I'm from Ontario, Canada and we've been hit pretty hard with lockdowns, vax passports and propaganda in the last two years (although not as bad as some places). I've forced myself to occasionally watch the local news just to see what the enemy is up to and what they're saying. It's been non stop propaganda with no truth slipping through. I watched the local Toronto news station this morning because I've been seeing the tide turning lately. They interviewed the Toronto mayor about Quebec's plan to tax the vax-free. He thought it was a bad idea and said it was a "slippery slope" since you would have to look at taxing alcoholics, the obese, etc. for their life decisions. My jaw dropped. They then interviewed the local 'celebrity' doctor and he agreed with the mayor. They also interviewed a school principal about parent's concerns about bringing back in school learning next Monday. He stated very clearly that children are very unlikely to get seriously ill from Omicron. The celebrity doctor also stated this.
I'm posting this because these statements would NEVER have been allowed in the past 2 years. Something is changing. What I can't figure out is if this is because the White Hats are taking control of the media or the Deep State here in Ontario sees that they are losing the narrative and are trying to save themselves. I say that because I believe there is a worldwide implementation of the plan (not just in the US). I'd appreciate hearing other opinions.
I think it is a combination of both.
White hats forced their hand while they are also back tracking and trying to position themselves for another round of lockdowns over and over again for the rest of the year.
White hats knew their plan and took advantage of it, dismantling behind the scenes.
DS lockdowns the planet. White Hat use that to dismantle criminal networks who could not border hop anymore. Even cargo ships got slowed down and now had "extra" covid inspections. With borders closed and travel heavily restricted it made it hard for many of the DS's criminal networks and insurrectionists to slip into other countries to cause chaos. A few months ago people were posting about all the huge criminal rings that got arrested during the lockdowns in the summer of 2020.
DS didn't intent for that to happen, but if they started reopening it would destroy other parts of their narrative. They needed the "fear" to survive, but it was also giving white hats opportunities as well.
As Q said there are more good than bad. Most of the corruption happens at the top and then the lower levels are forced to obey through blackmail and death threats to their family. When those are removed the people at top become exposed. They have no way to bury their secrets and force the lower levels to obey.
Now DS is stuck. If they remove the lockdowns and allow travel again, then they also have to end the fear. Fear is their biggest tool to control the masses. I don't think they'll easily give it up.
Excellent perspective. This does make a lot of sense. They wanted lockdowns from country to country but not from China. They were so mad about China when Trump blocked the travel but no other country.
Normal people that get sick: Bed rest, fluids, isolation.
Chinese people when they get sick: "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS!!!"
I remember during the first lockdown, I was pretty active on Twitter. I had an account specifically for redpilling. Adrenochrome was a huge topic. IIR, it was the top search on Google. Videos of Ellen calling her celeb pals and freaking out had millions of views.
White Hats had to have had a hand in that. It was astounding to me how quickly that became a hot topic.
We all thought covid would attack people whose blood had elevated iron from adrenochrome usage. And that was why they were panicking with lockdowns. “We’re the people are the cure.” How amazing would that have been.
That would be quite the incentive to do as you're told.
I'm sure the "news" could convince everyone that spontaneous combustion is making a comeback. Fireproof clothing sales would skyrocket and probably become mandatory. We'd all have to maintain fire gaps instead of socially distance. People would carry around little tiny personal fire extinguishers. Etc.
I have one of those tiny fire extinguishers. It’s labeled as Pepper Spay.
Ah, the fag extinguisher!
Wow, I didn't know about the usage, elevated iron = higher chance of getting covid panic.
Yes. You're correct. That would've been amazing. Maybe there's more of a reason behind their, "no jab left behind" campaign than we may know. Right now at least.
Great breakdown !
Winning BIGLY! 💥
The past few days, even weeks, have seen a definite alteration in the media’s attitude to the Covid “pandemic”.
There have been numerous examples of what, if the media were not so tightly controlled, might be referred to as “dissent”. But, since the media is tightly controlled, we must call it an apparent change in the message.
Why are media dialing back on the Covid hysteria? Is it because the “pandemic” is really over? Or is it an important part of the gaslighting process?
