Any foreign interference affecting multiple states from foreign nations. The border is foreign individuals. If Mexico was invading it would be federal. Or another country came through Mexico, not necessarily citizens of that country.
I'll admit I'm not as well versed as some. Do you know of any post numbers or deltas that would indicate the cargo backlog is related to EO 13848? My impression is that it is at least partially due to California trucking regulations.
Setting aside more land for containers isn't going to do squat If the Commies still want to prohibit any trucks older than 3 years old from entering the ports.
Since a crisis is a precious form of currency to the Marxist, I would not anticipate him actually solving the problem.
I'd be willing to bet someone in his horde owns the land they will use and the use of the land will cost some freakish amount. Then, only Teamsters will be allowed to handle the containers from port to storage. And the paperwork! Oh the oceans of paperwork, registrations, stickers, tags, permits! Just enough for a good Marxist to get all wet over.
This won't solve anything, but an entire new department will be born and billions of taxpayer dollars will be "invested"
Not only that, they are going to dump the supplies and hide them, just like they did in Haiti.
And like they did in Puerto Rico with all the containers full of food, dog food & water. All went to waste sitting on some empty lot somewhere, and rats got into the food.
And this in the article...
While the state seeks to exempt weight limits for trucks to carry more items at a faster rate, Mercogliano foresees damaged roads from carrying heavy containers.
Will they then say they need more money from the Federal Gov to help fix their damaged roads after all this is done? They are already setting it up to get aid sent their way.
I had a thought of "what if there were Chinese troops in some of those containers".
In that case, Newsome could bypass the weigh stations and stage the containers near critical infrastructure. With no one weighing the containers, that's less inspections, if a container is heavier than it should be no one would notice.
So the ports are backed up... and his solution is to find State land to store additional containers so the backup can just continue backing up on land? And how, pray tell, are you going to move those containers from the ports to that state land, if you already don't have the throughput to load the containers onto trucks and ship them out??
removes weight limits on trucking freight routes to transport more goods
I just had a crazy thought. What if containers were actually more Haitians coming in illegally??? So let's bypass Import Clearance laws at dock and deliver them through other routes. I said it was a Crazy thought. But we can't dispute crazy today
. . . suggesting that the stand-off was ordered by white hats . . . Hotta wonder why DeSantos did this first, unless it just opens the door for any friendlies still out there. Not many of them left . . .
Archive Link for Paywall
Thanks for this!
So this is interesting. If we know that EO 13848 is holding up the cargo ships, does a governor's EO override the federal EO? Interesting.
right, but ... the federal govt doesn't have jurisdiction over the states, right?
The Great Aaakening is partially about States,realizing they,are way more powerful than a corrupt shit hole.
I'm not sure you're right, fren. Eminent domain refers to property rights.
State > Federal normally. When international (like this), federal > state.
Yea this is kinda like if Texas tried to commandeer border patrol
I read the EO as international, is it not?
Any foreign interference affecting multiple states from foreign nations. The border is foreign individuals. If Mexico was invading it would be federal. Or another country came through Mexico, not necessarily citizens of that country.
good point.
Do we know that EO 13848 is actually involved? Who would enforce it? All I've seen is speculation so far.
You obviously don't study your q drops friend. check it out... you'll learn a lot!
I'll admit I'm not as well versed as some. Do you know of any post numbers or deltas that would indicate the cargo backlog is related to EO 13848? My impression is that it is at least partially due to California trucking regulations.
I woudn't put it past them
I never got why they keep voting dems in then newsom got reecheated in his recall then it all made sense.
Setting aside more land for containers isn't going to do squat If the Commies still want to prohibit any trucks older than 3 years old from entering the ports.
Since a crisis is a precious form of currency to the Marxist, I would not anticipate him actually solving the problem.
I'd be willing to bet someone in his horde owns the land they will use and the use of the land will cost some freakish amount. Then, only Teamsters will be allowed to handle the containers from port to storage. And the paperwork! Oh the oceans of paperwork, registrations, stickers, tags, permits! Just enough for a good Marxist to get all wet over.
This won't solve anything, but an entire new department will be born and billions of taxpayer dollars will be "invested"
And like they did in Puerto Rico with all the containers full of food, dog food & water. All went to waste sitting on some empty lot somewhere, and rats got into the food.
And this in the article...
Will they then say they need more money from the Federal Gov to help fix their damaged roads after all this is done? They are already setting it up to get aid sent their way.
I had a thought of "what if there were Chinese troops in some of those containers".
In that case, Newsome could bypass the weigh stations and stage the containers near critical infrastructure. With no one weighing the containers, that's less inspections, if a container is heavier than it should be no one would notice.
So the ports are backed up... and his solution is to find State land to store additional containers so the backup can just continue backing up on land? And how, pray tell, are you going to move those containers from the ports to that state land, if you already don't have the throughput to load the containers onto trucks and ship them out??
Can't wait for that to backfire.
Rail if it's in the right place
$$$$$ for Buffet
Isn't it partially due to a CA law prohibiting certain trucks around emissions or age or something?
Why doesn't he just temporarily waive this?
This may alleviate port traffic, but doubt it'll do anything to help supply chains.
Agree…other Pedes have highlighted this may also be an Trump EO byproduct- no way do the Dems wanna talk about that
I'm not even sure how it alleviates port traffic if there aren't enough crane operators and things like that.
Storage space?
Thats not even the main problem in the supply chain issue.
This EO sounds like a giant smokescreen that doesn't actually do anything.
Probably just PR garbage to make him look better.
Also no owner-operator trucks.
They will find land to store the good.
So they'll basically seize the goods? And then how would one go about getting their hands on it?
I just had a crazy thought. What if containers were actually more Haitians coming in illegally??? So let's bypass Import Clearance laws at dock and deliver them through other routes. I said it was a Crazy thought. But we can't dispute crazy today
It's the foriginers and immigrant driver that are the problem
Too late they're already inundated
. . . suggesting that the stand-off was ordered by white hats . . . Hotta wonder why DeSantos did this first, unless it just opens the door for any friendlies still out there. Not many of them left . . .
Let me guess, sink them?