I remember being in my English class in community college 9 years ago and around 9/11 my teacher showed a documentary of why 9/11 was an inside job lol. At the time I wasn’t awake but fully open to possibilities. Everyone in the classroom was so uncomfortable and yeah…that teacher was based af lol
US is compelled to invade and occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, which just happen to flank Iran,
(((Saudi Arabia))) was allegedly involved, yet the US never did anything about that, and seemed to go overboard going after everyone else, including 300,000,000 innocent Americans
Most people don’t know, Robert Mueller started his new job as FBI boss a week before 9/11, so of course he got a free pass because new guy,
BUT his predecessor, Louis Freeh, stepped down from his job as FBI boss, to do what?
Freeh went to work for the (((Saudi))) “Royal” (crime) family
Yes folks - you see bag o dick politicians but the real continuity folks - Nazis.
Eugenics -> BioEthics
Welcome to Medical Martial
Law where lockdowns literally retard kids & the CDC says suicides / overdoses / flu deaths -> COVID and the boot to the face forever comes in.
9/11 was about:
Forever War
Creating the Homeland Security State
Restricting Travel
Surveillance forever
Finance tracking
Personal Surveillance
Making $ Printers & A-10 Warrhogs forever go Brrrrrrrrt
Eventually labeling anyone dissenting from Authoritarianism as a Domestic Terrorist
Get right with God.
Love your neighbors and realize this is a Fallen World where we only win when we invite God into our hearts.
And then when you're confronted on the overwhelming majority of people who were involved with 9/11 who are clearly not Jewish, you'll either make up that they're actually Jews or excuse them by saying they were merely puppets of Jews.
Most people don’t know, Robert Mueller started his new job as FBI boss a week before 9/11
I suppose you think Robert Mueller is Jewish? Am I right?
Or if you don't think he's Jewish, why on earth would you excuse him by saying 9/11 was only Jews?
Well its hard to argue that the US government wasn’t complacent, given that the Pentagon had ample warning of an imminent attack and didn’t do anything to defend the “department of defense”
I have yet to see any credible evidence linking any muslim to 9/11
Almost as ludicrous as Sandy Hook. Its like they intentionally make their official Narratives so preposterous to laugh in our faces when peoole actually believe this shit.
They tell you a lie, and if you are stupid enough to believe it, they use that as excuse to rule you. Clearly we aren’t smart enough to govern ourselves. So our overlords govern us out of the kindness of their hearts.
I can’t recall but it’s one of those docs where people would consider it “far out there”. But I remember it talking about explosives being planted instead of actual planes hitting the towers and how it wasn’t possible for the steel beams to be melted.
That thought hit me after a conversation just the other day. The person was still not sure that C19 was manmade.
I reviewed some of the evidence we had previously discussed which demonstrated that agencies were making moves to prepare for the pandemic before it was ever a thing (e.g. in the fall of 2019 as part of a budget omnibus bill Canada changed the Quarantine Act so that parliamentary debate was no longer required before enactment), and he more-or-less agreed that the evidence suggested a planned event. However, he didn't want to believe that such depravity existed.
On reflecting afterward it hit me that once l recognized that the two towers (three, really, but the last one seems to have been empty at the time) were brought down intentionally, it became possible to believe that any evil is possible for those who want to control us.
Just thinking the other day of this. These 2 orchestrated events were put on with the abuse of power they have in the world with a Mockingbird Media. Even with an obvious hidden controlling hand running things and obvious mistakes. They just have the media lie for them.
I guess, but the clown world is much more blatant with the scamdemic. I have no clue why people are so fucking passive when it comes to there own rights. The problem isn’t the idiotic pink haired screamers, it’s the average American being ok with just complying with bullshit because they want to be left alone. I do however see more people everyday get effected by clown world bullshit and turning, so I guess that’s a positive. Took some of them long enough.
In all honesty, I don't know if 9/11 is all that easy to see through. The only reason I consider the theories about it here is that Q indicated inside work, at least in regards to financing it, and Q is right about so many things, but one cannot really believe some of what Q states without seriously considering all of it. On the surface to normies, it really does appear a straightforward attack on America by radical Muslims.
