Some people just don't want to be free. They fear freedom and would rather all their choices be made for them. I met a woman who grew up under communism. Every decision was made for her from what sports she'd play to what subject she would study. She said she actually enjoyed life under communism much more than without it because "It was relaxing. You didn't have to worry if you were making the right choice since it was made for you."
Some people prefer a black and white world of us vs them because it's easier that way. Morality they want grey and relative, but people they want put into easy to understand boxes of bad guys and good guys.
I disagree. I know that I had an adjustment period to a lot of the hard truths coming out from the Q movement. Some of it was so unbelievable and wicked in the most negative meaning of the word wicked, which is evil or morally wrong. It was almost a death blow to my idea of what my country was. However, I was able to face it and hold the people who corrupted our nation from it’s original founding culpable.
So many people Ive tried to talk about this stuff to. They reply the same way! Sometimes they use their ticket to Heaven as an excuse. They say “yes we know the world is an evil place but we don’t need to know the details. We are all going to Heaven anyways so why bother myself with the info?”
Pretty ignorant thinking you can ignore the evil around you, doing nothing, and find your way into Gods grace. Inaction is complicity in the face of evil. Those who ignore it, perpetuate it. It makes you as guilty as they. We are compelled to destroy evil when it presents itself.
Grace, not works. As long as you've accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior you are good to go. That being said. There is absolutely no reason to give up our freedoms now. God has not given up on our world. There is no reason for us to give up on it.
So let's say you are a Christian and you suspect your neighbor is sexually abusive with his kids. You have no proof so you ignore it. One day you happen to notice that your neighbors kids is out side crying, beat up and clothes are torn. You think huh that's odd, and you do nothing. The next day you look out your window and see that evil bastard in the act, but decide it's not your problem so you do nothing. This example might be a little extreme, but tell me when, the fuk does your grace from God run out?? At what point do these normies that don't want it know the truth become accessories to their crimes because they choose to do nothing?? I grew up in the church, I went to church most of my adult life. I quit the church when they stood behind my cheating ex wife and embraced her lover hand in hand because of God's grace. Christians are some of the laziest people out there because "trust the lord, he will save us" and "it's all God's will" or " we can't vote because if we vote for the loser then we voted against God's will " ! Ive actually heard that horse shit several times! You want to have faith in God, by all means go for it. Just stop using it as an excuse to not act, and do nothing.
Ive been on a spiritual journey ever since my divorce from the church, and let me tell you all, there's more to it than just the bible and God's grace!!
Love me or hate me I don't care.
Let the down doots fly!!
I have heard many people cry out saying, why does God allow this evil? Perhaps it is his followers who’s mission is suppose to step up and stop the evil or save the children. Just because you believe you are going to heaven doesn’t mean you are. If you do not rebuke evil, you give consent to it.
To me a true christian is a born again christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. That person would act in the above scenario. There are many people that consider themselves christians because they attend a 'christian' church. So much false doctrine it appears that evil has infiltrated the churches. Examples: any religion that denies the deity of Christ. Any religion that is dependent on works for salvation. Any religion that worships or teaches that there is more than one God.
That being said a true believer saved by Grace is likely to act in a righteous way not for self promotion or salvation, but because they love the Lord and desire to show that love to Him. That is how I see it anyway. There are good people though in many of those churches.
One thing we must all remember is that this is a lost and dying world. There is nothing we can do to fix it. Only the Lord Jesus the Christ is able to fix this world. I believe he is coming soon to take the body of Christ (Believers) home soon. Then the wrath of God will be poured out. I don't want to be there for that and I hope none of you do either. Put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved for time and eternity.
So if the worst of the worst satanic pedo cabalist decides to repent for jesus hes totally in heaven paradise forever.
And if incredibly moral, kind, and hard working people are born in a different country/family, haven't heard of jesus, don't think there's enough proof, think god is in everything, etc- that person is burning in eternal hellflame forever.
