“As a doctor, I relied upon my knowledge and that of the millions of doctors advocating for the vaccine and read the research, and made the right decision.
Clearly you didn't read ALL of the research or listen to the many doctors, researchers and scientists warning what a plague these things are. Hopefully your child will understand and forgive your ignorance.
The leftists will say “It wasn’t MY fault!”. Even those whose friends and relatives tried to warn them. Because leftists never take responsibility for their own words and actions.
Well honey that didn't matter at the time, mommy wanted social media clout points to show everyone how woke she is. Now get in your wheel chair so mommy can take a selfie to show what a great person she is by taking care of you. Mommy needs to smell this onion before she takes the pic...
That's a custom that had been ingrained in western civilization for a very long time. I think that only in the past 40 years has it become more common to forego it (my son being one :) )
Isn't it only a thing in our parts of the world because of the huge Christian influences, and how it's told you're supposed to do so in the Bible? Seems like one of God's rules.
Son, I didn't let them inject you with anything.
Why did you keep sending me to school when knew they were coming to vax us?
I would say
“As a doctor, I relied upon my knowledge and that of the millions of doctors advocating for the vaccine and read the research, and made the right decision.
And if I had to do it all again, I would.
Glad youre safe from Covid”
because the survival rate from someone your age was only. 99.997%
As part of your prayer to God because of what you did to an innocent child.
Sorry bro but the info is out.
This is a troll account right?
Why do they always delete the comment before I get qa chance to read what they said?
Probably a troll but I still like to laugh.
Clearly you didn't read ALL of the research or listen to the many doctors, researchers and scientists warning what a plague these things are. Hopefully your child will understand and forgive your ignorance.
As a Doctor, you should've known better.
You called the Pfizer line and listened to the message that it's not FDA approved?
You researched Dr Malone- the inventor of the mnra vaccine?
You researched the VAERS databas?
You chose an experimental drug be tested on your child for a disease that ZERO children had died from?
Shred your Dr license, you suck
For a free doughnut and hooker obviously
wait yall got donuts?
Two creamed holes for the price of one.
That’s wrong
Medical institutions shouldn’t be using sex work to incentivize vaccinations
Prick for a prick. Sounds fair
The leftists will say “It wasn’t MY fault!”. Even those whose friends and relatives tried to warn them. Because leftists never take responsibility for their own words and actions.
ya thats like the root core of their philosophy is to have no accountability for being a retard
Well honey that didn't matter at the time, mommy wanted social media clout points to show everyone how woke she is. Now get in your wheel chair so mommy can take a selfie to show what a great person she is by taking care of you. Mommy needs to smell this onion before she takes the pic...
Before we get too judgemental on today's sound parenting. I'm still missing a foreskin.
That's a custom that had been ingrained in western civilization for a very long time. I think that only in the past 40 years has it become more common to forego it (my son being one :) )
Yea when I was born all male babies were circumsized.
It's not a winning battle for my forward intentions.
We are on the same fine line.
Isn't it only a thing in our parts of the world because of the huge Christian influences, and how it's told you're supposed to do so in the Bible? Seems like one of God's rules.
A totally fair feeling. The more creative we allow ourselves imagination escape. The quicker the satisfaction.
Happy tje edit made us closer together.
What’s funny?
Can you provide context
I'm sorry, I thought you were imitating Borat.
Oh no worries
Miscommunication. Then
Hope you have a good day
Karen's response: "dOn'T tAlK bAcK tO mE yOuNg MaN!"
i WaNt tO sPeAk tO YoUr mAnAgEr
More of this please. When logic and reason don't work, shame is still an available and lifesaving tool at our disposal.
Very much so
These aren't parents. They're retarded status-whores and sperm donors.
On the topic of parenthood, homeschool.
Please homeschool. Or at least look into it.
Dead children can't ask questions.
Dead doctors don't lie.
They can still vote sleepy joe.
"So I can get more likes on Facebook"
I wager almost all of our parents let them inject us, from birth onward. If I'm not done having kids, the next one isn't getting a single one.
I can't think of a great answer for that one. Fortunately I'll never have to worry about figuring out what to say.
Why indeed?
I bet they'll be scared as shit considering their dead children are speaking with them from beyond the grave.
No the conversation will be “see boys, this is why we didn’t take the poison jab!”
Shit, they injected us with that shit before deploying. With all i know i think it was to infect the foreigners rather than our protection...
“I did the best I could.”
I won't be having this discussion with my daughter. She knows she won't be getting any clot shots.
Assuming it's not