Yeah and sometimes it's just a meme. I mean you can claim anything, I've seen people try to find meaning in a bottle of water in the corner of a picture and their declaration was, "watch the water"
You said Audit. And now all I here in my head is, "Audit, Audit, Audit." The last time this happened it took two full weeks to go away. Is that too soon?
Yeah and sometimes it's done with the randomest people, too.
I can understand Scavino and Pompeo because they had some that corroborated and were very close to Trump but people try to find comms in just about everything anyone says sometimes.
I'd like to solve the problem..
I'd like to buy a Round
D3 = DC? There’s certainly a lot of Panic in DC right now
"People who annoy you"
"What are Riggers?"
"What are Naggers?"
My neighborhood is full of masked riggers. Didn't used to be this way.
Mine suddenly became full of Mexicans and random south Americans
Lol southpark
10 seconds Mr. Marsh.
D3, that's a very good catch, fren
Vit D3
Defcon 3
Yes vanna can we see your D
Not vanna?
Don must own a meme factory.
3D = 34 =
Also DDD.
We’re just getting warmed up D3–>>D5 on it’s way.
You mean D5, right?
Could be or maybe .. there are 3 D’s needed to finish the phrase & 3=C (third letter in the alphabet) = DC
Not everything is comms, DJT Jr. Just spreading awareness with memes.
Multiple meanings exist.
Yeah and sometimes it's just a meme. I mean you can claim anything, I've seen people try to find meaning in a bottle of water in the corner of a picture and their declaration was, "watch the water"
You said watch the water at the very end of your comment. That must mean you want us to pay special attention to it.
<eyes on>
You said eyes on. That means we should have eyes on the audit
Everything else is a distraction
Two more weeks...
You said Audit. And now all I here in my head is, "Audit, Audit, Audit." The last time this happened it took two full weeks to go away. Is that too soon?
seriously it’s getting pretty cringe
Yeah and sometimes it's done with the randomest people, too.
I can understand Scavino and Pompeo because they had some that corroborated and were very close to Trump but people try to find comms in just about everything anyone says sometimes.
Q... another Q... a third Q...
Thanks Regis! 😜
Oh man, Z4 was really, really close to 2650 (Z=26)
Interesting discussion of "wheel" and "Ds" though...
Also makes me thing of the Wheel in Sky that keeps on turning...
Two solutions, D or DS. D3, Panic in D.C. DS, Deepstate
(D)emocratic Party (Dies)
Definitely seems like D3 coms his comment on the picture is “ I’ll take a D or 3 Pat.”
D5 = May 4th?
"May the forth be with you" day?
Or "Cuatro de Cinco" if you prefer
Been at this for awhile. Anyone figured it out??
I'd like to solve the puzzle:
Definitely some sort of comms, but what does it mean???
Fauci needs the D? The deep state needs the D? Don Jr wants to give them the D?
I dont get it, obviously I'm no good at this.