These people see Humanity as a pig farm, they torture and eat children, do medical experiments on Humanity and now they want to start turning us into cyborgs. They all need to be shredded to pieces.
A prime agenda item on Trumps next term should be categorising the WEF as a terrorist group, seizing all assets owned by them or their members, and having a standing world-wide kill order for Klaus Schwab and all of the higher ups in their organization. If he is still alive by then.
A lot of people do say that in the end times Tribulation it will be a very rare occasion than someone can find Jesus because of some sort of technology (i.e. mark of the beast // mind control).
Could "The Beast" = Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Couple that with "The Mark" and being plugged in everywhere/anywhere thanks to Elon's "Internet everywhere" (Starlink).
Thats fine by him, it'll be nigerian UN troops dying to make it happen, not him, it's never them who risk skin in the game, this whole "Over my dead body" trope is misapplied and misunderstood. They might care if it was "Try intialising this and your life is liable", as is, they've learned they can do anything at all and no one actually cares.
He mentions that Zuckerberg already had his own personalized robot. This fits in with Zuckerberg’s recent announcement about changing the name of Facebook to Meta and its focus on connecting humans to the meta verse. These people are serious and relentless. Sad thing is there are probably many young “digital natives” who will think connecting their brain directly to the internet is cool.
A nanobot capable of collecting sophisticated data (such as body characteristics, location, etc) and transmitting it to a central location, working independently in someone’s body (I guess floating in their bloodstream) does not exist. The technology to get us even CLOSE to that doesn’t exist.
The patent is very interesting, but almost immediately we come to the paragraph illustrating challenges they have. See below:
The development of a fifth generation of nanotechnologies faces several challenges. First, the manufacturing of nanoparts is difficult. Second, the assembly of nanoparts into functional devices is a major challenge. Third, the control and management of nanosystems is complex. Since physical properties operate differently at the nano-scale than at the macro-scale, we need to design systems that accommodate these unique physical forces.
The problems to identify include how to:
• Build nanorobots
• Connect nanodevices
• Develop a nanorobotic power source
• Develop nanorobotic computation
• Develop specific nanorobotic functionality
• Develop nanorobotic communication system(s)
• Develop multi-functional nanorobotics
• Activate nanorobotic functionality
• Develop nanorobotic computer programming
• Develop an external tracking procedure for a nanorobot
• Develop an external activation of a nanorobot
• Develop a hybrid control system for nanorobots
• Use AI for nanorobots
• Obtain environmental inputs via sensors Developing Solutions to these Problems
All of these above things still need to be completed, including, how to build a nanodevice. The patent is on the design, but they still don't have the technology capable of making any of this happen. We are a long long way from this becoming a reality, strictly based on technological advances.
It's not bullshit. There is no device that can function at any capacity close to what is being suggested. In no way can it give you the data that a smartphone does, and we buy that intentionally.
Or, if you microwave it (I assume you mean destroy it), then what? You cut yourself off from communication? As long as you own a phone, you’re being tracked.
Meat installed chips are messy, prone to failing, and will nee to be literally hacked out of your body.
Mobile phones are already tracking and spying devices. Increasingly you cannot even function without one.
Why do they want chips in people? Unless its the human version of ear tags with a serial number. Which, an RFID tag is short range at best, and just redundant to the always-on location tracking of your phone.
And our current brown shirts would happily hold everybody down while it's being done. They want their $500 bonus after all. After all, they just wanted to go home to their families.
He makes it sound like it will be a very helpful product. I am not so sure what they want to use something like this for.
They do all this "for the good of humanity" but what is the real reason behind their ideas and who is thinking these things up?
These people see Humanity as a pig farm, they torture and eat children, do medical experiments on Humanity and now they want to start turning us into cyborgs. They all need to be shredded to pieces.
My years of scepticism have finally ended. I now believe in literal Demons, and that is what these foul abominations are.
The Mark of the Beast seems so real when they start talking about microchips in your head and hands...
They may be demonic, but they're not bu11etproof.
Yes!!!!! Bring on the wood chippers!
Outer Space without a suit I want this thing and the others with him off this planet.
By 2026 it shouldn't make Klaus Schwab a bit of difference. He should be feeding the worms for a least a couple years by then.
If he is not then the patriots aren't doing their jobs.
A prime agenda item on Trumps next term should be categorising the WEF as a terrorist group, seizing all assets owned by them or their members, and having a standing world-wide kill order for Klaus Schwab and all of the higher ups in their organization. If he is still alive by then.
