If anyone doesn't know: I'm assuming you're poking fun at the lie that is the cremation facilities at Auschzwits which reported to have cremated millions of people, despite that being impossible even with modern industrial cremation ovens, in a fuel-scarce and food-scarce Germany.
The Jewish Talmud contains some more interesting Jewish Holocaust stories:
"There are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud. Gittin 57b claims that four BILLION Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gitting 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans." - Judaism's Strange Gods (Michael A. Hoffman II) page 51
A lot of famous celebrities are victimised just like Alanis, and most of them dont piece together whats going on from a 40k feet view, but looks like she figured out a lot. I wont be surprised if she is one of those helping the white hats take down the elite pedos.
Her boyfriend David Coulthier aka Uncle Joey from Full House - go find the Geico commercial w him and pause it, look at his shirt. Pedo symbols all over it.
One of the worst thing that happened on the Internet was the usage of /s tag. When I started seeing it on Reddit was when I knew that there is a huge humour divide amongst people. To that extent, I guess their programming worked.
Let's be real, the inability to read humor from subtext and context even without hearing someone's vocal tone directly absolutely comes from a lack of proper education, and an education and upbringing based around social justice instead of the core values and important lessons like proper English.
Is that being real? Or maybe it takes certain characteristics in a person to "detect sarcasm", much like it takes a sex-obsessed mind to see sexual innuendo everywhere / in innocent statements. Being sarcastic is being condescending to others, is being rude to whomever it is directed at.
Sarcasm can be rude but is not always…and is not as a general rule directed as a personal attack on someone. On the flip side…one can argue that people can’t laugh at themselves and find it offensive when someone makes light of their statements.
Can you give me an example of sarcasm directed at someone that isn't rude or meant to mock someone?
Maybe you are referring to sarcasm that is not directed at a person. But are you not mocking God when you say: "Oh what beautiful weather" but you mean to say it is terrible weather ?
Step #1: learn that everything you see in Hollywood films or the History Channel or read on Wikipedia about WW2 is Bolshevik fan fiction written by Bolshevik.
Ummmm... those photos of German prison guards burying starved prisoners in mass graves that are the centerpiece of every Holocaust museum... what year were those photos taken?
If you claim those photos were taken before the war ended then why are German prison guards digging huge burial pits when they allegedly had massive crematorium infrastructure onsite? That doesn't make any sense.
Those are photos from 1947, aren't they? Be honest...
Those Nazis sure were mean after the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) (who created the Antifa terrorist group in 1930) attempted a failed communist coup in 1933 and the Jewish leaders of the world declared a Holy War against German Christians for refusing to allow every Jewish communist, who was tried and found guilty of treason, to be released and allowed to resume their government jobs.
Reminds me of a much kinder version of the time we interned Japanese-Americans after Japan declared war against us.
On 15 November, 1938, the Ministry of Education banned Jewish children from attending public schools. This biosecurity ‘measure’ was justified as a means to protect Aryan children from the risk of infection not only by the bodies but also by the beliefs of Jewish children.
The Houston museum is offering the "fix". I posted a while back how ironic it is for the holocaust museums to be offering this "service" and giving out papers to those verified with the "fix". I've only been there once. Will never go back now
BRUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... it seems there is no true peak to Clown World...
And yeah, don't care if this is a city ordnance or whatever. The idiots here should know better and the fact that they don't suggests that the event they preach about either isn't as real as they claim or they really are fucking retarded.
Not a denier by any means. Skeptic on the numbers and the over bludgeoned point of Hitler Man bad, sure. Just noting it gives certain people more ammo.
What your post does NOT mention is that the vax requirement extends to virtually all of Illinois including Chicago, Evanston, Cook Country etc. etc. etc. To single out a single institution because you find them objectionable in some way is a bit misleading.
To single out a single institution because you find them objectionable in some way is a bit misleading.
When people dont find a rule objectionable, but a specific instance of the rule can be thought-provoking, then we are required to use that specific instance to wake people up.
True, but it makes sense that a holocaust museum would want to take a stand against tyranny and be non-compliant. The irony of this story was difficult to pass up. Others here seem to agree.
I agree with your point there. The sad thing, as President Trump has accurately commented on several occasions, is that US Jews tend to be very liberal. Whereas orthodox Jews supported Trump heavily, they are but a small portion of the total. This is in and of itself very very sad.
At the time the Bible was written, there was no such thing as a "Christian". That name came along much later. Thus the only reference to a believer in God was the term "Jew". Far from being anti-Semitic, this merely states that those who claim to believe in God but do not are hypocrites. We see that regularly, both in ourselves on a daily basis (as the wise man falls 7 times a day) and in others.
Sorry brother, that does not say what you want it to.
