This idea fits perfectly with ending humanity's enslavement by stopping the usage of Fed printed debt currency. If this starts at community levels and takes off, the world will thrive in an economic system that is so robust and with no central point of failure or control that it becomes very hard for any external entity to come and try to sink their claws into this.
Not all crypto are the same. Just crypto by itself is neither good nor bad. Its just a public journal thats transparent and easy to use. I just cannot see any future currency after the Awakening that is not based on crypto in someway, whether its black hat or white hat.
While I completely agree with moving many real assets to NFTs or other blockchain (including real estate), in order to have a currency (intermediary for barter) you must have an exchange mechanism (local) between your crypto and the real asset itself. It also must be one to one (no fractional reserve bullshit). In other words, you need infrastructure to hold the assets (like banks, linked together in many places).
This is a serious hurdle, but a necessary one. It will take quite a few people on board to make this happen.
I see no way of "holding your own silver tied crypto". That makes no sense to me. How do you "buy" something if you haven't actually exchanged a real asset in any meaningful way? How do you link a silver asset to its own crypto without a trusted exchange bank?
The infrastructure must be in place. In truth, it already is in the form of all the FRN banks we have. Once we take down the Fed it becomes easy. Alternatively if we could get all the Silver shops on board, we could make it work that way as well, but there has to be a method of exchange between the cyber and the real or it just becomes another fiat.
The precious metals world has reputable auditing companies that verify the labeled physical bars daily for vaults (Bullionvault is one that I've used before)
Well, the silver refiners do stamp bullion. You could always use photos of silver bullion to prove the asset exists, or get refiners to issue certificates on a block chain.
you deposit your own silver in exchange for a depository note, which happens to be silvercoin
Totally cool with that, but if it isn't local and the exchange doesn't go both ways, its not "real." This is the reason for infrastructure. These exchange banks need to be nationwide, or at least there has to be enough people doing this in a local place for it to catch on.
The point is, there must be an exchange infrastructure set up so that real and crytpo can be exchanged, one to one, with relative ease (not pay 50 bucks in gas to go to the "bank" e.g.). This could easily work for a single city, if enough people were on board with it.
Perhaps that might be the path. Get a single city (or decent size town) to do it, show the way, and it will likely catch on real quick, especially once the SHTF.
There was a project built on Skycoin that was doing something like this with blockchain backed metal trading seem to have lost the name of it at the moment.
Skycoin has its own programming language called CX which is similar to GO but made for blockchain, its a full programming language but for blockchain also everyone gets there own blockchain so it scales with as many parallel CX chains as you like.
Skycoin is also building their own Skywire meshnet so its more secure and so that it cannot be shut down due to the fact that each packet of data looks the same and deep packet inspection would not be possible and they cannot track the packets easily due to way the network forwards the packets.
I feel like we need to build the decentralized infrastructure to free ourselves from all this control its the only way, each person with their own blockchain to do their own tweets, youtube channels etc so only you control your data but with Skycoin's tech other people can help you mirror the data so you don't need conventional hosting which can be shut down.
I also feel like after Q has done their thing we can have a much brighter future away from all this fascist big tech crap but unless its decentralized there will always be a way to shut down shadowban or otherwise control each person.
I get what you’re trying to do, but the benefit of silver is it’s physical value. The second we move to a silver crypto we find ourselves in the same place as we are now with SLV certificates... we would put our trust In the idea that the crypto would be backed by real wealth, but an epic amount of fraud happens behind the scenes.
It was supposed to be backed 1:1 with USD, until they decided to make gains. Now they’re having to mint more Tether to “keep up” with USD, by backing itself with crypto currencies.
So a self-feeding fire… wait til everyone wants to cash out and the 1:1 is proven to not exist.
The challenge is to make sure that the place that stores the silver actually keeps as much of the physical silver as they claim they have, and that they keep it safe.
Thats why I envision this idea as a local community endeavour. Every community has a currency system like this backed by the silver owned by the people in the community. People within a community need to be able to trust each other. Without this, there is no way humanity can survive. This is also why we need common culture, values etc within a community.
