Don't forget that 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the US boarder. Most of the TV programing recieved in Canada is US. The whole country has a population of about 35 million, that's 4 million less than the state of California. Most of us see ourselves as another state. Personally I think it is time to abolish our federal government, and each Provence join the republic as a new state.
I would love to unite with Canada and Greenland to form the United States of North America, after Globohomo is ejected. Canada is a beautiful country filled with beautiful people. I miss it so 🥲
Eh. Generally yes. I grew up studying French and traveled there many times. They want to be left the fuck alone and be French. They’re actually great people despite shit politics. They are an island of French heritage surrounded by dipshit anglos who do not respect them and honestly, are not all that respectable sometimes. I know this is a dissenting view but if you’ve ever been there and digged beneath the surface, they want to be French and Independent. Can’t really hate that, they’re American of a different flavor.
That is very true. What it points out is that they aren’t immune to the gov’t disrespect of the entire country. And I have met some of them - and they are lovely people. I shouldn’t have generalized. Seems we have a lot in common - Freedom to live our lives as we see fit is born in all of us. Time to put down the oppressors of every freedom loving soul.
I've always thought the same way about Quebec. However after 5 years of becoming aware of how big the swamp is and how convenient Canada has been for the clowns. Foreign soil, close to home. I'm thinking with the deepstate cleaned up they my not make bad neighbors.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Canada.
70% of of Canadians are Americans by temperament.
They are probably better Americans (by our own standard). They live hard and rewarding lives. And they don’t like being fucked with.
This whole nonsense that is unfolding boils down to “city folk” who live in the matrix, and the rest of the world.
There’s probably more self-reliant, rugged individuals living in Canada than here in the states.
I mean, their climate demands it if them.
It’s NOT THEIR FAULT, they didn’t resist harder or sooner. They’ve never had to, nor was their resolve ever previously called upon to oppose a historically benevolent government.
It just took one pretty, globalist, entitled fucknut stooge to reveal their peril, and they have finally activated their survival/resistance impulses.
That whole “polite Canadian” trope we kid them for?
It should be the STANDARD of polite society.
The world would be bette of more American citizens exhibited Canadian grace to others.
But the world hasn’t seen the fruits of people who live hard lives voluntarily saying “no.”
Trudeau, has very few cards left to play, he’s got to the bottom of Canadian politeness (the world he knows)
And he will soon see the “”will of the people” who just wanted to be left the fuck alone.
As a Canadian, I appreciate your kind words. I'm one of the "city folk" (born and raised) but even things are starting to change in the urban centres. The rally last Sunday in Toronto shows me that we've had enough.
I'm in the NYC area, cities are pretty shitty. But not far from the cities the based are right around the corner. New York is not NYC and New Jersey is not Jersey City.
If you ever went through a near death moment with a bro, you'd speak otherwise. When you go through hell and come out of it, or have to pull someone out from the fire, you'll change your tune. And I'm not talking about "saving them from liberalism" but maybe my life just had different turns than yours.
Politicians want us to believe we are different... WE ARE NOT!
Something people quickly realize on a trip to either side of the border.
I can’t help put shitpost memes
These other countries are so effed and they won’t stand up.
Time is ticking folks
Don't forget that 90% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the US boarder. Most of the TV programing recieved in Canada is US. The whole country has a population of about 35 million, that's 4 million less than the state of California. Most of us see ourselves as another state. Personally I think it is time to abolish our federal government, and each Provence join the republic as a new state.
Brilliant idea!
I would love to unite with Canada and Greenland to form the United States of North America, after Globohomo is ejected. Canada is a beautiful country filled with beautiful people. I miss it so 🥲
North America is one hell of a country I tell ya what
Except Quebec. They can do their own thing!
Eh. Generally yes. I grew up studying French and traveled there many times. They want to be left the fuck alone and be French. They’re actually great people despite shit politics. They are an island of French heritage surrounded by dipshit anglos who do not respect them and honestly, are not all that respectable sometimes. I know this is a dissenting view but if you’ve ever been there and digged beneath the surface, they want to be French and Independent. Can’t really hate that, they’re American of a different flavor.
