I don't think this has to do with punishing the unvaxxed. It has to do with this:
The hospitals/ERs are already filling up and they are filling up with vaxxed people. Somebody is going to ask, "Why are the hospitals filling up with vaccinated people?" Without this EO the answer is, "Because the vax is making people sick." With this EO the answer is, "Because the unvaxxed aren't allowed in the hospitals."
Love your reply but can’t disagree more….I’ll be more shocked if anything happens to anyone. Trust me I want it to be true but with our justice system unless he was conservative and trespassed he won’t be charged maybe doesn’t run for re election at most. Please remember this and make me eat my words one day
My guess is they're lucky if 40% of Americans are jabbed including those that got "simply saline". That leaves a good majority to flip the switch on their electric chairs or cut the rope at the gallows or pull the release on the guillotines. jmho
My neighbor who was vaxxed in late summer just got out of the hospital and ICU bc he needed to have a Triple Bypass done. He developed angina AFTER the vax. I went over yesterday to deliver some extra peppers I harvested in my garden and his wife came to the door.
I asked how he was doing and he was healing up fine but now has a case of bad case of the shingles.
I still read through the VAERS website weekly, have been since spring. I mainly read the ones that died. What trend I am seeing is between 3 and 7 months is when they start getting sick and then test positive for C19 of course based on the fake pcr test. That's if they don't die right away. I guess they're getting what amounts to the flu and their immune system is so compromised by that point, they can't fight off the flu.
Thanks. If I see the narrative of keeping the unvaxxed out of hospitals expand, like if Biden issues an order on it, then I'll be pretty sure what the reason is. Could be that they are testing the public's response in Colorado before rolling out something more expansive.
No, I don't think it's a good thing to deny unvaxxed people access to hospitals. And this EO is tyrannical for sure. I'm saying that the hospitals ARE about to fill up with sick vaxxed people. That's happening already. People are going to ask why hospitals are packed with vaxxed people but the unvaxxed are not there. The obvious answer is going to be that the vaccine is making people sick. People will say that vaccinated people are in the hospital because the vaccine is making them sick while the unvaccinated aren't having that same problem. That won't look good for the pro-vaccine narrative. But with this EO in place when people ask why there is a surge of vaxxed people in the hospital but NOT a surge of unvaxxed, there will be an alternative answer available that will protect the pro-vaxx narrative: They will say, "Of course the hospitals are full of the vaxxed while the unvaxxed are absent. It's not because the vaccine is making people sick. It's because the unvaxxed aren't allowed inside."
I agree. But going forward, though it breaks my heart and I hope I'm wrong, if this vaccine is going to really make people sick, and it's really obvious, even the normies are going to start critically thinking in a hurry.
Fortunately, there are still enough sane states that this excuse isn't going to work. We have a firm control group of unvaxxed and also of states where no-jab no-care policies aren't being enacted.
The weird part is that most of the hospitals are so short staffed that when they're saying that they're full, the only thing they're full of is shit. What are they doing with all of that covid money that they're getting to kill people?
No this dude is a monster and the hospitals are incredibly stupid.
I had crowds gasping because I wouldn't wear a mask to get subway for a doordash order in a hospital. I think they banned me from that place and I got fired from dd the next day. Pure discrimination like maybe you shouldn't have a public business in the hospital then.
But if my faggot ass wants a cake you better bake it for me how I demand!
To be honest this is a blessing for the unvaccinated. Hospitals are terrible. People have just been brainwashed into believing they are centers of healing.
Without excessive government interference they could even do this today. I read on here a few weeks ago that they are opening up NEw health centers in Canada with all the unvaxxed doctors and nurses who were fired.
So has Texas but you don’t see Texans moving. We’re not letting those fucking shit tards take over the state. It’s an incredible, beautiful place to live and I’m not ceding ground to them here. We still hold most of central, East, and south CO, along with much of the front range.
Most of Colorado is incredibly red. Just a few small areas where the cheating was rampant turned it blue. Governor cocksucker was installed not elected... There are not nearly enough blue npc retards in those small areas to overpower the rest of the state. The Recall Polis movement that they changed the date on, but had enough signatures was proof of that.
I think back to 2009 and 2010 when the ACA (Obama care) was being debated publicly. I remember all the supporters telling is that health care is a human right for everyone. For some reason in only a decade, all of that appears to have changed and now health care is only a right if you've complied properly with the latest covid restrictions (vaccine/ mask).
