I'm guessing it's going to be very difficult for military members to get a religious exemption for the COVID vaccine if they did not already apply for religious exemptions to the many other vaccines that they're usually required to get before or during boot camp. We'll see.
But I'm not the one you have to convince. And as frustrating as this fact may be to people here, religious exemptions for something like this absolutely can and will come with a "guilty until proven innocent" situation.
I've used this example before: imagine that you want to argue that you should have the right to start a bonfire in your cubicle. For "religious" reasons.
You might be justified under religious freedom. You might even be telling the truth. But being allowed to start a fire in the office building is going to be a hard sell, because your religious beliefs put everyone around you in increased danger.
Maybe you can win that argument. But it's certainly not going to be a victory by default just because you start crowing about religious freedom.
As far as anyone mandating the vaccine is concerned, that's the argument. You pose a danger to the people around you (because no vaccine claims to be 100% effective).
And because of this, companies (and the military) are likely to be very suspicious about anyone having a sudden religious conversion right now, and are likely to call bullshit, and they're likely to make it a VERY difficult argument for recent "converts" to win. Especially if they have a provable history via Facebook or whatever of tirading against the COVID vaccine for non-religious reasons.
I'm not a lawyer. I just have watched enough of these cases fail and for the "religious" people to be mystified as to why the company didn't just roll over and let them have their figurative cubicle bonfire.
You're are probably right that there will be significant push back against those trying to claim the exemption but, why even offer it if people can;t claim to have it.
I think the secret is to first dye your hair purple, claim your new pronoun is "I'm gay hold my gun" and start screaming white supremacist if they deny your religious exemption. You'll get the vaccine exemption no problem.
I am Air National Guard, but I have already told my supervisors that I will NOT be taking the jab so whatever consequence of my decision I will deal with. However, I can count on one hand the number of people in my unit who have taken the jab, and a majority have said that they will not be taking it. The guard will suffer if they do not allow an exemption for it because, unlike active duty, they do not have much availability of people to enlist and fulfill the mission. It will not break my heart if I am forced out, just means I will not get my retirement, and I will have to pay more for insurance. And, I hope, once the dust settles that I could be reinstated and not lose any of the 12 years I have invested.
Yeah, I'm deciding whether to even bother with seeking an exemption or just saying to hell with it and straight up refuse regardless of the consequences. If they take my rank or pay or even threaten court martial I don't really care. I'm not getting it and that's final.
According to my supervision, they believe that it would not be a dishonorable discharge. They felt like it might be treated the same as if someone decided they were an unconscious objector and get a general discharge.
I am taking the same stance as I am with my civilian employer, they will have to fire me. I will not leave on my own accord. Our commander has basically stated that anyone that chooses to not get the vaccine if it becomes a mandate will have to take a general discharge. Thankfully, at least for now, I have a really good civilian job. The reason I stay in the Air National Guard is for the health insurance benefits.
Because they can claim to have it. There are religious exemptions offered for other things that people do take. But for someone to be enlisted who has never taken religious exemption to suddenly claim it for one single vaccine, and not anything else, will be likely tossed out.
Question Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain aborted fetal cells?
No, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
To anyone facing this line of question this is your path forward. Did you know that the other vaccines you have accepted have been garnered through the use of dead babies? Likely not.
These ones have though and you do know it now. It is immoral for any good person to seek to personally profit by way of securing their own health by means that came about at expense of dead babies.
Which is why I'll most likely be opting for a medical exemption. I think religious grounds are going to be harder to prove by my mother has a genetic blood disorder so I think that'll be a stronger case for me.
I posted this in another thread but reposting since this is stickied and relevant:
Servicemembers, you are entitled to apply for religious accommodation. This link is a great general resource with info and templates to get you started and have sections tailored to each branch's unique rules and regulations.
If you're Air Force, you need to check out DAFI 52-201 dated 23 June 2021 which I confirmed with the Chaplain's staff today that it's the latest guidance on this subject.
