if required. In addition, two Venezuelan destroyers (Destroyers ARV D-11 Nueva Esparta" and "ARV D-21 Zulia") and one submarine (Caribe) had reported to COMSOLANT, ready for sea by November 2. The
Government of Trinidad and Tobago offered the use of Chaguaramas Naval Base to warships of any OAS nation for the duration of the quarantine. The Dominican Republic had made available one escort ship. Colombia was reported ready to furnish units and had sent military officers to the US to discuss this assistance. The Argentine Air Force informally offered three SA-16 aircraft in addition to forces already committed to the "quarantine" operation.
This initially was to involve a naval blockade against offensive weapons within the framework of the Organization of American States and the Rio Treaty. Such a blockade might be expanded to cover all types of goods and air transport. The action was to be backed up by surveillance of Cuba. The CNO's scenario was
followed closely in later implementing the "quarantine."
On October 19, the EXCOMM formed separate working groups to examine the air strike and blockade options, and by the afternoon most support in the EXCOMM shifted to the blockade option. Reservations about the plan continued to be voiced as late as the October 21, the paramount concern being that once the blockade was put into effect, the Soviets would rush to complete some of the missiles. Consequently, the US could find itself bombing operational missiles if the blockade failed to force Khrushchev to remove the missiles already on the island.
October 19 2020 last date of an AC-130 themed Q drop.
This is very impressive. The Q drops are about exposing crime and the codes in the Law of War that will handle it. He suggests that the Law of War was written in 2015 to take care of our takeover predicament. He is definitely on to something.
Weird. Go to the link. He has a few utube channels it gets very confusing. It took me a while to figure them out. I put a link to his Rumble account and he has links to his all.his different acts below the video
I wonder if someone from the WH's didn't drop a direct hint to an autist about 11.3, 11.4 not being dates. No one was getting that right. Not sure who landed on the Law of War manual first but this guy was the first video I saw of it.
He acknowledges another anon who had a thought but couldn't go much further than that thought. Majic Eyes Qnly is the real deal, humble and brilliant beyond genius..
I didn't start looking into Q drops until a week or so after the election. Then it seemed a lot of people were taking hopium around all kinds of dates and then getting gut punched. As is pointed out here often, and I'm guilty of it myself, not enough of us do our own research and instead latch on to what sounds "right" and some wander off for a bit.
Has it ever been confirmed that it was manual codes?
I mean, it suited us all to think that it was a date until it, wasn't then the frogs jumped from one lilly to another.
Not being mean, but much of the time I feel like we change the narrative to suit us as much as the fake news media.
Not being a doomer, it's so so many Pompeo tweets are conveniently linked to certain Q posts or Scavino tweets linking to this time stamp and that delta and it's great work really. But is it clutching at straws or is highly probable the people making the posts are on the money?
My ever so humble opinion is that Q is a quantum computer, with a team that do some data entry. A computer could only come up with all those connections etc. Let’s face it with the many decades of poisons the deep state cabal has been poisoning us, we may not be as intelligent as we could be to grasp the drops.
Praying medic put tons of time in to getting info to the people. His YouTube videos were a great way to keep up with all the 4ch talk and Q posts. I would drive a lot and it was easy to listen to. No doubt, his thousands of views didn’t even come close to compensating him for the time put in to it. He is a Patriot and doing it out of love. So what if he made a few hundred bucks while at it? It was no get-rich-quick scheme.
He puts a TON of work into those. Its absolutely amazing to me!
Hes definitely a patriot, doing it all on his own. I can't imagine all the hours he has put in. One of the few not trying to make a cent.
I like this dude… information presented clearly with enough context info to dig into your own research.
I’ve tried the 8kun boards, the posts formatting, it’s like a mix of comma delimited code / spreadsheet / offshoot internet language / cypher .. confused the hell out of me at first.
me too. i still jump on the boards occasionally, but not enough time to dig thru them anymore
Half the time the boards don't load for me or are super slow to load, and I don't want to spend a whole night hitting f5.
It can been overwhelming for me as I watch & have questions about how one comm is connected to some intel from Q. I hope he will consider a Q&A on segments of his proofs. He seems to have a connection to MJ12. Did anyone get that? It was astonishing the depth of connection to the Law of War Manual and I respect he refused to put any date to the plan. I loosely follow MJ12 on telegram (even though some folks say their a larp), but they speak in terms of events, not dates. It is difficult for me not to want things to move faster.
