I was 9. Military family. Dad was very involved in Bay of Pigs and the missile crisis. He knew immediately what had gone down even specifically calling out c_a and papa b. He was the awake one. I had all the paperclip/nasa intrigue imbedded in my skull by the time I was 10.
Buildings falling to the ground , in NYC - that were engendered to to withstand an airplane crashing into them. Also ; an "Insurance Policy" that had such an event written into the inclusions. Can you say "SCAM" . . .
Mine was, or the beginning of mine was, in 1969 when the Feds shut down a mostly black school about 12 miles away and bused those kids to our school. We were told then that 'everything' was discriminations, academics and dress codes and conduct codes and such were all discrimination.
We were told much worse too, and so I began wondering Why that was so.
Some of us have been fighting this battle for many decades now.
"REVERSE RACISM" - in 1978 I got bused to a school in the inner city -
"Get This" ( 37 Miles Away - into LA traffic. ) where i got the shit beat outta me every single day. ( 750 Students - 55 white kids - all bused in. )
Trust me when i say , "I Judge a Man by his Character" !!! I got to be an excellent judge of character. GOVERNMENT must stay out of peoples personal lives.
We had about half and half, but the first couple of big riots, in the first two weeks of school that year, the local affiliate of the black panthers sent thugs on campus, 25 year old gangsters with knives and clubs beat the stuffings out of us kids. A buddy of mine has a plate in his head still today from that first riot.
We did nothing but fight, academics all but ceased, any and all troubles were deemed to be the fault of non-blacks and they knew they were protected so they'd provoke you, stab you with those damn pick or rake combs they used to carry for their fros. Then when you defended yourself you were expelled, I sometimes couldn't make a full day a week...
We went to school because we wanted an education, plus back in those days we had actual 'Truant Officers' who would check to see if students were legit missing class or just ditching it. Your parents could be charged and made to pay fines if you skipped school, the Feds paid the schools by number of butts in those chairs each day.
Prior to busing I was a straight 'A' student, I wanted my grades. After busing academics dropped, so it was easy to maintain that 'A' even without going to class much, just try to be there on test days.
I quit school several times tho, tired of the constant fightinmg, and coaches, teachers and family would coerce me to return. I finally quit for good after the 11th grade, took a GED when I was 17 and enrolled at a junior college. While my senior class was finishing up 12th grade I got my first two semesters of college done, then enlisted in the Air Force. Those junior college courses allowed me to test out very well in electrical and the Air Force told me I could have any job I wanted, so I picked a very long school and got very good training working on nukes.
When life gibs you lemons make lemonade....
Our schools have declined ever since, devolving into tranny day cares today.
Oh yeah, we raised hell but no one listened. School boards simply said it was Federal Law and that's the way it was. My Mother was nearly arrested because she named them all as fools and liars, cops escorted us out of that first meeting while apologizing to my Mother who was spitting flames.
So when the school would call and say CovfefeNegro was expelled for fighting today she might say 'good' and hangup.
The 'authorities' were the ones causing the Hatreds and grief, same as today. That stuff was my Wake-Up, by 1972 I knew my government was messed up. Looking around at Society then we saw rioting and terrorisms, from black panthers to symbionese liberation army and weathermen underground (Bill Ayers group) to foreign terrorists, college campuses were mostly a mess so you couldn't just go to college and escape anything that way. the Draft was waiting on us for Vietnam so I enlisted in the USAF. In the Service I learned about institutional corruptions, such as JFK and the Bay of Pigs, LBJ and his 'have (those people) voting democrat for 200 years', and Carter with his amnesty and allowing the rageheads in iran to attack our Embassy and get away with it.
Yeah we tried to fight it but the courts were not listening, no one was listening even back then, the Feds had agenda.
The Catholic school i attended went up to 8th grade. At this time in the Los Angeles Unified School District implemented new policy that any new students in suburban area's ( primarily caucasian students. ) were bused to inner city schools.
All private schools within driving range of LA County jacked there tuition 100% and there wasn't an open space for an odd year new student, within 50 miles.
