You misspelled “hanged for treason”. Colluding with a foreign power to overthrow our government and murder millions must be punished by death. A message must be sent.
This has to happen before Trump gets back into the office, and I believe we are seeing the "Rope a dope" of MSM going on right now.
OP your list is good.
Vax awareness/Collusion with Big Pharma. I am not sure which is the anchor or the boat between MSM and Pharma, but one will pull the other under.
Bottom up destruction would be far preferable to top down, it would be more functional as top down would be a shit show of misinformation and reeing about censorship and pretty much everything they can think of.
Exposing them until they crumble and people demand it to a point where the gov has no other choice but to step in is the better option.
it is also the most likely scenario and in line with what is already happening in regard to the election(attempted fraud VS having actually gone through with it...).
How many are involved?...Hundreds?...Thousands? Those FIMA camps may come in handy. Lottsa rich and powerful folks on that list. People will be in shock when the top of the pyramid is exposed!
Add in the board members and administrators of the companies for which these 'journalists' work. Add in the primary stock-holders of the 'news' companies and the primary stock-holders of the SPONSORS of those broadcasts. Jail is too good for them. Let them walk the streets and be denied shelter ANYWHERE but the culverts and trashbins
To be honest, I'm partial to **Tar **and Feathering. Then drag them through the streets to their jail cells. If they survive and heal up then we can hang 'em.
I'd rather have them loaded into a Chinese cargo container and dropped somewhere in the Laurentian Abyss.
The amount of death and destruction championed by those sickening instances of runny cow dung in human form warrants any jail sentence a waste ... They need to be disposed of.
Impaled? Vlad the Impaler found this to be the extremely effective in keeping the turks from invading Europe. As a bonus, the story goes, thieves and criminals suddenly went extinct while he ruled.
No joke. They have absolutely committed treason, and the list goes on.
Is hanging enough?
Damn right! These are matters of national security. Always have been yet they hide behind what? freedom of speech? I spit on that
This needs to be even bigger and bolder.
That's as big as it goes, but I agree.
Someone who gets it. Let them keep "pushing" their narrative. Little do they know they're just pulling more rope to use later.
Shit first thing on my mind.
4th booster
I want them sentenced to death from crimes against humanity and all of their assets confiscated from their heirs.
^ this - Civil Asset Forfeiture done Right!
I agree but damn I have a hard time getting behind CAF
anytime it's needed is for THIS
To hell with using it for drug crimes. Should be used for things like treason, sedition, sabotage, spying, etc.
I want their families publicly shamed into disavowment, surname change, and even exile in some cases.
You're more compassionate than me haha
put those fucks in a blender and hit frappé
So you just want to perpetuate cancel culture. Got it.
In a way yes? But for those who’s families have committed and aided in treason and crimes against humanity.
Deliberately, knowingly deceitful AND pushing for depopulation and a marxist takeover of this country (and across the world, actually)??
That’s crimes against humanity and treason IMO and the punishment needs to fit the crimes.
I want every single one of them to hang high and dry on live TV. I want to hear their necks snap
You misspelled “hanged for treason”. Colluding with a foreign power to overthrow our government and murder millions must be punished by death. A message must be sent.
This has to happen before Trump gets back into the office, and I believe we are seeing the "Rope a dope" of MSM going on right now.
OP your list is good. Vax awareness/Collusion with Big Pharma. I am not sure which is the anchor or the boat between MSM and Pharma, but one will pull the other under.
That may be both a rather gruesome idea, and justified at the same time.
A good old fashioned Bill of Attainder:
Non person status, no inheritance.
They're unconstitutional though.
Here stand I! If we just hang them, their children may inherit their ill gotten gains.
Bottom up destruction would be far preferable to top down, it would be more functional as top down would be a shit show of misinformation and reeing about censorship and pretty much everything they can think of.
Exposing them until they crumble and people demand it to a point where the gov has no other choice but to step in is the better option.
it is also the most likely scenario and in line with what is already happening in regard to the election(attempted fraud VS having actually gone through with it...).
I want pay-per-view torture and execution. Nothing less.
Im not particular. That works
It wouldn't even cost a lot. The wall could be built with the money that would get.
How many are involved?...Hundreds?...Thousands? Those FIMA camps may come in handy. Lottsa rich and powerful folks on that list. People will be in shock when the top of the pyramid is exposed!
But I was just doing my job! I'm not a bad person I just went along to go along. It wasn't me. NAZI'S said the same thing. Hmm...
The police are fucked.
Add in the board members and administrators of the companies for which these 'journalists' work. Add in the primary stock-holders of the 'news' companies and the primary stock-holders of the SPONSORS of those broadcasts. Jail is too good for them. Let them walk the streets and be denied shelter ANYWHERE but the culverts and trashbins
To be honest, I'm partial to **Tar **and Feathering. Then drag them through the streets to their jail cells. If they survive and heal up then we can hang 'em.
I'd like to see them treated the way propagandists were treating after the Nuremberg trials.
Anderson Cooper would be my first round pick
Nuremberg trial,went after the lying press for crimes against humanity.
I think this fits the bill.
They were warned.
This is the mass depopulation that is long overdue take out the criminals and all related bloodlines
Drawn and quartered would be appropriate.
I'd rather have them loaded into a Chinese cargo container and dropped somewhere in the Laurentian Abyss.
The amount of death and destruction championed by those sickening instances of runny cow dung in human form warrants any jail sentence a waste ... They need to be disposed of.
The tough question to ask is this:
Should journalists or doctors be charged first? Or are there better candidates?
You guys are too kind
I want them publicly beaten.
Oy vey, goyim!
"Ooooohh!! Me!! Pick me!! Pick ME!!"
Make firing squads great again
You spelled publicly stomped into red mist wrong
Impaled? Vlad the Impaler found this to be the extremely effective in keeping the turks from invading Europe. As a bonus, the story goes, thieves and criminals suddenly went extinct while he ruled.
Free speech
I feel you.
I just despise shutting anyone up for any reason
I want traitors in gitmo hung
Rope is handy, and can be readily re-used.