Sounds legit!
(p.s. every day i wish i could believe in god/jesus but i've never found enough proof even after intense research. Because I can't find nearly enough of it even though ive searched for years, im in eternal hellflame torture too? You'd think a god would prefer to help people find him instead of torturing people forever.)
It is that simplistic, my fren. When I quit trying to "figure it out," and I quit arguing with God, I simply told him that I truly believed the bible is the inerrant word of God and I was born again! It is a miracle. That's the only way I can explain it. Then you can learn about the old and new covenants (testaments) and understand the truths therein! May God bless your journey!
Friend, I’m far from any kind of perfect Christian in practice. I found God and Jesus within me. I don’t pray 1/10th of what I should, I have occasional bad thoughts that I don’t act on and pray for forgiveness on having those thoughts. But I feel the Lord’s love inside me and I talk to him when I can muster up the humility. He’s there, waiting to hear from us. Remember, you don’t need an official prayer, just talk from your heart. Start there and it will come to be easier, you can’t force it. Good Luck and God Bless you.
They don’t see that cloud over them though. They truly feel as though they are just fine where they are and that its okay not to be aware of these things.
In the end every knee will bow and all will be revealed. They will get a suppository. Probably pretty soon
Unfortunately, a close friend of mine is like this too.
After watching Fall of the Cabal, he turned full on black pill, has gone back to his "Neocon Christian" roots to remain "normal", and believes that if we let the world go to Hell, it will expedite Jesus coming back to fulfil Revelations.
Ive seen a few people like that too. It sucks because (as delicately as I can say this and with no offense meant to anyone) I honestly believe the evil ones have corrupted our perception of the end times. The book of Revelations is just that - revelations meant to be revealed when the time is right (as spoken to... oh who was it... was it Daniel?). The movie propaganda, wolf in sheep’s clothing pastors and large church entities all pushing a particular series of events that shall surly come to pass. So many Christians eat the packaged propaganda which is meant to drive a narrative without actually letting God speak to them about what will truly become of the end times. Ive learned to let go of my expectations and trust in the Lord God. We have discernment and we must walk with our eyes and minds clearly for these times. I don’t know what will happen but I know he will return and he better not catch YOU asleep at the wheel.
Your friend - and my friends who act the same - don’t understand this. I wish they could see the importance of being aware
I told my friend that behaving this way feels like going against everything God has revealed to me in my life, and I cited the Psalms:
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." - Psalm 23:4
Amen brother. Great passage and it should speak to all of our hearts with fear and unsteadiness. Gods got us 👍🏻 Though I once was blind now I see. Thank you Jesus. We can only pray the veil is lifted for our sleeping brothers and sisters in Christ 🙏🏻
I kept explaining this to my wife. She finally started poking around about covid 2 months ago and is now asking me how many of my conspiracies are as true as the covid ones!
I work with a leftist. He wants the company to make every decision for him and never rock the boat. He is a perfect person to live under communism. He doesnt like freedom at all. It's amazing these ppl exist. Maybe the vax purge is a good thing. Keep getting those boosters!!!
This is actually a rather large problem. They are now so afraid of the real world they would do everything they possible can to get back in the box so to speak.
This has been one of the hardest parts for me to deal with. Everywhere I look, all I see are sheeple. It's become hard to go out in public. And it ducks with me brain. It's been hard for me to maintain a level head, too. Feels like I'm losing it.
People choose to be blind. A former nurse colleague, who now works for an insurance company: double vaxed and boosted. She can’t understand why she got Covid for the 3rd time after just having it in December. Hello, anyone home? Your immune system is shot and can’t fight off infections. So here she is on home oxygen at 5 liters. Stupid doctor didn’t prescribe antibiotics, so only a God knows if a chest X-ray was done or bloodwork. Doctors and nurses today are useless idiots. Push the Covid shot, but don’t research. Blindly follow what the government and AMA say. Half of the nurses have never heard of Anthony Fauci. Unbelievable!