Absolutely - he should be room temperature along with gates and soros and a few other Bloefeld cosplay MFers…
These people are dark occultists. Generations don't mean much to them. They play a long, long, game.
"Aren't?" Try "Haven't been!"
I guarantee I won't have a microchip.
Maybe we could look into are-pee-gees then
The hell I will.
God bless us with the Holy Spirit to deny this madness, pedes. In Jesus name amen.
He's talking about chipping every human and then talks about how they will have mindless slave robots as if they're two different things.
Maybe chipped humans are the mindless robots.
A lot of people do say that in the end times Tribulation it will be a very rare occasion than someone can find Jesus because of some sort of technology (i.e. mark of the beast // mind control).
Could "The Beast" = Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Couple that with "The Mark" and being plugged in everywhere/anywhere thanks to Elon's "Internet everywhere" (Starlink).
It's a scary thought isn't it, how it's all playing out before our eyes now.
Also how fast they are moving now to get it done it's like they know time is running out.
I pray everyday to hear the trumpet blast and Im starting to think it's coming sooner than we realise.
Over my ammunition spent body
Thats fine by him, it'll be nigerian UN troops dying to make it happen, not him, it's never them who risk skin in the game, this whole "Over my dead body" trope is misapplied and misunderstood. They might care if it was "Try intialising this and your life is liable", as is, they've learned they can do anything at all and no one actually cares.
Bahahaha what a day that would be to see a bunch of retarded Nigerians trying to do anything militarily. BAHAHAHA
"Go to that village and kill anyone who resists" doesn't require great strategic minds when they have drone overwatch from China or wherever.
Underground:// #theResistance.
He mentions that Zuckerberg already had his own personalized robot. This fits in with Zuckerberg’s recent announcement about changing the name of Facebook to Meta and its focus on connecting humans to the meta verse. These people are serious and relentless. Sad thing is there are probably many young “digital natives” who will think connecting their brain directly to the internet is cool.
They’re also genuinely retarded.
You basically already have one with your smartphone. Why would we implant it?
I do find it ironic that the smartphone = in the hand... and the VR headset (Metaverse) is on the forehead.
Well if our eyes were on our hands then maybe that’s where the VR headset is, but yeah I guess the eyes being close to the forehead is “irony.”
And somehow a chip that fits in your body is going to work better than a phone?
What would power it, how would it transmit, what data would it even gather?
I might have to suggest the same for you.
A nanobot capable of collecting sophisticated data (such as body characteristics, location, etc) and transmitting it to a central location, working independently in someone’s body (I guess floating in their bloodstream) does not exist. The technology to get us even CLOSE to that doesn’t exist.
The patent is very interesting, but almost immediately we come to the paragraph illustrating challenges they have. See below:
All of these above things still need to be completed, including, how to build a nanodevice. The patent is on the design, but they still don't have the technology capable of making any of this happen. We are a long long way from this becoming a reality, strictly based on technological advances.
Water absorbs microwaves, and outside of laboratory use, nanobot are fiction.
It's not bullshit. There is no device that can function at any capacity close to what is being suggested. In no way can it give you the data that a smartphone does, and we buy that intentionally.
And then it will “reappear” once you unwrap it.
Or, if you microwave it (I assume you mean destroy it), then what? You cut yourself off from communication? As long as you own a phone, you’re being tracked.
Then the phone is now useless, if it's turned off and just sitting in a microwave. Why buy the phone then?
Or leave it home. Or don't buy one in the first place.
He shouldn't worry about it since he's not going to be around much longer....
Klaus seems like the type right up there with Soros. Not sure which is worse?
This dude needs to be eliminated. Gone. Dust.
It’s time to start hunting these people
…and very shortly after that, we will be completely superfluous and expendable.
Why though?
Meat installed chips are messy, prone to failing, and will nee to be literally hacked out of your body.
Mobile phones are already tracking and spying devices. Increasingly you cannot even function without one.
Why do they want chips in people? Unless its the human version of ear tags with a serial number. Which, an RFID tag is short range at best, and just redundant to the always-on location tracking of your phone.
Never happen now unless the awakened turn back into idiots.
And our current brown shirts would happily hold everybody down while it's being done. They want their $500 bonus after all. After all, they just wanted to go home to their families.
He required both great and small to receive the mark.
He makes it sound like it will be a very helpful product. I am not so sure what they want to use something like this for. They do all this "for the good of humanity" but what is the real reason behind their ideas and who is thinking these things up?
We will have to insert the chip to see how it works...