I've been watching the whole thing through. This is a miscarriage of the law in the highest order.
The prosecution are gaslighting the judge, and the defense are letting them.
Kyle's defense has basically abandoned him and wouldn't even object to the prosecution coming out and saying the sky is green and that's why Kyle Rittenhouse shot 90 black men in cold blood while blasting "let the bodies hit the floor."
The judge has numerous times said in statement things completely favorable to Rittenhouse and has even yelled at the prosecution for their bullshit and then immediately rules against HIS OWN LOGIC!
Things are going very bad for Kyle, and I'm not overstating it.
It was the defense's case to lose, and they seem content with losing to the fantasy presented by the prosecution.
The largest affront to reality is how the prosecution is claiming Kyle provoked Rosenbaum by pointing his gun at Ziminski, which Rosenbaum didn't know nor has it been proven he realized that had happened.
They are creating this fantasy because they have drone footage that came in only last Friday that they have blown up and is so blurry it makes Kyle look left handed, but somehow that's good enough to show Kyle pointed his gun at Ziminski.
No one in their right mind could look at a video where Kyle is less than 10 pixels and decide he held his gun up for a fraction of a second, but that's where we are. The prosecution basically convinced the judge that a shit stain on some paper towel shows that it will rain tomorrow, and the defense just lets them do it.
This is a travesty, and it opens up the prosecution to gaslight the jury like they have gaslit the judge.
In a world that makes sense, this case would have been dismissed on day two.
The world doesn't make sense, though.
How does it go from great defense and calling for a mistrial to this "sky is falling" take?
Dooming is a mental illness
Seriously. Where did all that doomage come from? KR defense let the prosecuturds go on and on because with every stupid question they lose ground. When ur enemy is fuking up, dont stop them.
I think it's just because the state are a bunch of bitches and they are just trying to throw any charges that stick to the wall, so even shit that is just retarded, they are trying to get the jury to convict him on, giving the jury plenty of options on lesser charges.
I still can't imagine a jury will convict, but honestly who knows at this point I wouldn't be shocking if they all haven't been gotten to yet.
Facts of the case don't matter in court.
What matters is what procedure and what the judge allows each side to get away with.
Right now, despite the great facts in favor of Kyle, the procedure of the court is levied heavily against Kyle.
Liars exist in a different plane of existence, and unless you can read the air of the court, you would still live under the illusion that the facts mattered.
Why do you think the MSM are so effective at convincing people? Not because they have the facts, but because they can take things out of context and the order of events to suit their every whim.
The same thing goes on in court, and it's about to reach a tipping point. I'm just giving you guys a heads up so when it happens you aren't shocked at how absolutely fast it all can go down burning in flames.
What was a down-hill battle for Kyle yesterday is now an up-hill battle, and it has nothing to do with the facts but the procedure of the court being dragged out into the street and raped.
I think you might have just gotten acclimated to us having gotten fucked so much the past year.
The way I see if, the facts of the case DO MATTER. And they were enough to have swayed some very far lefty influencers on different social media platforms to admit they were wrong for buying into the mainstream media delusions.
Public sentiment has me feeling very good about this case. That's the key difference between this case and the Chauvin case. In the Chauvin case, although the facts were in favor of Chauvin, the public sentiment was still too strong that George Floyd was killed mercilessly by a racially charged aggressive police officer.
The video made it look like this was the case and people were dead set on believing the narrative they saw with their own eyes. In the Rittenhouse case, by the grace of God, the video footage shows that Kyle was not the aggressor and tried multiple times to flee and avoid having to use the gun. Video footage is powerful for an already propogandized crowd.
Kyle will walk.
Basing this on my knowledge of the court system; Kyle has a worse chance than a father getting custody of the kids at this juncture.
Two days ago, I wouldn't have said this. Today I am, and it is all due to the horrible route procedure has taken during this case.
Facts don't matter in a courtroom, and they haven't for a long while now. It's because lawyers don't look at facts because facts are boring and juries have no patience to look at the bare bone facts.
His testimony, which was the most ill-advised thing anyone can possibly have done in this situation, is shockingly the highlight of his defense.
Kyle is the most competent legal expert on his team after his incredible performance on the stand, and that is very concerning. He dodged so many bullets from Binger, you have to know it isn't just smarts that kept him afloat but angels on high rolling natural 20's to keep him safe.
His successes end there, however, because no amount of angels can prevent his own defense from grinding their own faces in the asphalt instead of objecting to some of the most critical statements of the prosecution which have set up what should have been an impossible shot at Kyle.
No one thing is tanking Kyle's chances here. But if you add them all together you can easily read the writing on the wall. It's the same feeling I get when, despite all logic, the kids go to the welfare crackhead mother instead of the respectable self-employed father.
It's a stinky stink kind of feeling, and I hate it.
