I didn't put the mRNA trash in my body and I sure as hell ain't gonna put any military garbage in my body no matter who says it's good. Even Trump, Q or anyone.
The problem is lots of unvaxxed who are financially struggling would run and get the jab because there is a "cure" for the jab. It's a stupid idea to begin with. Let the DS release a deadly jab only to have scores of regular people die, including children, only to release a cure of some sort. This is the type of shit they feed the right to pump hopium for stuff that doesn't exist and wouldn't make sense even if it did.
It is not the antidote for anything. It is basically a man-made artificial virus. It still uses the same spike protein with an extra military goodie thrown in for good measure. It is not what you think.
Read my comment on another part of this post. It is more detailed and lays out what is in this military jab. This creation is basically a new platform for the already existing spike protein with some other nasty additions. It actually resembles an artificial virus. All experimental of course. This is somewhat my wheelhouse and spent some years working in governmental research. The information is out there for those wanting to find it.
Usually the FDA would require long term testing of many years. Are you saying we should skip that and be anxious to inject yet another substance without long term testing to counteract the first unknown substance?
I'm thinking that this military vaccine and possibly also the omicron variant were already available at the start of the pandemic.
This whole thing might have been planned from start to finish. Usually when they do gain-of-function research they also research the antidote which in this case was only meant to be used by the cabal.
If the white hats are in full control, they possibly had the cure from the beginning. The virus coming from Wuhan where there is a bioweapons lab is also suspect. Why would the cabal release the virus there? Were they maybe intending to release the virus in LA? Think about the military training exercise with black helicopters and the Q-post about Corona going offline.
All of that is just wishful thinking. Until you have clear visibility into the contents and effects of both injections you cannot simply apply goodwill to a "white hat vaccine". It would be blind faith, just the same as the blind faith placed in the pharma injections.
You are right. Please read my post on this thread. This shot is not the salvation some are trying to imply that it is. I agree - it is blind faith. We should know better by now.
Hmm... You might be right but based on what we know about Covid now that we didn't know about back than. The common Cold renamed Covid/ said to cause respiratory problems?
Maybe we might be looking at cures for this that have already been tested years ago? Will be interesting to see what happens and comes of this.
I don't think the military coming out and saying "we knew the clot shot was poison so we got this cure for it" and decided not to tell anyone till it was ready is going to go" is going to go over real well........JMHO
I worked at the VA for years treating vets and saw many suffering the effects of exposure to military vaxxines. I also worked in governmental research. They have been using our best and brightest as lab rats for decades. No thanks. I won't change my mind because I have seen first hand what they are capable of and would not trust anything they have been involved with.
Do not think for one minute that the military, through DARPA and Detrick, has not had their hands all over the Hegelian dialectic development of weaponized pathogens and the resultant so called vaxxines. Anyone that believes that they have not been intimately involved in the nefarious development of these weapons of mass destruction is not paying attention. This newest military addition to a long list of experimental and deadly vaxxines may end up being far worse than the current menu of clot shots. The military does not have the best track record in this area.
This new inoculation is currently in trials and is still using the manmade weaponized spike protein gene sequencing and it is the same biologically active component that all the other shots are built upon. The military is getting into the mix of poison inoculations by mounting that spike protein on a ferritin nanoparticle - much like a death blossom. This, in a very twisted sense, seems in character for the military to be developing such a weapon. The only problem is that this weapon will be used against us because we are now the enemy. They are creating an artificial virus. We do not know if the body will have the ability to break down this creation once it is injected. Like the rest of the shots out there, there are no long term studies. The bulk of these compartmentalized researchers are looking for a humoral antibody response. A very narrow end point, that in and of itself, proves little. Only a very small evil cabal at the top have the 40K foot view. We already know enough about the destructive effects of the spike protein at this point to question any rational that would continue its use.
