My family is very much awake and I'm so proud of them all. My daughter, a high school senior, refuses to wear a mask. My wife preaches to all her friends the potential harm of the vax (and never, ever wears a mask). And I have left my job recently due to my firm pushing the vax - giving a big middle finger to the woke management team that run my company on my way out (and hopefully waking up a few colleagues in the process).
My son though is the leader of our pack when it comes to standing up to tyranny. He's an academic all American scholar athlete who plays football at a large University. The football program is a top 20 D1 team. All summer the coaching staff was pushing the vax. He and several of his teammates refused. Just before the season started the coaches threatened to cut players if they didn't get vaxed and he and a handful of teammates walked away, giving up their dream of playing big time D1 football. I'm so very proud of those young men.
As the semester progressed, now not playing football, he focused on his academics. Throughout the semester he was told he had to take weekly Covid tests since he wasn't vaxxed. He refused. He then started getting threatening emails that he would be kicked out of school if he didn't take his Covid test. He still refused. His professors preached daily, early in the semester, how everyone needed to get vaxxed. He didn't listen. He then was told that he couldn't sign up for classes next semester if he didn't take his Coved test. He didn't take any Covid tests - not one. He went through the semester with a cloud over his head thinking he may get kicked out of school - and still pulled straight A's in an intense engineering program.
The threats from the university were baseless as they ended up caving and they ultimately allowed him to sign up for next semester. He's been talking to the coaches of his football team and they want him back and they know his stance on the vax, and they still want him back.
Moral of the story...IT'S OK TO SAY NO! Don't give in! And never, ever do anything you are uncomfortable with. It will all work out in the end.
How wonderful for you that you have children with such high integrity and intestinal fortitude! I imagine you had a lot to do with that. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you. I plan on showing him all the comments from my post. He doesn't realize the magnitude of what he's done. I hope by showing the comments, he'll then realize. He's did a real good heroic thing...
Excellent Idea!
I was in management for a company where I had to help implement six layoffs in seven years. The sixth time when I had to draw up the list of layoffs for my section, I put my name on the list because I was just simply ready to create a new life outside the corporate rat race. I was entitled to a healthy severance package and had significantly downsized my life, so I knew I could easily manage until I figured out my next steps. Much later a former coworker told me he admired my bravery and courage for volunteering to be laid off and embarking on a new life. I never thought of it as being a brave and courageous thing. All I knew was that it felt like the right thing to do. I share this story to reflect to you why it may be that your son has no comprehension of the magnitude of his choices, i.e. that to him they just feel like the right thing to do.
Thank you for sharing your story. You too are a hero. You may not have known it at the time of leaving but you hopefully you see it now. Bravery is standing up for your beliefs...your actions are the epitome of bravery! God bless.🙏
Thank you!
Your son is a shining example of courage in the face of perhaps the greatest peer pressure campaign of ALL TIME..! And the greatest thing is he won’t have myocarditis and a short life span and he will still be able to procreate and being home some strong-willed grandchildren for you as well. One piece of advice that I am giving all of my red-pilled children that Id like for you to share with your son; use that God given discernment to choose a pure blood partner as well. Too many unknowns at this time - why take a chance getting involved with a double/triple+ vaxxer that may be sterilized and unviable for a future family?
I agree, and it's called moral integrity.
This is the way.
I never heard of anybody doing that and I'm in too...
Props to your son. He's a brave young man, and he should be commended for his uncommon valor. Please give him our best, from the silent majority. That generation is our future. You should be proud as his father.
So very proud indeed. I can't wait to show him your comment! God bless.
Same to you, sir. Should have mentioned, I walked away from corporate america a couple weeks ago myself. I was making more money than I ever thought I could in life, and probably won't match. I put it on God and faith alone, knowing deep down that I did the right thing after months of disgusting vaxxtortion. Fuck em. I have my integrity, as do you. I didn't burn it down on the way out, but my standing in the company has many questioning and fearful because of my coy method of leaving. They know. Deep down, the Branch Covidiots know. Merry Christmas and best of luck to you and your family moving forward.
Well done!
He sounds AMAZING.
I wish I could say the same about my siblings....
My program asked me to come back. I asked "did you change your policy or are you just violating your own rules to get me back?"
They said "uhhhh well we're still requiring the vaccine we're just willing to make an exception in this special circumstance".
I said with "oh well I have zero intention of coming back to a school which doesn't really believe in it's own rules, unfairly disadvantaging poor urban communities who aren't as valuable to you as I am, I'll come back when you stop enforcing systemic racism"
Beautiful! Throwing their own BS right back in their face.
Good for you! Inspiring! Stand strong!! The reality is that the universities need us more than we need them. They'll cave eventually. In the meantime go out and enjoy life!
It’s hard to fathom the importance of this time period, but we are literally at a crossroads in history right now. It’s not an easy period to be living through, especially if you’re aware of what’s going on. This is a pivotal point in human history, something that won’t be experienced for generations to come. Those who stand strong like your son may not realize now the significance of this inner strength. After we get through this coming storm, as he gets older and looks back on this time period, he’ll understand just how well his strong character served him.
Kudos to you and your wife for raising strong, solid children. God bless your family. ✨
Incredibly moving comment fren. God bless. 🙏
Hopefully this will be the last time our species will be at the point of total war against itself. We get through this, and hopefully we'll never again be at such a confusing and painful point again.