A lot of fancy stuff is not required for 9/11 to have been an inside job. There are plenty of radical Muslims who are more than willing to fly into a building, their groups may have been fomented and funded by the CIA, but many willing to take it up. Insider trading and funding is plausible. The only problem I have with the theory of using aids to maximize the explosions and damage is why wait until most people are out? You want to maximize the attack, you bring the buildings down soon when there are 50,000 people in them.
You are talking about the fuel fires, while hot, not being hot enough to melt the steel structure. I haven't subscribed to that argument because you don't need to melt it. You just need to soften it. However, this is not needed for the inside job theory to be correct. I do wager though that all the funkiness surrounding the 9/11 report will continue to fuel these speculations, which I do not discount, by the way. People should learn it is just better to be straight up.
I remember being in my English class in community college 9 years ago and around 9/11 my teacher showed a documentary of why 9/11 was an inside job lol. At the time I wasn’t awake but fully open to possibilities. Everyone in the classroom was so uncomfortable and yeah…that teacher was based af lol
They split the public into two camps
those who believe radical muslims did 9/11
those who believe the US government did 9/11
Meanwhile, Israel did 9/11.
Hindsight is 20/20
US is compelled to invade and occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, which just happen to flank Iran,
(((Saudi Arabia))) was allegedly involved, yet the US never did anything about that, and seemed to go overboard going after everyone else, including 300,000,000 innocent Americans
Most people don’t know, Robert Mueller started his new job as FBI boss a week before 9/11, so of course he got a free pass because new guy,
BUT his predecessor, Louis Freeh, stepped down from his job as FBI boss, to do what?
Freeh went to work for the (((Saudi))) “Royal” (crime) family
Frankly, I have no idea who "did" 911. What I know for fact is the official story is a fantasy that expects me to be an idiot to accept it.
Cheney ran it.
Cheney worked for Nazis.
Nazis run the US Gov.
Yes folks - you see bag o dick politicians but the real continuity folks - Nazis.
Eugenics -> BioEthics
Welcome to Medical Martial Law where lockdowns literally retard kids & the CDC says suicides / overdoses / flu deaths -> COVID and the boot to the face forever comes in.
9/11 was about:
Get right with God.
Love your neighbors and realize this is a Fallen World where we only win when we invite God into our hearts.
The fear let’s them in.
There we go.
You were sparse on details was all.
You were Jeb-ing. “Globalists”
Cue (Mossad) Chertoff for the Patriot Act.
And then when you're confronted on the overwhelming majority of people who were involved with 9/11 who are clearly not Jewish, you'll either make up that they're actually Jews or excuse them by saying they were merely puppets of Jews.
I suppose you think Robert Mueller is Jewish? Am I right?
Or if you don't think he's Jewish, why on earth would you excuse him by saying 9/11 was only Jews?
Who benefitted?
So, correct me if I'm wrong.
Your sole purpose in life is to excuse known bad people, such as Mueller, by blaming the entirety of the Jewish race in the most vague way possible.
Do I understand that properly?
Robert Mueller is a shit bag.
Your hasbara training is showing again
Being a shit bag isn't against the law. You aren't getting arrested any time soon.
I'll give you an easy softball. One that you can hit out of the park.
Repeat the following:
Robert Muller, a non-Jew, participated as a co-conspirator in 9/11.
Are you able to do that?
Israel did 9/11
Well its hard to argue that the US government wasn’t complacent, given that the Pentagon had ample warning of an imminent attack and didn’t do anything to defend the “department of defense”
I have yet to see any credible evidence linking any muslim to 9/11
Almost as ludicrous as Sandy Hook. Its like they intentionally make their official Narratives so preposterous to laugh in our faces when peoole actually believe this shit.
They tell you a lie, and if you are stupid enough to believe it, they use that as excuse to rule you. Clearly we aren’t smart enough to govern ourselves. So our overlords govern us out of the kindness of their hearts.
