I had this morning coffee thought about the AZ Audit. I fully expected the MSM to ignore the audit results while they were being released later today or to otherwise clog up the news cycle with a FF. Then the partial "preliminary" report leaked. Now the results showing Biden actually gaining votes as a result of the audit gives the MSM something they've wanted, that being proof that Biden won and something embarrassing to Trump and his supporters for them to report on. Maybe the leaked audit was done to get the MSM salivating to cover the results live as the OFFICIAL report is released. The MSM shows up because they think they'll be covering something damaging to Trump and then wind up covering the proof of coordinated fraud live on air instead. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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also... they are confirming the audit process as legitimate, therefor confirming the audit process in all other states
I just read a "report" on this that both called the audit a "Fraud" but then stated that the audit confirmed Biden's victory. These people are stupid.
I had not considered that angle - nice insight dude!
And just like that, the left now loves "leaked" documents.
I'm pretty sure the "leak" was definitely WHs at work.
Either intentionally manipulating data in the "report" or only including certain things that make the narrative look right to MSM.
Another theory might be that while counts may have gone up for Biden, that does not mean they were all legal votes.just may mean more fraud in the bucket.
That theory does not work against this theory - and that is the part that was "leaked"
I like it
Seems like the leak was on purpose from the auditors to throw the mainstream media off. Even Wendy Rogers shared the "leak" but all the patriots mention how the leak is not accurate. Wendy Rogers then says "take this chance to delete at least one person sharing fake news". Looks like a trap for mainstream media.
I was just saying this on another thread
Great minds think alike? Either that or we are both retards that fall for too many conspiracies...naw, that cant be it.
The whole time there have been no leaks.
Funny how right before the audit release we now have a leak.
Coincidence? Probably not.
My thoughts exactly. There are no coincidences.
Agreed, give the msm another chance to further destroy thier credibility. MSM and big tech censorship against kung flu info has shown a lot of otherwise un aware people how manipulative the news cycle is.
Cautiously optomistic.
I’ve thought the very same, myself.
Cross your buttcheeks, this is gonna be one hell of a ride.
Can't do. Already started eating popcorn and you know what that will do to a person if they eat too much. Haha.
Popping off corn dust on the shitter?
Like on the old "HeeHaw" series. Part of that old song, "You LET another and "Pooof" she was gone..............
Remember the career White House staffers leaking in 2016-2021... Leakers use leaks to attempt to spin... Most leaks come from staffers and politicians cozying up to MSM...
Yep that could be the MOAFF.... The Mother of All False Flags.... used against them.
Exactly what I was too tired to type out last night. Thanks
Every indication points away from any part of this audit benefitting Biden. They would not be working so hard to shut it down and oppose audits if they figured they might benefit from them
I can dig it
YES! I hope this is it!
OooOhhhHhh! I like this theory!
I think you're right in it's bait to get MSM to acknowledge and discuss the results thinking it helps their case. I would guess the leaked info is real and Biden did get more votes than trump but the audit will also prove Biden had thousands of fraudulent votes that puts him well below Trump.
Like minds think it's great!
I was thinking on the same lines. The "leaked report" was saying hey, *Biden actually got more votes, the MSM starts jerking off that *Biden won you stupid MAGA tards the audit is totally legit, then gets the rug pulled out! He got more votes because out out right FRAUD and here's how! MSM freaks the fuck out and at the same time totally loses the narrative.
Bingo! 🤣🤣🤣 retarded Ds lose again hahahaha. They truly suck at this game
We'll see what the results are when the invalid ballots are thrown out...
"Gaining votes" can just mean, more uncounted fraudulent ballots.
They aren't going to get their false flag. I think yesterday's wind-up toy was it.