100% correct it’s ok to say “ NO”. In not standing up to bullies, we empower them and thus become complicit in our own downfall.
Your family is an inspiration, obviously guided by your leadership.
Said part is, those pussies "rage against the machine" asked for all their concert goers to be vaccinated.
They are frauds, always have been.
i agree....the lyrics are spot on but the band is a bunch of pussies.
Yep, really shows how phony the movie and music industry it doesnt it.
so true. they are all phony fucks. let's use their music and lyrics against them. Let's rage against Rage Against the Machine! 😉
Not even. It's one of those songs you jam out to in youth only to grow up and realize it's a bunch of racist horse shit. In the days of old when outright racism existed they could have a point. Niggas in the 90's weren't getting murdered by cops for racist reasons lol.
Damn youre right, i guess i never dug into the lyrics of that song. Its basically about cops being kkk and killing blacks over race. Yeah fuck that song too.
Use to rock that song thinking it was some anarchy type shit.
Yep. It's kind of crazy what we can believe when we're not engaged. They had so many of us asleep. It's bizarro world because so many have finally learned to dissect and disseminate rather than just consume and obey.
I hoped they are up to their words but they are just meeh lame...
Missed dead and company and billy strings because of covid rules
You have lots to be proud of and thankful for this Christmas.
Courage can be more contagious than the Omicron variant.
People like you and your family build hope in my heart.
Thank you for that.
That's a powerful story especially for impressionable young ones. No is a good answer. Sometimes the answer is just no.
So true fren. I personally prefer "fuck off' as opposed to "no" but either one works! 😉
Lol. Sometimes it ends with a stern f bomb. I try not to lead with it but hey, it's situational these days.
It adds emphasis. "You're a jerk" doesn't carry the same weight as "you're a piece of shit."
How to use the word 'fuck' (pop ups, no worms - use Brave)
Just say NO
Very encouraging. Well done to you and your wife for raising strong brave children.
Hubby and I were just talking about this - how the MSM wants everyone to believe that the “progressive left” is the majority and all of us are the hopelessly racist, old fashioned, deplorable minority. If we could just all agree on a date where we have a world wide strike - where we all say “Enough” and refuse to cow-tow to this ridiculous sham - maybe we could end it all. Bottom line is we are mostly all God fearing, law abiding, cooperative citizens of our various countries and these a$$holes are using our cooperation against us. They lie to our faces and we don’t call them on it. We need to start remembering we are NOT the minority. Their “majority” is a mere shadow.
Let's do it: set the date spread the word...
I expect 3 months is enough for it to arrive to any village in Bolivia and Australia :)
Just go out and stop for couple of hours general strike, or just go home so rest will wonder where did everybody go
Let's do it!!!
I say lets set >>> 24.03.2022.
could we start this from here now?
That's impressive! It takes a person of courage to raise children with courage! They have inspired me with their boldness and wisdom, it's not easy to stand up against peer pressure and teacher pressure and still keep your wits about you and succeed! Your son has really encouraged me and his friends as well.
Thank you. This is the situation as it stands now but we know things can change quickly...and we are ready for that.
Be proud dad. Well done. You raised a self aware man. No easy task.
Thanks for sharing your story. You are standing up for what you believe in and that makes you a hero too! The story i outline above is the situation with my son as of right now. We know that the university can change their mind quickly and force him out...we are ready for that.
I told someone yesterday that i could count the Men i knew on one hand. And he didnt quite understand so I elaborated. A man is someone who educates himself on what he believes and knows not only what but why. A man then stands up for that belief in spite of fear or pressure or downside. A man protects his family and his circle from that pressure so their burden is a little lighter and speaks to educate those who are ignorant. Not those who are stupid, those who never learned any better but are are open. Hats off to you op for raising a good one. Men are dangerous but disciplined, knowing when to fight and when to merely be present. Your son is well on his way to being a man. Our generation needs to raise more wolves and less sheep so the next generation isnt so easily manipulated by those who would rnflict evil and tyranny on them
Thank you. 🙏 Very touching response. I will share it with him.
Awesome and inspirational! thank you for sharing
Gives me hope! Their strength comes from their upbringing - one of the main thing that the cabal wants to strip away from parents. Go that family!
"These days they rage WITH the machine"
or IN the machine ...
Well done, dad! God Bless you and you’re family. You raised your son well.
Good for him, imagine those not strong enough as your son, getting the vax, then having heart problems for the rest of their lives due to the pressure. Bravo to all of you!
Way to go! So glad you all stuck to your guns! Your kids will go far with whatever they decide to do in life. You must be very proud of both your kids, especially your son who went through all that and stayed determined through it all. You know for sure they won't cave to peer pressure.
Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Great job dad! You raised a stand up family. Your son and the rest of your family will persevere and will be paid back 10 fold for your sacrifices.
Wow way to go! You should be very proud of your children!
I love your son! Not too many heroes left in today’s world but he truly is. True bravery and sacrifice. Perhaps his coaches will learn a thing or two from him.
Fucking stud. True leader.
You are a good parent. Thanks for representing well
You must be so proud! Congratulations.
Good parenting makes good kids. Nice work dad.
Beautiful. 👏🏻
Congratulations young man!! Continue following the path God made for you and you will be strong, successful and happy!! Merry Christmas ☃️🎄