While you're at it, call back with a different voice and make more reservations. Keep track of them. Then call and cancel ALL of them. Get your friends to do it too so you have lots of this going on. I don't have any restaurants in my area who are requiring any kind of proof of vaccine (yet), but this is what I would do. Their bottom line will feel it.
Also I would call them 5 minutes before. Why give them 15?
It's only believable if you call 5 minutes late. Then you can say, that you have been looking all over for them. Top points to then make reservations for next week while on the same phone call, because you are sure that you will find the card by then.
What’s stopping you from calling restaurants in another city where you don’t live to do this? Hell- I think tomorrow I’m going to call some restaurants in NYC and do this ....I live in GA!
This is excellent. If enough people across the country would call in to make "reservations" to these places and then cancel or not even show up at the last minute, that would be hilarious. Fuck them for supporting this sick level of discriminations against Americans.
Here's some excuses ideas:
"Oh sorry I have to cancel, my dog ate my vax card"
"Oh sorry, we can't make it, one of us just had a stroke from the vaccine and we are going to the hospital now"
"Oh sorry we are late, how about ya'll just go fuck yourselves."
If you show up and make a big production on how you meant to get vaxxed but couldn't get one because of the demand, I wonder if they would turn away buisness.
Then ask to see all the staff's medical records for things such as aids, strep, measles, mumps, STDs, flu, bronchitis, etc.,. If they can demand proof of health, then we should all demand it. After all these people touch the food you are going to eat.
Now do a party of 20, and when making the reservation, ask what their best top shelf liquors are on hand, and most expensive wines...and how much of them do they have in stock. Then blow it out right AT the reservation time.
This is precisely what they are hoping for. This is what will lead to getting vax records recorded as a quantum dot they use to mark people with.
They want vax cards lost, forgotten stolen, and forged so that they can say " if we're ever going to go back to normal we will need an invisible quantum dot tattoo so we can tell who is up to date on their shots and who is not."
Revelations 13:16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
I remember a preacher around 2003 in his sermon talking about this. He was saying random stuff but it made sense. “You will go shopping & they will have a system that knows exactly what you want”. He said other stuff about the subject. Basically implying about being tracked & they know everything. I don’t know what his sources were. I remember having a weird feeling when he was preaching about this subject.
If they use RFID chips, or devil a new tech that is the same in essence they could know everything about any environment your in. Since all products have an rfid bar code they could tell every product that is around you.where I'm sitting is a cottage cheese container. A book of rolling papers an empty popcorn bag a container full of clips, a sketch pad a box with a heat lamp aspirin an air, a small trash can with the lable still on it and a variety of other things with rfid codes.
With a chip implanted in me they could know everything around me, every product, every book I have. They could tell where it was all bought.
You mean like buying a gun or applying for a job, or getting a mortgage or a lease or a credit card or voting (last one isn't on the list but should be).
I was just reading comments on a Disney fan account.
One person said “the Florida border should be closed & only vax people can cross.” Hell, we don’t have the southern boarder secure!
It was in response to limiting water consumption because they needed oxygen for the people in the hospital. The liquid oxygen they use to treat the water is being used for Covid patients in hospital.
I’d love to know if this is a false claim by the city of Orlando.
I saw a Dr on Instagram already called out one news for saying hospital was experiencing morgue over flow. She went to the hospital to investigate😀 Dr Jane Ruby Boca Raton FL
So many lies!
Wait, the CITY is saying they are using up the water treating covid patients with oxygen? See, it's the prevalence of this level of stupidity that allows the media to stoke the fear of this flu-like bug in the first place.
I agree! The comments on this subject on social media are bringing out the worst in people. It’s clearly a line in the sand between the believers and people that question almost everything.
Don't do this. The person you are punishing is the waiter who gets called in to do those tables just to find out they don't have tables. You would be better suited to walk in and say you won't show your card. At least give the restaurant the opportunity to do the right thing. They could say, eh fuck it we don't care.
Make sure that they wouldn't make you wear a mask, if you go in to take your seat and they say you have to wear a mask and you leave I am ok with it, but they have to be certain that is why.
This is funny but plays right into their hands. Destroying small business is part of the great reset commie plan. Instead make reservations at the restaurant, when you get their tell them you are not vaxxed. They will still let you in. Ingrain civil disobedience into every interaction.