I think they've taken the Covid hysteria almost as far as they can without completely waking up most people. I'm worried about what they have in store for us next because I think those at the top will do everything they can to stop the inevitable. Worldwide financial collapse or cyber attack (or both) are my guesses.
Q said cyber attack, fwiw
They can be executed under Nuremberg codes they have violated and media were executed for this after world war two. Think it's dawned on them their side has lost
Adding to the combo, I think some people in mid-level leadership are legitimately waking up. Many were duped.
Good point.
Hey I'm Niagara Region myself and very glad to hear your post this morning. I think the tide is turning too but simply because with Omicron, everyone knows several who have got it vax or not and its very mild. So people are fed up and over it. Here is a millennial from Toronto giving her and her peers perspective. We are winning!
Thanks for the link. I think more and more people are starting to think the same way.
Niagara deplorable here..... you are not alone fren
Viagra deplorable here…we stand ready!
Haha normies waking up. Same thing on a JABcinda 'take the booster' post on Instagram. 3000 "nah I'm done" posts within an hour!
Another virus on the way called.... anothercon!
The tide has turned when every politician "journalist" media owner, bureaucrat, virologist who took part of this has been executed.
^^ This - healing wont begin until the people that caused this get their necks stretched.
Thanks for this hopium fren. I needed it today, as the psy-ops lately are getting more desperate in what I hope is their last ditch effort to regain control of the narrative. My anxiety has been at peak levels all week.
Also in Ontario here, and everyone I talk to seems to be completely done with this shit and ready to move on, many of them elderly who have no plans to get the booster. Many are catching the coronavirus despite their ‘fully va (x x) ed’ status, and they realized they’ve been hoodwinked.
“Do you really trust our politicians to make the best health decisions? And health authorities who don’t practice medicine? And multinational corporations seeking to maximize profits?” That line wakes up a few normies.
Quebec has always been ass-backwards and honestly I now wish they would just form their own terrible fascist country and leave the rest of Canada alone. They’ve exported to us the worst PM in existence, and I’d rather they stop.
I just spoke to my sister this morning and her and her husband have decided not to get the booster. They only got the vax so they could travel to see my elderly mother. It's unfortunate but at least they're not going to do additional damage.
My partner and I are the only vax-free people in our families and friends. A number of them got sick over the holidays. They're still justifying the vax by saying they would have been much sicker but I believe they're starting to question the narrative.
But funny how the unvaxxed don't get sick!
Very strange indeed.
What's happening in Kebec is completely ILLEGEAULT!
They're definitely losing the narrative, Omicron wasn't in their playbook and now it's coming out that fucking CBD can prevent covid from entering cells or something like that, I smoke that shit everyday lol.
It's dry over here ATM. So, blow some over here. LOL
In newfoundland the health minister was live on the radio just before Christmas and started to talk about the moronic, er the omnicron. Well she had a moment of conscience and said that everyone will catch it and you have no immunity regardless of vaccines or boosters. Then she said Please be saf......cry cry mic cut
Yup she admitted that you dont have immunity from the vax or booster and started crying then they cut her mic. Later on it was played off as she was overcome worrying about public health. I took it as she had a moment of regret being a part of the stroke pokes.
The other top covid pusher is john hagie and he has three stroke pokes and then cought covid lol.
and I stole it from someone else here. :)
Meanwhile Quebec introduces a tax on the unvaccinated, children's hospitals evict childhood cancer patients 5-18 who aren't vaxed, and TorStar writes this gem https://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2022/01/09/time-to-raise-the-price-for-those-who-still-wont-get-vaxxed.html
Read the comments; many people supporting this. My own circle in ON does. Not sure what's left to do for hopelessly brainwashed and compliant Canadians.
Listening to Doctor Bogosh, he said that the majority of the people he trusts are against the tax but some are still in favour of it. Some people will never change but at least some opposition is being communicated, which is different from before.
Quebec is Turdeaus laboratory
Because forcing people who are non-compliant is totally not coercion.
LOL @ equating unvaxxed to alcoholics.