The backbone of the Army's contribution comes from the ALFQ (QS21 Adjuvant) that is part of a family of ALF (Army Liposomal Formulation) adjuvants originally developed back in the eighties. The ALF adjuvant used with this new experiment also contains a saponin, QS21. The ALFQ is then adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide. Remember, the main purpose of a vaxxine adjuvant is to irritate the crap out the immune system. There is already research on the problems associated with saponins contained in plants used as food. The Quillaja saponins like QS21 being studied as vaxxine adjuvants have already been shown to demonstrate serious drawbacks such as high toxicity, undesirable hemolytic effects, and instability in aqueous phase. So far, this toxicity has limited their use. Nothing to see here folks.
Although I do believe that Omicron was deliberately released to take the wind out of the sails of the plandemic, I do not view this military shot as coming from the same source. All of these evil bastards have been wet dreaming about a pan-coronavirus universal vaxxine for years. The DoD has been part of that development process. Anything the illustrious Dr Falsey gets behind needs to be viewed with immense skepticism. So, I would not get hopes up of viewing this military contribution as some kind of salvation for mankind. Past performance is the best predictor of future actions.
It's good to be hopeful and all, but what is the actual reality of the military vaccine? What is the reality of the damage caused by the pharma injections, and what would be the mechanism of action for the military vaccines to heal that damage?
Until you have an answer to those questions your faith is just as blindly placed as those who trusted the pharma injections!
Facts. In the past year, handshake accounts have more frequently been shills, I still think most handshakes are legit, and as we all know, they don't send their best.
If this were so, it would be an admission that the original vax was poison and was known to be, by the military, during the entire time the covid potions were being deployed and administered. And if they had knowledge of this for months, or years, and didn't immediately act on it, that would be criminal negligence and conspiracy.
This is experimental nano tech that has never been used before in addition to a new more toxic twist to the Army's liposomal adjuvant that was first developed several decades ago. This is neither a cure nor an antidote. It is more of the same, but only delivered differently. Everyone that has had any new nano/genetic therapy tech sitting in their file cabinets that was previously too toxic for prime time, now have an opportunity to open those files and dump their crap out on the market with little or no interference by the watchdogs that sadly have been slipped a golden bone and are turned the other way.
Your logic will keep you safe my fren. The smoke of hopium gets in the eyes sometimes. But that is why we are all here - to help each other see more clearly.
Trap or not, it would still technically have all sorts of legal repercussions. Sting operations usually are limited to the criminals involved in the sting. In this case, you would be involving innocent US citizens, and knowingly putting them at risk of death and injury. A lot of people would have to be willing to go to prison, or risk execution, if this is some secret antidote.
To create an antidote means you have knowledge the current potions are poison. Therefore, I think it's far more likely if the military had such absolute evidence, they would use their power to halt the administration of the faulty covid potions and then announce to the public an antidote is under development. This would even be politically and visibly preferable over being seen as knowing and allowing a deadly shot being administered while developing the antidote, when they had the power to stop it. I really don't believe this is the case, and if it, it would not be advertised.
This just seems like a desperate narrative to keep vaccines in the "benefits outweigh the risks" category for public health. It's actually the other way around. The military has conducted experiments on citizens (and the enlisted) for decades, it would be out of character for them to deliver a miracle vaccine to counteract the poison jabs which came from an industry supplying them will billions in tax dollars every year.
This ends when the chemical industries are no longer allowed to force their poisons on the human population "for your health".
I don't know. I had one Moderna. I wasn't thinking strait I was taken aback by a ALS diagnosis a good friend of mine had just got and just died by the way, less than 11 months. I thought I was doing the right thing so I could see him. I have detoxed and what not.
There is no greater gift than the perfectly human body we were given and the immune system it holds. We have damaged our bodies with the "cures" for diseases that were probably made and released to sell the cures. To keep us sick to make profit for the evil men on this planet under the guise of medicine.
For those that chose this poison maybe it has some benefit - I dont know let them continue to be the Guinee pigs.
I do know that it is a NO for me in its entirety under no circumstances.
Just because we can does not mean that we should. It is time to stop the madness.
Not everyone gets to have a "perfect" God given immune system though. Plenty of people have autoimmune issues, I'm one of them with a couple autoimmune issues. It's not because of some poison out there in the world or big pharma, it's genetic. I'm not old and sick or anything, in my early 30s and have fought this stuff for about a decade by now. But just because you have a good and proper immune system that may be able to handle catching covid and get through it reasonably well doesn't mean everyone is that way.
