I watch Satly Cracker, his info is great, and his boldness is off the scales, but there is rarely a video of his I can share because of his swearing and potty mouth. So many times I would have liked to share. I am one of the older generation and my friends and family are still tutting about the youth swearing as part of their everyday languag haha ....... but x22 report yes I can share that with anyone.
Now the deepstate, the fake news, the big tech, and the invisible enemy, they are at their last hope for their survival. They have done as much as possible as they can so that the people would buy their narrative. However, Trump and the patriots are in control. They have stripped them of everything, and what is left for them right now, is to surrender and realize that we the people have won the battle.
Saw this last week. Same shit as David Spade and Ellen trying to give Tom Hanks a warning. She's next, right? We have all seen the hundreds of pedo tweets she removed last summer.
Normally called the "hail mary", this would be Ms. Teigen waving a white flag in absolute desperation. All these fucks are in contact. They KNOW they're fucked.
Fucked, with a side of royally fucked for an appetizer.
So Tom Hanks has gone dark? Hasn't posted in a year I believe ; he's a regular poster. Some of his lasts posts are 'selfies' of him and the wife in 'quarantine'. Problem is, there's a bar code on the door behind them. Hotels don't have bar code on the inside doors of the rooms.
Since his disappearance, there's a picture of Ellen wearing a sweater that has "run forest" on it. David Spade has an image of him at a desk, there's a note on the desk, facing the camera, that says "talk to us Tom" or something of that nature. And, another celeb has a picture of Woody ( toy story ) face down on the floor - symbolizing death.
Right before covid started ( said this in another thread but it's info ), I received an interesting piece of information about Tom Hanks, Ellen, and Oprah specifically citing these would be the first 3 to go down in pertains to the pedo ring.
I wasn't too sure about it. Literally 2 weeks later, on Yahoo News even, there was an article about Oprah making a statement she wasn't involved in child trafficking.
To be fair, its better to have too much than too little, then people can choose if they want to read it all. I like to be fully informed as much as possible. :)
Oh thats funny because that was the exact article I have open on my laptop for a few days ago. I got distracted when I saw the video of Trump and made a post about it but left it open to look at.
The things Chrissy tweeted and said about children are disgusting. She is a RABID Trump hater. And the icing on the cake is she cyber bullied another woman and told her to kill herself. She seems pretty sick all the way around. Not sure what this says about Greg Kelly but I don’t give a shit anyway, bc there’s no news I trust anymore.
I still keep my eye on there, Loved the expose that Owen Shroyer did of the border crisis, especially this video! I think I made a post at the time about the colour coded t-shrits of the pregnant women, wondering if they were being transported to different facilities, dependent on what their babies were assigned for! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B81rZpyGYMA
Sadly this exposure of people has made everyone second guess now. But at least we are one step ahead in the journey and have open eyes and ears to what is going on. Those still sleeping after this must have taken sleeping pills not to wake up, it is so blatant by now!
He's an NYPD commissioner's son and was formerly accused of rape according to ddg search. I liked Greg's commentary often, but my question here is this:
What will it matter if they are both exactly as human and broken and awful as they seem? Celebrity worship of celebrities of any stripe is part of the problem in this country. We're the news now, who cares what either of them say?
Rely on yourself and the people you actually know in life. Rely on God. For everything else, pray for discernment and get ready to quickly move on or admit wrongs when things are revealed to be different than you thought.
I have read a theory on Decodingsymbols.wordpress.com that when people begin showing outrageous behavior or making outrageous statements, this means they have flipped. So when the flipped person goes even further left, more people move further right. I like that theory, it does help explain some of the things that don't seem understandable.
Not everyone watches everything. I was not an ardent watcher of newsmax just seeing this guy pop up on youtube feeds now and then, so I never knew all the other stuff about him. Whenever I watched he seemed like a Trump supporter, bit ott with his love for Trump, hence why I was not interested watching him all the time. It helped to see others mention things...now I know.
interesting, I am just now going though lots on https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WEBSITE btw. I just heard of it a few days ago on here someone mentioned it in their post.