No matter how hard this Awakening is, what comes after is going to be harder - not so much as painful, as having to change our fundamental belief system
Yeah Tether was a cabal operation to manipulate the crypto market. A lot of crypto transactions happened with Tether stable coins which were created out of think air (no backing), and it will also be how the current generation cryptos will crash before the new system comes in (atleast bitcoin I think)
Agreed. The challenge with acquiring any wealth has always been keeping it. It is a risk to keep your own wealth physically with you but a better risk, I think, than trusting anyone else with it.
You seem to be talking about storing value and you are correct.
OP also wants a medium of exchange and potentially a passive income via staking. Not sure how this will work. As other commenter said, you would need to be able to withdraw physical silver.
I think I understand the concept. I just don't like it. We have seen what happens, if not immediately then at least over time, when we trust others to store our wealth in exchange for the convenience of trading as well as a sense of security. The tradeoff has been a loss of privacy and outright theft of our acquired assets.
Convenience, like anything else we want in life, comes with a price. With any monetary system the primary price of the convenience those systems offer are risk of loss of capital and risk of loss of privacy. The degree of risk can be reduced depending on the system used but as far as I know all monetary systems designed with convenience in mind are accompanied by both these types of risks.
Personally, I'm not at all excited about crypto. I view it, as do many other Austrian economists with greater understanding than me, as another fake form of fiat with zero intrinsic value. Sure, people have acquired wealth with crypto in the same way people acquired wealth in the era and other speculative "investments" but getting lucky on a gamble does not automatically equate to the thing being gambled on having any actual value.
It seems to me that the more complex the system, the greater the opportunity for corruption. If people think it is bad now in terms of having the freedom to act in privacy with our paper dollars and their solution to the problem of privacy is to transfer their wealth to an electronic only currency, all I can say is they haven't really thought it through. Same is true, I think, for people who believe that an electronic currency will somehow be immune to corruption and outright theft from powerful entities. It just simply won't.
I get it. In theory the concept is great. I’m just skeptical and think that In time there will be more silvercoin than actual silver being stored. It would quickly start to resemble the current silver paper market.
Im a business owner in Texas and I want to help. I already own a lot of silver and a Bitcoin atm company as well as other businesses. This idea sounds really interesting
Kinesis money is gold and silver backed crypto. You can trade BTC and ETH on their platform. I'm a physical in your hand type of dude, but this looks interesting and I might dive in.
Mike Adams wants to start a crypto that is backed by clean food, but the crypto isn’t his area of expertise.
On his 12/13 Situation Update he solicited help from someone who is expert in getting it up and running. His solicitation was in the first few minutes as I recall.
The point is to have crypto backed by something, Mike is suggesting crypto as a utilitarian purpose, stable, auditable. If your the tech guy, take a listen.
Way above my ability, I’m not opening a software hit by the latest hack, lol!
I will say once crypto is backed by anything, you still have full faith and credit in that person/entity. Like Fort Knox, possibly. Same with the physical silver/gold IRAs, food, etc. it gets sketchy because WE know scams exist, but we also know people we trust. Gotta figure it out.
This is very interesting, and fits perfectly with Catherine Austin Fitts' ideas of decentralised community owned crypto.
Just like anything to do with money, it needs to be started in a community which trusts each other. One advantage with this is that even though people outside the community may not trust this crypto, it should be fairly trustable within the community. This means all the local businesses can accept this crypto from each other. As long as the crypto is in circulation, its creating business for the local community - an additional win.
On top of that, your investment suddenly becomes liquid. How nice is that?
Some downsides:
There needs to be a way to ensure that the holding company indeed holds all the silver its supposed to hold.
What about when people want to withdraw their silver. It's imaginable that some people deposit silver bars, but later might want to withdraw a few grams. Liquidity will be a problem since its not easy to break down bars into grams.
Having the facility open to investor based inventory audits would make them honest about what they hold. Ensuring the holding company has EXACTLY what it's supposed to have (and not a percentage more/less), based on customer inventory AND company physical on site holdings, while also ensuring there's no "fractional reserve" type business model, i.e. The Fed is what's stopping me from liking this proposal.
I don't like the idea of banks, trading firms, holding companies, or any other type of "financial institution" in general, and I'm sure I'm not the only one here or anywhere else that feels the same. It's just too easy for unsavory type characters to manipulate things to benefit only them. And getting something like this off the ground WITHOUT any help, support, or involvement from [them] is gonna be almost impossible. No one really knows how many "allies" [they] really have.
So, I'm inclined to stay out of this and just keep collecting and holding physical assets myself.