Funny how important narratives from a decade ago are completely missing now from public discourse. It's as if people just spout off with something they think sounds good to them in the moment, but nobody cares anymore to be consistent with their supposed principles throughout their lifetimes.
Weird, in the 80s we didn't turn away people with AIDS because we knew it was unethical but now people are so brainwashed to believe anything they hear about this fake vax they're telling you to take something that we all know is poison and if you don't you're not welcome in society.
They manage to heavily brainwash my friend who even voted for Trump in 2020 - my friend has taken a staunch position to strongly defend the vax despite numerous evidence that it's dangerous and also justifies supporting the mandates. I asked - okay then when one day they justify and mandates eating feces before work or groceries what would you do? Unfortunately my friend said that then they'll eat it
If you told these people that the guy pushing the carts at the grocery store will be administering anal swabbing to test for CPP flu you know at least 20% of the people would do it.
And so it begins. First do no harm flew out the window. I was curious on that. Our local hospital turned my husband away for a heart attack a few weeks back. They said go to your cardiologist. Bunch of assholes. No money in a heart attach that isn't fake covid related. Just wow
As a person who has worked in emergency care, our objective was to save lives and not make judgment calls on the personal decisions of the people we were treating- drug addicts, prostitutes, criminals, alcoholics, brain injured, HIV, syphilis, TB. It was not our decision their quality of life after treatment, or whether they were "worth" saving. All of us had the goal to "save". And we put ourselves at risk to do it.
This decision will have severe impact on the medical field as a whole. Now we become the arbiter of who lives and dies based on our own sense of morality and justice?!
Many wont but the medical field has its sociopaths and sadists who are only held back somewhat by what the normal standard of care is and what we have been taught over and over again..we don't make distinctions....but now the governor opened that door to make distinctions. And the mentally and morally weak will do it. And like anything else, over time, it will become the standard. We must fight against this.
I dunno, I've been to a few ER's and you go in there looking as square as leave it to beaver, and they always assume that you are some STD infested, drug addict, sex fiend. When their first check is to not listen to anything you say and run the std panel on you, it's not really saving lives. Maybe the ER folks just get to a point where they are just desensitized and calloused, but in my experience I've seen a lot of assholes in the ER.
HMMMMMM Isnt this against the Do no harm thing they swear on???? And the promise to help all those who are in need??? Like dafuq??? Should these people have licenses pulled?
I agree. I keep promoting that fired docs and nurses open up clinics. Besides honest and compassionate care, they are competition for the death hospitals.
It is possible hospitals for vaxed only will die off and close eventually.
If I may, I would like to add this to the discussion...
God separated the wheat from the chaff this past April...we are the wheat, they are the chaff. The persecution will continue to grow as we near THEIR judgement. God wants us separate and to remain still at this point. Evil is hard at work in the minds of many of those chosen with threats and confusion. Evil is desperately trying to gather what God has set aside. Fear not.....We are chosen and have the army of God and the angels of mercy as our protectors.
Faith will be strengthened during this time. Humility in the eyes of the Lord is a must as He is about to release His wrath upon them. We will be cast out....but this will be the salvation we know has been promised us. This may not look like it but this is a blessing. Gain comfort in knowing your exclusion from THEIR world ensures your inclusion in the new world God has both promised and shown many seers.
Prepare yourself and your family....It. Will. Get. Worse.....not dooming, just honest.
Blessings for God's chosen for we choose to suffer in order to destroy evil's hold on humanity.
I believe EMTALA laws protect anyone showing up for care. They have to be stabilized. If it’s not an emergency, they shouldn’t be there anyway. That’s what urgent care and primary care are for.
He was one of the people that led for Trump to release his taxes. His taxes came out this week, he paid none of course, for many years, and little other years.
Fuck face Polis was heavily invested in Canadian oil, meanwhile he was trying to squash the competition by shutting down drilling in Colorado. Follow the money with this fag. I'd be willing to bet he's on Dominion's payroll as well.
After he was able to suppress his wrongful imprisonment during his elections, which precisely what he did is a crime in CO, hanging up while someone calls the cops on you, which led to him changing his name, I knew he wasn't going to be able to be touched. He wants to be the first gay president, I'm hoping these tax issues stop that. Not because of his personal beliefs, but because of his terrible politics.
The keystone of socialism/communism is health care. We are watching blatant government control of access to health care. Control access, control the people.
This governor needs to go and we don't need nukes or F35's...