As this is the Great Awakening and not an evangelical page devoted exclusively to religious themes, my comments will be brief and to the point. Jesus, as the Son of God, and the New Testament (which tells us of his life and death and resurrection) are all extremely pro-Jew. All the heroes of the New Testament are Jewish. Jesus was a faithful Jew who taught in the Synagogue. He wept for Jews, befriended Jews, helped Jews, and healed Jews. He rejected those who abused God for their own selfish power. If Jesus wanted to reject Judaism as evil, he could have done so easily and clearly. He did the exact opposite. He said: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Old Testament Prophets, and Jesus's statement is a clear affirmation of Judaism. God the Father Himself chose the Jewish people to bring Jesus as the Messiah into the world. He could have chose any people. He did not. This is the GREATEST honor God could have given a people and for this reason alone we owe the Jews a tremendous debt of gratitude for bringing the world the Savior.
There also were no Churches, just Synagogues. Thus, the term Synagogue of Satan is used to denote the Antichrist. The Antichrist will claim to be Jesus, the son of God, but is not.
NO proof of vax is required for THE Holocaust Museum (Washington, D.C.) which is excellent. I encourage all to attend, if you have not been. It is extremely well done.
Holocaust museum insists visitors warm themselves in ovens before entering
Ov vey.
If anyone doesn't know: I'm assuming you're poking fun at the lie that is the cremation facilities at Auschzwits which reported to have cremated millions of people, despite that being impossible even with modern industrial cremation ovens, in a fuel-scarce and food-scarce Germany.
Here's a fantastic and summary of how the "six million" number originated.
The Jewish Talmud contains some more interesting Jewish Holocaust stories:
And surrender all personal belongings and jewelery.
I wonder where the name jewelry came from?
Cooking frozen pizza taught me that some problems can be solved by popping them in the oven.
Where is Alanis Morissette when you need her because this is ironic (don't you think)?
Alanis knew stuff
Yes she does. Has to.
saw her in concert a few years ago, shes a fucking basketcase
A lot of famous celebrities are victimised just like Alanis, and most of them dont piece together whats going on from a 40k feet view, but looks like she figured out a lot. I wont be surprised if she is one of those helping the white hats take down the elite pedos.
Her boyfriend David Coulthier aka Uncle Joey from Full House - go find the Geico commercial w him and pause it, look at his shirt. Pedo symbols all over it.
As well as the verse about the guy in the plane crashing with all the airline stuff going on.
I heard rumors that the rabbis had the Romans ban-hammer Honkler to a wooden cross for the crime of truth speaking.
Well how can u expect someone to learn from history if u repeat the same thing before you let then see it.
(This is supposed to be sarcastic)
How can we learn from sarcasm when its basically the stuff normies see daily?
(This is supposed to be sarcastic as well!)
And they say sarcasm is the lowest form of humor….I see why (((they))) would say that now.
One of the worst thing that happened on the Internet was the usage of /s tag. When I started seeing it on Reddit was when I knew that there is a huge humour divide amongst people. To that extent, I guess their programming worked.
Let's be real, the inability to read humor from subtext and context even without hearing someone's vocal tone directly absolutely comes from a lack of proper education, and an education and upbringing based around social justice instead of the core values and important lessons like proper English.
Is that being real? Or maybe it takes certain characteristics in a person to "detect sarcasm", much like it takes a sex-obsessed mind to see sexual innuendo everywhere / in innocent statements. Being sarcastic is being condescending to others, is being rude to whomever it is directed at.
Sarcasm can be rude but is not always…and is not as a general rule directed as a personal attack on someone. On the flip side…one can argue that people can’t laugh at themselves and find it offensive when someone makes light of their statements.
Can you give me an example of sarcasm directed at someone that isn't rude or meant to mock someone?
Maybe you are referring to sarcasm that is not directed at a person. But are you not mocking God when you say: "Oh what beautiful weather" but you mean to say it is terrible weather ?
Also add in there are some people that just take themselves and life way too seriously and can’t find humor in absurd scenarios.
True….who knew lack of sense of humor could be so dangerous…laughter really is the best medicine.
How can u expect someone to learn from history?
Step #1: learn that everything you see in Hollywood films or the History Channel or read on Wikipedia about WW2 is Bolshevik fan fiction written by Bolshevik.
Ummmm... those photos of German prison guards burying starved prisoners in mass graves that are the centerpiece of every Holocaust museum... what year were those photos taken?
Was it before the war ended or two years after, in 1947 during "Eisenhower's Holocaust" when ten million German civilians and one million prisoners starved to death (mostly) because of punishing Allied sanctions?
If you claim those photos were taken before the war ended then why are German prison guards digging huge burial pits when they allegedly had massive crematorium infrastructure onsite? That doesn't make any sense.
Those are photos from 1947, aren't they? Be honest...
AOC enters. Cow shit you say, that means they farted and produced...ahhh global warming!
“Please show me your identification papers please” - Nazi Soldier 1943
Those Nazis sure were mean after the Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) (who created the Antifa terrorist group in 1930) attempted a failed communist coup in 1933 and the Jewish leaders of the world declared a Holy War against German Christians for refusing to allow every Jewish communist, who was tried and found guilty of treason, to be released and allowed to resume their government jobs.