We're healthier than the vaxtards by a long shot.
Also obesity is 90% the 'comorbidity' that kills people from this scam virus. Sooo, the 'unvaxxed' should be taxed, in order to pay for other people's unhealthy lifestyles? Cool story. Perhaps they should start heavily taxing sugar? that would go down well, but it is all about health right?
I’ve been watching NBC’s Today show for the past year to see what they say. I have noted here before in posts and comments that I’m seeing them say things that NEVER would have been said a year ago. My vote is for white hat infiltration and now the white hats are gently waking up everyone who was only presented with propaganda by these evil “journalists” for decades.
I wait patiently for Savannah Guthrie to get what she deserves after that Town Hall before the election! And W’s daughter Jenna is also on this station. 🍿🍿
I suspect with Big Pharma starting to panic:
And the recent DARPA release exposed by Project Veritas, the whole tower of bullshit is about to come down, and the peasants are going to be MAD.
The elite parasites should be grabbing their bug out bags and heading to their bunkers in New Zealand if they're smart.
They are becoming very angry now.
Fuck off. I want NZ for NZers.
Definitely a world wide coordinated plan. They even are using the same moniker of "build back better " aka 6uild 6ack 6etter.
For all the flak Premier Ford has recieved regarding the coof, I'm convinced he's being forced into shut downs. You can tell he doesn't want to. Perhaps Castreau threatening to hold back transfer payments?
Ford had balls he could take on Turdeau. Ontario is the economic engine of Canada. He could be creative.
Your mayor has spouted off about the inflated hospitalization rates and actually gotten airtime and results. I found that stunning. I suppose this explains why he was rudely shoved aside in favour of Fat Doug, the coin-operated tyrant.
Coin-operated tyrant 😂 I’m stealing that for Inslee.
Thanks. I was going to ask you what you thought of him. Aside from his bump from the Tory candidacy, I only know of him through the Rebel News reports about him. I no longer trust Rebel, so I wondered if he might be a good guy. It was a longshot.
"they just love being controlled"...i wonder how much of this attitude grew from educational institutions teaching the "i will tell you what to do/think, do not think for yourselves, wait for further instruction" ...esp changing the way math is being taught is horribly wrong, dumbing down the masses from childhood, to only work out math problems in the way you're being told to, don't listen to your parents...of course, by the time kids grow up, conditioning has set in, to be controlled by the so-called authorities...just my opinion...
I think that was a key strategy in the deep state's long term plan. How we're going to re-educate everyone will take a long time.
Too much has been coming out about the vaeks and boosters and it’s deleterious effect on humans. They are about to lose control of the narrative and they want to be seen as “reasonable” and paying attention to the “science” taking “reasonable” precautions.
The tide is shifting and the global narrative is crumbling... HODL the line pede!
Communist revolution - ease up on the pressure when experiencing strong pushback, regroup, and gradually and methodically turn up the pressure again.
We cannot let up on our pressure against tyranny. This is a life and death fight for not just us, but for our future generations.
Too many have died. They get stamped out this time. The Georgia guide Stones come down & any statue of Marxists & Communists in the US come down.
I saw those stones covered in graffiti, recently. I had been hoping for some dynamite, delivered by drone, but I suppose the stones can remain as proof, and a warning to future generations. Maybe someone can add some interesting carvings to the faces? Question marks, or pepes, for example. The stone site is bristling with security cameras of course, so one would have to arrive with spray-paint to blot out the cams, or find another way of disabling them. A relentless campaign of graffiti is acceptable. Especially with swimming pool paint that is hard to remove, and fills up the lettering.
They read the YouTube comments on their dumb news clips that’s why
Anti-Covid comments on local news segments on YouTube are worth looking at. It’s like 99% of comments calling out the bullshit, and YouTube isn’t censoring the local news channels as effectively.
Thats my personal battleground. I follow all the local news and post about the covid crap being propaganda. From sea to shining sea. San fransisco local news is fun.
There's not many rebuttals and I hope somebody on the fence who only sees shilled national news gets a glimpse at freedom of thought. It doesnt take much to liberate a mind that wants to be freed. The problem is the willing slaves who would rather be simole and obedient to their masters than spend a calorie on some logic.