Was the teacher Trevor Moore?
That's awesome. Need more teachers like that, especially in college.
I can’t recall but it’s one of those docs where people would consider it “far out there”. But I remember it talking about explosives being planted instead of actual planes hitting the towers and how it wasn’t possible for the steel beams to be melted.
Awesome teach, lucky.
That thought hit me after a conversation just the other day. The person was still not sure that C19 was manmade.
I reviewed some of the evidence we had previously discussed which demonstrated that agencies were making moves to prepare for the pandemic before it was ever a thing (e.g. in the fall of 2019 as part of a budget omnibus bill Canada changed the Quarantine Act so that parliamentary debate was no longer required before enactment), and he more-or-less agreed that the evidence suggested a planned event. However, he didn't want to believe that such depravity existed.
On reflecting afterward it hit me that once l recognized that the two towers (three, really, but the last one seems to have been empty at the time) were brought down intentionally, it became possible to believe that any evil is possible for those who want to control us.
Just thinking the other day of this. These 2 orchestrated events were put on with the abuse of power they have in the world with a Mockingbird Media. Even with an obvious hidden controlling hand running things and obvious mistakes. They just have the media lie for them.
The media is THE MOST POWERFUL force in our world
I don’t understand why people trust mockingbird... my family all eats MSM up with a spoon and zero critical thought.
I guess, but the clown world is much more blatant with the scamdemic. I have no clue why people are so fucking passive when it comes to there own rights. The problem isn’t the idiotic pink haired screamers, it’s the average American being ok with just complying with bullshit because they want to be left alone. I do however see more people everyday get effected by clown world bullshit and turning, so I guess that’s a positive. Took some of them long enough.
It's just a continuation of the same psyop.
I still haven't figured it out
Good point
Duh... yeah. I lost a few friends over the 911 "conspiracy" theory.
As if an aluminum plane can go through a concrete and steel building.
How do people not have ANY sense??
That's not really a good argument.
Put your hand in front of a power washer that is used to clean driveways with water. You will experience some bad things.
Put your hand into a particle accelerator. See how those puny particles affect your hand.
EXACTLY........from the rooftops!!!!
Although we know that many more normies have awakened this statement is SO TRUE.
Praying for discernment by those still asleep.
We sound like the adults in cartoons. Inaudible
In all honesty, I don't know if 9/11 is all that easy to see through. The only reason I consider the theories about it here is that Q indicated inside work, at least in regards to financing it, and Q is right about so many things, but one cannot really believe some of what Q states without seriously considering all of it. On the surface to normies, it really does appear a straightforward attack on America by radical Muslims.
You cant be that naive surely.
You cannot fly a commercial plane that low at that speed.
Even more so for the Pentagon height. Veteran Air Force pilots said it is impossible.
Aluminium cannot cut through steel and concrete like butter. Experiments prove it.
Everything destroyed but the terrorists' passport survived.
Insider stocks transferred weeks before. Insurance taken out for terrorist event weeks before.
All the trillion dolar black budget audit docs conveniently destroyed in that specific part of the Pentagon.
Building 7.
Thats not even the half of it yet you think a few guys trained in a cave can pull this off in the richest most developed country in the world?
Fuck me. Why are you even here if you are so asleep?
A lot of fancy stuff is not required for 9/11 to have been an inside job. There are plenty of radical Muslims who are more than willing to fly into a building, their groups may have been fomented and funded by the CIA, but many willing to take it up. Insider trading and funding is plausible. The only problem I have with the theory of using aids to maximize the explosions and damage is why wait until most people are out? You want to maximize the attack, you bring the buildings down soon when there are 50,000 people in them.
Willing has nothing to do with it. It's been proven impossible.
You are talking about the fuel fires, while hot, not being hot enough to melt the steel structure. I haven't subscribed to that argument because you don't need to melt it. You just need to soften it. However, this is not needed for the inside job theory to be correct. I do wager though that all the funkiness surrounding the 9/11 report will continue to fuel these speculations, which I do not discount, by the way. People should learn it is just better to be straight up.