You initiate the process by submitting a signed memorandum to your commander requesting religious accommodation. What you say in the memo is up to you, but the first link has a few templates in the Air Force RA guide that could be a good starting point.
You will have to be counseled on readiness/deployability by your commander, then you will be counseled by a chaplain and a physician. Legal will also have to review your case. The MAJCOM commander is the ultimate approval authority.
If you are denied, you are entitled to appeal to the Surgeon General.
If your appeal is denied, there are lawyers referenced at the end of the Air Force RA guide (first link).
Chances are I'll be getting a general or OtH discharge. That's okay though, no amount of benefits will persuade me to get the vax especially since I didn't want to re-enlist anyways.
Good the military shouldn’t be about careers and promotions. This is not some consulting company where everyone is a piece of shit who just wants to make as much money as possible for the sake of making money. People should serve their time and gtfo out of the military. It’s these career political officers that ruined our military
Dude how the fuck do you think you get a good general officer. It’s not by railroading the good leaders. That was my point from a veteran’s perspective. Don’t presume my intent.
Y'all. Let me tell you, finding the info on how these fetal cell lines were gathered and just how many vaccines were either produced using them or used in testing was an eye opener to me. I always trusted my church leaders when they said that no aborted fetuses were used in their creation. My father didn't even know and he is a physician. He cried when I told him what I dug up.
I read an article by Catholic World Report and it opened my eyes and made me dig deeper. Until then, I never did dig for more because I trusted the clergy. Not any more. God abhors violence against children and since I've accepted Jesus' sacrifice to save my soul from hell I also abhor the same things as my God.
Keeping the conversation going != being intentionally obstuse. I've replied to your comments to the best of my abilities, but you instead reply with nonsensical answers that don't address the topic at hand.
I'm curious why you abandon logic for the sake of...well for the sake of something. I'm still not sure what.
Well there's plenty to object to on religious grounds. The vaxx'es having fetal tissue from aborted babies, defiling the temple of the body with mRNA and spiked proteins as graphene oxide, and probably others to boot. Still, I remember when I was in years ago that I was considered "government property"... I got a UCMJ Article15 punishment for getting sunburned on my off time.... had to swab the entire barracks for a week.
the vaccines have been developed using fetal tissue in the research process. It will be easier to hold your ground based on facts admitted to by the researchers.
Hey!... nice to meet you TNBanjoMan.... my commander told me about you many years ago when I was in the Air Force. I wanted to try parachuting and he gave me your story, and added that the military wouldn't cover my medical bills if I had an accident! So I never tried parachuting! kek
To bad there's not an exemption based on the grounds that I'm not an idiot. This is a good last resort, but in a way seems we are resigning to play their game by their rules which some how legitimizes what they're trying to do to us.
My husband WILL NOT get the jab under any circumstance. He has always been an excellent soldier, has deployed many times, been to Afghanistan, Korea, Bosnia, and we’ve moved our family constantly over the years. We’ve had friends die 😞 from war and suicide. We have both served and respect the Army. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 But this is a betrayal!
Now, with just 2.5 years to my husband’s retirement he’s faced with this crap! He doesn’t want to piss off anyone, but this is bull crap!
He took Anthrax when he was a young soldier because he didn’t know better. Now he does…
This sucks because he owes them 2.5 years for putting him through school (Doctorate in Family Nurse Practitioner Program). He will get full retirement and medical benefits when he retires in 2.5 years.
This sucks! The thing is, call us crazy, but it’s a no brainer! We can get the money back, but we can’t get his life back.
We’ll give them their money that we owe them and resign his commission. Screw these people!
He will apply for a religious exemption but knowing the Army, we won’t hold our breath. I have already contacted a military lawyer.
File for a religious exemption through your chain of command. If they harass you, you can then have a lawyer through AFLD’s (one can be referred with military experience) file paperwork (Draft a138) on your behalf.
If you don’t have much money, AFLDS will still help. If you’re in Texas, I can give you the name of the lawyer we’re working with.