I dont know about that. If people didn’t get the mRNA vaccines, someone else coming along and saying they have a new vaccine and this one works for realsies this time and we let a bunch of people die from the other vaccines without really saying anything, I don’t think as many people as you think are going to blindly jump on board.
Too many good people died, including my son..not vacced but incubated due to pneumonia. Somehow he died from a blood clot. I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore!!!!!
I hate to break the news to you, but this military offering is neither. It uses the same spike protein stuck to a ferritin nanoparticle ball that is accompanied by a toxic lipid particle meant to piss off the immune system. Read my longer comment on this post for the details. It is experimental and will be given to our military on top of what they have already been given. Pure evil.
Remember the Wuhan lab "lost" their virus database? White hats took all their virus models so they could make a vaccine against ALLLL the viruses Fauci had planned to release (including the death jab).
I'm skeptical. Considering DoD whistleblower data. If they had a "cute" for the bad shots they gave all the military they wouldn't have all these horrible sequelae.
I didn't put the mRNA trash in my body and I sure as hell ain't gonna put any military garbage in my body no matter who says it's good. Even Trump, Q or anyone.
If it's basically the "antidote" to the vaxx...the unvaxxed wouldn't take it anyway, right?
The problem is lots of unvaxxed who are financially struggling would run and get the jab because there is a "cure" for the jab. It's a stupid idea to begin with. Let the DS release a deadly jab only to have scores of regular people die, including children, only to release a cure of some sort. This is the type of shit they feed the right to pump hopium for stuff that doesn't exist and wouldn't make sense even if it did.
Problem reaction solution
It is not the antidote for anything. It is basically a man-made artificial virus. It still uses the same spike protein with an extra military goodie thrown in for good measure. It is not what you think.
Sorry, how do you know this?
Read my comment on another part of this post. It is more detailed and lays out what is in this military jab. This creation is basically a new platform for the already existing spike protein with some other nasty additions. It actually resembles an artificial virus. All experimental of course. This is somewhat my wheelhouse and spent some years working in governmental research. The information is out there for those wanting to find it.
You are smart and you shall live my fren.
Usually the FDA would require long term testing of many years. Are you saying we should skip that and be anxious to inject yet another substance without long term testing to counteract the first unknown substance?
I'm thinking that this military vaccine and possibly also the omicron variant were already available at the start of the pandemic.
This whole thing might have been planned from start to finish. Usually when they do gain-of-function research they also research the antidote which in this case was only meant to be used by the cabal.
If the white hats are in full control, they possibly had the cure from the beginning. The virus coming from Wuhan where there is a bioweapons lab is also suspect. Why would the cabal release the virus there? Were they maybe intending to release the virus in LA? Think about the military training exercise with black helicopters and the Q-post about Corona going offline.
Things I think about while staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night.
All of that is just wishful thinking. Until you have clear visibility into the contents and effects of both injections you cannot simply apply goodwill to a "white hat vaccine". It would be blind faith, just the same as the blind faith placed in the pharma injections.
You are right. Please read my post on this thread. This shot is not the salvation some are trying to imply that it is. I agree - it is blind faith. We should know better by now.
Hmm... You might be right but based on what we know about Covid now that we didn't know about back than. The common Cold renamed Covid/ said to cause respiratory problems?
Maybe we might be looking at cures for this that have already been tested years ago? Will be interesting to see what happens and comes of this.
I understand it, but I don't agree with having anything injected into our bodies and especially the kids until we know the long term effects.
It's being developed by the military. What could go wrong?
I don't think the military coming out and saying "we knew the clot shot was poison so we got this cure for it" and decided not to tell anyone till it was ready is going to go" is going to go over real well........JMHO
I worked at the VA for years treating vets and saw many suffering the effects of exposure to military vaxxines. I also worked in governmental research. They have been using our best and brightest as lab rats for decades. No thanks. I won't change my mind because I have seen first hand what they are capable of and would not trust anything they have been involved with.
