. . . but we've all seen a horrifying number of posts and news items where "ivermectin" is replaced by "the vaccine."
For instance, https://thecovidblog.com/ (thanks to DarQ2light for posting a story from that site earlier today).
. . . but we've all seen a horrifying number of posts and news items where "ivermectin" is replaced by "the vaccine."
For instance, https://thecovidblog.com/ (thanks to DarQ2light for posting a story from that site earlier today).
That is because IVM is safer than tylenol.
True, and also: nearly EVERYTHING is safer than tylenol; that stuff is very hard on the liver. Mixing alcohol and tylenol is NOT a good idea.
That said, ivermectin IS very safe -- much safer than many prescription and OTC drugs.
Yes, it's a liver protector. If one has liver disease, one should look into NAC.
What if one doesn’t have liver problems. Is it beneficial to take prophylactically? Can you have too much NAC?
Thanks for this. I just got on NAC good to know.
They've taken away aspirin for pain due to gastric bleeding.
Ibuprofen too, hard on the liver
NSAIDS are all out, including those two and Aleve, and Tylenol is out because of liver damage if you take too much
I've learned to get used to living in basically constant arthritis pain LOL
Beats dying, I guess
Have you tried turmeric for pain?
Make sure you get with black pepper extract or some other agent to help your body absorb more of it.
I hear montmorency cherry juice too.
Borax. Try googling or yandexing miracle arthitis cure. Fellow gave people borax for arthitis. Sued blind by the medical mafia. Works like this. If the parathyroid does not get enough boron it moves calicum out of the bones and into soft tissue. Not a good thing. Borax contains boron. Research for yourself. Another cheap, low toxic cure. Pls pardon sp.
Thanks for adding that. Based on what borax can be used for, I am not sure I'd want to tan my hide prematurely. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borax
Having said that, the discussion about alkalizing is important. Most people are acidic. This is due to typical eating habits that include sugar, alcohol and processed foods among other things.
I once did a green diet where I ate only alkalizing foods for two weeks. This included predominantly vegetables. You can search for alkalizing foods.
As you can imagine, it includes all of the things we inherently know are healthy for us. Whole, natural, organic vegetables.
One of the reasons we store body fat is to protect our vital organs from high acidity. Alkalizing neutralizes acidity and restores balance.
I dropped 14 pounds in 14 days and ate as much food as I wanted. I was never hungry. Huge salads for the most part. You can even find alkalizing salad dressings. They are mostly homemade not store bought.
Anyways, of all the things I have done that was probably the healthiest thing ever. I could practically hear my body screaming thank you, thank you, thank you!
I had more energy than I knew what to do with and felt great. In addition, my sense of taste exploded. Previous to this a cherry tomato tasted blah. While doing it, it busted with flavor.
For the OP, if you have aches and pains. Try it out. Maybe you are too acidic.
This is not medical advice but I am pretty sure medical professionals and health coaches say vegetables are good for you.
Anyways, good luck!
Good info, MAGA! Also, alkalinizing your water helps your body tremendously. I found a great water filter that turns your water alkaline. Cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment.
You can also buy boron drops and drop it in your water.
Not yet! Thanks anon
I don't know what you're taking now, but my SiL had arthritis bad enough that she almost had to go on disability (tough to do office work when your hands don't function well). This was thirty-some years ago.
Her doc told her to decide what position she wanted her hands and fingers to be in because eventually they'd more or less freeze in place. The drugs they were pushing at the time were VERY bad for the liver; I don't know what they're prescribing now.
She decided to use SAMe, 800mg, daily. Nothing else. Her hands were soon fine and have remained so to the present day. SAMe, as it happens, is also very protective of the liver and in larger doses (1200mg or more) shows about the same positive results against depression as prescription drugs.
She could probably have achieved the same result with glucosamine and chondroitin; many people have had good results with that. Glucosamine also extends the lifespan of nematodes and mice -- "longer life" is actually becoming a not-uncommon side effect of a growing list of supplements. A recent HUMAN study found a dramatic reduction of mortality from any cause in a 107-month long study of over 16,000 participants.
