Here's the Trump vax choice meme I posted months ago. "Take the vaccine. IF YOU WANT IT." Forget the vax—Trump is protecting our sacred right to CHOOSE a medical procedure. THAT is the real message, here. Trump says take the vax? NO, and, THANK YOU, Mr. President!
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️

The proof starts at the beginning.
he had to do things this way to short circuit their evil 16yr plan! their plan was to have us on lockdown for AT LEAST 10 yrs. this would've destroyed the WORLD!!
how ppl can't understand this is beyond me
Oh we understand alright.
However, at the moment the world is still being destroyed. And people are keeling over left and right from the clot shot.
If this needed to happen to save the world then they'd better get on with it.
Cool it with the insults, guy.
Perhaps you are not familiar with the Q drops? This is a FUCKING Q SITE after all.
Last I checked we're watching a movie while white hats in mil intelligence round up traitors and send them off to gitmo.
Not sure how my white ass is expected to accomplish that, or you for that matter. Considering that the elites have wealth and power.
many understand
The vaccines iS killing more people than the lockdowns did and is causing way more damage
But not more than the NWO plan would have killed.
Wait the vaccine isnt THE NWO plan ?
Yes, but right now you can avoid it.
They were going to lock us all down for years then force it. It would have worked.
The elites would have kept around 500 million very pliable people. The kind will dull eyes, and they would have killed the rest of us.
Unfortunately the plan is still in motion, its not going to happen over night.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you
that's a dumb theory cause big pharma, media, FDA, CDC, etc. didn't have to play along with warp speed and produce anything . they could've made excuses about safety and proper testing for years if they wanted to. even before the vax, many states were reopening or never even closed.
no theory is 'dumb'. critical thinking is always encouraged which means thinking outside the box
i think people who subscribe to that theory do so cause they have all their hopes pinned on trump. they perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to defend every action or inaction. same goes for Flynn's actions and inactions. maybe he/they are our only hope and truth be told, i'd rather get sunk by them than the alternative, but nothing would shock me at this point. also, Q did say Trump was foldable. post 3063, last two sentences. could be disinfo, who the fuck knows at this point. all i know is the vax is causing deaths and irreversible damage, not only to individuals, but to humanity as a whole and saying "Trump said 'it's a choice'" is as disingenuous an argument as it gets.
go back to thedonald. this place is about Q and the great awakening, not necessarily about Trump. for all we know, he served a purpose but not the savior you want to suck off.
It's always so weird and creepy when people call Trump "daddy." Freaking weird.
well "father" is just too formal
It's a joke, dude.
Freedom of choice was a value than most all American shared. Now, with power and control more cherished than freedom, choice is a tattered concept that needs fought for.
In my Religious Exemption request about the V (my employer, NG works on government contracts), part of it was that we used to believe in informed consent. I said that we held that belief so deeply that we Executed those that didn't respect that Right, as part of the Nuremberg trials (yes, I know, there is much disinfo about WW2... especially on certain topics). I mentioned the "I was just following orders" defense was garbage because it should have been against their moral code as a Human!!! ...I haven't heard back on whether or not my RE was approved, it's been a couple weeks. My friend who wrote his RE a day after me, heard back on the next business day (but he FT telecommutes). If I'm let go, so what... my choice was easy. Btw, my name is Lesco Braundin.
Nice to hear from you Lesco. My name is Fugjo Kamalaho. From the Byidenn Islands.
But when Trump champions the vaccine, he removes the argument from the Left that "vaccine hesitancy" is the result of being a Trump supporter.
The media can accuse anti-vaxxers of being Trumptards. But they cannot point to anything that supports the idea that Trump is leading the anti-vax movement.
I agree. The fact that he keeps bragging about it and encouraging people to get it pisses me the fuck off.
I also didn't hear him denouncing rabies, HMMM
Still hasn't denounced white supremacy for the 17,000th time either... Oh my fucking everything HE'S LITERALLY HITLER!!!!!
It's the fucking elephant in the room. He needs to speak up ffs
He urged people to take the vax (withOUT the modifier "if you want it") at the Alabama rally earlier this year and got booed for it.