And getting something like this off the ground WITHOUT any help, support, or involvement from [them] is gonna be almost impossible. No one really knows how many "allies" [they] really have.
You overestimate their need in the society. ANYONE can start a new currency, as long as there are enough people who trust that currency.
The only think the Bankers bring to the table is this trust factor and they do it by manipulating public perception via media, experts, intellectuals etc.
At a community level, if there are respected people within the community that everyone trusts, then you dont need the bankers to get this off the ground. The framework is already there. You just need to run your own blockchain and there are plenty to choose from. These respected people can become the guardians of the physical silver.
To create transparency, what needs to happen is the common vault where the silver is stored needs to be in a very secure area and needs to have multi-keyed entrance. As long as, say, 50% of the guardians are available with their keys, you can open the vault and access the silver.
Every couple of week there should be a specific time when the silver vault is opened while any member of the community can watch, and new deposits added and withdrawals taken out. All silver tested with a purity machine in front of everyone. This will make it transparent, and the whole community gets to feel like they are running this currency together.
If you haven't seen her video from last year (I think August or so), you should. Its the one where she explains what BLM was doing (Urban redevelopment in the guise of riots), but also she goes into a lot of details about the financial aspects and she touches upon this community based crypto currency,
I have been scratching my brains a lot about how this can be implemented. Your post outlines pretty much a good blueprint for this, even though as I explained, I would implement this at local community level. Each community would have their own silver backed currency.
We are thinking seriously about leaving the city and moving into a farm community (except we have no farming experience). This kind of stuff would work only in a cohesive community, and thats what we want to find. Not a city life where no one knows anyone else.
"If they try to stop it, then we use TOR, VPNs and a private blockchain"
You're storing your physical silver with the state which can have pressure applied to them by the fed... People have no spine. They will disclose your transactions or hand over your silver.
Crypto alone can store value because a proper crypto takes real resources to obtain. Private wallet cryptos like Monero are harder for the state to track.
On a related note, history doesn't repeat itself, it rhymes.
I have a feeling GME sped-up the plan. The economy was bound to shit the bed, GME knocked out a huge pillar holding it up.
GME would, in theory, exchange hundreds of billions, and even trillions of dollars back to regular people.
This alone probably strung along more institutions that could have been “saved” despite a market crash. Just means more opportunities for common folk, and a lot less institutional power ALL across the board.
Whatever they want. They have full rights to them in a catastrophic event. Not to mention they could be entirely liquidated and you only get SIPC coverage for your shares ($500k max).
Also technically Cede & Co (Cabal) own them if they aren’t DRS’d. I personally DRS’d the majority of my shares and left IRA & a few shares at a couple different brokers.
Direct Registration. Shares are held in your name.
You can use a transfer agent like ComputerShare.
Visit their website and if you buy stock, it is held under your name instead of in a brokerage, which means you have full control and your shares cannot be lent to short sellers.
Direct Registration System. As an example, GameStop's direct registrar is ComputerShare.
So with GME shares, you can call up your broker (i.e. Fidelity) and tell them you want to direct register your shares with ComputerShare. They will then send your shares info over to ComputerShare, and then your shares will be registered at ComputerShare directly in your name. This removes Cede & Co as being the owner listed on the shares and instead lists you as the owner. This gives you full ownership/control over your shares and removes control from Cede & Co/DTCC.
Fidelity (broker) has been good about DRSing quickly (within 3-5 days). Other brokers however have been dragging their feet. I heard some users state that Vanguard took 2-3 weeks to complete DRS.
Dang, a little surprised to see WSS down this far the thread. Yesterday, I spotted an Ape in a thread that cleverly had the GA.W Brave browser tab logo in the background of the 1oz bar he was holding up.
As far as Kinesis goes.....I very much WANT to like Kinesis and I've researched it extensively a few months ago, looking to buy in. The problem with Kinesis (and all of the crypto world) is the on/off ramps for crypto are tightly controlled by the Cabal system/FED - in that, you need to go through standard and enhanced KYC protocols in order to join......HUGE turn off.
Holding your own physical metal is very important, but Kinesis system has the right idea. Being able buy/sell to tiny amounts of crypto based metal, backed by real physical metal, is a good start. Silver is such an undervalued asset and a wonderful metal who's uses will only expand in the's going to be hard to get physical into the hands of every person for day-to-day transactions.