I think he has them all listed on this bitchute channel
I definitely will. Thanks
Agree, he definitely has stuff not talked about. Without this community I would not have found him.
He's like the Sheldon Cooper of digging into the rabbit holes of Q's posts!!! Massive deep, deep digging. Amazing and informative.
I don't consider myself stupid until I watch this young man's thought processes. He is amazing T putting the puzzle together. A little dry for me though but I like him and his technical approach
Seriously, he amazes me.
He is very thorough, concise (unlike Dave who rehashes old stuff ad nauseam) and very bright. One of the few I bother with now.
He is so amazing. It's also amazing to me that just last April I stumbled on a Dinesh video which from there I am now Here. That's the difference between them and us. We say hmmmm idk if I believe what you say so let me do some research on that? Then that research of course opens up the rabbit holes and you can't let go once you know what you know. Goes to show that people need the Dinesh's, Candace's, the Tucker's etc. To ease them into it , if they really care then they will eventually end up Here.
that is sort of how I ended up being so passionate about this stuff. Trump of course kicked it off, but the Tuckers, Dineshs and Candaces kept me digging.
Me too
It was one of his short videos, but then eventually I bought and watched all his movies. All awesome.
I just watched the first series ( the attached link) Not that I need any convincing, but it's just WOW the detail and amazing information in it.
He gets better with each series.
I love this dude, and his Q posts as the Background!!
a little dry for me...but he has put alot of work into this and lays it all out really well...a lot of good info and dot connecting...well done
Unprivileged belligerents also cover those operating on behalf of those owned and operated by China, including Antifa, BLM and all federal, state and local officials that support, cooperate with, condone or encourage them.
Edited to add:
It also covers everyone, top to bottom, involved in any way what-so-ever with the election fraud perpetrated in coordination with China and it's own operators in our local, state and federal systems.
Also everyone in the sciences that operated in coordination with China in either tech transfers or with the release of the bioweapon known as Covid.
And other groups as well. This is huge.
This guy is awesome, thanks for sharing. Need to get 100% on Rumble and BitChute soon.
Thanks! This is what I was looking for.
Anons in the comments don't seem to be grasping what's being discussed here. Stop talking about the guy. I get that you're gay for him. As a straight man, so am I.
But what's being discussed here is bigger than Q, America, or the Earth. It is literally biblical. Watch it. You don't have to believe it to watch it. Just have an open mind.
Factor this into the Law of War: The Storm super proof...
Q #140
"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"
Expand your thinking.
Beijing Diary by Charlton Heston copyright 1990 - this hardcover book with dustjacket is in very good condition. There is no writing nor torn or missing pages -- the dustjacket is also in excellent condition in protective cover ............
SIGNED on 2nd page "To Dawn Charlton Heston"
Assisted by photos and a preface by his wife, the film star recounts his experiences directing The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial at the People's Art Theater in China in 1988. Heston, whose politics are no secret, was invited by the People's Republic during its most open period, prior to the confrontation in Tiananmen Square. He offers perceptive, intriguing comments on the difficulty of mounting a Chinese-language production and of interpreting a naturalistic drama for people steeped in a nonrealistic theater tradition.
Odd there is no mention of Heston producing The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial in China in 1988 on his wiki page. At least the book gets mentioned... at the very end of the write up, just before the references section:
By Heston:
In the Arena: An Autobiography (1995); ISBN 1-57297-267-X
The Courage to Be Free (2000), speeches ISBN 978-0-9703688-0-5
The Actors Life: Journals 1956–1976 (1978); ISBN 0-671-83016-3
Beijing Diary; ISBN 0-671-68706-9
To Be a Man: Letters to My Grandson; ISBN 0-7432-1311-4
Charlton Heston Presents the Bible; ISBN 1-57719-270-2
Charlton Heston's Hollywood: 50 Years in American Film (1998) with Jean-Pierre Isbouts; ISBN 1-57719-357-1
There was this in1988 as well:
https://youtu.be/we8kY5MgjBY (30 sec)
Robert Altman directing a made for TV movie?
In 1988?
Odd, its not listed in his filmography or bio write up on his wiki page.
Coincidence that the same time Charlton Heston is producing a Chinese version of the Caine Mutiny Court-Martial that Robert Altman's TV version is showing on American television.
