Why would they tape it on in such a fashion? Do they not have label makers? Or permanent marker on 1 strip of tape? Seems a little odd to do that. Not to mention every bot on Twitter is also saying high energy lipid protein. Seems like a convenient excuse.
So subtle. It is on the side of the machine in front of the lab worker. I wonder if it can't be seen by human eyes, but can be seen by a camera. Fucking smart if that is what they were trying to do.
It stands for High Energy Lipid Protein. Nothing here folks.
I thought it stood for Let's Go Brandon.
Why would they tape it on in such a fashion? Do they not have label makers? Or permanent marker on 1 strip of tape? Seems a little odd to do that. Not to mention every bot on Twitter is also saying high energy lipid protein. Seems like a convenient excuse.
Sounds like my desk at home.😂
I believe you. You have to admit it looks sloppy and there would be a more efficient and less time consuming way to label things.
I dont get it. They're trafficked workers or something?
I guess they threaten them. These workers know that the test is bullshit, they are afraid to speak out.
So it’s taped to a protein analyzer?
Silly me I just use pen and paper.
Looking for machine …
oohhh.... so that's what that struggling swimmer meant
I guess they can't afford pen.and paper to go with that tape.
Just some subtle rioting.
So subtle. It is on the side of the machine in front of the lab worker. I wonder if it can't be seen by human eyes, but can be seen by a camera. Fucking smart if that is what they were trying to do.
Took me awhile, but it is in the last 4 seconds on the side of the machine facing the camera.
It's written on the side of the machine thing in that last shot
oh shit
Looks like it was made with white tape. You can see it peeling on the top of the H. (and slightly in other areas)
Bit racist.....!
You ain’t one of those bug supremacists ....?
I hope that’s not dust... lol
I was thinking the same thing. That's a "lab"?
Looks like a definite SOS to me
Very clever. She had a tough time making the P though because of its curve.
I don't see it
Here's a more helpful and obvious picture: https://mobile.twitter.com/IdahoTribune/status/1465224129087344647
I had trouble too, I was concentrating on what the person was actually writing and thinking "how could anyone tell what they are writing" lol.
Wow! That's pretty clear. Thanks man!
Remember Jeremiah Denton?
One you knew you would have perhaps a brief period to fashion a message with whatever was available.