Yes, all of the central banks of the world are about to fall and the entire monetary/financial system along with it. Initially, I had a longer reply typed up, but think I'll go for an quicker explanation.
I think blockchain tech has a place in the future, we just don't know what that looks like yet. Digital metal allows us to get more money into the hands of the people, but how we go about that in society going forward is anybody's guess at this point. Trump himself said he doesn't like crypto and that should tell you everything you need to know. It can be used for both to enslave humanity (CBDC) and free it (ledger of transactions for keeping parties honest).
I believe part of the whole GA movement will be returning to simplicity....without technology being so ingrained in our daily lives. Simple is good....and carrying around some gold/silver minted coins (God's money), like we used to do, is appealing and it worked. Not sure what happens to all of our privately held silver, but there will have to be a way to integrate it into whatever financial system we end up with moving forward.
I could be a silver back ape
For those wondering why this is stickied and what it has to do with Q, this post explains why:
This idea fits perfectly with ending humanity's enslavement by stopping the usage of Fed printed debt currency. If this starts at community levels and takes off, the world will thrive in an economic system that is so robust and with no central point of failure or control that it becomes very hard for any external entity to come and try to sink their claws into this.
This is the kind of quality thinking we need in this community, and what Q hoped we would learn!
fuck crypto. There is no need for crypto if people just transact in gold and silver money!
Not all crypto are the same. Just crypto by itself is neither good nor bad. Its just a public journal thats transparent and easy to use. I just cannot see any future currency after the Awakening that is not based on crypto in someway, whether its black hat or white hat.
there is no way to back crypto with precious metals that is not less secure than precious metals.
While I completely agree with moving many real assets to NFTs or other blockchain (including real estate), in order to have a currency (intermediary for barter) you must have an exchange mechanism (local) between your crypto and the real asset itself. It also must be one to one (no fractional reserve bullshit). In other words, you need infrastructure to hold the assets (like banks, linked together in many places).
This is a serious hurdle, but a necessary one. It will take quite a few people on board to make this happen.
I see no way of "holding your own silver tied crypto". That makes no sense to me. How do you "buy" something if you haven't actually exchanged a real asset in any meaningful way? How do you link a silver asset to its own crypto without a trusted exchange bank?
The infrastructure must be in place. In truth, it already is in the form of all the FRN banks we have. Once we take down the Fed it becomes easy. Alternatively if we could get all the Silver shops on board, we could make it work that way as well, but there has to be a method of exchange between the cyber and the real or it just becomes another fiat.
The precious metals world has reputable auditing companies that verify the labeled physical bars daily for vaults (Bullionvault is one that I've used before)
Well, the silver refiners do stamp bullion. You could always use photos of silver bullion to prove the asset exists, or get refiners to issue certificates on a block chain.
Totally cool with that, but if it isn't local and the exchange doesn't go both ways, its not "real." This is the reason for infrastructure. These exchange banks need to be nationwide, or at least there has to be enough people doing this in a local place for it to catch on.
The point is, there must be an exchange infrastructure set up so that real and crytpo can be exchanged, one to one, with relative ease (not pay 50 bucks in gas to go to the "bank" e.g.). This could easily work for a single city, if enough people were on board with it.
Perhaps that might be the path. Get a single city (or decent size town) to do it, show the way, and it will likely catch on real quick, especially once the SHTF.
There was a project built on Skycoin that was doing something like this with blockchain backed metal trading seem to have lost the name of it at the moment.
Skycoin has its own programming language called CX which is similar to GO but made for blockchain, its a full programming language but for blockchain also everyone gets there own blockchain so it scales with as many parallel CX chains as you like.
Skycoin is also building their own Skywire meshnet so its more secure and so that it cannot be shut down due to the fact that each packet of data looks the same and deep packet inspection would not be possible and they cannot track the packets easily due to way the network forwards the packets.
I feel like we need to build the decentralized infrastructure to free ourselves from all this control its the only way, each person with their own blockchain to do their own tweets, youtube channels etc so only you control your data but with Skycoin's tech other people can help you mirror the data so you don't need conventional hosting which can be shut down.
I also feel like after Q has done their thing we can have a much brighter future away from all this fascist big tech crap but unless its decentralized there will always be a way to shut down shadowban or otherwise control each person.