I LOVE Quebec.
I’d rather go to Quebec than Paris anyday.
I've never been to Paris; maybe when life calms down.
That ship sailed. It’s a shithole right now. Literally filled with dindus amd gypsies and bums.
The thing about ships is that they sail away...and then they sail back again. Let's pray.
Quebec is a beautiful city.
Quebec City is beautiful, as is Montreal.
I went to Montreal once and definitely did not have enough time to take anything in. I hope it is still as beautiful now as it was in the early 2000s.
That is very true. What it points out is that they aren’t immune to the gov’t disrespect of the entire country. And I have met some of them - and they are lovely people. I shouldn’t have generalized. Seems we have a lot in common - Freedom to live our lives as we see fit is born in all of us. Time to put down the oppressors of every freedom loving soul.
We can always invade Quebec after setting up our new Country
I've always thought the same way about Quebec. However after 5 years of becoming aware of how big the swamp is and how convenient Canada has been for the clowns. Foreign soil, close to home. I'm thinking with the deepstate cleaned up they my not make bad neighbors.
And, why not? It's their right to choose and they're not bothering anyone else.
I've been saying for forever that this makes the most sense.
It's cool to see people uniting within our borders, but it's even cooler to see people uniting across borders.
Courage is contagious.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Canada. 70% of of Canadians are Americans by temperament.
They are probably better Americans (by our own standard). They live hard and rewarding lives. And they don’t like being fucked with.
This whole nonsense that is unfolding boils down to “city folk” who live in the matrix, and the rest of the world.
There’s probably more self-reliant, rugged individuals living in Canada than here in the states.
I mean, their climate demands it if them.
It’s NOT THEIR FAULT, they didn’t resist harder or sooner. They’ve never had to, nor was their resolve ever previously called upon to oppose a historically benevolent government.
It just took one pretty, globalist, entitled fucknut stooge to reveal their peril, and they have finally activated their survival/resistance impulses.
That whole “polite Canadian” trope we kid them for?
It should be the STANDARD of polite society.
The world would be bette of more American citizens exhibited Canadian grace to others.
But the world hasn’t seen the fruits of people who live hard lives voluntarily saying “no.”
Trudeau, has very few cards left to play, he’s got to the bottom of Canadian politeness (the world he knows) And he will soon see the “”will of the people” who just wanted to be left the fuck alone.
As a Canadian, I appreciate your kind words. I'm one of the "city folk" (born and raised) but even things are starting to change in the urban centres. The rally last Sunday in Toronto shows me that we've had enough.
I'm in the NYC area, cities are pretty shitty. But not far from the cities the based are right around the corner. New York is not NYC and New Jersey is not Jersey City.
Nailed it!
I always think of the Michael Moore movie comparing peaceful Canada with violent United States. Canucks don't bother locking their doors.
Love it, love our Canadian patriot frens!🇺🇸🇨🇦
Would make a great T shirt
Get your guns back, you hosers.
Definitely not removing a moose in rut with harsh language and hand gestures.
Hockey sticks and empty Labatt beer bottles only make them angry.
Good...but they still need a law like Switzerland that says "they MUST be armed" ...every nation needs this.
we never lost them
Nobody's turned in shit, loser.
One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war. 👍
No bunny hole!
Here's a live cam of the convoy coming from US into Canada:
Can-Am Revolution!
America First bub
I'm not crying I swear I'm not.
It's finally time for the Canadian provinces to embrace our Empire of Liberty and to join our more perfect Union.
Nice ..we are all in this together ... if Australia was nearby we would be there too!
Aw, thank you. I’m going to keep this.
That's beautiful.
The NWO, Government, and many other groups of criminals have outlived their usefulness.
Are they getting ready for a thumb war?
Y’all Canucks need AR-15s yet or what?
If you ever went through a near death moment with a bro, you'd speak otherwise. When you go through hell and come out of it, or have to pull someone out from the fire, you'll change your tune. And I'm not talking about "saving them from liberalism" but maybe my life just had different turns than yours.
My bad, I have so much baggage I'd have to charter my own flight.