I left a few messages on news max youtube comment section. It would say adding message, then nothing would show up multiple times. I think it was because I had the word pedo in it.
I said no wonder your losing viewers, you support a person that bullies young kids and is a known pedo. Way to go greg!
I took NewsMax off my Roku channels months ago when it was obvious they were controlled opposition. OANN, Real America's Voice (War room). Otherwise just Tucker on FOX and the blogs.
Doesn’t make sense. He had to know this pic would go viral. He trashed her on his show. So what’s in it for him to release this and say she is his good friend. I’m just not sure it’s as it seems but maybe I have confirmation bias. 😬
is this sarcasm? with all the "quotation marks" I find it impossible to read what greg kelly said without sarcasm...or does he just always tweet like a angsty teenage girl
Now that they have their following....those thinking this is where the real, honest news is....they’ll now do the flip flop dance and bring in the brainwashing liberal crap(?)
Like the idiot deminrats trying to say republicans wanted to defund the police not them! At least people see through their switcharooo now it's too obvious!
Yes they’re moving their sick agendas on the fast track now. They can feel the Trump Train breathing down their necks lol. They’re so dumb they didn’t realize how exposed they would be.
This dude walked off the set when Mike Lindel said he has proof of election fraud, let that sink in. He's hanging out with the right person cuz birds of same feather flock together.
Direct people towards like salty cracker or x22 over info wars. They have good info but are very doomer
And they are ((( InfoWars )))
especially ((( Alex Jones )))
Never forget that
Whoever downvoted this, call into his show and bring up Israel’s involvement in 9/11 and see what happens.
Wake up.
The Bill Clinton is a rapist Infowars dot com bit was a nod to the meme rather than an actual plug for them, you are totally right.
Got it. I'm not familiar with that meme/joke/reference.
I watch Satly Cracker, his info is great, and his boldness is off the scales, but there is rarely a video of his I can share because of his swearing and potty mouth. So many times I would have liked to share. I am one of the older generation and my friends and family are still tutting about the youth swearing as part of their everyday languag haha ....... but x22 report yes I can share that with anyone.
We are a generation that grew up in Iraq and Afghanistan. The swearing is here to say.
It’s far easier to get people moving when you curse.
Now the deepstate, the fake news, the big tech, and the invisible enemy, they are at their last hope for their survival. They have done as much as possible as they can so that the people would buy their narrative. However, Trump and the patriots are in control. They have stripped them of everything, and what is left for them right now, is to surrender and realize that we the people have won the battle.
On the fringe, find him on rumble as onthefringe. He’s great, doesn’t cuss and not as doomer as most
Thanks will check him out 👍😁
If they can't handle swearing, they won't be able to handle pedophilia, and the truth.
No they know all that exists.
I never knew some of that!
NewsMax gave 1 million dollars to Hillary.
I will NEVER forget that.
ugh, just read about it
WHAT......I must have been sleeping, I never knew that!!
Saw this last week. Same shit as David Spade and Ellen trying to give Tom Hanks a warning. She's next, right? We have all seen the hundreds of pedo tweets she removed last summer.
Normally called the "hail mary", this would be Ms. Teigen waving a white flag in absolute desperation. All these fucks are in contact. They KNOW they're fucked.
Fucked, with a side of royally fucked for an appetizer.
Did someone say... royally fucked?!
nods in approval
So Tom Hanks has gone dark? Hasn't posted in a year I believe ; he's a regular poster. Some of his lasts posts are 'selfies' of him and the wife in 'quarantine'. Problem is, there's a bar code on the door behind them. Hotels don't have bar code on the inside doors of the rooms.
Since his disappearance, there's a picture of Ellen wearing a sweater that has "run forest" on it. David Spade has an image of him at a desk, there's a note on the desk, facing the camera, that says "talk to us Tom" or something of that nature. And, another celeb has a picture of Woody ( toy story ) face down on the floor - symbolizing death.
