Big Mike, The time has come for the people who wanted to be left alone to move. We need a leader or a catalyst to get this party started. I'm old but I'm in. Let's do this......
The problem with doing things legally is they have to plod through the legal system. If you want to just get a mob of people together with torches, pitchforks, and AR-15's you'll be shot in the street like dogs, made out to be lunatics by the lamestream media, and worse. You know, everything that should've been happening to Antifa.
Son in Army is being forced to get vax or will be flagged and not able to go forward with Captain planned in February.
So this is hitting home. You just can't say 'no' despite having rights as it affects one livelihood and family stability. And to top it off, they send him to 'where ever he wants to go' so there is no real choice if 'preferred' vaccine as you have to go with whatever is in stick when your time has run out.
The rotten politicians must be forced out NOW.
Americans are the ones suffering while the illegals, select groups like white house staff, post office staff, etc, get away with anything and everything
Life or a job, life or school, life or the military. It looks like people value other things and not their own life/health. Personally, this is my red line, I will not bend nor cave. They can fire me, I don't care. I'll leave with my life and health intact. That's priceless to me. I realize it's a difficult decision but once you get, you can't undo it.
First off Thank You to your son for his service. I'm sorry your son is put in a position no one should have to make.
My son was active duty Army a few yrs ago and is now in NG. He will leave if they try to make him get the jab or the flu shot. Flu shots Always makes him sick with flu symptoms, but every year they make him get it. I talked to him about it, and he has done his research and will refuse.
But I believe the NG have a mandate date sometime in the 2022 summer time, so he may have a lot more time than your son. At his last drill he said they didn't even mention the vaxx, so he will wait until the tell him to get it or leave.
I think like some others have said, either he makes a stand like other soldiers or he falls in line and takes the vaxx, possibly having health issues or loose his life to the jab. To me my sons life & health is more important than a job, no matter the pay or the rank.
I hope things work out for your son whatever he decides to do.
Thank you for your response.
You are a GREAT parent and seem a wonderful person)
My son and I spoke last night and he told me he wouldn't be able to comply as it goes against everything he believes in...
After much conversation, he texted later last night saying he 'doesn't know what God's plan for him is, but it must be big'.
I am a nurse by the way, and have been distressed by this entire manipulation. I argue with my liberal doctor neighbor and have not been successful convincing him to think independently by looking at the realities that surround us. (Homeless aren't dying, cancer up in vaxed, countries using ivermecton with lower death rates, infection detection by PCR a joke)
It would have devastated me if my son acquiesced simply bc he has hopes of pursuing law school after Captain and wanted college benefits saved for his 10 yr old son...
Thank you again for such a kind and thoughtful response. It was my husband (died 2 years ago) and other son in Army (died 3 years ago) that used to have these types conversations with me that healed my heart and strengthened my resolve when I couldn't think straight.
I’m glad your son listened to your concerns, and he knows God has plans for him maybe in a different direction than he thought. My husband and I always say when things don’t go the way we hoped it would that it wasn’t meant to be, God has other plans for us and He will show us the path.
Some people just don’t or won’t let in any information in their brains except what they were told to believe, those are the people who don’t think for themselves. Especially doctors who just blindly go along with what their high up in their field tells them to think. I believe some may just shut anything else down because to find out everything they were doing to people was wrong and hurting/killing people will mess up their minds. In their minds they did what they could to help their patients.
Our doctor who we have been with for like 15 yrs told us to get the vaxx and she didn’t think the supplements would do anything to boost our immune, said ivermectin doesn’t work. I was shocked because this isn’t the doctor I know, who took over her mind? Makes me think about looking for a new doctor, but who would I go to if they are all controlled?
Keep in mind when you take the jab to protect your position, your job, it will be of little use or comfort in the event of death or an adverse reaction such as a blood clot resulting in stroke, cancer, heart attack, etc. You give an inch it will never end: 2 shots, a booster, then yearly boosters, then the flu shot combined with Covid shot.
Civil rights lawyers were prepping soon as shit got crappy. I know personally know 3 in my area that started drafting everything up. Just waiting for the mandates to kick in. This is gonna be good. I wish it wasn’t such a slow process. The mandate just hit my husband and I’m disgusted. I think we are about to see it explode at the Supreme Court. Sydney just popped out of the shadow with updates.