We have become too Dependent.
Decentralization requires us to become Independent.
Allowing us to self-organize Interdependent systems.
Thank you for introducing me to REITs
I get what you’re trying to do, but the benefit of silver is it’s physical value. The second we move to a silver crypto we find ourselves in the same place as we are now with SLV certificates... we would put our trust In the idea that the crypto would be backed by real wealth, but an epic amount of fraud happens behind the scenes.
Tether is what I would compare it too.
It was supposed to be backed 1:1 with USD, until they decided to make gains. Now they’re having to mint more Tether to “keep up” with USD, by backing itself with crypto currencies.
So a self-feeding fire… wait til everyone wants to cash out and the 1:1 is proven to not exist.
Exactly. Given enough time every certificate system will devolve into a similar fraud. Even the constitutional US dollar wasn’t immune.
The challenge is to make sure that the place that stores the silver actually keeps as much of the physical silver as they claim they have, and that they keep it safe.
Thats why I envision this idea as a local community endeavour. Every community has a currency system like this backed by the silver owned by the people in the community. People within a community need to be able to trust each other. Without this, there is no way humanity can survive. This is also why we need common culture, values etc within a community.
No matter how hard this Awakening is, what comes after is going to be harder - not so much as painful, as having to change our fundamental belief system
Yeah Tether was a cabal operation to manipulate the crypto market. A lot of crypto transactions happened with Tether stable coins which were created out of think air (no backing), and it will also be how the current generation cryptos will crash before the new system comes in (atleast bitcoin I think)
Typical bullion vaults are audited daily by reputable independent precious metals auditing companies
Agreed. The challenge with acquiring any wealth has always been keeping it. It is a risk to keep your own wealth physically with you but a better risk, I think, than trusting anyone else with it.
You seem to be talking about storing value and you are correct.
OP also wants a medium of exchange and potentially a passive income via staking. Not sure how this will work. As other commenter said, you would need to be able to withdraw physical silver.
I think I understand the concept. I just don't like it. We have seen what happens, if not immediately then at least over time, when we trust others to store our wealth in exchange for the convenience of trading as well as a sense of security. The tradeoff has been a loss of privacy and outright theft of our acquired assets.
Convenience, like anything else we want in life, comes with a price. With any monetary system the primary price of the convenience those systems offer are risk of loss of capital and risk of loss of privacy. The degree of risk can be reduced depending on the system used but as far as I know all monetary systems designed with convenience in mind are accompanied by both these types of risks.
Personally, I'm not at all excited about crypto. I view it, as do many other Austrian economists with greater understanding than me, as another fake form of fiat with zero intrinsic value. Sure, people have acquired wealth with crypto in the same way people acquired wealth in the era and other speculative "investments" but getting lucky on a gamble does not automatically equate to the thing being gambled on having any actual value.
It seems to me that the more complex the system, the greater the opportunity for corruption. If people think it is bad now in terms of having the freedom to act in privacy with our paper dollars and their solution to the problem of privacy is to transfer their wealth to an electronic only currency, all I can say is they haven't really thought it through. Same is true, I think, for people who believe that an electronic currency will somehow be immune to corruption and outright theft from powerful entities. It just simply won't.
I get it. In theory the concept is great. I’m just skeptical and think that In time there will be more silvercoin than actual silver being stored. It would quickly start to resemble the current silver paper market.
Im a business owner in Texas and I want to help. I already own a lot of silver and a Bitcoin atm company as well as other businesses. This idea sounds really interesting
Kinesis money is gold and silver backed crypto. You can trade BTC and ETH on their platform. I'm a physical in your hand type of dude, but this looks interesting and I might dive in.
Sure, I'm not against it. The more the merrier. Block chain ledger with third party auditing is what's important.
Other pedes mentioned it before me, I hadn't scrolled down far enough.
Hope this gets stickied, would like to hear more peoples input on this.
Mike Adams wants to start a crypto that is backed by clean food, but the crypto isn’t his area of expertise.
On his 12/13 Situation Update he solicited help from someone who is expert in getting it up and running. His solicitation was in the first few minutes as I recall.
The point is to have crypto backed by something, Mike is suggesting crypto as a utilitarian purpose, stable, auditable. If your the tech guy, take a listen.
Way above my ability, I’m not opening a software hit by the latest hack, lol!