I have no allusions that the jury will do the right thing when every other person in that court room has been an abject failure in their vocation. Idiocy begets idiocy, it's contagious, and that room is swelling with stupid decisions.
Do you have a law degree? Cause if not, then this is conjecture and these are just your opinions.
We've got 3 days until the case is over and Kyle is looking at an appellate court. You don't have to believe anything I say. It's more than just opinion -- it's the amorphous path set before us now. I've seen this in many other cases before. Absolutely every indication is that the person will be vindicated and justice will be done, but that won't happen...
The smell of justice being viciously slaughtered is a familiar one, once you've seen it play out at least a couple times.
Get back to me in a couple days once you start asking yourself "what the hell happened!?" and I'll try to explain to you how law degrees don't matter when human error is introduced into an already bloated system filled with vague legal loopholes and massive egos. I'll try to show you what I saw and you can't. It isn't something I can put into words right now. There's far too many things to unpack, and we haven't seen which brick in the wall will give first. The wall is shaking at the foundation, and any brick can be "the one" that starts the chain reaction. I can't point out the brick because the wall is still standing. Not until it's a pile of rubble can I pick up the brick and show you "here, this one right here was the first to give" but that doesn't mean I didn't know as soon as the wall started to shake where to look for the brick. I know the general area the brick will fail, and how, but until it does you'll only see a normal brick with nothing special about it.
In other words, right now I can't pick the exact brick that will fail until it does, but I can show you the area in the wall where the failing brick will be.
In the span of 2 days, this case went from a public, politically charged case to a full-steam vendetta of the prosecution going for blood and saying they see things that aren't there in order to cover their incredible incompetence. They are actually using the prosecution's own opinion as testimony to interpret the evidence, and are getting away with it. Understand just how egregious that is, and just how ridiculous it is that no one has bothered to stop them.
It is no longer about BLM, Kyle, self defense, or even 2A.
This case has now completely fled the realm of reality and sits firmly in the camp of the prosecution doing anything and everything to guard their own egos, especially Binger. No cost is too high, and there is a special place in hell for them.
I didn't see it getting this bad; the case was so straight forward. Many have asked why the prosecution is drawing it all out and what their end-game is. It's clear to me now, their end-game is to create so many avenues of improper procedure that no one can keep track of all the miscarriages of justice they'd done in order to hold them to account. The work just to unpack their gross prejudice isn't worth the effort, and honestly, it's a sound strategy thanks to the defense just letting the prosecution do whatever they want.
Absolutely nothing in this case will make sense from here on out. I'll put my left nut on the line to back it up. Nothing will follow a logical chain of events. Everything will seem like a dream. "This can't be happening" is gonna be echoed from all sides; left, right and center.
All is not lost for Kyle, he has other court dates to look forward to. He is gonna walk free, eventually, but it's gonna be another year, at least, sitting in jail waiting for the appellate court to undo the injustice against him and then another 5 or so years suing the state for gross prejudice against him personally. Everyone for the State will get slaps on the wrist, and Kyle will get a woefully insufficient settlement where 90% of the money goes towards his law fund, and he still will have to go on and sue MSM for defamation the whole way along.
The poor kid shouldn't have to go through all this, but that's what is left to look forward to...
The only chance to avoid this is if the defense completely changes how they've operated and ace the final arguments. We're talking a complete change in human behavior for all the defense team. It would have to be nothing short of a body-snatcher taking over and doing what should be done. I'm hopeful, but hope doesn't exist in a court room.
Oh well if the wall does end up crumbling, of course it's reasonable to suggest you'll be able to point out which brick began crumbling first. I won't be surprised at all if that does occur. Because 99/100 it's going to be because the jury felt they were in danger if deciding to acquit Kyle and that danger overwhelms their innate desire to do what they know is the right thing.
If Kyle does get convicted, it will have been for that reason alone.
From what I saw the previous days the jury would never vote guilty unless threatened
The jury is being threatened.
I couldn't disagree with your analysis any more than I do.
I'm gonna bookmark this comment so I can ask you how things are going when Kyle gets 30 years.
Not because he is guilty, but because they had to crucify him to stop the riots.
The prosecution is baiting for a mistrial with prejudice and basically demanding the defense file that motion with the judge based on Binger's unconstitutional antics OR eat this absolute fantasy that completely shifts provocation onto Kyle despite the complete absurdity of the "video evidence."
The prosecution wants blood in the streets to pay for Binger's ego.
Fren ... are you watching the trial? None of that is accurate. Now, could we experience a Chauvin style railroading ... yep.
Should we save this comment too or are you gonna delete it if[when] you are wrong?
Go ahead.
If I had a chance of being wrong, I wouldn't have written the above.
After all that has been said and done, you still hold a grain of faith in the court system?