Deadline was today 10-1-21
I got my write up today a verbal, a coaching and final written today. I was given 5 more days to comply which is tuesday if not by then termination. I signed the paper and got thier signatures and copys. They are shocked at how many are saying no. I told them I am willing to loose everything for my convictions then said is the CO. Ready to. Looked at me with them crazy liberal eyes of like just submit we just gave you 4 dollar raise.. I will not Submit!!
Maybe too late to help, and I don't know how it would work in the military, but you might want to look at what I'm doing at my company using The Common Law: part 1, part 2, part 3. See my comments for some details.
My company is not forcing the jab yet, so I am only fighting masking and testing at this time. The principle is the same, however -- these are unwanted medical interventions.
All Western law is based on The Common Law, which is for us. That is, for the commoner. If you serve a Conditional Notice on you CO, Normal lawyers won't see this as a threat, because they don't understand it. Hundreds of years of obfuscating statutes have inverted things to the point that the legal profession does not know that The Common Law is supreme.
So you still might get discharged. But once started, a discharge will not end the legal process, and it will worsen their case. The matter gets resolved as long as you keep pushing.
So proud of you! I just found out that my son's homeschool corporation (IEM in California) is planning to fire employees who do not submit to the vax or ongoing testing. I only personally know of one employee facing termination. For me, one person wrongfully and illegally terminated is enough for me to stand up for. I sent the following letter to the directors.
"Thanks Cynthia and hello to the rest of the gang,
I imagine you must all be aware that mandates are not laws. Further, any mandate which is in violation of Federal and International Law must be disobeyed. Any consequences or fines a State Government may attempt to impose on IEM for refusal to participate in a mandate which violates Federal and International Law would not be upheld in a court of law.
If IEM pushes forward with this action IEM and IEM individual stakeholders are opening themselves up to very serious legal action. I do not believe individuals at IEM who violate Federal and International Laws will be able to hide behind a State Mandate when charges are brought against them. I am open to finding out though.
Looking forward to hearing an announcement soon that IEM stakeholders have decided to do the right thing both morally and legally in this challenging time.
This does not affect me directly but it still really pisses me off and I am looking into attorneys who can deliver a cease and desist letter as a starting point on my behalf. I sure hope there are some other patriots out there willing to put their money where their mouth is.
Here are the commie email addresses for anyone who is up to help out with my cause. It is only one skirmish. Many more battles ahead:
Cynthia Rachel •
Jodi Jones
Burke Wallace
Yeah unless it’s a “right to work” state.b You can be fired for things other than mandates. Don’t take the vaccine? Written off the schedule or they find another reason to fire you. Most jobs have no unions or representation. Lawyers cost money too. Not trying to be a doomer, but the cards are stacked against patriot angels of the lord!
The EEOC, meaning the feds, just sued and won against a company a short while ago for religious discrimination and vaccines. Weird it’s even an issue at the moment.
Marjorie greene, we love you but stop already. Ppl are loosing their jobs and it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to be rehired under this bullshit dictator in chief. When are the lawsuits gonna happen? Christmas time? Ppl need jobs soon. Sue these damn tyrants now cause once you do, everyone will have gotten the vax out of needing to feed their kids and those same corporations will get what they wanted.
Nuremberg resulted in a mass hanging...
Big Mike, The time has come for the people who wanted to be left alone to move. We need a leader or a catalyst to get this party started. I'm old but I'm in. Let's do this......
Spot on - ropes need to deployed and used.
Check the drops for the importance of lawsuits.
The problem with doing things legally is they have to plod through the legal system. If you want to just get a mob of people together with torches, pitchforks, and AR-15's you'll be shot in the street like dogs, made out to be lunatics by the lamestream media, and worse. You know, everything that should've been happening to Antifa.
Would they ? “A mob” of Patriots with AR’s and pistols can rival most police forces in the USA.
I wonder the actual response. They send a SWAT team ? Of 6-8 ? They send national guard ?
Son in Army is being forced to get vax or will be flagged and not able to go forward with Captain planned in February.
So this is hitting home. You just can't say 'no' despite having rights as it affects one livelihood and family stability. And to top it off, they send him to 'where ever he wants to go' so there is no real choice if 'preferred' vaccine as you have to go with whatever is in stick when your time has run out.