Everybody should look up Jeff Nichols on Instagram, he is a former tier one navy seal and refused to get the anthrax jab and didn’t get kicked out for it. He has stated before on his Instagram lives that he never took that shot and was still operational all he had to do was stand up and say no
The difference is that anthrax isn’t contagious unless an infected person drips an open sore into the open sore of another person.
Getting the anthrax vaccine is purely for personal protection. It has nothing to do with protecting others from you, because you pose almost no threat to others if you get infected.
That argument does not hold up with anyone who sees COVID as a much more contagious disease.
I'm guessing it's going to be very difficult for military members to get a religious exemption for the COVID vaccine if they did not already apply for religious exemptions to the many other vaccines that they're usually required to get before or during boot camp. We'll see.
People find religion and/or change their religious beliefs from time to time - prove me wrong.
I can't and won't.
But I'm not the one you have to convince. And as frustrating as this fact may be to people here, religious exemptions for something like this absolutely can and will come with a "guilty until proven innocent" situation.
I've used this example before: imagine that you want to argue that you should have the right to start a bonfire in your cubicle. For "religious" reasons.
You might be justified under religious freedom. You might even be telling the truth. But being allowed to start a fire in the office building is going to be a hard sell, because your religious beliefs put everyone around you in increased danger.
Maybe you can win that argument. But it's certainly not going to be a victory by default just because you start crowing about religious freedom.
As far as anyone mandating the vaccine is concerned, that's the argument. You pose a danger to the people around you (because no vaccine claims to be 100% effective).
And because of this, companies (and the military) are likely to be very suspicious about anyone having a sudden religious conversion right now, and are likely to call bullshit, and they're likely to make it a VERY difficult argument for recent "converts" to win. Especially if they have a provable history via Facebook or whatever of tirading against the COVID vaccine for non-religious reasons.
I'm not a lawyer. I just have watched enough of these cases fail and for the "religious" people to be mystified as to why the company didn't just roll over and let them have their figurative cubicle bonfire.
You're are probably right that there will be significant push back against those trying to claim the exemption but, why even offer it if people can;t claim to have it.
I think the secret is to first dye your hair purple, claim your new pronoun is "I'm gay hold my gun" and start screaming white supremacist if they deny your religious exemption. You'll get the vaccine exemption no problem.
I am Air National Guard, but I have already told my supervisors that I will NOT be taking the jab so whatever consequence of my decision I will deal with. However, I can count on one hand the number of people in my unit who have taken the jab, and a majority have said that they will not be taking it. The guard will suffer if they do not allow an exemption for it because, unlike active duty, they do not have much availability of people to enlist and fulfill the mission. It will not break my heart if I am forced out, just means I will not get my retirement, and I will have to pay more for insurance. And, I hope, once the dust settles that I could be reinstated and not lose any of the 12 years I have invested.
Stay strong soldier. I commend you with all my heart. If every soldier stood as strong as you they would be forced to remove the mandatory decree.
Yeah, I'm deciding whether to even bother with seeking an exemption or just saying to hell with it and straight up refuse regardless of the consequences. If they take my rank or pay or even threaten court martial I don't really care. I'm not getting it and that's final.
According to my supervision, they believe that it would not be a dishonorable discharge. They felt like it might be treated the same as if someone decided they were an unconscious objector and get a general discharge.
I am taking the same stance as I am with my civilian employer, they will have to fire me. I will not leave on my own accord. Our commander has basically stated that anyone that chooses to not get the vaccine if it becomes a mandate will have to take a general discharge. Thankfully, at least for now, I have a really good civilian job. The reason I stay in the Air National Guard is for the health insurance benefits.
Because they can claim to have it. There are religious exemptions offered for other things that people do take. But for someone to be enlisted who has never taken religious exemption to suddenly claim it for one single vaccine, and not anything else, will be likely tossed out.
Seems like another opportunity to pull the curtain on the hypocrisy that is rampant...
I can now prove I put people in danger by taking the Vax. Make them use truthful language and it dies on the vine.
To anyone facing this line of question this is your path forward. Did you know that the other vaccines you have accepted have been garnered through the use of dead babies? Likely not.