I've known how corrupt the court system was before going into this. Chauvin was the expected result, yet still people held out hope.
I'm optimistic everywhere else, except when it comes to the court system. They cannot and will not do the right or just thing anymore, and it is primarily due to how pathetically incompetent they have become.
I'm not sure if you're gloating but... don't count your chickens before they hatch.
The National Guard were called in.
There has yet to have been an instance where appropriate National Guard presence was asked in anticipation of an ANTIFA showing. If the NG is there, ANTIFA will not be.
Soros doesn't spend money paying rioters if he doesn't have to.
The NG is there for the "white supremacist" riots that the media is already trying to create. They are going full clown world insanity to get people angry enough to take to the streets for Kyle's freedom. Keep in mind, no Kyle supporters are gonna get angry enough to show, but that's where the paid actors dressed up as Trump supporters come in.
Oh, and I have some sympathies for Binger, despite how disgusting of a person he is. He has no clue that he's been set up. I'm starting to suspect his insanity is authentic, not a show to incite anything. He really did screw up that bad. Richards didn't object at all because it wasn't part of the plan and because he didn't have to -- the verdict has already been decided, he knows it, and he didn't expend any effort more than he had to in order to frame the narrative.
I've lost all trust in Richards. His closing argument was fantastic, and based on it alone Kyle should walk. Narrative built, flames fanned, cue the National Guard...
It won't work, though -- Patriots are too level-headed to take this desperate bait.
Poor Kyle...
Why tf are you writing a novel about antifa? Idgaf. Your whole shtick was dooming about the court.
Contradicting yourself.
So I'll say it again.
You aren't getting it yet?
The rig is in.
Richards is working against Kyle.
Would you put out any effort if you knew the job was already done?
That's why he didn't object to ANYTHING. He knows Kyle is gonna get convicted. Hell, just take a look at his jury selection!
If I'm wrong on this point, it's because if he was out to screw Kyle over he wouldn't be doing anything different.
Filings for a mistrial with prejudice should have concluded last Friday during charges discussion, not on closing arguments Monday! That's standard procedure! It leaves absolutely no time to pursue that route because the jury deliberation is already ongoing.
If they really wanted to let Kyle walk, he would be out already, Binger gave them EVERYTHING for a mistrial with prejudice yet they are still leaving it up to the jury to decide on every damn thing!
And consider, putting Kyle on the stand introduced 2 new charges based on his own testimony. The defense risked everything putting him on the stand, but the boy aced it despite them. We can at least be thankful for that miracle, if purely for his own peace of mind.
The talk about the Judge being a good-old-boy is all fluff to make it look like Kyle has every advantage. Everything the judges says contradicts what he does. If he really wanted justice he would have sequestered the jury for their own protection and started confronting the threats being made against him and the jurors. Since he hasn't addressed these things, I can only assume it's because Kyle is getting convicted and he doesn't have to.
It doesn't even have to be a grand conspiracy either. They might be doing all this because in their minds it's the only way to avoid the ANTIFA riot. Instead, they are playing right into a new narrative where Patriots are the agitators and rioters.
We can't win with this.
It's a lose-lose situation. Nothing good can come of this case coming out now. Honestly, it should be standard that verdicts on highly publicized cases like these be released at a random date within a month of the actual end of the case, to avoid this very scenario. There is every incentive to convict Kyle and get him off at an appellate proceeding, and that's exactly what they've prepped to do. They wouldn't be doing anything differently, which suggests to me that's what is going on.
Tomorrow I will post a picture of my hat which I will chew on for 20 minutes if they let him off.
Getting this ahead of time, 5:47 Central right now for me, for the record.
Let's see how this goes.
i am having trouble reading due to the glow.
I disagree but if the OP is a legal fag, I wouldn’t debate the point. I’m just a schlep that has watched the last 3 days in its entirety and believe the prosecution is weak. I am in no way ruling out a compromised jury though. If the jury feels like they would be in danger if they let Kyle walk, a juror may not be willing to put their livelihood on the line for an 18 year old.
The jury can only give a verdict on the charges presented.
If the charges are dropped, then it doesn't matter what the jury thinks, they can only find him guilty so far as the charges are concerned.
Today just handed the prosecution all the charges they need to thread the needle on a serious murder charge.
The reason they think they can get away with being weak, prejudicial, and all around pricks is because THEY CAN AND ARE!
All that matters is they get the charges on the table, and the judge just let that happen.
Past this point, they can convince the jury of absolutely anything particularly because the defense has shown they will not object to fairy tales being told as truth.
It doesn't matter that the prosecution are the worst, most dirty lawyers who ever greased the courtroom's chairs -- if the defense just lets them get away with murder they absolutely will!
I’ll defer to your superior intelligence in this matter sleepy as you and I are on the same side but with different perspectives. We all know there are bigger issues at stake here than Kyle’s future. I won’t be shocked by any outcome.