Right before covid started ( said this in another thread but it's info ), I received an interesting piece of information about Tom Hanks, Ellen, and Oprah specifically citing these would be the first 3 to go down in pertains to the pedo ring.
I wasn't too sure about it. Literally 2 weeks later, on Yahoo News even, there was an article about Oprah making a statement she wasn't involved in child trafficking.
Here is the thread you should read.
anytime. I worry I go off too much sometimes, if we're being honest lol
To be fair, its better to have too much than too little, then people can choose if they want to read it all. I like to be fully informed as much as possible. :)
thank you I will take a look, I have been following all that Tom Hanks and Ellen. 100% codes being thrown out there.
Oh thats funny because that was the exact article I have open on my laptop for a few days ago. I got distracted when I saw the video of Trump and made a post about it but left it open to look at.
Chrissy is the ugliest model I have ever seen. Even uglier than the new fat girl models
Methinks she got a shit load of botox and other injections. That or she just holds all her body fat in her face
Greg Kelly’s ego arrives for work a half hour before he does. Rivals TikTok Hannity.
The things Chrissy tweeted and said about children are disgusting. She is a RABID Trump hater. And the icing on the cake is she cyber bullied another woman and told her to kill herself. She seems pretty sick all the way around. Not sure what this says about Greg Kelly but I don’t give a shit anyway, bc there’s no news I trust anymore.
And Epoch Times… Project Veritas.
For sure.
Best choices!!
I still keep my eye on there, Loved the expose that Owen Shroyer did of the border crisis, especially this video! I think I made a post at the time about the colour coded t-shrits of the pregnant women, wondering if they were being transported to different facilities, dependent on what their babies were assigned for! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B81rZpyGYMA
Guess you missed the Q post that outs AJ as Mossad.
No I did see that but there are still some exposing videos on there.
Sadly this exposure of people has made everyone second guess now. But at least we are one step ahead in the journey and have open eyes and ears to what is going on. Those still sleeping after this must have taken sleeping pills not to wake up, it is so blatant by now!
A not-so-subtle hint that Newsmax = Mockingbird
I just heard that now!
He's an NYPD commissioner's son and was formerly accused of rape according to ddg search. I liked Greg's commentary often, but my question here is this: What will it matter if they are both exactly as human and broken and awful as they seem? Celebrity worship of celebrities of any stripe is part of the problem in this country. We're the news now, who cares what either of them say? Rely on yourself and the people you actually know in life. Rely on God. For everything else, pray for discernment and get ready to quickly move on or admit wrongs when things are revealed to be different than you thought.
well said.
Yeah that's...super odd. What a strange thing to come out in support of. She's a lifelong unrepentant bully, as far as I can tell.
The right is so lost sometimes. It's no wonder we're getting our ass handed to us.
He also supports the mentally ill transvestite Caitlyn Jenner to run for governor.
Perhaps he's a DS player just playing a part and pretending to be right.
His parents are friends with Trump that’s how he landed the interview with him.
Maybe Trump should say something that would be a slap in his face, since he professes so much love for Trump. haha
To be fair, I only caught him sometimes and he seemed a big Trump fan, so I thought he was on the right side.
That’s the point, they seem like your friend and they want to take advantage of that for profit and for deception.
he did sound ott I must admit.
yeah but he was saying all the 'right things' but they always float to the top in the end, if you know what I mean! haha
I have read a theory on Decodingsymbols.wordpress.com that when people begin showing outrageous behavior or making outrageous statements, this means they have flipped. So when the flipped person goes even further left, more people move further right. I like that theory, it does help explain some of the things that don't seem understandable.
Not everyone watches everything. I was not an ardent watcher of newsmax just seeing this guy pop up on youtube feeds now and then, so I never knew all the other stuff about him. Whenever I watched he seemed like a Trump supporter, bit ott with his love for Trump, hence why I was not interested watching him all the time. It helped to see others mention things...now I know.
