I would say I am in between digital soldier (refesh new for hours, did some minor baking etc.) and XRP, however my personal preference is XLM and a ton of LBRY I mined back when it was feasible without a mining pool.
Migrated from Digg/Slashdot to reddit. RIP Aaron Schwartz, went to whoaverse (later became voat), found QRV and Greatawakening, now I play around here and make accounts that get banned on reddit and Twitter.
I am not autistic but probably have some OCD tendencies.
Redpill here, I was on Reddit, pizzagate board the night it got whacked after posting Hilary WikiLeaks email. With her campaign logo pizza and the Chinese lady with two children.
This certainly puts the range of comments on here into perspective. 144K/Kang who later got redpilled. Definitely leaned more left in ideologies that centered around free energy and complete lack of scarcity once patents that have been suppressed are finally released. Got red-pilled later after Q came along and showed me how the left used these kinds of ideologies to usher in communism/authoritarianism/NWO bullshit. My first instinct is always distrust the MSM and other cabal backed institutions, it became obvious that socialism while sounding like a good idea in practice actually leads to genocide via authoritarian leadership. We're doing this for your own good, now take these shots or you're racist. Lol wut? No thanks.
The intelligent analyst: ie; Smartest One In The Room.
My category
My category also
I'm The Fren. For this reason.
hi u Cointelpro fucks.
*weirdest/friendliest in the room...everything else is the same for me.
Zoinks! 👆🏼
hi friend :)
starseed gang rise up
144k gang rise up. His name is Yeshua!
Ill be sure to bring my twin flame 😂
Ikr, kang 144k all the way
The position of those two is wrong on the compass to me, but they are the best fit here.
I'm just hanging out here with my buddy Robert Sepehr.
What’s the deal with the flat earth nonsense? I am a Christian, but flat earth is retarded.
LoL , agreed.
These are hilarious. The first one got me really lol’d, when I saw “never misses a monkeywerx episode, 🤣🤣
Awesome post!
“Visits crop circles in Summer” got me loling.
I think he's ribbing the ones who believe the earth is 6000 years old and the universe was literally created in six of our 24-hour days, etc.
I'm somewhere between The Decoder and The Digital Soldier I guess...
Which makes me a Boomer?
I've had mixed interactions with being labeled.
Hmm, I think I'm just gonna keep being me.
Somewhere between The Fren and The Christian here
I'm either the Boomer or the Fren or both.
Hello, Boomer Fren
I do have a MyPillow AND it is my favorite pillow.
I have a Silverado with a big Q sticker on it, not an F150 with an anti-HRC sticker but close enough.
I do like to call people frens here too.
I need a Q sticker AND a MyPillow. Lagging hard here…😔
Q stickers rock and my pillows rule
Reminds me of a tune...
I guess I'm a shitposting fren.
I would say I am in between digital soldier (refesh new for hours, did some minor baking etc.) and XRP, however my personal preference is XLM and a ton of LBRY I mined back when it was feasible without a mining pool.
Migrated from Digg/Slashdot to reddit. RIP Aaron Schwartz, went to whoaverse (later became voat), found QRV and Greatawakening, now I play around here and make accounts that get banned on reddit and Twitter.
I am not autistic but probably have some OCD tendencies.
On mobile so my formatting is shit.
I gotta say this is like the best post I’ve seen all day, hilarious! 😂👍
Reclaim the rainbow... Starting with green.
Digital Soldier of course.Anons defensive CI section & INFINT foreign volunteer.
Shit, I’m half of these. lol
I knew it!!
Between fren and digital soldier. Pissing liberals off in comment sections is fun….
I am a mixture of “the red pilled” and “the fren”
hehe nicely made.
Im somewhere between The Punisher, Digital soldier and Freedom fighter
These are great! Guess it’s easy to figure out which one I am LOL
😂🤣 👍🏼
A mix of the Christian and the Redpilled over here.
Fren. That's all I'm going to say.
Digital soldier currently on my umpteenth 30 day fakebook ban....whoot whoot!
My pillow is en route. I guess that makes me a plain old fren. 😁
I am the boomer
Redpilled Fren here. Appreciate you all!
Redpill here, I was on Reddit, pizzagate board the night it got whacked after posting Hilary WikiLeaks email. With her campaign logo pizza and the Chinese lady with two children.
The Fren/Christian
Digital soldier here. Working with unabated autistic determination on my 16th ban as we speak. 😁
Super 😍
Fren here!
what i'm a boomer! I suppose I have turned into my parents
Well the army vet won't say semper fi because that's the Marine slogan
Ooh rah
This certainly puts the range of comments on here into perspective. 144K/Kang who later got redpilled. Definitely leaned more left in ideologies that centered around free energy and complete lack of scarcity once patents that have been suppressed are finally released. Got red-pilled later after Q came along and showed me how the left used these kinds of ideologies to usher in communism/authoritarianism/NWO bullshit. My first instinct is always distrust the MSM and other cabal backed institutions, it became obvious that socialism while sounding like a good idea in practice actually leads to genocide via authoritarian leadership. We're doing this for your own good, now take these shots or you're racist. Lol wut? No thanks.
I’m like a Pepe in a blender…so schizo at times.
I have...now soaking up vibes from frens here on my pad.