People only get mad and want change when they are inconvenienced. Those inconvenienced people will start to complain to their elected officials that this law hurts them. That's what this does.
While you're at it, call back with a different voice and make more reservations. Keep track of them. Then call and cancel ALL of them. Get your friends to do it too so you have lots of this going on. I don't have any restaurants in my area who are requiring any kind of proof of vaccine (yet), but this is what I would do. Their bottom line will feel it.
Also I would call them 5 minutes before. Why give them 15?
It's only believable if you call 5 minutes late. Then you can say, that you have been looking all over for them. Top points to then make reservations for next week while on the same phone call, because you are sure that you will find the card by then.
oooo that's awesome, then you can bone them again!! That is great
:) even better!
I'm with this^. Start of a great movement......let's go!
Genius. “And please put the reservation under Mr Seymour Butts - it’s a birthday gathering for our friend Manuel Hung.”
What’s stopping you from calling restaurants in another city where you don’t live to do this? Hell- I think tomorrow I’m going to call some restaurants in NYC and do this ....I live in GA!
If you do and it works, let me know. We should target liberal cities and I will help.
This is the best thing I've read b/c it gets you out of the antagonist position. Pure red pill with minimal effort.
This is excellent. If enough people across the country would call in to make "reservations" to these places and then cancel or not even show up at the last minute, that would be hilarious. Fuck them for supporting this sick level of discriminations against Americans.
Here's some excuses ideas:
"Oh sorry I have to cancel, my dog ate my vax card"
"Oh sorry, we can't make it, one of us just had a stroke from the vaccine and we are going to the hospital now"
"Oh sorry we are late, how about ya'll just go fuck yourselves."
This is the way
Or just say you took your money elsewhere without vaccine “requirements”
Why does anyone think you need to call to cancel? Just don’t call and let them hold the table as long as possible.
because cancelling is the fun part ;)
Okay, good point. LOL
Or just say your friend is unvaxxed. So you have to cancel and go somewhere else
If you show up and make a big production on how you meant to get vaxxed but couldn't get one because of the demand, I wonder if they would turn away buisness.
A business that requires you to be vaccinated and demands proof if not worthy of your patronage.
The Sons of Liberty have entered the chat
The real answer
Ask to see the vax card of all of their employees.
Then ask to see all the staff's medical records for things such as aids, strep, measles, mumps, STDs, flu, bronchitis, etc.,. If they can demand proof of health, then we should all demand it. After all these people touch the food you are going to eat.
I just saw on a Charlie Kirk The White House staff aren’t required to be vax. Double Standards!
Some nation-wide businesses are dealing with local mandates in certain (blue) areas.
Ooo, me like
Now do a party of 20, and when making the reservation, ask what their best top shelf liquors are on hand, and most expensive wines...and how much of them do they have in stock. Then blow it out right AT the reservation time.
Collectively target a single restaurant with multiple large reservations.
Please tell the response! Will it be “sorry, rules are rules”, or will it be, “fuck it, doesn’t matter, we don’t really check for it, so come on in !”
Would feel bad if the response is the latter
Probably best to do it to a business that refused you service previously.
I agree. Find those royally pain in the ass places you know are vax hardcore because there are some who won't give a shit. And those we must patronize
I’d be compelled to find a party of 10 and pay their meals. “Order from the dollar menu, guys... guys”
This is precisely what they are hoping for. This is what will lead to getting vax records recorded as a quantum dot they use to mark people with.
They want vax cards lost, forgotten stolen, and forged so that they can say " if we're ever going to go back to normal we will need an invisible quantum dot tattoo so we can tell who is up to date on their shots and who is not."
Forced tattoos will red pill more normies.
yep, last stage for mark of the beast
look at the girls facial expressions, notice the circle isn't uniform and listen to the insincerity in the woman's voice.
Also, if this happened, others would be able to notice the same.
She probably drew a circle on her arm and traced her veins with an invisible ink UV pen that her kid was playing with lol
Revelations 13:16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
I remember a preacher around 2003 in his sermon talking about this. He was saying random stuff but it made sense. “You will go shopping & they will have a system that knows exactly what you want”. He said other stuff about the subject. Basically implying about being tracked & they know everything. I don’t know what his sources were. I remember having a weird feeling when he was preaching about this subject.