( Public schools were 1st - 6th grade / 7th - 9th grade / 10th - 12th grade. )
Mom and Dad had six children ( me being the youngest ) and couldn't afford the inflated rate of tuition for the new school year . You have no idea how GOD AWFUL it was. There experiment was a total failure - and created hate and division between Colored and Caucasian students. ( that hatred still exist today. ) In the first year , no less than fifteen of the male students and 3 or 4 female students were beaten soo bad , that they couldn't return to school , that year. I'm talking sever beatings.
The NEWS of this was fully suppressed and kept secret. 30 years later , i rattled off ten names of the nastiest "Bad Hombre's" to two of my friends who were Sheriff's that worked "Men's Central Jail" in Down Town LA - and they knew every one - by name... "Liberal Ideology" what a piece of S#!T.
We had some real rotten "White Apples" in our suburban neighborhoods as well.
Just not GODLESS VIOLENT ANIMALS , without conscience.
The school i went to was 70% Black 20% Latin / Asian 10% White / Other.
After fighting back , outrunning / parkour evasion / morfing into a seasoned veterano hit man - friendships were eventually were formed. I questioned ; what's your beef ??? and the answer was always , "Were supposed to hate you"
They had no idea why ??? Just pre-programmed hatred.
I'm nearly 100 % Czech / both sides. All my grand parents came to America in the early 1900's from the old country. We never enslaved anyone - but , I'm to be hated , because of my "White Privilege" . I guess that uninformed pre-programmed hatred never subsides. Kinda sound's like Liberals thinking that Lincoln , who freed the slaves , was a DemoRAT , and the Republicans were behind the KKK , and the segregated South.
Yep. When I got out of the Air Force I was looking for a job, Shell Oil was hiring electricians so I applied, I had very good electrical training working on nukes.
The first day about 100 of us showed up to take the 'idiot' tests, then next day about 50 of us who passed those took the electrical tests. That first day there were three black guys, the second day for the electrical tests none of them were included, apparently could not pass the idiot tests.
Third day maybe 5 of us were called in for interviews, the guy interviewing us told me I aced the tests and he would love to hire me, I was young, a Vet, had the knowledge, he knew I would be a good employee. He also referred to an older gentleman who had been let go at another facility, he already knew the job well enough, he said he wanted to hire either one of us.
But he said sorry, we are told we must fill this 1 position with a black person .... quotas.
I asked him why we were forced to waste three days, he knew he was not gonna hire us why did he have us testing? No blacks tested...because they didn't pass the idiot tests! No answer.
Damn I was angry....told him I was happy to not work for him, would not want to work for such messed up people.
Most black people have never actually been denied 'anything' because of skin color, yet I have been denied because of not being black.
People are hiring, folks with trade skills can find work here in Texas. We were noticing that for the last 20 or so years we couldn't seem to find younger people who wanted to work, who wanted to learn trades and skills, who wanted to put in the hours in the heat, outside, working their tools.
That's the problem today for us, we have a small biz and cannot find employees, they make too much money on welfare and unemployment, or selling drugs maybe. We have a couple positions open and few viable applicants have bothered asking, none of them have been qualified or willing to learn. None of them have been physically able to perform the simple tasks required or willing to do so, everyone seems to think they are owed free paychecks. We let one clown go because he was trying to collect that chinese flu unemployment even tho he worked full time for us, we were shocked when Texas contacted us to ask why we laid him off. My Lovely Wife was looking at the guy across the office as she informed Texas that apparently some fraud was in play because there he is, on the clock.
We cannot have a fraud working for us, he went bye-bye.
A lot of plants and companies here are energy-related, they were hiring under Trump because we had an economy, we were pumping oil and gas and making all the industrial wheels turn. Under Traitor joe that has ceased... so the jobs are scarcer but qualified folks can still find some. All of our refineries and power plants are operating at capacity, but many other industries are idling.
The Enemy has hurt our economy bad, couple the industrial stoppages with the death of many small businesses and America is bleeding out.
Hell he might have known my Father, he worked for Brown and Root for 40 years, a lot of it in Louisiana and offshore, running out of Belle Chase and Venice and Intracoastal City...
In 1971 my Father loaded me up one Saturday, thought we were going to get our usual haircut but no he kept driving. Got on I-10 headed east, ok I thought we're gonna visit his Brother in Anahuac, nope kept going. So when I ask he says I am fixing to go on a pipeline lay barge for Brown and Root, we're going to Intracoastal City to catch the boat out. Got there and he discovered I couldn't go, wasn't old enough. No problem, his buddies at Brown and Root put me to work on the loading dock until he got back two months later, had to stay at a boarding house in Abbeville.