Why do you care what I think, Keyboard Warrior?
interesting, I am just now going though lots on https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/ HIGHLY RECOMMENDED WEBSITE btw. I just heard of it a few days ago on here someone mentioned it in their post.
so interesting. Have you read the Trump, Flynn, U1 connection yet? I've read that one about 5 times and it finally clicked!
No where do I find that article?
here you go
The Secret History Connecting Trump, Flynn, U1, And 9/11 – Symbolism Communication https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/07/the-secret-history-connecting-trump-flynn-u1-and-9-11/
Thank you. I just got this website the other day. Not seen that part yet. I will take a look. :)
on the decoding symbolism website
thank you
Why is it that every time Chrissy Teigen's face comes up, all I can see is a Phillipino man/boy in drag?
This dude Gaydars ⬆️
You have great vision.
You're too kind.
I left a few messages on news max youtube comment section. It would say adding message, then nothing would show up multiple times. I think it was because I had the word pedo in it.
I said no wonder your losing viewers, you support a person that bullies young kids and is a known pedo. Way to go greg!
Pretty benign but it wouldn't go through.
Try the Brit spelling paedo, might go thru. :)
or “kiddie perv”
gotta be creative sometimes
This word is often used here in the UK
'NONCE' | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
nonce definition: 1. a person who commits a crime involving sex, especially sex with a child
funny I thought the same
mmm they know people will be saying things like that so they blocked it.
Greg kelly can go eat a goats cock and shut the hell up. Deep state fag fuck
I took NewsMax off my Roku channels months ago when it was obvious they were controlled opposition. OANN, Real America's Voice (War room). Otherwise just Tucker on FOX and the blogs.
good move
Kate spade? Cornell? Bourdain? Warning the cabal that Teigen may be looking to talk?
Wow, and just like that, Newsmax went the rest of the way into the crapper.
Even the way "he" types is "creepy"
Dude is supporting a self proclaimed Pedophile.....birds of a feather flock together. Prove me wrong!
Forget that crap ... NO!
This information war is getting pretty messy controlled opposition alternative news
Doesn’t make sense. He had to know this pic would go viral. He trashed her on his show. So what’s in it for him to release this and say she is his good friend. I’m just not sure it’s as it seems but maybe I have confirmation bias. 😬
I hear you.
I am learning a lot I never knew after posting this !!
is this sarcasm? with all the "quotation marks" I find it impossible to read what greg kelly said without sarcasm...or does he just always tweet like a angsty teenage girl
Yuk, that is one bull faceed ugly lady.
I am not sure what to make of all the quotes in that tweet.
nope she is a demon fuck newa max fuck chrissy evil fuck no no no
I finally see why people think Chrissy Tiegen is a man.
She's just an ugly fat woman, but now I see.
Billie Eilish and Dua Lipa on the other hand...
He underestimated us. What a douche. And "she" looks terrible!
Now that they have their following....those thinking this is where the real, honest news is....they’ll now do the flip flop dance and bring in the brainwashing liberal crap(?)
Like the idiot deminrats trying to say republicans wanted to defund the police not them! At least people see through their switcharooo now it's too obvious!
Yes they’re moving their sick agendas on the fast track now. They can feel the Trump Train breathing down their necks lol. They’re so dumb they didn’t realize how exposed they would be.
And its glorious to see that Trump train srteamrolling all over them! God wins in the end I'm so glad we are on the right side of what is to come.
Newsmax also “settled w Dominion” Newsmax settles lawsuit (https://www.businessinsider.com/newsmax-settles-dominion-executive-eric-coomer-defamation-lawsuit-and-apologizes-2021-4?op=1)
Wow gld I posted this there is so much I did not know about newsmax!
This dude walked off the set when Mike Lindel said he has proof of election fraud, let that sink in. He's hanging out with the right person cuz birds of same feather flock together.
That was Bob Sellers, not Greg Kelly. That being said, it doesn't change the fact that Greg posted this!
Ah ok, I got my wires crossed and I agree with you.
lol I was just about to say I never heard that then you corrected the record. In a split second my brain did a flip haha