It won't stand. There are rules regarding admission and ability to pay. You cannot withhold medical treatment. Our hospital will turn away non life threatened patients to another facility when we go into "B" status. B status is when the Emergency Center is at capacity and only life threatened patients are brought in.
In general, hospitals can refuse treatment (if for insurance though that is a violation and will be fined 100k) but they can't refuse a Medical Screening Exam to make sure you are stable.
I don't think this has to do with punishing the unvaxxed. It has to do with this:
The hospitals/ERs are already filling up and they are filling up with vaxxed people. Somebody is going to ask, "Why are the hospitals filling up with vaccinated people?" Without this EO the answer is, "Because the vax is making people sick." With this EO the answer is, "Because the unvaxxed aren't allowed in the hospitals."
Yep. Just said this to my hubby. Wonder if they’ll still think the kickbacks were worth it when they’re on trial and facing the death penalty.
Trials are coming just like for the Nazis. The defense of I was just following orders will not hold up today as it didn't back then.
Love your reply but can’t disagree more….I’ll be more shocked if anything happens to anyone. Trust me I want it to be true but with our justice system unless he was conservative and trespassed he won’t be charged maybe doesn’t run for re election at most. Please remember this and make me eat my words one day
If you think that, you’re posting in the wrong forum.
My prayer is that I am a juror on those trials
We are going to have thousands of wind chimes
If the vax does what it was designed to do there won't be anyone to try or to put them on trial.
My guess is they're lucky if 40% of Americans are jabbed including those that got "simply saline". That leaves a good majority to flip the switch on their electric chairs or cut the rope at the gallows or pull the release on the guillotines. jmho
My neighbor who was vaxxed in late summer just got out of the hospital and ICU bc he needed to have a Triple Bypass done. He developed angina AFTER the vax. I went over yesterday to deliver some extra peppers I harvested in my garden and his wife came to the door.
I asked how he was doing and he was healing up fine but now has a case of bad case of the shingles.
His immune system is dead.
I still read through the VAERS website weekly, have been since spring. I mainly read the ones that died. What trend I am seeing is between 3 and 7 months is when they start getting sick and then test positive for C19 of course based on the fake pcr test. That's if they don't die right away. I guess they're getting what amounts to the flu and their immune system is so compromised by that point, they can't fight off the flu.
I've been hearing of an increase in shingles in older folks who took the jab. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. ;-)
I like the way you think...
Thanks. If I see the narrative of keeping the unvaxxed out of hospitals expand, like if Biden issues an order on it, then I'll be pretty sure what the reason is. Could be that they are testing the public's response in Colorado before rolling out something more expansive.
No, I don't think it's a good thing to deny unvaxxed people access to hospitals. And this EO is tyrannical for sure. I'm saying that the hospitals ARE about to fill up with sick vaxxed people. That's happening already. People are going to ask why hospitals are packed with vaxxed people but the unvaxxed are not there. The obvious answer is going to be that the vaccine is making people sick. People will say that vaccinated people are in the hospital because the vaccine is making them sick while the unvaccinated aren't having that same problem. That won't look good for the pro-vaccine narrative. But with this EO in place when people ask why there is a surge of vaxxed people in the hospital but NOT a surge of unvaxxed, there will be an alternative answer available that will protect the pro-vaxx narrative: They will say, "Of course the hospitals are full of the vaxxed while the unvaxxed are absent. It's not because the vaccine is making people sick. It's because the unvaxxed aren't allowed inside."
Can't let critical thinking get in the way of the elites narratives.
I agree. But going forward, though it breaks my heart and I hope I'm wrong, if this vaccine is going to really make people sick, and it's really obvious, even the normies are going to start critically thinking in a hurry.
Fortunately, there are still enough sane states that this excuse isn't going to work. We have a firm control group of unvaxxed and also of states where no-jab no-care policies aren't being enacted.
I hate these demons.
"this excuse isn't going to work" I agree. But I won't be surprised if they try anyway. I mean, what have they got to lose at this point?
That's extremely lame. Does NOTHING to explain why the vaxxed are there in the first place. A thinking person would never accept that "explanation".
The weird part is that most of the hospitals are so short staffed that when they're saying that they're full, the only thing they're full of is shit. What are they doing with all of that covid money that they're getting to kill people?
No, they arent saying its good. Theyre saying CO might be a test run for a national policy.
No this dude is a monster and the hospitals are incredibly stupid.
I had crowds gasping because I wouldn't wear a mask to get subway for a doordash order in a hospital. I think they banned me from that place and I got fired from dd the next day. Pure discrimination like maybe you shouldn't have a public business in the hospital then.