He also worked land jobs for them, taught at their welding school for a while, did some overseas jobs, he travelled a lot. He was a heavy equipment operator too, that was what he did offshore. Once they were making up the header at the oil rig about 70 miles offshore in a few hundred feet of water, he had a 200 ton manitowoc crane but the header weighed a lot, and offshore you have to swing your load slightly to keep it level and true, if you follow, because the barge rocks a little, so you gently sway your load. But there were heavy swells and my Father got to swinging too much, it tipped over. His load went into the water but his boom crashed down on a supply barge tethered alongside, so the crane didn't go over, they saved it with the other crane. Even saved the header, I have pics somewhere. The crew, mostly Cajuns, said they never saw my Father move as fast as he did climbing out of that crane.
John Kasich slipping out “...when he was put to death” when discussing his friend John McCaine during a live interview on CNN. A guy showed me this and introduced me to Q and the Great Awakening. That was early 2018. But I did love Trump and voted for him and over the years became increasing hateful not only of demoncrats, even from way back to when I was a teen, but also the do nothing roll over repubs.
1984, the year not the book, which was 4th grade for me when I caught my elementary teacher altering history for school and then attempting to embarrass me for fact checking with verifiable sources.
My first red pill was 9/11. Maybe that dates me a bit but I was pretty young then. I was always suspicious of government anyways, I think it is just in my nature. I watched the whole thing from start to finish including Building 7. I was suspicious of that event from the date it started. I remember the fireman calling out the explosions in the buildings as they came down. They were saying the explosions are what brought down the towers and there is plenty of evidence to back up that position. Building 7 was just the smack in the face that said "wake up".
Yep, Building Seven is incontrovertible physical evidence of some kind of inside job. Most likely by our "best friend" (with help from a US govt alphabet agency or two or three...)
The year my brother graduated high school. I was younger than he but helped him study for government class for his finals. He passed btw. But I was introduced to the constitution and Bill of rights very early and realized then the corruption, and bullshit that is congress. Exactly, between March and May of 1976. I was 11yo. Not long after, I convinced my parents to vote differently. Lifelong democrats converted by 1980. And until they died, they always asked my advice on who to vote for. They never chose a party after 1980. They were convinced to vote policy over party til they died.
Been a very long process that actually started when I was very young. However the turning point where I started to actively despise the entire establishment began in 2007 after I saw a report centered around Donald Rumsfeld that I won't go into because I know there are still a lot of people holding on to delusions.
Then in 2008 the Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis happened and that was the final blow as it revealed a few gigantic topics that caused me to do at least a years worth of research.
So to this day the only thing I want is a total end of the establishment which is the federal government and everyone connected to it. Corporate media, big IT, big pharma and every single piece of the government education system big and small.
And BTW, the more you learn about everything, the more you will want an end to pretty much everyone connected to all facets of the establishment. And don't be sorry if you feel that way. They know that the system is totally corrupt. So if they aren't actively fighting it in earnest, they are absolutely part of the corruption.
I apologize, I misspoke in a technical way and I realize that this could be construed as baiting, that is not good and not what I wanted to do. The story was centered around Rumsfeld. My discovery of a problem (to my senses) within that story that was not centered around Rumsfeld, he was just involved in what I think is not something one can blame him for in a legal way. It can be argued to be tangential to him which I think is fair.
The problem I discovered is still something I don't think is wise to talk about because it gets into core belief systems which I don't have an axe to grind about other than when it is inappropriate to inject that core belief system into a government job duty.
This happened in a military context which is why it alarmed me. This stuff can be viewed as me being overly sensitive but I have sensibilities about government and military conduct that have a high bar because in my view government must be absolutely professional, in particular the military. When it fails that, it is a serious problem in my view.
In summary I had my trigger tripped on a nuance which eventually cascaded to a total rebuke of government. However it was a very long time in building.
As for Rumsfeld, we will probably never know what he is really culpable for unless we get a sort of time machine that can peer backwards..