There are plenty of experts out there who align with your assessment. I’m just hoping this outcome is not pre-determined by corrupt forces (which might be my first logic error in this case).
Thanks for the report. It took a lot of effort to summarize the trial and I appreciate that. Not that I doubt you... but does anyone else have a different perspective? Or can anyone corroborate this? I have not been able to watch it, so I value the discussion here.
The Judge can't pass judgement on the veracity of the evidence presented. That's the jury's job. The defense cant cross examine a picture so there isn't much to do but in closing statements to the jury call out the issues. If the picture was entered properly and there isn't any issues with things like it being fake or something then the process is playing out as it should based on Court Procedures for evidence.
TLDR shills
It was only entered last Friday.
They did confront it with being fake, and the prosecution called an "expert" witness to say that upsizing video didn't create pixels but the only thing he could say when the defense grilled him was "I don't know" to nearly every question.
Eventually, the judge proved for himself that upsizing his texts did create pixels and blur his screenshots, and the defense just ignored that he was handing them their own argument.
And the judge can absolutely pass judgement on the veracity of the evidence presented if the evidence presented was proven to be absolute fantasy. They sat the judge down in front of a TV and showed him over and over the video, narrating what THEY saw and he eventually just said he didn't see what they were saying.
The only ones testifying what is seen in the video is the prosecution. They have no witness who can corroborate what their claims are. In other words, the prosecution tore shit out of their ass, presented it as evidence, and no one is stopping them. They've already done enough to get disbarred, and are going for broke now because they can't break the law any more than they already have after Binger unconstitutionally (the judge said it was unconstitutional, by the way) attacked/circumvented Kyle's 5th amendment rights and right to council.
Yet they still continue this farce.
In other words, the prosecution is actively trying to force a mistrial with prejudice so they have an excuse to not be able to try Kyle again, possibly to incite riots while covering their asses.
It's that bad.
So it's just like the 2nd impeachment trial?
Yeah It's crazy all the shit the fucking state is throwing at him.... I mean what the fuck is perfect self defense and arguing that a bullet that goes through someone attacking me constitutes reckless endangerment.
Then it hit me today this is the state... the state is prosecuting an American citizen over CLEAR self defense.....
Really makes me never want to use my gun, unless someone comes into my house.
Yeah I mean all the shit they are trying to charge him with, meanwhile the other dude that was shot in the arm, zero charges at all, felon with a concealed weapon and was about to use it to murder someone..... zero charges, in fact star witness for the state.
I mean they don't need to take away the guns, they'll just let the left use them with impunity, the right will be thrown in prison and jail for using them lawfully.... this is 100% what is coming.
Substitute "Antifa Child Rapists" for "Black men" and this has the makings of an awesome, ear to ear smiling, video meme.
Bottom line, The prosecution said that Kyle had 30 rounds with the ability to kill 30 people. Kyle shot 3 people and was mostly peaceful that night.
Kyle had the chance of one of the best legal teams being on the case. The defense (and the guy controlling the funding) at the last minute removed those options from the table.
I agree with the OP, this was the defense's case to lose and i worry they will. Here's why:
I have grave concerns Kyle will become a martyr over killing literal criminals in self defence. And that will impact everyone in wisconsin at least, if not across the nation.
Trump already signed his pardon.
I agree. It doesn’t make sense today that Kyle’s defense isn’t standing on a “mistrial with prejudice”. The judge offered it as repercussions to the prosecution’s behavior and the defense should stand hard on it, and not continue this crap! Unfortunately the threats of BLM/ANTIFA rioting there I’m afraid has leaked in. Kyle should not have to be made the scapegoat for outside influences that OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT should make clear they can and will handle if Kyle’s case is dismissed! But the media is already seasoning his goose with their agenda control! It’s BS all the way around today.
Interesting. I’ve been of the opposite opinion, that he is more than likely going to be acquitted. I suppose we’ll see.
Somehow I feel this case was integrated into the show. Something tells me that this is all theater to get the facts around the MSM. The judge knows Kyle is innocent. The jury likely knows too.
I would not be surprised if this was turned into a honeypot and they're letting the bad guys hang themselves, let things play out and then counter punch.
Everything that has happened since Trump took office has been to expose the corruption to wake people up.
Is it true that he turned down Robert Barnes?
Why would he (Kyle) have stipulated (today) to the State's inclusion of lesser included charges? Seems like that virtually guarantees a conviction on SOMETHING, by a jury looking to avoid more riots.
As crappy as his counsel is, I think he should have overruled them and forced instruction on intentional homicide or nothing.
Not optimistic.
OK doomer
About to chew on a hat and post a picture like I said I would.
Other than that, all my family is either in the hospital or super sick, so... Not too well, but I'm a man of my word, so chew I will.