In her defense, I find myself on the flip-side of the same coin. I am so tired of these brainwashed vaxxed sheep that there will be a certain satisfaction when they start dying from it. However, I fight this with all my being as there are many loved ones that took it. And I certainly don’t have the inhumane hubris to announce my evil thoughts and desires to to world. Everyone needs compassion and love, no matter how hard of a struggle it is.
And what do you tell the vaccinated 14 year old boy dying from a heart attack who was healthy a few days before getting the poison? Did he do THAT to himself? What do you tell the healthy woman who was pregnant, then after she got your shot, she miscarried? Her fault too? And what about the person that was healthy before the shot and now is bedridden with neurologic seizures, blood clots, shaking uncontrollably a few days later? Yeah, right.
I don’t know any healthcare provider who would approach ANY patient with a mindset like that. If I met one, I would question whether medicine is an appropriate career choice.
It’s stories like this that let you KNOW they want you getting the scam vax. I’m certain this person never did this shit. Sure, she probably would say that, if the situation ever happened like that, but I doubt it has.
This is one of those things they’re trying to show you. “See? Get it now, before it’s too late! People are dying, begging for the wonder drug to save them, but they can’t. You can!”
This is some bullshit ass marketing. I had to sit and listen to my sister-in-law try to sell us on some MLM thing earlier, and started realizing so many of the heavy handed dirty tricks they use to get you to consume product. Or in this case, end bloodline, I guess.
Nah, I’m gonna use the intuition God gave me and not get it. If I’m wrong and the Rona gets me, then I get to be by my creator’s side sooner. If I’m right, I’ll be here a bit longer. Either way, God wins, and through Him, I win.
That’s how I view it as well. And when I verbalize this to them, they just look confused. They are confused because they are blinded by fear and they can’t fathom another person living without fear. Deep inside they are envious and scared of the fearless.
I was having a similar conversation with my sister the other day. All of my husband's family has bought into the Covid narrative. Both conservative and liberal. I have gotten so tired of the passive aggressive emails trying to convince us that Covid is serious, sharing stories of someone they know that has it, how masks work, need to get vaxxes. They are now freaking out about the Delta Variant and the (fake) hospilization rates of unvaxxed. So I was venting to my very based sister about how tiresome all of this is and how frustrating it is that they won't listen to my point of view and how they have forgotten their faith in God. We can not stop death when it is on God's timeline.
You know, at one point in my life I wanted to be a doctor. I went into college as pre-med at first, but then hit a bunch of roadblocks. I'm glad God took me off that path, because I can't imagine being in the medical profession at this point with people like this in charge of things. It's sad really, but basically the only "medical professionals" I respect anymore outside of Frontline Doctors are Emergency Service people like EMTs or Firefighters.
Namely because they don't make stupid tiktoks about twerking in a hospital while claiming millions of people are dying and they're running out of beds, while also telling me I'm subhuman scum because I don't acknowledge their jab propaganda so they can pad their already massive wallet.
I have a thought about those nursing tiktok videos - I think it was a comm or signal that they were not, in fact, busy. That there were not thousands of people packed into wards dying.
There is something really weird about their choice of photos. Why would this "doctor" deliver such devastating news and choose to put her biggest smile right next to it? The account owner chose the photo. She just can't hide her job satisfaction?
Such a poor choice could only be made by someone entirely clueless as to real emotion and empathy. A true characteristic of the psychopathic Democrat.
All of these medical establishment people who support the Covid shot should lose their medical license. It is their responsibility to know what their pushing and the safety of it.
They beg for ivermectin, doctor smiles, and says "no".
My friends sister just died and begged for ivermectin, doctor said no. Her family is cucked and didn't push hard enough. Now they regret it.
Update: Autopsy showed she died of liver and kidney failure. Doc probably pumped her full of so many drugs and had a bad reaction. Wasn't even covid that killed her. Fuck man, that poor family.
Why would you ever post such a gleeful photo of yourself to go with a statement like that? It makes no sense whatsoever unless you get a special thrill by murdering people by intubation! She is one sick demon possessed beast.
Wow, what an incredible load of shit.
What do you tell people dying of heart failure and blood clots due to taking the vax?
"You must have got those clots from an anti-vaxxer."
And then she smiles softly, reaches for the life support plug, and yanks it out of the wall with a chuckle....
In her defense, I find myself on the flip-side of the same coin. I am so tired of these brainwashed vaxxed sheep that there will be a certain satisfaction when they start dying from it. However, I fight this with all my being as there are many loved ones that took it. And I certainly don’t have the inhumane hubris to announce my evil thoughts and desires to to world. Everyone needs compassion and love, no matter how hard of a struggle it is.
And what do you tell the vaccinated 14 year old boy dying from a heart attack who was healthy a few days before getting the poison? Did he do THAT to himself? What do you tell the healthy woman who was pregnant, then after she got your shot, she miscarried? Her fault too? And what about the person that was healthy before the shot and now is bedridden with neurologic seizures, blood clots, shaking uncontrollably a few days later? Yeah, right.
bbbut thats how we know the vaccine is working!