I dared replying to the Daily (Mark of the) Beast and they got me kicked off twitter again. I liked using normie hashtags to bring some truth to their consciousness here and there.
There are more of us than youd think. If you listen to the propaganda, you'd think you are an island, but I think the vaccine free are a much more significant part of the population than you'd think...
I agree with you but I still don't know anyone (friends or family) that hasn't taken the vax. However, a lot of vax free are not loudly announcing their decision based on the backlash they might receive.
Unfortunately I am in the same boat. I think I only know one other person who is vaxx free. There was one other but they succumbed due to work. Sad.
That said, look how many of us from a small geographic area are on a "fringe" board. I am here with you and many others it seems in this thread. There are definitely more silent ones or ones who don't use this site.
Ever check out Freecanada.win?
I try to get on freecanada every day but I prefer this site just for the wide variety of opinions and information.
Good suggestion. Omegacanada.win is for cucks. Freecanada.win is the way.
Ham_sandwich77 can suck my fat hairy cocktail.
You're right about them starting to talk about the real hospital Covid statistics. For the first time, government stats are actually showing more vaxxed people getting sick than vax free. I think this is a significant change.
My 90 year old mother is now convinced there's an evil world wide conspiracy. She's come a long way in the last 2 years!
I've learned that old age doesn't stop someone from being red pilled. I've found that it's much harder to get through to younger people. I suspect it's the education system that's to blame. It sounds like your mother is 'getting it'.
Now that they’re waking up, ask them if it was always supposed to only be one or two shots, why are there six lines on the card? That’s raised a few eyebrows of the most die hard libs!
Oh! Show them the American one. It has six lines, 4 on the front and two on the back
Trust your feelings
I really really hope you guys get it together because I'm going to be very honest, I consider Canada an enemy state.
You guys trained Chinese pilots and military in winter warfare and your PM is so deeply tied with the CCP that it's almost unbelievable.
I'm also baffled as to how much you're willing to take. This idea of a "vax-tax" is beyond crazy. I would have assumed a sane population would begin burning down government buildings as a response but it appears not to bug anyone other than "oh well uhh that's a slippery slope" as if they're not already at the bottom of the slopes pit lol.
Whatever is happening I hope you patriots can get the fuck out of there shtf. Gos bless.
The deep state has control in most countries. That's the real enemy. Unfortunately, we don't have the strong constitution that the US has, as well as strong independent states. There have been many lawsuits in Canada and most of them have been turned down by our corrupt court system. Our election system is also corrupt. And the biggest thing we don't have is DJT.
Leaving Canada is not as easy as it may sound. If you have some in-demand skills, you might be able to get a work Visa in the US. But being vax free, we cannot fly out of the country. I also don't think we can drive into the US. I will stay here and fight for my country and the other patriots whatever the outcome may be. I have faith that the plan will be implemented all over the world. Good luck to us all.
God bless, patriot. I'm personally very familiar with Canada as my wife is Canadian and her BIL is one of the hardest patriots I know. Unfortunately he is still in Canada and their entire family is insane. I really hope the shift happens there.
Thanks for your kind wishes.
Eh. Maybe.
I'd say it's still business as usual. You know the guy is still lying to the camera. You still cant trust what he says. The like to do this though. Release their grip a little before tightening it even harder. When you consider timing is everything, they might just be trying to buy more time.
I agree that you can't trust them. Premier Ford absolutely lies to us to postpone any backlash. But this feels different. The media are slowly starting to wake up people, one by one. Still a long way to go but I'm feeling slightly more optimistic.
There is overwhelming evidence to contradict everything they profess. More and more people are getting it. I know this isn't the best barometer, but if you read comments on Daily Mail articles (which has a WW reach), you have undoubtedly noticed that the overwhelming majority are now critical of Biden, the vax, the pandemic in general, whereas a year ago, it was just the opposite. The only way they can maintain control is if they feel the majority of people believe them. They are losing that.
