The Bible references giants with 6 fingers and 6 toes (Nephilim).
1 Chronicles 20:6 (NASB) Again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature who had twenty-four fingers and toes, six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot; and he also was descended from the giants.
it's not unheard of. I remember an unsolved mysteries episode from the nineties about a edit:gangbanger called "six fingers" who had a vestigial extra thumb on one hand.
I just got a three week old cat to terrorize the neighborhood shes from an unvaxxed lineage of ruthless farm dwelling gangstas and I named her china cuz shes a psychopathic murderer already with a desire for world domination
Did he take the saline or real vax? What did NBA, NFL and MLB athletes get injected with?
Something does not add up when foreign athletes are consistently collapsing and dying when American sports athletes are not having those issues at the same rate.
Wait... why would an A-lister like this PUBLICLY get cv?
Why would ANY big public figure get this publicly?
Lots of celeb names getting it recently in conjunction with vaccine... What gives?
This just has the Corrupt Media reporting against the narrative.
I know I probably shouldnt, but I actually feel bad for a lot of these people. No fauci and the like, they know what they're doing. I mean the sheep.
It's not easy to break out of that kind of conditioning. Imagine being stuck in an endless loop of boosters, lockdowns, boosters, lockdown, variant, rinse repeat all while being terrified that you're gonna get the dreaded coof and drop dead.
Hmmm... vaccinated players are only tested if they are showing symptoms. How many teammates did he infect before that test? (Mr. Holier-Than-Thou) And the team arranged transport back to LA. How? Did they drive him 6 hours or put him on a plane to infect the general public?
how convenient, since his karening the other night, now he gets a free break from being in the spotlight. shame is his ego wont allow him to keep his mouth shut for long.
DS Illuminati pedo.
Check out his feet (DDG image search). Had/has 6 toes — Nephilim?
dont insult the Nephilim
They have more toes than that?
Yes! I noticed the same thing. I don't really know what it means but I don't think he's fully human
Here’s an interesting article about it:
The Bible references giants with 6 fingers and 6 toes (Nephilim).
incomplete conjoined twin
Edit: just guessing
Kek! He’s not the only celebrity or athlete with 6 fingers or 6 toes.
Here’s the latest sports star with 6 fingers, posted on Instagram on October 16:
This is Biblical.
it's not unheard of. I remember an unsolved mysteries episode from the nineties about a edit:gangbanger called "six fingers" who had a vestigial extra thumb on one hand.
Interesting! Here’s some more celebs.
11 Famous People With 11 Fingers or Toes
have to look at that, found this while hunting that episode (never found it, sadly)
Some people just have an extra finger/toe. 🤷♂️
The jab comes in 3 flavors:
I have no idea which one Lebron got.
Lebron IS cancer
Karma is just starting to come back around LeFuck
A Nike shoe box would be quite fitting. Sponsored by China.
I just got a three week old cat to terrorize the neighborhood shes from an unvaxxed lineage of ruthless farm dwelling gangstas and I named her china cuz shes a psychopathic murderer already with a desire for world domination
get that moron on a ventilator, STAT!!!
And pump him full of Remdesivir
as big as he is... better get him 2 gallons.... just to be on the safe side...
Is he even physically sick? Or is this to try to stoke the Covid fear back into flame.
Would be nice if this were code for getting fitted for a jumpsuit. Seems like the type to prey.
China James is going to cry into his pillow tonight.
"Not working is exactly how you know it's working. Shut up!"
Did he take the saline or real vax? What did NBA, NFL and MLB athletes get injected with? Something does not add up when foreign athletes are consistently collapsing and dying when American sports athletes are not having those issues at the same rate.
I thought this happened a while ago am I having deja vu.
Its a glitch in the matrix when they change something.
Wait... why would an A-lister like this PUBLICLY get cv? Why would ANY big public figure get this publicly? Lots of celeb names getting it recently in conjunction with vaccine... What gives? This just has the Corrupt Media reporting against the narrative. ??
“If it weren’t for you pesky unvaccinated!”
China Commie caught his own virus. Oh well.
Enjoy your lemon heads bitch.
I see he's real popular here with our gang.😂😎
Players got the injection so that they could play............
I just wanted to see him get his ass kicked by the young kid who was in no way intimidated by his ugly mug!!!!!
I know I probably shouldnt, but I actually feel bad for a lot of these people. No fauci and the like, they know what they're doing. I mean the sheep.
It's not easy to break out of that kind of conditioning. Imagine being stuck in an endless loop of boosters, lockdowns, boosters, lockdown, variant, rinse repeat all while being terrified that you're gonna get the dreaded coof and drop dead.
Hmmm... vaccinated players are only tested if they are showing symptoms. How many teammates did he infect before that test? (Mr. Holier-Than-Thou) And the team arranged transport back to LA. How? Did they drive him 6 hours or put him on a plane to infect the general public?
They all got saline.
You will never be as good as Michael Jordan!
Now, go sell more Chinese Shoes.
Shit, Michael's still selling those, too.
A heart attack during a game would have been fitting
how convenient, since his karening the other night, now he gets a free break from being in the spotlight. shame is his ego wont allow him to keep his mouth shut for long.
If this is true it is the best news I have read all day. Now we wait for the clots to take him down. Keep running Lebron!!
Shut up and don't dribble?
Dear Death,
Something, something.
The end.
Is he really "infected" or does he not want to play because he can't handle the heckling?
Mr Potato Head is wondering HOW he caught Covid! Duhhhhhhhhhh!!!
lebraun, heraldo, whoopie, ...and the list goes on and on .../!
In before #kobe'd ??
Wow, LA Times is hurting so bad for subscribers they're offering 6 months for $1.