These ones have though and you do know it now. It is immoral for any good person to seek to personally profit by way of securing their own health by means that came about at expense of dead babies.
I agree with you. We lined up for many vaccines, not even thinking twice. I’d like to see how this plays out.
Which is why I'll most likely be opting for a medical exemption. I think religious grounds are going to be harder to prove by my mother has a genetic blood disorder so I think that'll be a stronger case for me.
Accurate assessment.
I posted this in another thread but reposting since this is stickied and relevant:
Servicemembers, you are entitled to apply for religious accommodation. This link is a great general resource with info and templates to get you started and have sections tailored to each branch's unique rules and regulations.
If you're Air Force, you need to check out DAFI 52-201 dated 23 June 2021 which I confirmed with the Chaplain's staff today that it's the latest guidance on this subject.
You initiate the process by submitting a signed memorandum to your commander requesting religious accommodation. What you say in the memo is up to you, but the first link has a few templates in the Air Force RA guide that could be a good starting point.
You will have to be counseled on readiness/deployability by your commander, then you will be counseled by a chaplain and a physician. Legal will also have to review your case. The MAJCOM commander is the ultimate approval authority.
If you are denied, you are entitled to appeal to the Surgeon General.
If your appeal is denied, there are lawyers referenced at the end of the Air Force RA guide (first link).
Wow. Good luck trying to have any hope for promotion. This is career suicide. Unfair to people who just wanted to serve.
"This is career suicide."
I mean, getting kicked out, or quitting, is an even bigger career suicide.
Chances are I'll be getting a general or OtH discharge. That's okay though, no amount of benefits will persuade me to get the vax especially since I didn't want to re-enlist anyways.
Good the military shouldn’t be about careers and promotions. This is not some consulting company where everyone is a piece of shit who just wants to make as much money as possible for the sake of making money. People should serve their time and gtfo out of the military. It’s these career political officers that ruined our military
Dude how the fuck do you think you get a good general officer. It’s not by railroading the good leaders. That was my point from a veteran’s perspective. Don’t presume my intent.
Y'all. Let me tell you, finding the info on how these fetal cell lines were gathered and just how many vaccines were either produced using them or used in testing was an eye opener to me. I always trusted my church leaders when they said that no aborted fetuses were used in their creation. My father didn't even know and he is a physician. He cried when I told him what I dug up.
I read an article by Catholic World Report and it opened my eyes and made me dig deeper. Until then, I never did dig for more because I trusted the clergy. Not any more. God abhors violence against children and since I've accepted Jesus' sacrifice to save my soul from hell I also abhor the same things as my God.
URL for the article: https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2021/05/17/exploring-the-dark-world-of-vaccines-and-fetal-tissue-research-part-1/
Here is the 2nd part.
I might end up making my own post.
did Catholic World Report cover the pedophelia?
Brand...your superior a traitor? How do you suppose that gets done?
Yeah I’m sure staging a mutiny is super easy. Lol I’m guessing you’ve never been in the military?
Okay so just so you’re aware, staging a mutiny and arresting your CO isn’t as easy as just writing about it on a message board.
Military members have a long list of required vaccinations. You can’t just “declare mutiny” and expect anything to happen
Keeping the conversation going != being intentionally obstuse. I've replied to your comments to the best of my abilities, but you instead reply with nonsensical answers that don't address the topic at hand.
I'm curious why you abandon logic for the sake of...well for the sake of something. I'm still not sure what.
Thanks. Glad you've come around.
Well there's plenty to object to on religious grounds. The vaxx'es having fetal tissue from aborted babies, defiling the temple of the body with mRNA and spiked proteins as graphene oxide, and probably others to boot. Still, I remember when I was in years ago that I was considered "government property"... I got a UCMJ Article15 punishment for getting sunburned on my off time.... had to swab the entire barracks for a week.
possible correction - https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/you-asked-we-answered-do-the-covid-19-vaccines-contain-aborted-fetal-cells
the vaccines have been developed using fetal tissue in the research process. It will be easier to hold your ground based on facts admitted to by the researchers.