But if my faggot ass wants a cake you better bake it for me how I demand!
They don't want living witnesses.
To be honest this is a blessing for the unvaccinated. Hospitals are terrible. People have just been brainwashed into believing they are centers of healing.
Without excessive government interference they could even do this today. I read on here a few weeks ago that they are opening up NEw health centers in Canada with all the unvaxxed doctors and nurses who were fired.
Your okay with this? Colorado has attracted to many faggots.
Sarcasm sometimes encounters a sarchasm... 😁
Hes kidding.
So has Texas but you don’t see Texans moving. We’re not letting those fucking shit tards take over the state. It’s an incredible, beautiful place to live and I’m not ceding ground to them here. We still hold most of central, East, and south CO, along with much of the front range.
We just successfully took back the Douglas County school board! Patriots unite!
Yeah!! Wooo!!! Excellent news :)
Most of Colorado is incredibly red. Just a few small areas where the cheating was rampant turned it blue. Governor cocksucker was installed not elected... There are not nearly enough blue npc retards in those small areas to overpower the rest of the state. The Recall Polis movement that they changed the date on, but had enough signatures was proof of that.
Yes, So glad for Douglas County congratulations! Jeffco is horribly Libtardian it sucks, we will keep trying!
I think back to 2009 and 2010 when the ACA (Obama care) was being debated publicly. I remember all the supporters telling is that health care is a human right for everyone. For some reason in only a decade, all of that appears to have changed and now health care is only a right if you've complied properly with the latest covid restrictions (vaccine/ mask).
Funny how important narratives from a decade ago are completely missing now from public discourse. It's as if people just spout off with something they think sounds good to them in the moment, but nobody cares anymore to be consistent with their supposed principles throughout their lifetimes.
The Laws of G-d are eternal, as are his truths.
The Laws of man are ephemeral and change on a whim.
Now you saw this in action.
In retard land, all the npc's just regurgitate what they're told
Weird, in the 80s we didn't turn away people with AIDS because we knew it was unethical but now people are so brainwashed to believe anything they hear about this fake vax they're telling you to take something that we all know is poison and if you don't you're not welcome in society.
They manage to heavily brainwash my friend who even voted for Trump in 2020 - my friend has taken a staunch position to strongly defend the vax despite numerous evidence that it's dangerous and also justifies supporting the mandates. I asked - okay then when one day they justify and mandates eating feces before work or groceries what would you do? Unfortunately my friend said that then they'll eat it
If you told these people that the guy pushing the carts at the grocery store will be administering anal swabbing to test for CPP flu you know at least 20% of the people would do it.
Don't blame your friend he voted for Trump in 2020. .Trump told him to take the vaccine said they were safe, can't blame him for following orders
People think for themselves round these parts, not blindly follow anything the orange man says.
And so it begins. First do no harm flew out the window. I was curious on that. Our local hospital turned my husband away for a heart attack a few weeks back. They said go to your cardiologist. Bunch of assholes. No money in a heart attach that isn't fake covid related. Just wow
As a person who has worked in emergency care, our objective was to save lives and not make judgment calls on the personal decisions of the people we were treating- drug addicts, prostitutes, criminals, alcoholics, brain injured, HIV, syphilis, TB. It was not our decision their quality of life after treatment, or whether they were "worth" saving. All of us had the goal to "save". And we put ourselves at risk to do it.
This decision will have severe impact on the medical field as a whole. Now we become the arbiter of who lives and dies based on our own sense of morality and justice?!
Death panels are here.
Not YOUR sense of morality and justice.
Bill Gate's sense of power and coersion.
Well said...
Many wont but the medical field has its sociopaths and sadists who are only held back somewhat by what the normal standard of care is and what we have been taught over and over again..we don't make distinctions....but now the governor opened that door to make distinctions. And the mentally and morally weak will do it. And like anything else, over time, it will become the standard. We must fight against this.
I dunno, I've been to a few ER's and you go in there looking as square as leave it to beaver, and they always assume that you are some STD infested, drug addict, sex fiend. When their first check is to not listen to anything you say and run the std panel on you, it's not really saving lives. Maybe the ER folks just get to a point where they are just desensitized and calloused, but in my experience I've seen a lot of assholes in the ER.
I have too but I've also worked with some many that are dedicated
True, but they are few and far between in my experience
I am sorry for your experiences. It shouldn't be that way.
Is what it is, I get why people get that way. That's what happens when the medical industry dehumanizes it's clientele.