What do we really know about what was happening in China the late 80's?
There was this:
https://youtu.be/tzeY1usbiVk (54 sec)
Second time through Law of War: The Storm
Listen / watch this segment...
https://youtu.be/mT_9KWfsDEs?t=1199 (time stamp / 20:00 --> 22:37 / 2 min, 37 sec)
"China, China, China."
Below link to Q drop 4902
Q has dropped this same video several times.
Earlier posts of AC-130 Gunship Lights Up The Night
4134 05/07/2020 03:51:47 Z (UTC) 05/07/2020 23:51:47 ET
4144 05/08/2020 00:00:16 Z (UTC) 05/08/2020 20:00:16 ET (See below)
4198 05/10/2020 16:50:46 Z (UTC) 05/10/2020 12:50:46 ET
4234 05/13/2020 22:31:54 Z (UTC) 05/13/2020 18:22:54 ET
4604 07/20/2020 02:33:13 Z (UTC) 07/20/2020 22:33:13 ET
4776 09/27/2020 00:38:44 Z (UTC) 09/26/2020 20:38:44 ET (See below)
4902 10/19/2020 04:56:10 Z (UTC) 10/19/2020 00:56:10 ET (See below)
4144 Q drop contains embed of Q drop 1332 (See below)
1332 05/11/2018 02:43:20 Z (UTC) 05/10/2020 22:43:20 ET
Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.
Q drop 1817 also contains embed of q drop 1332. Watch listen to to the following segment of Law of War: The Storm:
https://youtu.be/mT_9KWfsDEs?t=2966 (timestamp 49-:26 --> 50:15 / 49 sec)
Research / Q Drop / 4776 / 09/26/2020 20:38:44 ET
............................................09/27/2020 00:38:44 UTC (ZULU)
Below is an analysis theorizing the importance of analyzing Q Drop times in both ET and UTC (ZULU).
Q Drop 4776 included a link to AC-130 video:
https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/gunships/ac-130-gunship-lights-up-the-night/658552061001 (56 sec)
The video had the following information displayed at the start of the video:
...Gilligan's Island
.......Mosul Iraq
.........DEC 04
This was the day that President Trump announced the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States.
(At some point the fact that Amy Coney Barrett is Catholic will become important...but we haven't reached that part of the movie yet... so even though the crumbs are there, you'll just have to wait for it.)
An Anon posting on qresearch found the following, slightly humorous delta synchronicity:
"Gilligan's Island is an American sitcom created and produced by Sherwood Schwartz. The show had an ensemble cast that featured Bob Denver, Alan Hale Jr., Jim Backus, Natalie Schafer, Tina Louise, Russell Johnson, and Dawn Wells. It aired for three seasons on the CBS network from September 26, 1964, to April 17, 1967."
Some GAW readers are familiar with this user's past comments detailing using the clock arena from 'Catching Fire' (2nd film in Hunger Games series / and from the book of the same name) to map Q drops and POTUS tweets on two clock-based wedge divided pie charts (one for 00:00:00 to 12:00:00 and the second for 12:00:00 to 00:00:00 on a given day) [see this username history for detailed posts on how to make, how to prepare data for mapping, and how to enter data on the ZULU based time pie charts].
After adopting the above methodology, inspired by the film and book, after charting Q 4776, and not being satisfied with the Gilligan's Island reference, as tidy a reference it is, and since 4776 fell into the ZULU "midnight" hour/wedge, 00:08:44 (refer to earlier Hunger Games themed comments for significance of that hour on the clock in the Hunger Games book 2 / film 2) on 09/27/00 I decided to give it extra scrutiny. There had to be something more than just a date match up... so I started researching the ET time of 20:38:44.
Since Q is either providing information with which to understand something in the past or of current importance, or giving a head-ups to pay attention to something that is about to happen, I checked my day planner (log dates of upcoming rallies, events, etc so I don't miss them) and saw that the first Trump -vs- Biden debate was back on 09/29/2020.
Hmmm... so sure enough, a little further down the date rabbit hole... and there was the first televised U. S. Presidential Debate on the same date in 1960:
First Kennedy - Nixon Debate
https://youtu.be/gbrcRKqLSRw (Full original broadcast / 58 min / 30 sec)
First Debate Quick Facts
When: 8:30 to 9:30 Central Time, 9/26/1960
Where: produced by CBS in Chicago (WBBM-TV).