The rotten politicians must be forced out NOW. Americans are the ones suffering while the illegals, select groups like white house staff, post office staff, etc, get away with anything and everything
Die on your feet or live on your knees. It’s everyone’s responsibility to stand up for what they believe in and to not follow unconstitutional orders.
Ask Stuart Scheller if he chose his career over his beliefs.
Life or a job, life or school, life or the military. It looks like people value other things and not their own life/health. Personally, this is my red line, I will not bend nor cave. They can fire me, I don't care. I'll leave with my life and health intact. That's priceless to me. I realize it's a difficult decision but once you get, you can't undo it.
The Precipice applies to us, too! We are not exempt because we understand what's happening. We have to find the will to change and break free as well!
First off Thank You to your son for his service. I'm sorry your son is put in a position no one should have to make.
My son was active duty Army a few yrs ago and is now in NG. He will leave if they try to make him get the jab or the flu shot. Flu shots Always makes him sick with flu symptoms, but every year they make him get it. I talked to him about it, and he has done his research and will refuse.
But I believe the NG have a mandate date sometime in the 2022 summer time, so he may have a lot more time than your son. At his last drill he said they didn't even mention the vaxx, so he will wait until the tell him to get it or leave.
I think like some others have said, either he makes a stand like other soldiers or he falls in line and takes the vaxx, possibly having health issues or loose his life to the jab. To me my sons life & health is more important than a job, no matter the pay or the rank.
I hope things work out for your son whatever he decides to do.
Thank you for your response. You are a GREAT parent and seem a wonderful person)
My son and I spoke last night and he told me he wouldn't be able to comply as it goes against everything he believes in...
After much conversation, he texted later last night saying he 'doesn't know what God's plan for him is, but it must be big'.
I am a nurse by the way, and have been distressed by this entire manipulation. I argue with my liberal doctor neighbor and have not been successful convincing him to think independently by looking at the realities that surround us. (Homeless aren't dying, cancer up in vaxed, countries using ivermecton with lower death rates, infection detection by PCR a joke)
It would have devastated me if my son acquiesced simply bc he has hopes of pursuing law school after Captain and wanted college benefits saved for his 10 yr old son...
Thank you again for such a kind and thoughtful response. It was my husband (died 2 years ago) and other son in Army (died 3 years ago) that used to have these types conversations with me that healed my heart and strengthened my resolve when I couldn't think straight.
Have a great day.
I’m glad your son listened to your concerns, and he knows God has plans for him maybe in a different direction than he thought. My husband and I always say when things don’t go the way we hoped it would that it wasn’t meant to be, God has other plans for us and He will show us the path.
Some people just don’t or won’t let in any information in their brains except what they were told to believe, those are the people who don’t think for themselves. Especially doctors who just blindly go along with what their high up in their field tells them to think. I believe some may just shut anything else down because to find out everything they were doing to people was wrong and hurting/killing people will mess up their minds. In their minds they did what they could to help their patients.
Our doctor who we have been with for like 15 yrs told us to get the vaxx and she didn’t think the supplements would do anything to boost our immune, said ivermectin doesn’t work. I was shocked because this isn’t the doctor I know, who took over her mind? Makes me think about looking for a new doctor, but who would I go to if they are all controlled?
If he was about to be shot by the enemy would you tell him to take it so he can keep his career?
He can be restored after. For now he must survive e his skills in tact.
Keep in mind when you take the jab to protect your position, your job, it will be of little use or comfort in the event of death or an adverse reaction such as a blood clot resulting in stroke, cancer, heart attack, etc. You give an inch it will never end: 2 shots, a booster, then yearly boosters, then the flu shot combined with Covid shot.
And, there's nothing to stop them from firing you the week after anyway.
They are demanding you comply to their demands and offer nothing in return.
If they force a jab, make them sign a 5 year employment contract with inbuilt pay raises etc.
Then don't get the jab and look for a better job anyway, people that coerce others need to be shunned from society
Yup! They are gonna be sued to oblivion.
i predict there are soon to be thousands of class action law suits....attorneys are gonna have a grand ole time.