As I awakened about 5 years ago, I was cautiously optimistic… I knew something was desperately wrong and it was now effecting my family’s happiness. I dug in and dive bombed every website and YouTube channel for everything from little green men to ancient history and religion to political scandals to foreign laws and what did I find? ~Q~. That’s who I found and as we went, I could not believe how truly evil these monsters were. Having to tell my daughter no because vaccines has absolutely infuriated me… and because she’s a web crawler, she WANTED a vaccine. Today she has come to understand that the vaccines are more dangerous than an angry tiger… she has seen the pain and death and has made her decision. She’ll be 18 this month and POTUS Trump has earned her vote, we have earned her respect, and I have earned a hug! Nothing harms my children or I will harm that something with extreme prejudice and ferocity! NCSWIC
The ones around me only started that line of BS after HATING on Trump 4+ years and one screamed at me YOU DID THIS!! after he won 2016. They continually regurgitated every lie they read online or heard from their clique as absolute FACT.
After Biden and his team stole 2020, All the sudden ; they're not into politics.
Some people just don't want to be free. They fear freedom and would rather all their choices be made for them. I met a woman who grew up under communism. Every decision was made for her from what sports she'd play to what subject she would study. She said she actually enjoyed life under communism much more than without it because "It was relaxing. You didn't have to worry if you were making the right choice since it was made for you."
Some people prefer a black and white world of us vs them because it's easier that way. Morality they want grey and relative, but people they want put into easy to understand boxes of bad guys and good guys.
We need parallel society for those.
Yea, on another separate continent…..
Send them to venezuela.
I’ll trade them for my in laws to come here from Venezuela.
I disagree. I know that I had an adjustment period to a lot of the hard truths coming out from the Q movement. Some of it was so unbelievable and wicked in the most negative meaning of the word wicked, which is evil or morally wrong. It was almost a death blow to my idea of what my country was. However, I was able to face it and hold the people who corrupted our nation from it’s original founding culpable.
Also a valid point each human got an absorption,adjustment period and some takes longer then others. Something us the earlier ones should not forget.
Yea and was properly the same for us. We just forgot.
My mother actually told me she didn't want to know the truth.
So many people Ive tried to talk about this stuff to. They reply the same way! Sometimes they use their ticket to Heaven as an excuse. They say “yes we know the world is an evil place but we don’t need to know the details. We are all going to Heaven anyways so why bother myself with the info?”
With that attitude they might not make it to heaven...
Exactly! Pretty ignorant to assume one will get into heaven no matter what their choices on earth imo.
Pretty ignorant thinking you can ignore the evil around you, doing nothing, and find your way into Gods grace. Inaction is complicity in the face of evil. Those who ignore it, perpetuate it. It makes you as guilty as they. We are compelled to destroy evil when it presents itself.
Precisely my friend.
Grace, not works. As long as you've accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior you are good to go. That being said. There is absolutely no reason to give up our freedoms now. God has not given up on our world. There is no reason for us to give up on it.
So let's say you are a Christian and you suspect your neighbor is sexually abusive with his kids. You have no proof so you ignore it. One day you happen to notice that your neighbors kids is out side crying, beat up and clothes are torn. You think huh that's odd, and you do nothing. The next day you look out your window and see that evil bastard in the act, but decide it's not your problem so you do nothing. This example might be a little extreme, but tell me when, the fuk does your grace from God run out?? At what point do these normies that don't want it know the truth become accessories to their crimes because they choose to do nothing?? I grew up in the church, I went to church most of my adult life. I quit the church when they stood behind my cheating ex wife and embraced her lover hand in hand because of God's grace. Christians are some of the laziest people out there because "trust the lord, he will save us" and "it's all God's will" or " we can't vote because if we vote for the loser then we voted against God's will " ! Ive actually heard that horse shit several times! You want to have faith in God, by all means go for it. Just stop using it as an excuse to not act, and do nothing.