I don’t know any healthcare provider who would approach ANY patient with a mindset like that. If I met one, I would question whether medicine is an appropriate career choice.
I'm starting to think ALL healthcare workers think like that! What kind of doctor would push a non-tested vaccine???
once you realize they are a cult, everything makes more sense.
Yes, though I do see her in a medical ward. Just as a care receiver, not giver.
It’s stories like this that let you KNOW they want you getting the scam vax. I’m certain this person never did this shit. Sure, she probably would say that, if the situation ever happened like that, but I doubt it has.
This is one of those things they’re trying to show you. “See? Get it now, before it’s too late! People are dying, begging for the wonder drug to save them, but they can’t. You can!”
This is some bullshit ass marketing. I had to sit and listen to my sister-in-law try to sell us on some MLM thing earlier, and started realizing so many of the heavy handed dirty tricks they use to get you to consume product. Or in this case, end bloodline, I guess.
Nah, I’m gonna use the intuition God gave me and not get it. If I’m wrong and the Rona gets me, then I get to be by my creator’s side sooner. If I’m right, I’ll be here a bit longer. Either way, God wins, and through Him, I win.
That’s how I view it as well. And when I verbalize this to them, they just look confused. They are confused because they are blinded by fear and they can’t fathom another person living without fear. Deep inside they are envious and scared of the fearless.
I was having a similar conversation with my sister the other day. All of my husband's family has bought into the Covid narrative. Both conservative and liberal. I have gotten so tired of the passive aggressive emails trying to convince us that Covid is serious, sharing stories of someone they know that has it, how masks work, need to get vaxxes. They are now freaking out about the Delta Variant and the (fake) hospilization rates of unvaxxed. So I was venting to my very based sister about how tiresome all of this is and how frustrating it is that they won't listen to my point of view and how they have forgotten their faith in God. We can not stop death when it is on God's timeline.
This seems to make her very happy..........ghoul
clown world
That’s the words of a gleeful murderer.
She happens to be the main demographic for every single murder porn show on TV
You know, at one point in my life I wanted to be a doctor. I went into college as pre-med at first, but then hit a bunch of roadblocks. I'm glad God took me off that path, because I can't imagine being in the medical profession at this point with people like this in charge of things. It's sad really, but basically the only "medical professionals" I respect anymore outside of Frontline Doctors are Emergency Service people like EMTs or Firefighters.
Namely because they don't make stupid tiktoks about twerking in a hospital while claiming millions of people are dying and they're running out of beds, while also telling me I'm subhuman scum because I don't acknowledge their jab propaganda so they can pad their already massive wallet.
I have a thought about those nursing tiktok videos - I think it was a comm or signal that they were not, in fact, busy. That there were not thousands of people packed into wards dying.
I bet she's giddy as hell watching people die, so they can add it to their numbers as well as get more tax payer dollar for "covid" deaths...
They are always overly theatrical. It just sounds fake and gay on its face.
i found it to be both stunning and brave
Lmao. Facts.
Look up "I'm sorry, but it's too late" on Google right now and look at the flood of duplicates of this same article. SCAM!
There is something really weird about their choice of photos. Why would this "doctor" deliver such devastating news and choose to put her biggest smile right next to it? The account owner chose the photo. She just can't hide her job satisfaction?
Such a poor choice could only be made by someone entirely clueless as to real emotion and empathy. A true characteristic of the psychopathic Democrat.
Also, who wears a stethoscope outdoors in the mountains?
Ah, didn't think of that nice catch
All of these medical establishment people who support the Covid shot should lose their medical license. It is their responsibility to know what their pushing and the safety of it.
Murderous bitch.
♪ I get a creepy uneasy feeling
At your ghoulish grin, not a frown
'Cause I'm already understandin'
You're goin' down ♫
They beg for ivermectin, doctor smiles, and says "no".
My friends sister just died and begged for ivermectin, doctor said no. Her family is cucked and didn't push hard enough. Now they regret it.
Update: Autopsy showed she died of liver and kidney failure. Doc probably pumped her full of so many drugs and had a bad reaction. Wasn't even covid that killed her. Fuck man, that poor family.
Sounds like something AOC would say
No one holds her hand. Ever. She's a psycho bitch and would never allow it.
They die because you’re intubating them…
My super-lib uncle just sent me this article. I just told him it was especially sad since there are effective treatments if given early enough.
Why would you ever post such a gleeful photo of yourself to go with a statement like that? It makes no sense whatsoever unless you get a special thrill by murdering people by intubation! She is one sick demon possessed beast.
Wonder how much she got for coming up with that load of crap?
Ugly cunt.
fake and gay
Probably another bogus reads like it's made up. Almost purposely infuriating.
I saw that too. It’s like that childhood story from your cousin about that dolphin he caught in the lake.
Is there any group more narcissistic then tik tok nurses?
Her lab coat says MD.