Hey!... nice to meet you TNBanjoMan.... my commander told me about you many years ago when I was in the Air Force. I wanted to try parachuting and he gave me your story, and added that the military wouldn't cover my medical bills if I had an accident! So I never tried parachuting! kek
American Military is finally in a fight that actually involves "freedom", its not just lip service this time.
Any exemption you officially invoke to any vaccine mandate immediately reinforces that the organization mandating vaccination has the right to do so.
That is the law. Your submission of exemptions Qualifies their claims to demand it - in a court of law.
Learn the game - cause to them it’s a game.
To bad there's not an exemption based on the grounds that I'm not an idiot. This is a good last resort, but in a way seems we are resigning to play their game by their rules which some how legitimizes what they're trying to do to us.
And get promptly discharged. The military doesn't fuck around when you disobey order,
That's where I'm currently at in my thinking.
consider that this is meant for people who signed a contract agreeing to 'play their game by their rules'
My husband WILL NOT get the jab under any circumstance. He has always been an excellent soldier, has deployed many times, been to Afghanistan, Korea, Bosnia, and we’ve moved our family constantly over the years. We’ve had friends die 😞 from war and suicide. We have both served and respect the Army. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 But this is a betrayal!
Now, with just 2.5 years to my husband’s retirement he’s faced with this crap! He doesn’t want to piss off anyone, but this is bull crap!
He took Anthrax when he was a young soldier because he didn’t know better. Now he does…
This sucks because he owes them 2.5 years for putting him through school (Doctorate in Family Nurse Practitioner Program). He will get full retirement and medical benefits when he retires in 2.5 years.
This sucks! The thing is, call us crazy, but it’s a no brainer! We can get the money back, but we can’t get his life back.
We’ll give them their money that we owe them and resign his commission. Screw these people!
He will apply for a religious exemption but knowing the Army, we won’t hold our breath. I have already contacted a military lawyer.
To be continued….
Let me know what you find out from legal. I'm trying to decide how to handle this.
I’m in Texas. If you need a lawyer let me know.
You just file for the exemption. He said once you do the paperwork it goes up the chain of command. You’ll have to see chaplain for counseling.
My lawyer said that in most cases it has gone up and sat there. Nothing has happened as of yet.
File for a religious exemption through your chain of command. If they harass you, you can then have a lawyer through AFLD’s (one can be referred with military experience) file paperwork (Draft a138) on your behalf.
If you don’t have much money, AFLDS will still help. If you’re in Texas, I can give you the name of the lawyer we’re working with.
Once you claim it why should you have to run it to the top? It should be honored at first disclosure. No questions asked.
Everybody should look up Jeff Nichols on Instagram, he is a former tier one navy seal and refused to get the anthrax jab and didn’t get kicked out for it. He has stated before on his Instagram lives that he never took that shot and was still operational all he had to do was stand up and say no
The difference is that anthrax isn’t contagious unless an infected person drips an open sore into the open sore of another person.
Getting the anthrax vaccine is purely for personal protection. It has nothing to do with protecting others from you, because you pose almost no threat to others if you get infected.
That argument does not hold up with anyone who sees COVID as a much more contagious disease.
I sure hope enough enlisted get exemptions or this battle is going to be tough.
Sigh, I miss the good ol days when
'No meant No', no hoop jumping providing reams of documentation ...
No is so much simpler... think if the trees that would be saved.
Trump did say protect religious freedom... you must show them...
Thank you, passing on to my son who is USAF.
This needs a sticky as I've seen many military here on the board seeking this info!
I spoke to a lawyer today from AFLD’s that has experience with the military. He was a JAG lawyer.
He is helping my husband. He is extremely knowledgeable.
I am feeling much better about the religious exemption after talking to a military lawyer.
He is in Texas, so I’m not sure if anyone needs his info. If so, message me back.
Can't people just say they can't abide by cannibalism (aborted fetal cells)?
And all you Christian's it's time to start evangelizing the military. We can save them on 2 fronts.
Religious exemption is for pussies.