Ive been on a spiritual journey ever since my divorce from the church, and let me tell you all, there's more to it than just the bible and God's grace!!
Love me or hate me I don't care. Let the down doots fly!!
I have heard many people cry out saying, why does God allow this evil? Perhaps it is his followers who’s mission is suppose to step up and stop the evil or save the children. Just because you believe you are going to heaven doesn’t mean you are. If you do not rebuke evil, you give consent to it.
To me a true christian is a born again christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. That person would act in the above scenario. There are many people that consider themselves christians because they attend a 'christian' church. So much false doctrine it appears that evil has infiltrated the churches. Examples: any religion that denies the deity of Christ. Any religion that is dependent on works for salvation. Any religion that worships or teaches that there is more than one God.
That being said a true believer saved by Grace is likely to act in a righteous way not for self promotion or salvation, but because they love the Lord and desire to show that love to Him. That is how I see it anyway. There are good people though in many of those churches.
One thing we must all remember is that this is a lost and dying world. There is nothing we can do to fix it. Only the Lord Jesus the Christ is able to fix this world. I believe he is coming soon to take the body of Christ (Believers) home soon. Then the wrath of God will be poured out. I don't want to be there for that and I hope none of you do either. Put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved for time and eternity.
How do you know this?
So if the worst of the worst satanic pedo cabalist decides to repent for jesus hes totally in heaven paradise forever.
And if incredibly moral, kind, and hard working people are born in a different country/family, haven't heard of jesus, don't think there's enough proof, think god is in everything, etc- that person is burning in eternal hellflame forever.
Sounds legit!
(p.s. every day i wish i could believe in god/jesus but i've never found enough proof even after intense research. Because I can't find nearly enough of it even though ive searched for years, im in eternal hellflame torture too? You'd think a god would prefer to help people find him instead of torturing people forever.)
I know this because it's in the Bible.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
One short sentence about believing in him answered my entire post?
If its that simplistic, black and white, reductionist- I will never believe in this religion.
Good people being tortured eternally, bad people being rewarded eternally.
Once again, sounds legit.
It is that simplistic, my fren. When I quit trying to "figure it out," and I quit arguing with God, I simply told him that I truly believed the bible is the inerrant word of God and I was born again! It is a miracle. That's the only way I can explain it. Then you can learn about the old and new covenants (testaments) and understand the truths therein! May God bless your journey!
Friend, I’m far from any kind of perfect Christian in practice. I found God and Jesus within me. I don’t pray 1/10th of what I should, I have occasional bad thoughts that I don’t act on and pray for forgiveness on having those thoughts. But I feel the Lord’s love inside me and I talk to him when I can muster up the humility. He’s there, waiting to hear from us. Remember, you don’t need an official prayer, just talk from your heart. Start there and it will come to be easier, you can’t force it. Good Luck and God Bless you.
I'm not going to argue with you. You have your beliefs and I have mine. God bless you.
They don’t see that cloud over them though. They truly feel as though they are just fine where they are and that its okay not to be aware of these things.
In the end every knee will bow and all will be revealed. They will get a suppository. Probably pretty soon
I hate that attitude. The first step to fixing this problem would be spreading the truth, and so many don't want to hear it.
Unfortunately, a close friend of mine is like this too.
After watching Fall of the Cabal, he turned full on black pill, has gone back to his "Neocon Christian" roots to remain "normal", and believes that if we let the world go to Hell, it will expedite Jesus coming back to fulfil Revelations.
He also wonders why he can't get a girlfriend.
Ive seen a few people like that too. It sucks because (as delicately as I can say this and with no offense meant to anyone) I honestly believe the evil ones have corrupted our perception of the end times. The book of Revelations is just that - revelations meant to be revealed when the time is right (as spoken to... oh who was it... was it Daniel?). The movie propaganda, wolf in sheep’s clothing pastors and large church entities all pushing a particular series of events that shall surly come to pass. So many Christians eat the packaged propaganda which is meant to drive a narrative without actually letting God speak to them about what will truly become of the end times. Ive learned to let go of my expectations and trust in the Lord God. We have discernment and we must walk with our eyes and minds clearly for these times. I don’t know what will happen but I know he will return and he better not catch YOU asleep at the wheel.