9/11, 100%. There was a lot of other stuff leading up to that (JFK, etc.) but 9/11 was what broke me...in a good way. I have never seen the world the same since choosing to be open minded about what really happened that day. I don't even remember what my old world-view was at this point. Probably having a lot of questions that people refused to answer because it was "disrespectful" or "reactionary" or some shit
The criminal obama stealing ( more than doubled) my paid health ins. and giving it to illegal aliens and slugs that have earned nothing. Pure liberal/socialist/communism.
When I saw Obama get elected twice, that’s when I started to question things and dig into the data. I couldn’t understand how someone who was clearly a Muslim jihadist could get in the White House so soon after 9/11.
The creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin 1994 was my start. Blood Bankers and Confessions of an Economic Hitman both opened my eyes to how things work at the top.
My first wakeup was watching Zeitgeist in my senior year in high school. I became a Trump supporter when he made animal abuse a felony. I found out about Q around the time the fake pandemic hit.
The real awakening was in 98 when I realized the Democrats only lie, I switched to republican and they only lie… I followed both parties for a few years each and hated them both during the time and between 98 and 2001 I became a conservative because 9/11/2001 I knew Bush was involved and covering it up… flying saudies out… since thej I have been working on making sense of what they were doing and the end goal… and how to get rid of them… I loved Trump way before Q ever came around… his speech in Gettysburg during the run for 2016 is what got me, I cried and knew he was the one that loved the country and what I was looking for as a politician… hope this Q plan goes right but in the end Trump is the real deal that’s all we know at this point…
Ruby Ridge and Waco Texas.
I was 9. Military family. Dad was very involved in Bay of Pigs and the missile crisis. He knew immediately what had gone down even specifically calling out c_a and papa b. He was the awake one. I had all the paperclip/nasa intrigue imbedded in my skull by the time I was 10.
Same,but I read a lot about it 10-15 years ago. And ruby ridge,waco and OKC bombing.
It's funny to go back and see just how sloppy it all was. Nowadays they're still just as sloppy, just everything is bigger.
Buildings falling to the ground , in NYC - that were engendered to to withstand an airplane crashing into them. Also ; an "Insurance Policy" that had such an event written into the inclusions. Can you say "SCAM" . . .
Don't forget the pristine passport found in mid-town manhattan that just happened to belong to one of the so called hijackers.
Building 7.
Did not collapse due to an office fire.
LOL! I suspect you mean "engineered".
With all the gender bending going on lately you never know.
Mine was, or the beginning of mine was, in 1969 when the Feds shut down a mostly black school about 12 miles away and bused those kids to our school. We were told then that 'everything' was discriminations, academics and dress codes and conduct codes and such were all discrimination.
We were told much worse too, and so I began wondering Why that was so.
Some of us have been fighting this battle for many decades now.
"REVERSE RACISM" - in 1978 I got bused to a school in the inner city - "Get This" ( 37 Miles Away - into LA traffic. ) where i got the shit beat outta me every single day. ( 750 Students - 55 white kids - all bused in. ) Trust me when i say , "I Judge a Man by his Character" !!! I got to be an excellent judge of character. GOVERNMENT must stay out of peoples personal lives.
Here is the most chilling quote ever:
We had about half and half, but the first couple of big riots, in the first two weeks of school that year, the local affiliate of the black panthers sent thugs on campus, 25 year old gangsters with knives and clubs beat the stuffings out of us kids. A buddy of mine has a plate in his head still today from that first riot.
We did nothing but fight, academics all but ceased, any and all troubles were deemed to be the fault of non-blacks and they knew they were protected so they'd provoke you, stab you with those damn pick or rake combs they used to carry for their fros. Then when you defended yourself you were expelled, I sometimes couldn't make a full day a week...
White privilege looks like that.
It was a lot worse than my simple description.
We went to school because we wanted an education, plus back in those days we had actual 'Truant Officers' who would check to see if students were legit missing class or just ditching it. Your parents could be charged and made to pay fines if you skipped school, the Feds paid the schools by number of butts in those chairs each day.
Prior to busing I was a straight 'A' student, I wanted my grades. After busing academics dropped, so it was easy to maintain that 'A' even without going to class much, just try to be there on test days.