Civil rights lawyers were prepping soon as shit got crappy. I know personally know 3 in my area that started drafting everything up. Just waiting for the mandates to kick in. This is gonna be good. I wish it wasn’t such a slow process. The mandate just hit my husband and I’m disgusted. I think we are about to see it explode at the Supreme Court. Sydney just popped out of the shadow with updates.
Deadline was today 10-1-21 I got my write up today a verbal, a coaching and final written today. I was given 5 more days to comply which is tuesday if not by then termination. I signed the paper and got thier signatures and copys. They are shocked at how many are saying no. I told them I am willing to loose everything for my convictions then said is the CO. Ready to. Looked at me with them crazy liberal eyes of like just submit we just gave you 4 dollar raise.. I will not Submit!!
Maybe too late to help, and I don't know how it would work in the military, but you might want to look at what I'm doing at my company using The Common Law: part 1, part 2, part 3. See my comments for some details.
My company is not forcing the jab yet, so I am only fighting masking and testing at this time. The principle is the same, however -- these are unwanted medical interventions.
All Western law is based on The Common Law, which is for us. That is, for the commoner. If you serve a Conditional Notice on you CO, Normal lawyers won't see this as a threat, because they don't understand it. Hundreds of years of obfuscating statutes have inverted things to the point that the legal profession does not know that The Common Law is supreme.
So you still might get discharged. But once started, a discharge will not end the legal process, and it will worsen their case. The matter gets resolved as long as you keep pushing.
So proud of you! I just found out that my son's homeschool corporation (IEM in California) is planning to fire employees who do not submit to the vax or ongoing testing. I only personally know of one employee facing termination. For me, one person wrongfully and illegally terminated is enough for me to stand up for. I sent the following letter to the directors.
"Thanks Cynthia and hello to the rest of the gang,
I imagine you must all be aware that mandates are not laws. Further, any mandate which is in violation of Federal and International Law must be disobeyed. Any consequences or fines a State Government may attempt to impose on IEM for refusal to participate in a mandate which violates Federal and International Law would not be upheld in a court of law.
If IEM pushes forward with this action IEM and IEM individual stakeholders are opening themselves up to very serious legal action. I do not believe individuals at IEM who violate Federal and International Laws will be able to hide behind a State Mandate when charges are brought against them. I am open to finding out though.
Looking forward to hearing an announcement soon that IEM stakeholders have decided to do the right thing both morally and legally in this challenging time.
This does not affect me directly but it still really pisses me off and I am looking into attorneys who can deliver a cease and desist letter as a starting point on my behalf. I sure hope there are some other patriots out there willing to put their money where their mouth is.
Here are the commie email addresses for anyone who is up to help out with my cause. It is only one skirmish. Many more battles ahead: Cynthia Rachel • Jodi Jones Burke Wallace
Just wait and keep discipline, this vax is going to destroy them.
Yeah unless it’s a “right to work” state.b You can be fired for things other than mandates. Don’t take the vaccine? Written off the schedule or they find another reason to fire you. Most jobs have no unions or representation. Lawyers cost money too. Not trying to be a doomer, but the cards are stacked against patriot angels of the lord!
Praised be my loves
The EEOC, meaning the feds, just sued and won against a company a short while ago for religious discrimination and vaccines. Weird it’s even an issue at the moment.
There will be retribution of some kind. The Unvaccinated are not just going to sit by and take this abuse and persecution.
Love it
Im going to wait until my job fires me for not getting vaccinated, im neither going to get tested. I want in on that lawsuit >:)
My job hasnt fired me yet, i intend to stay because they seem to respect my choice.
No matter the company, they should be then away from the owner ad penalty and given to those got fired for not vaxxjng.
Marjorie greene, we love you but stop already. Ppl are loosing their jobs and it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to be rehired under this bullshit dictator in chief. When are the lawsuits gonna happen? Christmas time? Ppl need jobs soon. Sue these damn tyrants now cause once you do, everyone will have gotten the vax out of needing to feed their kids and those same corporations will get what they wanted.
You can’t sue until there is harm done. If people aren’t fired yet they have no standing.
What do you want her to do? She's doing the work of 2 of most other Republicans.
And having to fight most other Republicans at the same time.
I mis-posted.
If you don’t, we will investigate you for 4 years and release a scathing editorial on the report that will be forthcoming within 1-30 years.