The reason it's important to publicize this case is for the lesson, not to make the guy a target. People need to realize that cops don't get some sort of free pass to kick down your door unannounced. They booted his door and he shot them for their efforts. Most of these raids are unnecessary, they can grab the guy on his way to the store or something. It's just the cowboys on the force trying to pretend they are John Wayne or Seal Team 6.
Exactly. It's time to put the Public Servants back in their place. BLM organization is a evil exploiting the suffering of black people for profit. The reality is most of the followers are our fellow Americans who have in fact been victims of authoritarian overreach. This is the time to find common ground and red pill them to the reality that we are being manipulated against each other.
Laurens County, GA. Guy steels a truck. Police catch up to him and search the truck. In the center console they find drugs. The truck thief tells the police its not his drugs. The drugs must belong to the trucks owner. Police get a warrant and serve it at 10-11pm at night on the truck owner who had his truck stolen. Old man who owns the truck sees/hears crazy shit and lights in his front yard... gets back out of bed, grabs his pistol, and goes to see what is going on... gun gun gun... bang bang bang... dead old man.
Not sure if he shot at them or not, but either way he's dead. Police had ZERO other evidence he did drugs. And in fact he did NOT do drugs. He was just some old farmer who had his truck stolen. In their excitement to arrest someone they instead murdered someone. That's the way modern police do business. This is a small town type place too. They knew he wasn't a druggy. Totally not on their radar. They were just flying by the seat of their pants. No common sense. No logic. Just... we are the police we can do whatever the fuck we want and no one holds us accountable.
We need to redefine what a "felon" is. A lot of our felony crimes are overreach and over-punishing.
Also, felons should not be stripped of their right to keep defense items in their homes. And if anyone retorts with the "enabler" bullshit, I will simply point out that is the same wrong argument that anti-gun idiots use. If a felon is going to commit a gun crime they will get a gun regardless of if they are allowed to keep on in their home for home defense or not.
Correct. My body my choice. Wanna ban consumption in public? Fine. Ban it while driving? Fine. Wanna ban me from using it my house? Go fuck yourself tyrant.
Selling stuff that isn't what you say it is, yeah, that's reprehensible.
But "drugs" are a huge category of substances. Not all are bad.
Some have been made illegal due to irrational fear and widespread misunderstanding and irresponsible use.
Intelligent people who know what they are putting in their body and choose to partake in extracurricular activities don't deserve to be labeled as pariahs.
Next up from the NY Times: "Right winged outlets report Kyle Rittenhouse case more then Andrew Coffee case - Another clear distinction of their racism."
Just wondering why you think it's ok to bash in the door unannounced on American citizens who happen to possess a penis but not on those who don't? No bashing in doors, please, on any of us. We need to remind the govt regularly, it seems, that they are there to serve us not to terrorize us.
I agree with everything you stated. Many states have Castle laws and break down someone's door and bad thing happen. Wait till they are by themselves w/o their family or others around that could get hurt.
problem with no knock is that the first swat guy will get drilled full of lead and die but the ones stacked up behind will kill you. No knock means they WANT TO KILL YOU!
Wrong. You shall not under any circumstance be stripped of your right to protect your home. Forbid possession on the streets and in vehicles? Fine.
Also, felony drug charges are TOO much. A drug dealer is not always a murderer and usually never a rapist. More importantly, those are a different class of crime that do not belong with drug crimes. Drug crimes at WORST should be misdemeanor, but at the same time all drugs should be decriminalized.
BLM is right: we have a police and authoritarian problem. I am not convinced it's racially motivated, but we need to put the Steppers back in their place first and foremost. This is a problem that effects ALL Americans.
I am also starting to believe the riots were all started by Fed Bois. The BLM protests are mostly peaceful because most of the supporters just want justice and truthfully we should ALL want justice.
I didn't think the Rittenhouse verdict would have me in agreement with BLM... yet here we are.
EDIT: We are better off trying to unite with BLM than otherwise. They have a chance of being persuaded as we saw them protest the vax mandates. They are not beyond saving and we have more in common with them than we do the GOP.
No knock warrants are unconstitutional and should be illegal in every state of the union.
They are. The Fourth Amendment clearly spells it out. We need to sue.
Andrew covfefe
👆 Dude, I almost wrote that, but refrained. 🤣🤣🤣
Andrew just earned himself a nickname of "Black Rifle" Coffee.
I know it hurts their narrative.
But it sounds like this guy has been through enough as well.
Don't make him a public figure. He deserves his peace same as Kyle does.
I can agree with this. I personally don't want to make him a figure. His case, however is not isolated.
No knocks are unconstitutional.
The reason it's important to publicize this case is for the lesson, not to make the guy a target. People need to realize that cops don't get some sort of free pass to kick down your door unannounced. They booted his door and he shot them for their efforts. Most of these raids are unnecessary, they can grab the guy on his way to the store or something. It's just the cowboys on the force trying to pretend they are John Wayne or Seal Team 6.
Or they’re practicing for something bigger as they condition us to accept these raids.