I quit school several times tho, tired of the constant fightinmg, and coaches, teachers and family would coerce me to return. I finally quit for good after the 11th grade, took a GED when I was 17 and enrolled at a junior college. While my senior class was finishing up 12th grade I got my first two semesters of college done, then enlisted in the Air Force. Those junior college courses allowed me to test out very well in electrical and the Air Force told me I could have any job I wanted, so I picked a very long school and got very good training working on nukes.
When life gibs you lemons make lemonade....
Our schools have declined ever since, devolving into tranny day cares today.
IT WAS 'authority' who was causing it all, same as today.
YEAH, we raised hell daily, it was maddening and quite disturbing, but no dice.
Oh yeah, we raised hell but no one listened. School boards simply said it was Federal Law and that's the way it was. My Mother was nearly arrested because she named them all as fools and liars, cops escorted us out of that first meeting while apologizing to my Mother who was spitting flames.
So when the school would call and say CovfefeNegro was expelled for fighting today she might say 'good' and hangup.
The 'authorities' were the ones causing the Hatreds and grief, same as today. That stuff was my Wake-Up, by 1972 I knew my government was messed up. Looking around at Society then we saw rioting and terrorisms, from black panthers to symbionese liberation army and weathermen underground (Bill Ayers group) to foreign terrorists, college campuses were mostly a mess so you couldn't just go to college and escape anything that way. the Draft was waiting on us for Vietnam so I enlisted in the USAF. In the Service I learned about institutional corruptions, such as JFK and the Bay of Pigs, LBJ and his 'have (those people) voting democrat for 200 years', and Carter with his amnesty and allowing the rageheads in iran to attack our Embassy and get away with it.
Yeah we tried to fight it but the courts were not listening, no one was listening even back then, the Feds had agenda.
The Catholic school i attended went up to 8th grade. At this time in the Los Angeles Unified School District implemented new policy that any new students in suburban area's ( primarily caucasian students. ) were bused to inner city schools. All private schools within driving range of LA County jacked there tuition 100% and there wasn't an open space for an odd year new student, within 50 miles. ( Public schools were 1st - 6th grade / 7th - 9th grade / 10th - 12th grade. ) Mom and Dad had six children ( me being the youngest ) and couldn't afford the inflated rate of tuition for the new school year . You have no idea how GOD AWFUL it was. There experiment was a total failure - and created hate and division between Colored and Caucasian students. ( that hatred still exist today. ) In the first year , no less than fifteen of the male students and 3 or 4 female students were beaten soo bad , that they couldn't return to school , that year. I'm talking sever beatings. The NEWS of this was fully suppressed and kept secret. 30 years later , i rattled off ten names of the nastiest "Bad Hombre's" to two of my friends who were Sheriff's that worked "Men's Central Jail" in Down Town LA - and they knew every one - by name... "Liberal Ideology" what a piece of S#!T.
We had some real rotten "White Apples" in our suburban neighborhoods as well. Just not GODLESS VIOLENT ANIMALS , without conscience.
The school i went to was 70% Black 20% Latin / Asian 10% White / Other. After fighting back , outrunning / parkour evasion / morfing into a seasoned veterano hit man - friendships were eventually were formed. I questioned ; what's your beef ??? and the answer was always , "Were supposed to hate you" They had no idea why ??? Just pre-programmed hatred.
I'm nearly 100 % Czech / both sides. All my grand parents came to America in the early 1900's from the old country. We never enslaved anyone - but , I'm to be hated , because of my "White Privilege" . I guess that uninformed pre-programmed hatred never subsides. Kinda sound's like Liberals thinking that Lincoln , who freed the slaves , was a DemoRAT , and the Republicans were behind the KKK , and the segregated South.
Yep. When I got out of the Air Force I was looking for a job, Shell Oil was hiring electricians so I applied, I had very good electrical training working on nukes.
The first day about 100 of us showed up to take the 'idiot' tests, then next day about 50 of us who passed those took the electrical tests. That first day there were three black guys, the second day for the electrical tests none of them were included, apparently could not pass the idiot tests.
Third day maybe 5 of us were called in for interviews, the guy interviewing us told me I aced the tests and he would love to hire me, I was young, a Vet, had the knowledge, he knew I would be a good employee. He also referred to an older gentleman who had been let go at another facility, he already knew the job well enough, he said he wanted to hire either one of us.
