Which Door? - Employer requiring vaccine status by EOD 1/10/22. Obviously, I know that I am a scum-bag, unpatriotic, faithless, loser for asking the question so let's get that out of the way. Just wanted any well thought out advice if there is any, thank you in advance. Location: WNY

Thank you. I also agree that this is a pretty good choice. From my understanding, our company added that option. "6. I respectfully choose not to disclose".
Many NYS employers do not give their employees this option. They mostly use options 1-5.
From my very basic understanding, in reality, this may not be the case at all. I did not run a poll.
God in heaven, have mercy on our souls. We trust in you, strengthen us for the journey ahead, whatever that may be. You are the Shepherd. In Jesus Precious Holy Name above all Names. Amen.
I’m not upvoting because you are at 6
Add a #7... If I get vaxxed because you make me, will you pay for all medical procedures related to vax injuries over the next 10 years? And, can you attach a $5M insurance policy to me, payabale to my spouse in case the vax kills me? And, by submitting this I am also reserving my right to sue the company for forcing me to choose between my health privacy and my employment, as well as between the preservation of my natural immunity itself and my employment. Oh, and one more thing: please put in writing to me all of the peer reviewed science (not just recommendations from entities) that you are basing this policy on so I can have my attorneys begin reviewing it.
You'll never get a doctor to admit the vaccine caused your injuries. They'll chalk it up to global warming or something.
True for the most part. But I am confident that there are good docs, and we need to identify them when and where we can.
Number 1. They didn't ask if you had the gene therapy.
Right? I had to bring my son to a walk in clinic for a bad cut and they asked if he was vaxxed. Said yep! They didn’t ask which vax. 😁
FYI: Not sure it's relevant. The form attached to this DROP DOWN SELECTION mentions brand and type of vaccine...
7 Go Fuck Yourself
Had a similar survey. Answered 5, because felt that I should make a stand. If enough of us say no then they might not want a mass walkout. Lots of peeps answered 6. It doesn't make any difference because companies believe that you are unvaxxed if you answer 6.
Nice pepe.
I did the same thing with my VA primary care.
He was totally unaware (scary) of the information about this.
Completely clueless, but very receptive and seemed relieved to an extent.
Can you link to said studies?
They ask your vax status at hospitals and clinics because they code for billing differently. That was insurance companies know who is and is not vaxed. I prefer choice #7: your company agrees to pay for all medical costs due to adverse reactions and a $10 million dollar life insurance policy in the event of injury or death post vax, since freedom of choice vs. continued employment is not permitted.
Ask how long is your employment guaranteed if you get the jab. Whats the social contract?
I cannot answer. There are multiple definitions of 'Fully' and 'Partially' vaccinated.
Which definition do you mean?
Why have you chosen that definition when others are in use?
And will that definition change when the next booster comes out?
Ask them if they will be giving chemotherapy to everyone as well, because you know we may get cancer. Just something I've been stewing on as a response to people.
I chose 6 for my company mandatory health information... wanted to ignore it completely but had everybody riding my a$$ to complete it, so I did with great reluctance. Sorry
Same here, a website created, you log in (personal creds) and make your selection.
I thought I could dance the dance. But the DJ is starting to play a different tune now.
These people are sick. Q told us 45 times.
None. Do not play their game; do not answer; do not participate in violations of your rights; do not legitimize their unlawful actions.
By the 4th Amendment, you have the right to be secure in your person; free of unreasonable searchs and seizures. If they want that info they need to obtain a warrant, but only after the showing of probable cause.
By the 5th you cannot be deprived of your property without due process of law. Health information is private property.
I have not complied with any CV mandates, orders, rules, etc. My managers disbanded a meeting, because I showed up without a mask. They can't handle open, in their face defiance.
That was on a Monday. On Friday I had my annual review in which I told the manager that he may have agreed to uphold company policy, but at 17 I swore to defend my country and its constitution. Since oaths are forever, I will not be backing down. I got a moderate raise and a $2,500 bonus.
I did threatened the entire line from the CEO through the CFO, HR head and four of his flunkies with personal liability of $100,000 per violation per day per person, so that could have something to do with their response... See my series of posts for the entire story.
We still have the fifth amendment.
So pick number 7. What difference does it make.
Did this employer require vaccination record upon hiring?
If you DID get the vaccine, contrary to what a lot of ppl here say--the reality is it is your choice and it should be respected. To vilify a person for making their own medical decision is truly the opposite of what an American is and the stance of many here. You will still be welcomed, respected because you are you.
Do they define the vaccine as the one for China virus? I am not aware of the written word in NYS is exactly but why is natural immunity not a option. Check how many in NYS have had a case of china virus and those that have already received vaccine. Is it 70% combined? What is employers argument? Want to end pandemic? If percentage is 70% or more the pandemic is over. If the CDC is already coming out issuing "corrections" most certainly they will continue to do so. Hang tight. As close to non answer should suffice, and really should always suffice.
I had to do this today for my company and said I’m not vaccinated, so curious if I will be targeted for the next round of layoffs. Enough of my vaxxed coworkers are catching the Covid after their recent Boosters, so this will be an interesting ride. I would have selected 6 if given the option, keep the mystery alive.
UPDATE: I just overheard a patriot friend, speaking with a high-level (VP type) person just now (in the aisle next to me). The person said that OPTION 6 was added just for the situation I am / friend are in.
It was added to protect the company.
Not sure if I fully understand or trust them, but apparently this person said option 6 was added to fulfill NY state / OSHA stuff.
To keep the company from having to deal with any consequences from the state of NY / OSHA.
He mentioned something about FEDERAL versus STATE.
Then something about OSHA. Couldn't pick up everything.
Spoke to said fellow Patriot afterward, the bottom line is we are 6 feet separated at desks, and wearing masks when walking around for any other reason.
So according to the high-level person, nothing changed, just lawyer CYA garbage.
Crazy, clown world in NY. All this for a MANDATE.
Not even LAW. Insane.
Thanks for the replies, very helpful.
6 should just read “Be like NoVax Djoke-of-a-vax”.