Reminds me of a much kinder version of the time we interned Japanese-Americans after Japan declared war against us.
What holocaust?
Good point. However, the irony is that they are practicing something that they claim to be victims of.
I demand to see theirs.
I'm covered in lice and riddled with typhus and itching to visit the Holocaust Museum.
Check out this response:
On 15 November, 1938, the Ministry of Education banned Jewish children from attending public schools. This biosecurity ‘measure’ was justified as a means to protect Aryan children from the risk of infection not only by the bodies but also by the beliefs of Jewish children.
That's very interesting.
The Talmud would be considered hate speech if talmudists didn't run the ADL
O, the irony...
WOW! Do they not realize the hypocracy?
When I was young, I remember the phrase, “Never again!”.
Have some fun... book a tour and demand to see their papers.
That is amazing.
Where is the museum? Right over there where the smoke comes out of the stack!
I thought it was Vad Yashem until I saw the People’s Republic of Illinois
The Houston museum is offering the "fix". I posted a while back how ironic it is for the holocaust museums to be offering this "service" and giving out papers to those verified with the "fix". I've only been there once. Will never go back now
My Grandfather died in the Danish underground during WWII. I have his Juden armband they wore so the Nazi's didn't know who the Jews were or weren't
Not that I'm going into DC, but I'd love to put it on and go down there. Here are my "papers", remember?!
At one point I'd considered donating it to the Holocaust Museum, but probably not now...
😱Does it get anymore ironic than this?
There's a great awakening in effect... the JQ is coming
The irony is breathtaking.
Anne frank house in Amsterdam also
That’s in the far-far-left Netherlands. I didn’t expect it in the USA although that area of IL is full libtard.
I haven't had the pleasure of visiting it.
Do they have her magical, time-traveling pen on display... that was invented after she died but used to write her diary?
I wish I owned a time traveling pen. Imagine the stories it would write...
The irony!!!
Papers, wear a yellow star with a 💉and a line through it, we are only following orders. Heil Fauci!
Definition of irony
History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.
BRUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... it seems there is no true peak to Clown World...
And yeah, don't care if this is a city ordnance or whatever. The idiots here should know better and the fact that they don't suggests that the event they preach about either isn't as real as they claim or they really are fucking retarded.
Not a denier by any means. Skeptic on the numbers and the over bludgeoned point of Hitler Man bad, sure. Just noting it gives certain people more ammo.
What your post does NOT mention is that the vax requirement extends to virtually all of Illinois including Chicago, Evanston, Cook Country etc. etc. etc. To single out a single institution because you find them objectionable in some way is a bit misleading.
When people dont find a rule objectionable, but a specific instance of the rule can be thought-provoking, then we are required to use that specific instance to wake people up.
Good point
True, but it makes sense that a holocaust museum would want to take a stand against tyranny and be non-compliant. The irony of this story was difficult to pass up. Others here seem to agree.
I agree with your point there. The sad thing, as President Trump has accurately commented on several occasions, is that US Jews tend to be very liberal. Whereas orthodox Jews supported Trump heavily, they are but a small portion of the total. This is in and of itself very very sad.
Rev. 2:9 & 3:9
At the time the Bible was written, there was no such thing as a "Christian". That name came along much later. Thus the only reference to a believer in God was the term "Jew". Far from being anti-Semitic, this merely states that those who claim to believe in God but do not are hypocrites. We see that regularly, both in ourselves on a daily basis (as the wise man falls 7 times a day) and in others.
Sorry brother, that does not say what you want it to.
In the book of The Acts of The Apostles, Christians are separated from the Jews, by being called people of The Way.
As this is the Great Awakening and not an evangelical page devoted exclusively to religious themes, my comments will be brief and to the point. Jesus, as the Son of God, and the New Testament (which tells us of his life and death and resurrection) are all extremely pro-Jew. All the heroes of the New Testament are Jewish. Jesus was a faithful Jew who taught in the Synagogue. He wept for Jews, befriended Jews, helped Jews, and healed Jews. He rejected those who abused God for their own selfish power. If Jesus wanted to reject Judaism as evil, he could have done so easily and clearly. He did the exact opposite. He said: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Old Testament Prophets, and Jesus's statement is a clear affirmation of Judaism. God the Father Himself chose the Jewish people to bring Jesus as the Messiah into the world. He could have chose any people. He did not. This is the GREATEST honor God could have given a people and for this reason alone we owe the Jews a tremendous debt of gratitude for bringing the world the Savior.
There also were no Churches, just Synagogues. Thus, the term Synagogue of Satan is used to denote the Antichrist. The Antichrist will claim to be Jesus, the son of God, but is not.
Never Again!
NO proof of vax is required for THE Holocaust Museum (Washington, D.C.) which is excellent. I encourage all to attend, if you have not been. It is extremely well done.
I have been there, decades ago. I would like to go back again now that I know so much more about our reality.