But he said sorry, we are told we must fill this 1 position with a black person .... quotas.
I asked him why we were forced to waste three days, he knew he was not gonna hire us why did he have us testing? No blacks tested...because they didn't pass the idiot tests! No answer.
Damn I was angry....told him I was happy to not work for him, would not want to work for such messed up people.
Most black people have never actually been denied 'anything' because of skin color, yet I have been denied because of not being black.
White privilege strikes again huh.
People are hiring, folks with trade skills can find work here in Texas. We were noticing that for the last 20 or so years we couldn't seem to find younger people who wanted to work, who wanted to learn trades and skills, who wanted to put in the hours in the heat, outside, working their tools.
That's the problem today for us, we have a small biz and cannot find employees, they make too much money on welfare and unemployment, or selling drugs maybe. We have a couple positions open and few viable applicants have bothered asking, none of them have been qualified or willing to learn. None of them have been physically able to perform the simple tasks required or willing to do so, everyone seems to think they are owed free paychecks. We let one clown go because he was trying to collect that chinese flu unemployment even tho he worked full time for us, we were shocked when Texas contacted us to ask why we laid him off. My Lovely Wife was looking at the guy across the office as she informed Texas that apparently some fraud was in play because there he is, on the clock.
We cannot have a fraud working for us, he went bye-bye.
A lot of plants and companies here are energy-related, they were hiring under Trump because we had an economy, we were pumping oil and gas and making all the industrial wheels turn. Under Traitor joe that has ceased... so the jobs are scarcer but qualified folks can still find some. All of our refineries and power plants are operating at capacity, but many other industries are idling.
The Enemy has hurt our economy bad, couple the industrial stoppages with the death of many small businesses and America is bleeding out.
Pray for Humanity.
Hell he might have known my Father, he worked for Brown and Root for 40 years, a lot of it in Louisiana and offshore, running out of Belle Chase and Venice and Intracoastal City...
In 1971 my Father loaded me up one Saturday, thought we were going to get our usual haircut but no he kept driving. Got on I-10 headed east, ok I thought we're gonna visit his Brother in Anahuac, nope kept going. So when I ask he says I am fixing to go on a pipeline lay barge for Brown and Root, we're going to Intracoastal City to catch the boat out. Got there and he discovered I couldn't go, wasn't old enough. No problem, his buddies at Brown and Root put me to work on the loading dock until he got back two months later, had to stay at a boarding house in Abbeville.
He also worked land jobs for them, taught at their welding school for a while, did some overseas jobs, he travelled a lot. He was a heavy equipment operator too, that was what he did offshore. Once they were making up the header at the oil rig about 70 miles offshore in a few hundred feet of water, he had a 200 ton manitowoc crane but the header weighed a lot, and offshore you have to swing your load slightly to keep it level and true, if you follow, because the barge rocks a little, so you gently sway your load. But there were heavy swells and my Father got to swinging too much, it tipped over. His load went into the water but his boom crashed down on a supply barge tethered alongside, so the crane didn't go over, they saved it with the other crane. Even saved the header, I have pics somewhere. The crew, mostly Cajuns, said they never saw my Father move as fast as he did climbing out of that crane.
Small world innit.
9/11 dude. Before YouTube delete all the videos about the truth
Yes me too! Good ol days
HRC stealing the election from Bernie. From there it was D5.
John Kasich slipping out “...when he was put to death” when discussing his friend John McCaine during a live interview on CNN. A guy showed me this and introduced me to Q and the Great Awakening. That was early 2018. But I did love Trump and voted for him and over the years became increasing hateful not only of demoncrats, even from way back to when I was a teen, but also the do nothing roll over repubs.
1984, the year not the book, which was 4th grade for me when I caught my elementary teacher altering history for school and then attempting to embarrass me for fact checking with verifiable sources.
My first red pill was 9/11. Maybe that dates me a bit but I was pretty young then. I was always suspicious of government anyways, I think it is just in my nature. I watched the whole thing from start to finish including Building 7. I was suspicious of that event from the date it started. I remember the fireman calling out the explosions in the buildings as they came down. They were saying the explosions are what brought down the towers and there is plenty of evidence to back up that position. Building 7 was just the smack in the face that said "wake up".