Do not think for one minute that the military, through DARPA and Detrick, has not had their hands all over the Hegelian dialectic development of weaponized pathogens and the resultant so called vaxxines. Anyone that believes that they have not been intimately involved in the nefarious development of these weapons of mass destruction is not paying attention. This newest military addition to a long list of experimental and deadly vaxxines may end up being far worse than the current menu of clot shots. The military does not have the best track record in this area.
This new inoculation is currently in trials and is still using the manmade weaponized spike protein gene sequencing and it is the same biologically active component that all the other shots are built upon. The military is getting into the mix of poison inoculations by mounting that spike protein on a ferritin nanoparticle - much like a death blossom. This, in a very twisted sense, seems in character for the military to be developing such a weapon. The only problem is that this weapon will be used against us because we are now the enemy. They are creating an artificial virus. We do not know if the body will have the ability to break down this creation once it is injected. Like the rest of the shots out there, there are no long term studies. The bulk of these compartmentalized researchers are looking for a humoral antibody response. A very narrow end point, that in and of itself, proves little. Only a very small evil cabal at the top have the 40K foot view. We already know enough about the destructive effects of the spike protein at this point to question any rational that would continue its use.
The backbone of the Army's contribution comes from the ALFQ (QS21 Adjuvant) that is part of a family of ALF (Army Liposomal Formulation) adjuvants originally developed back in the eighties. The ALF adjuvant used with this new experiment also contains a saponin, QS21. The ALFQ is then adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide. Remember, the main purpose of a vaxxine adjuvant is to irritate the crap out the immune system. There is already research on the problems associated with saponins contained in plants used as food. The Quillaja saponins like QS21 being studied as vaxxine adjuvants have already been shown to demonstrate serious drawbacks such as high toxicity, undesirable hemolytic effects, and instability in aqueous phase. So far, this toxicity has limited their use. Nothing to see here folks.
Although I do believe that Omicron was deliberately released to take the wind out of the sails of the plandemic, I do not view this military shot as coming from the same source. All of these evil bastards have been wet dreaming about a pan-coronavirus universal vaxxine for years. The DoD has been part of that development process. Anything the illustrious Dr Falsey gets behind needs to be viewed with immense skepticism. So, I would not get hopes up of viewing this military contribution as some kind of salvation for mankind. Past performance is the best predictor of future actions.
This comment needs to be pushed to the top. Thanks for sharing.
ditto, share
You are most welcome fren.
So they let a shitload of people die in the meantime and say nothing?
Yea makes no sense lol
Yeah then said white hats would be no better than DS. "Ends justify means"
Crimes against humanity
Only at the precipice...
No thank you.
It's good to be hopeful and all, but what is the actual reality of the military vaccine? What is the reality of the damage caused by the pharma injections, and what would be the mechanism of action for the military vaccines to heal that damage?
Until you have an answer to those questions your faith is just as blindly placed as those who trusted the pharma injections!
Handshake account brings up a valid point here ^
we were all handshakes once...
Facts. In the past year, handshake accounts have more frequently been shills, I still think most handshakes are legit, and as we all know, they don't send their best.
I'm done trusting anyone who offers an injection or even a snort to me. I will live out my life as-is.
God, Please let this be true
Yeah I didn't take the first one either.
Go ahead and take it. Take a few if you like.
If that were the case, it would have been available BEFORE 70% of the country took the Kill Shot.
If that were the case, the MILITARY would not have been forced to take the Kill Shot.
No, a vaccine is NOT a "cure" for anything, gene therapy in particular.
This military jab will finish the job the first ones started.
BS! Their out to cripple the Military and the American populace, so we could be put under the regime of a Global One World Order System!
i dont trust the military.
you cant change my mind...
If this were so, it would be an admission that the original vax was poison and was known to be, by the military, during the entire time the covid potions were being deployed and administered. And if they had knowledge of this for months, or years, and didn't immediately act on it, that would be criminal negligence and conspiracy.