Moderated by Howard K. Smith of CBS; panelists were
Sander Vanocur of NBC, Robert Fleming of ABC,
Stuart Novins of CBS (from "Face the Nation"), and
Charles Warren of MBS.
Number of viewers/listeners: 73,500,000.
Topic: domestic policy.
Transcript: https://www.debates.org/voter-education/debate-transcripts/september-26-1960-debate-transcript/
https://youtu.be/WmgpHj7kPgE (2 sec)
But still... seems a little too superficial for a Q drop.
Then I noticed what time the broadcast began.
20:30 Central TIme (CT)
Again nice sychronicity... but how would that tie back to the Arena Clock / Hunger Games signaling some kind of danger or warning.
So, I looked at my research some more... and paid closer attention to the
drop time again... 20:38:44. Removing 20:30:00 from from the notation leaves
a time remainder of 00:08:38.
So I printed out the transcript, listened to the debate, and when minute/second time counter (on the bottom of the video) reached 8 minutes, 44 seconds in,
Nixon was saying this (bold faced below):
MR. NIXON: Mr. Smith, Senator Kennedy. The things that Senator Kennedy has said many of us can agree with. There is no question but that we cannot discuss our internal affairs in the United States without recognizing that they have a tremendous bearing on our international position. There is no question but that this nation cannot stand still; because we are in a deadly competition, a competition not only with the men in the Kremlin, but the men in Peking.
(Pretty ironic statement for a guy who later opened the back door for China back in the early 70's... with Kissinger's help of course.)
4902 [Just one historical delta - 1962 / note panic / quarantine in
another context]
On October 18, Kennedy met with Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrei Gromyko, who claimed the weapons were for defensive purposes only. Not wanting to expose what he already knew and to avoid panicking the American public, Kennedy did not reveal that he was already aware of the missile buildup.[59] By October 19, frequent U-2 spy flights showed four operational sites.[60]
Operational plans
Two Operational Plans (OPLAN) were considered. OPLAN 316 envisioned a full invasion of Cuba by Army and Marine units, supported by the Navy following Air Force and naval airstrikes. Army units in the US would have had trouble fielding
mechanized and logistical assets, and the US Navy could not supply enough amphibious shipping to transport even a modest armored contingent from the Army.
OPLAN 312, primarily an Air Force and Navy carrier operation, was designed with enough flexibility to do anything from engaging individual missile sites to providing air support for OPLAN 316's ground forces.[61]
Kennedy met with members of EXCOMM and other top advisers throughout October 21, considering two remaining options: an air strike primarily against the Cuban missile bases or a naval blockade of Cuba.[59] A full-scale invasion was not the administration's first option. McNamara supported the naval blockade as a strong but limited military action that left the US in control. The term "blockade" was problematic. According to international law, a blockade is an act of war, but the Kennedy administration did not think that the Soviets would be provoked to attack by a mere blockade.[63] Additionally, legal experts at the State Department and Justice Department concluded that a declaration of war could be avoided if another legal justification, based on the Rio Treaty for defense of the Western Hemisphere, was obtained from a resolution by a two-thirds vote from the members of the Organization of American States (OAS).[64]
Admiral Anderson, Chief of Naval Operations wrote a position paper that helped Kennedy to differentiate between what they termed a "quarantine"[65] of offensive weapons and a blockade of all materials, claiming that a classic blockade was not the original intention. Since it would take place in international waters, Kennedy obtained the approval of the OAS for military action under the hemispheric defense provisions of the Rio Treaty:
Latin American participation in the quarantine now involved two Argentine destroyers which were to report to the US Commander South Atlantic [COMSOLANT] at Trinidad on November 9. An Argentine submarine and a Marine battalion with lift were available if required. In addition, two Venezuelan destroyers (Destroyers ARV D-11 Nueva Esparta" and "ARV D-21 Zulia") and one submarine (Caribe) had reported to COMSOLANT, ready for sea by November 2. The
Government of Trinidad and Tobago offered the use of Chaguaramas Naval Base to warships of any OAS nation for the duration of the quarantine. The Dominican Republic had made available one escort ship. Colombia was reported ready to furnish units and had sent military officers to the US to discuss this assistance. The Argentine Air Force informally offered three SA-16 aircraft in addition to forces already committed to the "quarantine" operation.