Hydroxychloraqin and regeneron...a vaxx trump took himself..bought all supplies so Americans could have free....yes that's the vaxx you should e taking...there are other vaccines like hcq he recommends not Pfizer j & j and other bioweapons.
hcq isn't a vaccine?
It's a pill and it works miracles on my joints
Of course it is a vaccine...so is regeneron and some others
I mean it's literally not but ok
I understood definition of vaccine met by trump's recommends but not gene therapy which doesn't even pretend to help cold and flu symptoms..covid itself does not exist..never isolated a.virus. stands for certificate of vaccination identity documentation
This was the ONLY choice he could make. He could've been complicit in the tyranny, but he chose to defend the Right of Free Will. I'm kind of surprised people still blame him for Op Warpspeed and the vaccine rollout. He had no choice once the virus was released.
Not sure about all the anger toward DJT for any pro-jab comment. If he says to take the jab, the leftards may immediately think twice because orange man bad and they may want to do the opposite of anything he says. So its a good thing if they don't get the jab. DJT knows most (probably not all) of his supporters have at least some critical thinking skills and won't get the jab just because he says so. That's also a good thing. But but but... DJT said he got the jab... Did he? Who knows. I haven't always understood his comments or strategy behind those comments, but I have always trusted him and still trust what he is doing. I believe you angry pedes are pretty smart and are true patriots. Don't get all caught up in the narrative about DJT being pro-vax. We aren't as good of chess players as he is.
Usually that’s my twatter reply to those who attack us for not taking the GMO shot.
So you call Trump vehemently calling on people to take the death jab "neutral?!" What planet are you living on fren?
Lying sack--he never says take it w/o saying we have every right not to take it
I know the "Trump is secret Deep State" trolls prefer to initiate these discussions with their lies, but sometimes you just have to sit back and endure it when people call out your lies.
The better strategy, really, is for you to avoid comment, then start your own lying thread later.
Your saying I'm a troll just because I don't worship Trump and accurately call out some things I disagree with and hold him accountable to? Many on this forum are just as bad as an libtard demondrap who are so party loyal they will support a candidate who kills their own mother if he will vote demoncrap! I voted for Trump and supported him all through the election cycle...I've never been more involved in getting a candidate elected than I was with Trump...so don't you use some straw man argument and call me a troll. I like this forum because there are many good things going on and Q is still discussed here (a subject the jury is still out on BTW) and I like 99% of the posts. However, I refuse to be a lemming on any issue or with any leader in our government and if they do something I disagree with, I'm going to call them out...period! Trump did fucking say take the death jab...
Strawman Maker: No I DIDN'T say you're a troll for not worshipping Trump.
I also NEVER denied he said "Take the jab"...only that he ALWAYS says "or don't" and that its "up to you".
You sure like straw man arguments for someone who doesn't like straw man arguments.
IF WE WANT IT. God, you're thick.
So how are you different than all the other libtards out there? Some on this site would follow Trump over a cliff just like the mindless Demoncraps. I understand that Trump isn't a politician (thank God), but he's also human and when it comes to major screw ups like this death jab bullshit, he needs called out on it! What the hell is wrong with me calling him out on that...I'm thinking that people like you are actually POSERS! You have infiltrated this site and others claiming to be Conservative when in reality your anything but! Trump has NOT been neutral on getting the death jab! In fact...his exact words regarding the death jab(s)...quote, "They are gifts from God!" Does that sound neutral to you? Man, and you say everyone else is smarter than me? What am I missing here?
If something exposes the evil in the world in a way that even the most asleep people can wake up from the slumber, would you consider it a gift from God?
If something forces the evil people to accellerate their plans from a 10 year time line to 2 year time line, and in the process expose themselves, would you consider it a gift from God?
If you are here, and you are unable to think beyond literal meanings of words, then you are probably not getting much out of this place.
THAT IT'S A CHOICE. You're the poser.
A lot of Christians on this board like to quote the Bible, yet pounce on Trump for this despite the fact the very first Bible story is all about choice and Trump has been clear about the importance of choosing for yourselves.
Idk why the bottom of the meme is cringe.
IDK why the bottom of the comments section always is
Honk if you want ADE.
Well, that's good. What are the protections for those who don't want it??
Bullshit...Trump did say take the vaxx! Are you kidding me already?!
He has always followed it up with the importance of choice.
Are you?