HMMMMMM Isnt this against the Do no harm thing they swear on???? And the promise to help all those who are in need??? Like dafuq??? Should these people have licenses pulled?
"Do no harm" and the Hippocratic Oath are just a bunch of words to these soulless twits...
Hospitals are profit centers now. We can thank Richard Nixon for that
I agree. I keep promoting that fired docs and nurses open up clinics. Besides honest and compassionate care, they are competition for the death hospitals.
It is possible hospitals for vaxed only will die off and close eventually.
Unfortunately regulatory capture is a thing. Start up an alternative and they'll regulate you out of existence.
The fucking system... Gonna have to go underground
If I may, I would like to add this to the discussion...
God separated the wheat from the chaff this past April...we are the wheat, they are the chaff. The persecution will continue to grow as we near THEIR judgement. God wants us separate and to remain still at this point. Evil is hard at work in the minds of many of those chosen with threats and confusion. Evil is desperately trying to gather what God has set aside. Fear not.....We are chosen and have the army of God and the angels of mercy as our protectors.
Faith will be strengthened during this time. Humility in the eyes of the Lord is a must as He is about to release His wrath upon them. We will be cast out....but this will be the salvation we know has been promised us. This may not look like it but this is a blessing. Gain comfort in knowing your exclusion from THEIR world ensures your inclusion in the new world God has both promised and shown many seers.
Prepare yourself and your family....It. Will. Get. Worse.....not dooming, just honest.
Blessings for God's chosen for we choose to suffer in order to destroy evil's hold on humanity.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis, congratulations you’re on the traitor list.
Been on it since '14 when Dominion voted him in... 🤢
Voted... Installed.
Also discrimination against a group.
I believe EMTALA laws protect anyone showing up for care. They have to be stabilized. If it’s not an emergency, they shouldn’t be there anyway. That’s what urgent care and primary care are for.
He's a great governor though because he's gay and Jewish!
That was the campaign anyway.
I would say I hope he dies from the vaccine, but I doubt he was giving anything but saline.
So great, he's eligible for a frog march to justice.. Trickle down tyranny in Colorado starts with this soulless twit..
Against the hypocratic oath.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
Doctors , nurses, all face a point of conviction , some could walk away, all should speak out .
He was one of the people that led for Trump to release his taxes. His taxes came out this week, he paid none of course, for many years, and little other years.
Fuck face Polis was heavily invested in Canadian oil, meanwhile he was trying to squash the competition by shutting down drilling in Colorado. Follow the money with this fag. I'd be willing to bet he's on Dominion's payroll as well.
After he was able to suppress his wrongful imprisonment during his elections, which precisely what he did is a crime in CO, hanging up while someone calls the cops on you, which led to him changing his name, I knew he wasn't going to be able to be touched. He wants to be the first gay president, I'm hoping these tax issues stop that. Not because of his personal beliefs, but because of his terrible politics.
Leave it to a democrat to reimplement segregation.
Just say you're vaxxed if you are desperate for medical care.
How can this be legal??
Guarantee it's not, but Colorado is so stuffed full of blue dipshits that he'll get away with it
What is the keystone? -Q
The keystone of socialism/communism is health care. We are watching blatant government control of access to health care. Control access, control the people.
This governor needs to go and we don't need nukes or F35's...
You would have thought legalizing weed would have relaxed their evil minds.
The Universe always needs obstacles. Seeing in the easy way forward, allows you to put your own challenges ahead of yourself.
Now that we can see forward safely into tje current middle and.long? We can redesign how we dream big and small all together.
It's a bait and switch to justify why the hospitals are or will be full of vaxxed tards. Basically gives them an out to keep blaming the non jabbed.
Another way to try to increase death rates
Doesn't the Colorado Airport have a Mason tunnel?
How is that even legal? I can't see that holding up in court.
It won't stand. There are rules regarding admission and ability to pay. You cannot withhold medical treatment. Our hospital will turn away non life threatened patients to another facility when we go into "B" status. B status is when the Emergency Center is at capacity and only life threatened patients are brought in.
In general, hospitals can refuse treatment (if for insurance though that is a violation and will be fined 100k) but they can't refuse a Medical Screening Exam to make sure you are stable.
Time to show up at his house and protest like Antifa does.
Can we start throwing our trash into his yard like the new yorkers? Or does that come later?
This is so fucked up
I think if you've got an HMO like Kaiser and they deny you the care you're paying monthly for they could be in trouble.
How would they know if you are vaxxed or not?