I trust that getting the vaccine is the best option for me to protect not only myself but everyone around me that might not be as healthy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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"Trump told you to take the vaccine, so hurry up and take it all" - works on liberals.
you would think right? they literally are disgusted by even thinking about him but line up to take something he developed that is going to help everyone?
‘I have all my shots but I don’t trust the Trump vaccines’… label them Trump vaccines every time and watch the cognitive dissonance melt their brains
Ohh nice one. That will melt some round heads.
Shows the power of the MSM brainwashing on the 🐑
Just over a year ago all the demonrats were REEEEING they would NEVER take Trump's jab and look at where we are today
yeah but its the same defense we have.. which is, it's not his, it's pharma's
One guy said he believes in a one-off exception for every person, lol
“Im glad he cut all the red tape and got them out quicker without all the standard procedures “
I have said and it worked so far: It is not approved but authorized for emergency use ONLY IF no other therapeutics are available. So tell me why do they ban the other therapeutics available?
I sent her VAERS and she responded saying that she'll accept whatever side effects it has. Are people brain damaged? No, heart complications or a damaged immune system is not worth it
I work in a hospital. Our CEO (a Doctor) said, "If I grow a second head, I'll deal with that later on." Couldn't believe she said that.
Hopefully the second head will have a brain.
Well, she WILL deal with that later on. Wonder how she'll feel about it then? It's amazing to me how as a generation we seem to have lost the ability to predict the consequences of our behavior. And at the same time as we've lost the ability to accept responsibility for our own actions. There's a correlation, for sure.
Yes, they are brain damaged. Their brains don't work.
I just ask the question, "How can an unvaccinated person harm a vaccinated person? Or anyone for that matter." Crickets
Yeah you think people would get but they dont
I don't get what you're saying. Can't an unvax person with covid spread covid to some elderly unvax person who then dies from the disease?
ANYONE with Covid can spread it. Most cases now are spread by the already vaxxed caught COVID anyway - check all the pro sports teams now. All vaxxed - all still gettin Covid.
I think you need to work on your wording. You might be getting "crickets" cause people are like "wtf is he talking about?"
sure - but why? It is a simple question. Tell me how an unvaccinated person hurts someone who is vaccinated - if the vaccines even work - which we know they don't. It just asks the question that causes them to do the critical thinking they need.
ohh ok. i see the problem. just drop the "or anyone for that matter" part from your one liner. Then your statement works.
Leaving my career behind because of mandates, my one liner is a single question. When colleagues express surprise that I'm leaving soon, I ask them, "How many boosters until you leave? 3, 5, 10?"
If it worked you wouldn't need a booster.
yes but now they have OPTIMAL protection LOL
Who do you trust more....the guy selling the vax ? Or the guy who created the vax and is warning the world to stop taking it?
this is good too, is malone actively doing this? i saw the kids speech but he said he was vaxxed and he didnt mention adults
He is adamant about not using it on children, for sure. And yes, he did take the moderna vax after getting covid and hoping it would relieve long term symptoms. He now claims the vax made it worse. For adults he mainly is demanding informed consent and medical truth, no mandates, no mass vaccination. I've included some links where he focuses on scientific censorship and the error of blaming the unvaxxed.
And this video, which is over an hour but full of easily digested information about the workings of this technology & world of 'health agencies'. https://thehighwire.com/videos/mrna-vaccine-inventor-calls-for-stop-of-covid-vax/
When i refer to the shot, i dont point to my upper arm....i gesture towards my inner arm like im injecting heroin...in a very, very obnoxious manner.
For the mask idiots: The mask is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence
Panties trying to stop a fart...
they respond with yeah but doctors/surgeons use them
Yes, surgeons use them, but people working in a level 4 bio lab don't.
So why are the people who work for these vaccines companies all exempt from getting the shot if it's so wonderful. Shouldn't they be the first ones in line to get it?
The following people are totally exempt: all US Senators and House Representatives plus all Congressional staff; 6,000 White House employees; all employees of Pfizer (2,500), Moderna (1,500), and Johnson & Johnson (120,000); 15,000 CDC workers; and 14,000 FDA employees, and two million illegal aliens.
can we verify this? this should make a normie question
Thanks for clarifying!
Or liabilities??
If it's so good why do they have to mandate it? Have you EVER had anything mandatory be good in your entire LIFE?
And why does every authority figure sound the same? When have scripted responses EVER been good in your life?
If I take the vaccine then I won’t be protected from the unvaccinated.
Why isnt MSM reporting dump trucks picking up legions of homeless dead bodies and why isnt homelessness a thing of the past?
I ask "why do you think members of Congress are exempt?"
"So when will you finally decide to get off the ride? Booster number 27?"
"I had no idea you were such a supporter of huge pharma corporations."
Good post.. One liners for the win !
Do you trust the people that would make you pay ~$100k to reattach your midfiinger to give you something free?
You took the Trump vaccine???
Boosters forever and ever.
the booster argument is good because its like "how many until youre done? 3 , 5, never? bc then youre implying its never ending punishment
Right because at some point people will draw the line somewhere hopefully and it makes them think.
Call me crazy, but I just don't feel comfortable entrusting my health to the company that had to pay the largest criminal fine in the history of our country, for fraud. (pfizer) Or a company that had never successfully brought a vaccine to market and boasted about creating this one in two days, on a computer. (moderna) Or a company that for years and years used asbestos in it's baby powder but feigned ignorance. (J & J).
i feel like the biggest red pill to normies is trying to get them to see that MAYBE the govt/pharma doesnt have their best interest in mind... or at very least let them PROVE they do.. (but they cant)...
You dead yet?
"How many 'boosters' will be too many for you?"
I was asking people from the beginning who trumpted that they were vaxxed, "how many spaces are on y our card?" "uhhh... four." "Then they expect two more shots after the first two, right?" [doesn't matter what they say here] "Okay, let's see what happens, but remember what I said."
<later> Either "Oh, yeah you were right." or I ask, "I was right, wasn't I?" "...it's now a subscription service, and still doesn't work."
Some double/triple down, others start to wake up.
"I believe you are intelligent enough to think critically before deciding to help the fat cats get fatter." This can lead to discussion about those specific big pharma brands and how holding them accountable will only help our healthcare system instead of our seemingly permanent bend over position to these nerds.
Not a one liner, but people seem to be genuinely surprised that I’ve retained the option to be vaccinated in the future. It’s usually something like “well what if you want to go travelling.” My response is “I can’t, my passport expired earlier this year.” Then they act like I can just go get a passport, and I act like I can just go get a vax.
Don't you realize the media, government and medical establishment are all lying?
I've got ammo personal to me that shuts people up quick and makes them think.