I will say once crypto is backed by anything, you still have full faith and credit in that person/entity. Like Fort Knox, possibly. Same with the physical silver/gold IRAs, food, etc. it gets sketchy because WE know scams exist, but we also know people we trust. Gotta figure it out.
I hear you. What’s Bitcoin backed by?
I think I just gave you your 10k comment updoot!
Perished electricity?
My friend did exactly this a couple of years ago:
It’s metal-backed 1:1g traded on stellar
This is very interesting, and fits perfectly with Catherine Austin Fitts' ideas of decentralised community owned crypto.
Just like anything to do with money, it needs to be started in a community which trusts each other. One advantage with this is that even though people outside the community may not trust this crypto, it should be fairly trustable within the community. This means all the local businesses can accept this crypto from each other. As long as the crypto is in circulation, its creating business for the local community - an additional win.
On top of that, your investment suddenly becomes liquid. How nice is that?
Some downsides:
There needs to be a way to ensure that the holding company indeed holds all the silver its supposed to hold.
What about when people want to withdraw their silver. It's imaginable that some people deposit silver bars, but later might want to withdraw a few grams. Liquidity will be a problem since its not easy to break down bars into grams.
Having the facility open to investor based inventory audits would make them honest about what they hold. Ensuring the holding company has EXACTLY what it's supposed to have (and not a percentage more/less), based on customer inventory AND company physical on site holdings, while also ensuring there's no "fractional reserve" type business model, i.e. The Fed is what's stopping me from liking this proposal.
I don't like the idea of banks, trading firms, holding companies, or any other type of "financial institution" in general, and I'm sure I'm not the only one here or anywhere else that feels the same. It's just too easy for unsavory type characters to manipulate things to benefit only them. And getting something like this off the ground WITHOUT any help, support, or involvement from [them] is gonna be almost impossible. No one really knows how many "allies" [they] really have.
So, I'm inclined to stay out of this and just keep collecting and holding physical assets myself.
You overestimate their need in the society. ANYONE can start a new currency, as long as there are enough people who trust that currency.
The only think the Bankers bring to the table is this trust factor and they do it by manipulating public perception via media, experts, intellectuals etc.
At a community level, if there are respected people within the community that everyone trusts, then you dont need the bankers to get this off the ground. The framework is already there. You just need to run your own blockchain and there are plenty to choose from. These respected people can become the guardians of the physical silver.
To create transparency, what needs to happen is the common vault where the silver is stored needs to be in a very secure area and needs to have multi-keyed entrance. As long as, say, 50% of the guardians are available with their keys, you can open the vault and access the silver.
Every couple of week there should be a specific time when the silver vault is opened while any member of the community can watch, and new deposits added and withdrawals taken out. All silver tested with a purity machine in front of everyone. This will make it transparent, and the whole community gets to feel like they are running this currency together.
If you haven't seen her video from last year (I think August or so), you should. Its the one where she explains what BLM was doing (Urban redevelopment in the guise of riots), but also she goes into a lot of details about the financial aspects and she touches upon this community based crypto currency,
I have been scratching my brains a lot about how this can be implemented. Your post outlines pretty much a good blueprint for this, even though as I explained, I would implement this at local community level. Each community would have their own silver backed currency.
We are thinking seriously about leaving the city and moving into a farm community (except we have no farming experience). This kind of stuff would work only in a cohesive community, and thats what we want to find. Not a city life where no one knows anyone else.
CAF was one of the first red pills for me back in 2015. Her talk on the Black Budget tore the veils from my eyes on a lot. Early red pill.
I love this idea. Already holding physical silver bec Fuck banks.
I am SOMUTHERFUCKING in on that shit...
do it.
I eat crayons. This is an intriguing idea that I barely grasp.
Unlike Texas Depository, this would be a private venture, correct?
I would pay to store sliver or get paid to store silver or would it depend on whether the SisterSilver token had value?
No need to fork anything. Just build it on Avalanche C-Chain as an ERC-20, or create an avalanche subnet.
"If they try to stop it, then we use TOR, VPNs and a private blockchain"
You're storing your physical silver with the state which can have pressure applied to them by the fed... People have no spine. They will disclose your transactions or hand over your silver.
Crypto alone can store value because a proper crypto takes real resources to obtain. Private wallet cryptos like Monero are harder for the state to track.