Your friend - and my friends who act the same - don’t understand this. I wish they could see the importance of being aware
I agree with everything you said.
I told my friend that behaving this way feels like going against everything God has revealed to me in my life, and I cited the Psalms:
This one in particular was revealed to me today:
Amen brother. Great passage and it should speak to all of our hearts with fear and unsteadiness. Gods got us 👍🏻 Though I once was blind now I see. Thank you Jesus. We can only pray the veil is lifted for our sleeping brothers and sisters in Christ 🙏🏻
My mom says I'm old, I dont need to hear this stuff.
Ya, its killing her all this shit is happening to her family in her golden years. Everyone's depressed and angry all the time. It sucks.
I kept explaining this to my wife. She finally started poking around about covid 2 months ago and is now asking me how many of my conspiracies are as true as the covid ones!
This sums up how I've been feeling lately. There is ample, clear & concise information out there but it just seems people are ignoring it
Powerful. Nice work!
This do be true
I work with a leftist. He wants the company to make every decision for him and never rock the boat. He is a perfect person to live under communism. He doesnt like freedom at all. It's amazing these ppl exist. Maybe the vax purge is a good thing. Keep getting those boosters!!!
This is actually a rather large problem. They are now so afraid of the real world they would do everything they possible can to get back in the box so to speak.
This has been one of the hardest parts for me to deal with. Everywhere I look, all I see are sheeple. It's become hard to go out in public. And it ducks with me brain. It's been hard for me to maintain a level head, too. Feels like I'm losing it.
Well done
Wow. Very accurate
People choose to be blind. A former nurse colleague, who now works for an insurance company: double vaxed and boosted. She can’t understand why she got Covid for the 3rd time after just having it in December. Hello, anyone home? Your immune system is shot and can’t fight off infections. So here she is on home oxygen at 5 liters. Stupid doctor didn’t prescribe antibiotics, so only a God knows if a chest X-ray was done or bloodwork. Doctors and nurses today are useless idiots. Push the Covid shot, but don’t research. Blindly follow what the government and AMA say. Half of the nurses have never heard of Anthony Fauci. Unbelievable!
As I awakened about 5 years ago, I was cautiously optimistic… I knew something was desperately wrong and it was now effecting my family’s happiness. I dug in and dive bombed every website and YouTube channel for everything from little green men to ancient history and religion to political scandals to foreign laws and what did I find? ~Q~. That’s who I found and as we went, I could not believe how truly evil these monsters were. Having to tell my daughter no because vaccines has absolutely infuriated me… and because she’s a web crawler, she WANTED a vaccine. Today she has come to understand that the vaccines are more dangerous than an angry tiger… she has seen the pain and death and has made her decision. She’ll be 18 this month and POTUS Trump has earned her vote, we have earned her respect, and I have earned a hug! Nothing harms my children or I will harm that something with extreme prejudice and ferocity! NCSWIC
They tried to crucify and bury the Truth..but the Truth has Risen and cannot be hidden. Praise God!🙏🏻
Absolutely realized this about a week ago as I was frustrated with a friend holding the MSM narrative
My wife continues to bury her head in the sand.
I like the people that say "I don't get involved with politics"
Yeah, she just wants things "calm". She gets really annoyed when I yell at the propaganda on TV.
Blows my mind
The ones around me only started that line of BS after HATING on Trump 4+ years and one screamed at me YOU DID THIS!! after he won 2016. They continually regurgitated every lie they read online or heard from their clique as absolute FACT.
After Biden and his team stole 2020, All the sudden ; they're not into politics.
I hope someday they do ask me WTF is going on.