If they use RFID chips, or devil a new tech that is the same in essence they could know everything about any environment your in. Since all products have an rfid bar code they could tell every product that is around you.where I'm sitting is a cottage cheese container. A book of rolling papers an empty popcorn bag a container full of clips, a sketch pad a box with a heat lamp aspirin an air, a small trash can with the lable still on it and a variety of other things with rfid codes.
With a chip implanted in me they could know everything around me, every product, every book I have. They could tell where it was all bought.
The ol' triple whammy razzle dazzle
I am deeply offended that anyone even THOUGHT of requiring papers to do basic things anywhere in this country.
You mean like buying a gun or applying for a job, or getting a mortgage or a lease or a credit card or voting (last one isn't on the list but should be).
I was just reading comments on a Disney fan account. One person said “the Florida border should be closed & only vax people can cross.” Hell, we don’t have the southern boarder secure! It was in response to limiting water consumption because they needed oxygen for the people in the hospital. The liquid oxygen they use to treat the water is being used for Covid patients in hospital. I’d love to know if this is a false claim by the city of Orlando. I saw a Dr on Instagram already called out one news for saying hospital was experiencing morgue over flow. She went to the hospital to investigate😀 Dr Jane Ruby Boca Raton FL So many lies!
Wait, the CITY is saying they are using up the water treating covid patients with oxygen? See, it's the prevalence of this level of stupidity that allows the media to stoke the fear of this flu-like bug in the first place.
Details on this site.
Thanks. Sounds to me like another fear mongering tool, as well as let's blame the " Unvaccinated" for a water shortage.
I agree! The comments on this subject on social media are bringing out the worst in people. It’s clearly a line in the sand between the believers and people that question almost everything.
Maybe avoid screwing over the mom and pop businesses who are just trying to survive. I would probably be okay with sticking it to the woke mob
Um, what if the owner turns out to be based and tells you to come in anyway?
Then you call up 5 friends and patronize the shit out of that restaurant
More ideas like this guys! Non-violent non-compliance. Nothing illegal.
I have never been more turned on by a frog in my life.
Don't do this. The person you are punishing is the waiter who gets called in to do those tables just to find out they don't have tables. You would be better suited to walk in and say you won't show your card. At least give the restaurant the opportunity to do the right thing. They could say, eh fuck it we don't care.
Sorry. The stress gets to the owners. He can go work at the sensible restaurant, and I'll tip him well.
Make sure that they wouldn't make you wear a mask, if you go in to take your seat and they say you have to wear a mask and you leave I am ok with it, but they have to be certain that is why.
This is funny but plays right into their hands. Destroying small business is part of the great reset commie plan. Instead make reservations at the restaurant, when you get their tell them you are not vaxxed. They will still let you in. Ingrain civil disobedience into every interaction.
You target chains, not local shit businesses.
For those, a simple boycott will suffice.
Naughty but nice.
Lol love it
Sad that they actually have vaxx cards
Make the reservation under the name "Mektin," first name Ivor.
Wait until they call you at 8:15 and tell them you are on your way and you will be right there.
Love the banana phone for pepe 😂
I can't because I live in Florida!!
No mask mandates bitches!
I mean they still lose out if you just take your business elsewhere without doing this kind of thing
THIS THIS THIS!!! Love it.
This is the way.
This is a brilliant idea that I am def stealing. I live in a far left hellhole with tons of these virtue signaling imbeciles.
should call at 8:15 not 7:45
I'm glad there's none of that around here. I went to a Ruby Tuesday's a few days ago and put away a whole plate of ribs. No mask required at all.
During the time they had to close the dining room, they collected tips on the takeout meals to help their out of work employees with bills.
This is even better if you do it at the really expensive small places with like 10 tables so it absolutely crushes them.
Also blocks up openings for boot-lickers who would have made reservations in the time slot you just took up.
I’ve worked in the business for years when I was a young adult.
Late cancellations are always a PITA.
If you’re lucky, and the restaurant is popular, you might fill the table with a drop-in, but this is not always the case.
People only get mad and want change when they are inconvenienced. Those inconvenienced people will start to complain to their elected officials that this law hurts them. That's what this does.
Managment will end it soon.
Lost revenue for the restaurant if they can't fill the table.
You want to hurt businesses struggling on the free market? Are you some sort of communist?