2-3million truckers set to refuse Jan 15 Vax mandate !?!? Might that cause a bit of a hiccup in available supplies? Like maybe food
π EYES ON! π

Funny that this person thinks reading four newspapers a day makes someone educated. Educated in what, propaganda?
77% of fresh vegetables are imported from Mexico. 11% from Canada. This has grown 200% in last decade. Still, we only import 15% of our food overall. We would be ok.
That 15% is just price competition more than likely and there are alternatives in each of our localities at maybe a slightly increased cost. There is nothing Canada grows or makes that we can't grow or make here or already do in a better fashion. United States of America does not need the world for any resources the only reason we have any reliance on foreign trade is because of our corrupt crony capitalism.
Her dad's the most educated person she knows. He could be extremely intelligent and may even be unvaccinated for all we know.
I work for a major carrier, they tried to force the vaccine last October, 90% of our terminal refused. The mandate was cancelled the next day. Truckers are not going to put up with it.
Even in the most liberal; areas truck drivers are always aware. I was thinking about that & you know, they have to spend long hours on the road & they certainly CAN'T be look at mass media while they do so but they have all that time to THINK!.
Not only that but they meet people from all over so they are bound to hear lots of opinions & have plenty of time to mull them over
Great data point. Thank you.
This is sincere by the way. I hate electronic communication.
This is by design.
First they mandate the vaccine for healthcare workers. Many refuse and get fired. Now they can state that "due to the unvaccinated scum" we are dealing with overwhelmed hospitals. When in reality they created understaffed healthcare facilities. A real pandemic would have all hands on deck.
Now they are going after the supply chain. Mandate transportation and truckers to vaccinate. Many will refuse and once again, they will blame the people they want to get rid of. I'm sure if it.
Stand strong fren, and thank you!
That depends on how you define "slightly". Much of our fresh produce, especially this time of year, comes up through the southern border.
If people repeat the great toilet paper stampede of 2020, food could be problematic.
Psshhh it's only Canada! (Am Canadian) Thanks to global warming, I can grow food all year 'round! /S π
Shelves are not currently well-stocked in Canada, and nearly all our fresh fruit and veg comes from or thru the States. I think it has the potential to be bonkers. Weβll see.
It's interesting that I keep hearing this from all across the country, that shelves are not well-stocked. I thought it was just here, because of the recent snowstorm.
If itβs from the US to Canada it will affect both ways, as once you cross you wouldnβt be able to get back.
Also Canada supplies something like 40% of our imported aluminum.
how does this guy know2-3 million truckers?
I think he means that he knows they will refuse.
And that's just in his network... For all we know there are millions more, they just aren't sure on the numbers.
Had me lol. Yes at least 2+ billion truckers. 25% of the Earth's population are truckers.
Very conservative estimate.
You might be a trucker and not even know it!
trucking is often asymptomatic
I heard thereβs a rapid test just for that.
Still less than voted for Biden. I heard he got 90 billion votes.
Is your username a Ween reference?
Indeed it is! Bol weevil itβs a pleasel
Haha thatβs awesome. I used to be obsessed with them
You have exquisite taste in music
I didnβt realize there were 2-3 million truckers.
Google says 3.6 million. IF they are correct.
Itβs called a union
i mean, i work for a company with a few thousand and i dont even know 2% of them
The disruption to supplies has started well before that time frame. But there will be a delay till the impact will be felt nationwide. By the end of January if there is a disruption of the supply chain it will be noticeable from all over of the NA continent.
I hope the truckers will leave their trucks parked all over DC & at their respective Capitol buildings... like the healthcare workers left their shoes & jackets.,,
People need to see the massive amount of drivers not being allowed to drive to quash the "the unjabbed are sick with covid" bullshit they'll spew.
Signs in the windows of the trucks would be a nice touch.
Interestingly, in Melbourne, our current dictatorial restrictions is set to expire on Jan 15, and people widely expect the next set to be very heavy handed. Maybe one last push by the global tyrants?
More heavy handed than they already are??
Well, they had reduced a bunch of restrictions including dropping mandates for under-18s, and opening up many areas for unjabbed. I am assuming all that will be turned back.
Well I'm sure the reason will be: they'll be deemed "unvaccinated" due for being "not up to date on their booster..."
pretty sure it was already extended 3 months.
After the dictator bill was passed, Dan could extend max 3 months at a time, but chose to extend one month on Dec 15th (I guess to build up "trust" - like get to know your friendly dictator kinda thing)
ye but i think its already been extended again. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10383277/Dan-Andrews-extends-controversial-pandemic-declaration-three-months-face-Omicron-outbreak.html
I might be wrong about this, but pandemic declaration simply allows the CHO to make pandemic orders. The current one is about to expire tomorrow, and I believe the CHO has to issue the new order.
Old Dominion Freight Lines will stand up and refuse to comply. Otherwise my family member employed there will not be complying and have plenty of time to help me put in my flooring π we are ready for the storm!
Is the trucker mandate only in Canada?
I believe it'll be required, starting the 15th, that all truckers coming into Canada, "will have to be vaccinated." Not sure on the US ruling.
Copy that. Thanks!
US will do it Jan 22. But I wonder if Canadian and Mexican truckers might be more inclined to get the vax.
Just part of the plan. Problem, reaction, solution. They have a tyrannical solution ready to put in play...but (and this is a very big butt), they must first bring Americans (and same in other countries) to their knees and begging for the solution by having them starving, broke and desperate before they will accept the solution. It is out of a known playbook.
Our collective job here, is to make sure the normies realize this before they wind up (forced) on their knees.
Now would be the time to check if you buy Canadian food
Canadians are mostly vaxed you will be fine.dont forget Clinton changed the cabatog laws to favor canadians
Canadians are mostly vaxxed ?
Does that include the Muslims invaders that the Canadian people are paying for to replace them ?
I don't want Muslim drivers coming to America to never return to Canada and continue to eat, shit breed and install a Caliphate.
Crossing what border?
all a part of 'their' plan
This is for Canada, I canβt find any sauce for this many drivers. Found one for 90k drivers but not 2-3m
yeah they said this last year too. :yawn:
I drove truck, There are only a handful mostly independent truckers will not comply. 90% of truckers will because they are mostly made up of immigrants and woke people who drive truck. Big trucking companies will scare them right into it for the fact they will lose their jobs, they do not realize the power numbers and will crumble because they really don't care most of them are probably already vaxed.
I can only pray this is true... I thought the military would stand up and no, more brother's and sisters in the military have folded as soon as any adversity hit. They folded like weak pathetic cucks. Now it is just me and a handful of strong patriots fighting against the machine.
the economy isn't important anymore, it's the jab mandate that gets all the attention.
Canada..but still going to create shortages
Truckers get screwed by every branch of government on a daily basis. Experiencing that tends to bias you to skepticism of governmental overreach. Truckers also tend to be social critters and they were not really locked down at any point. Trucks and supplies had to keep moving, and they did. Skepticism and networking combined counteract most of the propaganda BS.
As to the execs? They start their careers by spending years in brainwashing camps. Critical thinking skills go out the door.
Execs get saline.