This is experimental nano tech that has never been used before in addition to a new more toxic twist to the Army's liposomal adjuvant that was first developed several decades ago. This is neither a cure nor an antidote. It is more of the same, but only delivered differently. Everyone that has had any new nano/genetic therapy tech sitting in their file cabinets that was previously too toxic for prime time, now have an opportunity to open those files and dump their crap out on the market with little or no interference by the watchdogs that sadly have been slipped a golden bone and are turned the other way.
Your logic will keep you safe my fren. The smoke of hopium gets in the eyes sometimes. But that is why we are all here - to help each other see more clearly.
Trap or not, it would still technically have all sorts of legal repercussions. Sting operations usually are limited to the criminals involved in the sting. In this case, you would be involving innocent US citizens, and knowingly putting them at risk of death and injury. A lot of people would have to be willing to go to prison, or risk execution, if this is some secret antidote.
To create an antidote means you have knowledge the current potions are poison. Therefore, I think it's far more likely if the military had such absolute evidence, they would use their power to halt the administration of the faulty covid potions and then announce to the public an antidote is under development. This would even be politically and visibly preferable over being seen as knowing and allowing a deadly shot being administered while developing the antidote, when they had the power to stop it. I really don't believe this is the case, and if it, it would not be advertised.
This is good news if all is true... Trying to stay positive as I can be :)
This just seems like a desperate narrative to keep vaccines in the "benefits outweigh the risks" category for public health. It's actually the other way around. The military has conducted experiments on citizens (and the enlisted) for decades, it would be out of character for them to deliver a miracle vaccine to counteract the poison jabs which came from an industry supplying them will billions in tax dollars every year.
This ends when the chemical industries are no longer allowed to force their poisons on the human population "for your health".
I don't know. I had one Moderna. I wasn't thinking strait I was taken aback by a ALS diagnosis a good friend of mine had just got and just died by the way, less than 11 months. I thought I was doing the right thing so I could see him. I have detoxed and what not.
There is no greater gift than the perfectly human body we were given and the immune system it holds. We have damaged our bodies with the "cures" for diseases that were probably made and released to sell the cures. To keep us sick to make profit for the evil men on this planet under the guise of medicine. For those that chose this poison maybe it has some benefit - I dont know let them continue to be the Guinee pigs. I do know that it is a NO for me in its entirety under no circumstances. Just because we can does not mean that we should. It is time to stop the madness.
Not everyone gets to have a "perfect" God given immune system though. Plenty of people have autoimmune issues, I'm one of them with a couple autoimmune issues. It's not because of some poison out there in the world or big pharma, it's genetic. I'm not old and sick or anything, in my early 30s and have fought this stuff for about a decade by now. But just because you have a good and proper immune system that may be able to handle catching covid and get through it reasonably well doesn't mean everyone is that way.
I dont know about that. If people didn’t get the mRNA vaccines, someone else coming along and saying they have a new vaccine and this one works for realsies this time and we let a bunch of people die from the other vaccines without really saying anything, I don’t think as many people as you think are going to blindly jump on board.
Yeah fuck that, a military created shot to save people from a gov mandated shot?
Sounds like they want to scare everyone into running to the final blow.
If this is the "only way" they can fucking keep it.
Im not loving this "means to an end" bs.
Too many good people died, including my son..not vacced but incubated due to pneumonia. Somehow he died from a blood clot. I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore!!!!!
The military is the only way can mean so much more .....
You mean a cure for those who injected themselves already?
I hate to break the news to you, but this military offering is neither. It uses the same spike protein stuck to a ferritin nanoparticle ball that is accompanied by a toxic lipid particle meant to piss off the immune system. Read my longer comment on this post for the details. It is experimental and will be given to our military on top of what they have already been given. Pure evil.
Remember the Wuhan lab "lost" their virus database? White hats took all their virus models so they could make a vaccine against ALLLL the viruses Fauci had planned to release (including the death jab).
What are you basing this theory on?
Your candor is refreshing!
This brings a whole new meaning to “The military is the only way.”
For many it's too late. Misprision is evil.
I'm skeptical. Considering DoD whistleblower data. If they had a "cute" for the bad shots they gave all the military they wouldn't have all these horrible sequelae.
If true maybe near the end of the movie