On a related note, history doesn't repeat itself, it rhymes.
Or we can just buy silver.
Not sure why everyone would assume Bitcoin is no good. Imagine how stupid you'll feel, raving about freedom and ignoring the only real solution.
Paxos already does a version of this
Got plenty of silver. I'll take silver in payment for services.
Now explain how this “SilverCo” makes a profit so it can stay in business?
So they hypothicate the silver?
Darn, I already used up my third wish!
The silver price is manipulated too.
The ONLY play.
I have a feeling GME sped-up the plan. The economy was bound to shit the bed, GME knocked out a huge pillar holding it up.
GME would, in theory, exchange hundreds of billions, and even trillions of dollars back to regular people.
This alone probably strung along more institutions that could have been “saved” despite a market crash. Just means more opportunities for common folk, and a lot less institutional power ALL across the board.
Gov knows it’s gonna fall anyways, this is why they’re running the cash printer full speed, trying to bide as much time as possible.
There’s no way out of it. However there would be slight “relief” in all them taxes.
But then again, I don’t expect the feds to give a fuck regardless.
I also have some of my shares in a brokerage account and I’ve been a little worried. What do you think they might try to do??
Whatever they want. They have full rights to them in a catastrophic event. Not to mention they could be entirely liquidated and you only get SIPC coverage for your shares ($500k max).
Also technically Cede & Co (Cabal) own them if they aren’t DRS’d. I personally DRS’d the majority of my shares and left IRA & a few shares at a couple different brokers.
Not financial advice. I just like the stock.
Can you explain what DRS is, and how to go about doing it?
Here is an excellent source of information with many links:
Direct Registration. Shares are held in your name.
You can use a transfer agent like ComputerShare.
Visit their website and if you buy stock, it is held under your name instead of in a brokerage, which means you have full control and your shares cannot be lent to short sellers.
Direct Registration System. As an example, GameStop's direct registrar is ComputerShare.
So with GME shares, you can call up your broker (i.e. Fidelity) and tell them you want to direct register your shares with ComputerShare. They will then send your shares info over to ComputerShare, and then your shares will be registered at ComputerShare directly in your name. This removes Cede & Co as being the owner listed on the shares and instead lists you as the owner. This gives you full ownership/control over your shares and removes control from Cede & Co/DTCC.
Fidelity (broker) has been good about DRSing quickly (within 3-5 days). Other brokers however have been dragging their feet. I heard some users state that Vanguard took 2-3 weeks to complete DRS.
It's FUDelity now.
DRS is the way.
You could sell a single share for many tendies when MOASS hits.
Seriously, who downvoted this? It already exists. Deddit link aside...
Dang, a little surprised to see WSS down this far the thread. Yesterday, I spotted an Ape in a thread that cleverly had the GA.W Brave browser tab logo in the background of the 1oz bar he was holding up.
As far as Kinesis goes.....I very much WANT to like Kinesis and I've researched it extensively a few months ago, looking to buy in. The problem with Kinesis (and all of the crypto world) is the on/off ramps for crypto are tightly controlled by the Cabal system/FED - in that, you need to go through standard and enhanced KYC protocols in order to join......HUGE turn off.
Holding your own physical metal is very important, but Kinesis system has the right idea. Being able buy/sell to tiny amounts of crypto based metal, backed by real physical metal, is a good start. Silver is such an undervalued asset and a wonderful metal who's uses will only expand in the's going to be hard to get physical into the hands of every person for day-to-day transactions.
Yes, all of the central banks of the world are about to fall and the entire monetary/financial system along with it. Initially, I had a longer reply typed up, but think I'll go for an quicker explanation.
I think blockchain tech has a place in the future, we just don't know what that looks like yet. Digital metal allows us to get more money into the hands of the people, but how we go about that in society going forward is anybody's guess at this point. Trump himself said he doesn't like crypto and that should tell you everything you need to know. It can be used for both to enslave humanity (CBDC) and free it (ledger of transactions for keeping parties honest).
I believe part of the whole GA movement will be returning to simplicity....without technology being so ingrained in our daily lives. Simple is good....and carrying around some gold/silver minted coins (God's money), like we used to do, is appealing and it worked. Not sure what happens to all of our privately held silver, but there will have to be a way to integrate it into whatever financial system we end up with moving forward.