Yep, Building Seven is incontrovertible physical evidence of some kind of inside job. Most likely by our "best friend" (with help from a US govt alphabet agency or two or three...)
Just realising as a kid that people were really dumb and wondering wtf was up with that. Why can’t they be smart? And then I tried to find out.
The way Hilary acted after her loss woke me up to how utterly classless the left is.
Been a very long process that actually started when I was very young. However the turning point where I started to actively despise the entire establishment began in 2007 after I saw a report centered around Donald Rumsfeld that I won't go into because I know there are still a lot of people holding on to delusions.
Then in 2008 the Sub Prime Mortgage Crisis happened and that was the final blow as it revealed a few gigantic topics that caused me to do at least a years worth of research.
So to this day the only thing I want is a total end of the establishment which is the federal government and everyone connected to it. Corporate media, big IT, big pharma and every single piece of the government education system big and small.
And BTW, the more you learn about everything, the more you will want an end to pretty much everyone connected to all facets of the establishment. And don't be sorry if you feel that way. They know that the system is totally corrupt. So if they aren't actively fighting it in earnest, they are absolutely part of the corruption.
I apologize, I misspoke in a technical way and I realize that this could be construed as baiting, that is not good and not what I wanted to do. The story was centered around Rumsfeld. My discovery of a problem (to my senses) within that story that was not centered around Rumsfeld, he was just involved in what I think is not something one can blame him for in a legal way. It can be argued to be tangential to him which I think is fair.
The problem I discovered is still something I don't think is wise to talk about because it gets into core belief systems which I don't have an axe to grind about other than when it is inappropriate to inject that core belief system into a government job duty.
This happened in a military context which is why it alarmed me. This stuff can be viewed as me being overly sensitive but I have sensibilities about government and military conduct that have a high bar because in my view government must be absolutely professional, in particular the military. When it fails that, it is a serious problem in my view.
In summary I had my trigger tripped on a nuance which eventually cascaded to a total rebuke of government. However it was a very long time in building.
As for Rumsfeld, we will probably never know what he is really culpable for unless we get a sort of time machine that can peer backwards..
Murder of Vince Foster.
9/11, 100%. There was a lot of other stuff leading up to that (JFK, etc.) but 9/11 was what broke me...in a good way. I have never seen the world the same since choosing to be open minded about what really happened that day. I don't even remember what my old world-view was at this point. Probably having a lot of questions that people refused to answer because it was "disrespectful" or "reactionary" or some shit
The criminal obama stealing ( more than doubled) my paid health ins. and giving it to illegal aliens and slugs that have earned nothing. Pure liberal/socialist/communism.
The Media Blackout of Ron Paul's Presidential campaign!
1991 Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings
When Ross Perot ran for president. The media was disgusting.
My wakeup was when I found the connections between the Hinckley family and the Bush family.
AIG collapsing
Arizona’s “call”, Nov. 03, 2020.
9/11 - but always kinda felt something was amiss.
Ilhan Nuremberg Said Elmi in 2018 was mine.
When I saw Obama get elected twice, that’s when I started to question things and dig into the data. I couldn’t understand how someone who was clearly a Muslim jihadist could get in the White House so soon after 9/11.
The creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin 1994 was my start. Blood Bankers and Confessions of an Economic Hitman both opened my eyes to how things work at the top.
My first wakeup was watching Zeitgeist in my senior year in high school. I became a Trump supporter when he made animal abuse a felony. I found out about Q around the time the fake pandemic hit.
This -------> https://youtu.be/9GcjP9KVR7E?t=36
Maybe 1992…
The real awakening was in 98 when I realized the Democrats only lie, I switched to republican and they only lie… I followed both parties for a few years each and hated them both during the time and between 98 and 2001 I became a conservative because 9/11/2001 I knew Bush was involved and covering it up… flying saudies out… since thej I have been working on making sense of what they were doing and the end goal… and how to get rid of them… I loved Trump way before Q ever came around… his speech in Gettysburg during the run for 2016 is what got me, I cried and knew he was the one that loved the country and what I was looking for as a politician… hope this Q plan goes right but in the end Trump is the real deal that’s all we know at this point…
Obama’s election. It did not make sense that he came out of nowhere and won. Rabbit hole dive from there for me.
MK Ultra
9/11 3rd day of college in downtown NYC