Exactly. It's time to put the Public Servants back in their place. BLM organization is a evil exploiting the suffering of black people for profit. The reality is most of the followers are our fellow Americans who have in fact been victims of authoritarian overreach. This is the time to find common ground and red pill them to the reality that we are being manipulated against each other.
or just, you know.
Knock on the door and say "we have a warrant for your arrest."
They don't have to be psychotic lunatics about it...
Laurens County, GA. Guy steels a truck. Police catch up to him and search the truck. In the center console they find drugs. The truck thief tells the police its not his drugs. The drugs must belong to the trucks owner. Police get a warrant and serve it at 10-11pm at night on the truck owner who had his truck stolen. Old man who owns the truck sees/hears crazy shit and lights in his front yard... gets back out of bed, grabs his pistol, and goes to see what is going on... gun gun gun... bang bang bang... dead old man.
Not sure if he shot at them or not, but either way he's dead. Police had ZERO other evidence he did drugs. And in fact he did NOT do drugs. He was just some old farmer who had his truck stolen. In their excitement to arrest someone they instead murdered someone. That's the way modern police do business. This is a small town type place too. They knew he wasn't a druggy. Totally not on their radar. They were just flying by the seat of their pants. No common sense. No logic. Just... we are the police we can do whatever the fuck we want and no one holds us accountable.
I could be wrong, but isn’t the problem that he’s a felon in illegal possession of a firearm?
My bad if that’s not correct but I could swear I read that.
We need to redefine what a "felon" is. A lot of our felony crimes are overreach and over-punishing.
Also, felons should not be stripped of their right to keep defense items in their homes. And if anyone retorts with the "enabler" bullshit, I will simply point out that is the same wrong argument that anti-gun idiots use. If a felon is going to commit a gun crime they will get a gun regardless of if they are allowed to keep on in their home for home defense or not.
Excellent username and argument. Outlawing guns does not stop access, just words on paper.
3D printed guns are a thing.
Pretty sure that is correct. He was found guilty for illegal possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
Drug dealers deserve death.
Correct. My body my choice. Wanna ban consumption in public? Fine. Ban it while driving? Fine. Wanna ban me from using it my house? Go fuck yourself tyrant.
No one has a right to poison themselves
Yup.your body your choice however stupid it may be.
People are less likely to turn to hard synthetics when natural stuff is legalized.
I used to trap out. You wanna fight about it?
Deal drugs on my streer and find out
No they do not.
People who sell stuff that destroys lives deserve death
It's not rocket science
Fentanyl, ok. I'm with you.
Selling stuff that isn't what you say it is, yeah, that's reprehensible.
But "drugs" are a huge category of substances. Not all are bad.
Some have been made illegal due to irrational fear and widespread misunderstanding and irresponsible use.
Intelligent people who know what they are putting in their body and choose to partake in extracurricular activities don't deserve to be labeled as pariahs.
Sell drugs to my kids
I will kill you
For trying to destroy my family
Next up from the NY Times: "Right winged outlets report Kyle Rittenhouse case more then Andrew Coffee case - Another clear distinction of their racism."
This has no relevance here.
Me too, it’s the point…
It’s to create terror
Just wondering why you think it's ok to bash in the door unannounced on American citizens who happen to possess a penis but not on those who don't? No bashing in doors, please, on any of us. We need to remind the govt regularly, it seems, that they are there to serve us not to terrorize us.
No. Wrong. No knocks are Unconstitutional.
I agree with everything you stated. Many states have Castle laws and break down someone's door and bad thing happen. Wait till they are by themselves w/o their family or others around that could get hurt.
problem with no knock is that the first swat guy will get drilled full of lead and die but the ones stacked up behind will kill you. No knock means they WANT TO KILL YOU!
Somehow they think it's OK to bash in a door one second after they knock, not much difference anyways.
If you would have told me 6 months ago they would do that to her, I wouldn't have believed you. I'm scared of what's happening.
Wrong. You shall not under any circumstance be stripped of your right to protect your home. Forbid possession on the streets and in vehicles? Fine.
Also, felony drug charges are TOO much. A drug dealer is not always a murderer and usually never a rapist. More importantly, those are a different class of crime that do not belong with drug crimes. Drug crimes at WORST should be misdemeanor, but at the same time all drugs should be decriminalized.
The "war" on drugs is a CIA racketeering scam.
You always have the right to protect your home. Period. As far as a convicted drug dealer carrying a firearm. No...
I hope he sues that police department for all they're worth. They killed his girlfriend too? You'd think that the media would be all over this story.
Next up is the not guilty for the ahmed arbury murder
BLM is right: we have a police and authoritarian problem. I am not convinced it's racially motivated, but we need to put the Steppers back in their place first and foremost. This is a problem that effects ALL Americans.
I am also starting to believe the riots were all started by Fed Bois. The BLM protests are mostly peaceful because most of the supporters just want justice and truthfully we should ALL want justice.
I like this
brilliant, i've already posted this to a few places already
I didn't think the Rittenhouse verdict would have me in agreement with BLM... yet here we are.
EDIT: We are better off trying to unite with BLM than otherwise. They have a chance of being persuaded as we saw them protest the vax mandates. They are not beyond saving and we have more in common with them than we do the GOP.