What do you all think of this? 4chan /pol BOMBSHELL!! - Sept 2019 COVID WARNING!!! (bitchute.com)
I agree. It was all well and good when they followed orders and got some special privileges but now it's impacting them personally, even though they did everything 'right'.
Do you have a link on that 3X figure? I know it was higher but thought like 15% or so. Thx
Great seeing all the other Canadians in here... Gives me some hope for this place. Also from Ontario here, unvaxxed. Truthfully I'm dying to leave to start fresh in Texas.
Me and my wife are both unvaxxed but would love to take a trip down to Texas before we move. Anyone have some advise on how to get out of here being unvaxxed?
To be honest, as a US citizen living permanently in Canada (Canadian spouse) for the past 17 years, I don’t recommend trying to get into the States right now. First of all, unjabbed cannot fly and also the US is not allowing any unjabbed Canadians in at the border. If you were to get in, Canada is being VERY obnoxious allowing even Canadian citizens/PRs back into Canada from the States. The “rules” are all over the board and nobody will define them - in other words, it’s a crap shoot. Regardless of your citizenship, I read yesterday that one gentleman was told it could run anywhere from being allowed in, to being forced to quarantine at a hotel, to being fined $5000 AND charged with a crime! For what, I have no clue but I learnt a long time ago, don’t mess with CBSA. Being unjabbed, I’m just as happy to stay under the radar - even though it means I missed another Christmas with my granddaughter, my sons and my 97 yr old Mom. I pray every day this ends soon and I’m headed straight “home” for a visit as soon as it does. My hubby says they’re talking that JT is looking to enact the War Measures Act so he has total control. Lots of Patriots here and I think he knows that when the SHTF he’s going to have an uprising on his hands. Hopefully the white hats will secure things here before that happens.
Walk across at a remote location (not a road) and pre-arrange a car with an American pede on the other side. Pack gold in the hems of the clothing you wear. Only carry essentials like food and water, and a paper map and compass. Don't use a phone while walking. Buy a burner when over the border.
I think it is a little of both. Hopefully the mandates and passports will soon come to a screeching halt. I think some health ministers, boards of health are just realizing the part they played in this hoax, some perhaps unwittingly, and know what they are facing-long prison sentences or death.
I am really sick of these passports even though it's not impacting me in a significant way. I really feel for the people losing their jobs and friends/family. I hope you're right and that these 'leaders' are starting to get worried about the role they played. I've already decided that my sign for the next protest will be "Nuremberg Trials - Coming Soon".
Governments never like relinquishing power once they grab it. I can't see how they'd suddenly start back tracking on their narrative.
I could be wrong but I feel like the US will be the first victors in this war simply because we the people have enough firepower to take them on if it comes to that, and a lot of people believes it will come to that. Freedom will spread through out from here.
I agree that the US will lead but I think they have to clear out the major players around the world before the hammer drops. If they don't, the deep state will scatter to other countries and mount an offensive.
Yes, I agree wth you
I think all the elite cabal members are almost done divvying up the spoils of the psyop distraction war and are about ready to return to "normal'"
I also think that with so many protest around the world. The cabal is seeing their fear propaganda is not working. There are more patriots than there are the cabal. They really underestimated that people are waking up and fighting back. That was their big mistake
they are losing the narrative when regular people see their FULLY VAXXED friends and families getting sick, just today, damn.. a customer support person here at my work disagreed with my boss saying "no, I have fully vaccinated family members get seriously sick, but some people I know only sick for two days and very minor". A ton of people at work here who are fully vaxxed and boosted taking days off work, I mean.. these people are smart. They should put two and two together and ask themselves "arent vaccines supposed to make you IMMUNE from the virus"?
The tide is turning, there is nothing that could stop it because they can't control it when we're all hearing and experiencing it.. the vaccines are total shit.
It has to be a worldwide operation. If not, it allows the cabal to fall back and fortify...
OP, Thanks for your input from Canada. I agree that this HAS to be a worldwide event taking place. Look around at Europe and other countries. My old knees are getting pretty sore and rusty from bending them in prayer, but with God's help, we will all be free once again.
I can sympathize about the sore knees and prayer!