This initially was to involve a naval blockade against offensive weapons within the framework of the Organization of American States and the Rio Treaty. Such a blockade might be expanded to cover all types of goods and air transport. The action was to be backed up by surveillance of Cuba. The CNO's scenario was
followed closely in later implementing the "quarantine."
On October 19, the EXCOMM formed separate working groups to examine the air strike and blockade options, and by the afternoon most support in the EXCOMM shifted to the blockade option. Reservations about the plan continued to be voiced as late as the October 21, the paramount concern being that once the blockade was put into effect, the Soviets would rush to complete some of the missiles. Consequently, the US could find itself bombing operational missiles if the blockade failed to force Khrushchev to remove the missiles already on the island.
October 19 2020 last date of an AC-130 themed Q drop.
Full wiki article:
My take on "China, China, China" is that it is as much a misdirection as "Russia, Russia, Russia."
Just my gut talking, nothing more than that to back it up.
Anybody else out there a Hash House Harrier?
Pass the popcorn, movie is back on...
This honestly should be perma-stickied. The Law of War Manual connection might be the single most important Q decode thus far.
This is very impressive. The Q drops are about exposing crime and the codes in the Law of War that will handle it. He suggests that the Law of War was written in 2015 to take care of our takeover predicament. He is definitely on to something.
Excellent watch, thank you for posting. Liked and subbed to his channel.
This is the real deal. Believe it.
Why does YouTube tell me this channel has no videos…
Weird. Go to the link. He has a few utube channels it gets very confusing. It took me a while to figure them out. I put a link to his Rumble account and he has links to his all.his different acts below the video
Wow! Super Qool proof
Yes, Carl is an absolute savage! ???
Someone save this to a non-youtube site;
Here's his rumble channel
This makes sense to me.
I wonder if someone from the WH's didn't drop a direct hint to an autist about 11.3, 11.4 not being dates. No one was getting that right. Not sure who landed on the Law of War manual first but this guy was the first video I saw of it.
He acknowledges another anon who had a thought but couldn't go much further than that thought. Majic Eyes Qnly is the real deal, humble and brilliant beyond genius..
OK, good to hear it was known before.
I didn't start looking into Q drops until a week or so after the election. Then it seemed a lot of people were taking hopium around all kinds of dates and then getting gut punched. As is pointed out here often, and I'm guilty of it myself, not enough of us do our own research and instead latch on to what sounds "right" and some wander off for a bit.
he has stated an autist made the comment on 4chan and he researched it after seeing it.
I am no autist and I did....perhaps these people didn't read on the couple of days these sections of the act were a big deal.
Has it ever been confirmed that it was manual codes? I mean, it suited us all to think that it was a date until it, wasn't then the frogs jumped from one lilly to another. Not being mean, but much of the time I feel like we change the narrative to suit us as much as the fake news media. Not being a doomer, it's so so many Pompeo tweets are conveniently linked to certain Q posts or Scavino tweets linking to this time stamp and that delta and it's great work really. But is it clutching at straws or is highly probable the people making the posts are on the money?
I think so too. The ties to the law of war are SO IMPORTANT, and were missed. Something happened to give the proper focus!!!!
Dont disparage the aforementioned Patriots handshake. They've put in their time and are not Paytriots. Lurk more.
My ever so humble opinion is that Q is a quantum computer, with a team that do some data entry. A computer could only come up with all those connections etc. Let’s face it with the many decades of poisons the deep state cabal has been poisoning us, we may not be as intelligent as we could be to grasp the drops.
You mean Preying/Paying medic. Can't stand the smarmy git.
Bull Crap.
Praying medic put tons of time in to getting info to the people. His YouTube videos were a great way to keep up with all the 4ch talk and Q posts. I would drive a lot and it was easy to listen to. No doubt, his thousands of views didn’t even come close to compensating him for the time put in to it. He is a Patriot and doing it out of love. So what if he made a few hundred bucks while at it? It was no get-rich-quick scheme.
I agree... PM/Dave is a Patriot through and through. Most definitely one of the original "Chief" Anons responsible for waking TONS of people up.
PM is solid ?
Not to mention the effort he's put into his Q Chronicles books. They're really good. Why shouldn't he get paid for that effort?
I think he’s top-notch.
His religious books are WAY OFF - going into astral projection etc. Never trusted him: self promoting celeb / talking head wannabe.