Add MSM-methylsulfonylmethane. Touted for joints but I’ve noticed faster reflexes and a higher level of mental function. Plant sulfur.
Interesting results. I hadn't heard that before about MSM.
Thanks anon, after reading up more on SAMe I think I'll give it a try
CBDeez nuts lol. Been taking CBD oil for leftover stroke muscle pain.
Yep. My folks were taking ibuprofen like candy and my dad's "fatty liver" issues actually went away after slightly changing his diet and cutting out the ibuprofen. Also I would suggest looking into CBD. There are non-psychoactive versions that do not get you high at all.
Thanks anon! I have the best CBD available but it doesn't actually make me FEEL any different, I just know it's extremely healthy for the body overall. I use the sublingual method and hold it in there for five minutes before swallowing, to reduce the destruction of the molecule by the digestive system (which is around 92% of ingested CBD)
True dat. I don't take anything as a rule, but have started buying aspirin, IVM, iodine and mouthwash.
Maybe safer than water.
You also don’t see people dropping dead in the streets. Where are muh homeless deaths?!
Yeah, you dont see people suddenly dropping dead from covid either.
Yeah everywhere I've seen people against ivermectin, they just say it doesn't work. I never hear that it makes you worse, or has any sort of detrimental effects. Just that it does not work. Which even you take that as true, why on earth are they preventing people from trying it? At the very least you'd benefit from the placebo effect, which is very real and measurable.
And of course the actual evidence shows that it is indeed affective and works.
Yes, even if it was the horse paste.
All the signs at TSC about how it can cause injury and even DEATH. I just chuckled to myself and said "ye shall not surely die!" Under my breath lol
It's even apple flavored which makes it more Biblical
My husband ran into a local feed store, he knows the manager in the store, but he usually only goes in to get some local honey. Today he grabbed the honey and then picked up some ivermectin paste and she looked at him and said, "who is that for, is it for you?" He said yes and she told him to put it back and to follow her to the office. She then gave him a box of the Durvet Ivermectin and explained to him how to use it, lol. Then told him whenever we need more just let her know.
That's awesome!
Just don't take the full tube horse sized dose all at once lol. But seriously my local farm store had 3 cases the other day. Been keeping an eye open since they'd been out for a while. I got 3 tubes and went back like 2 days later for something else and saw there was only a couple tubes left!
Don't give them any ideas. It would just like our medical community to start giving ivermectin to patients 1/2 hour before they were going to die, so that the Mockingbirds could write stories about how we gave ivermectin a shot, but every single patient died soon after it was given.
That's basically what they did with HCQ. Wronge dose at the wrong time to ensure the study could be used to get the clotshot it's EUA.
I remember when that hydrocephallic Neil Cavuto was telling everybody they would die if they took Ivermectin or HCQ. Not so much anymore. They can’t deny it works, they just make it almost unavailable in the US.
In order to pry intel out of them, terrorists should be forced to listen to hours of Cavuto and Fauci speaking until their ears bleed, their skulls crack, they go berserk, and spill their guts
I'm old enough to remember all the ivermectin overdoses wayyyyy back in September. It was so bad that gunshot wound victims were being neglected!
Oh, wait, that never happened.
This little report they threw out there ought to be enough to let us what's up. Ivermectin works and they sure as hell don't want anyone to know.
Too late.
My wife and I recently joined a new church. Been going a couple months. Pastors wife mentions they're sickly. Mentions she's using zinc, d3, c, and I mention ivermectin. A week goes by. We saw her at church yesterday. She used it and it worked. But get this ... she never asked about dosing ... she took the whole tube at once! She said she felt a little weird the next day but otherwise she felt and still feels great.
A human being would have to consume a massive amount to harm themselves.
Plus, I'm pretty sure there's more to ivermectin and hcq than we're fully aware of.
Can you say "ahead of the curve?"
Thanks! That's a great resource; yet another collection of compelling data and real-life stories about horrors from the "vax."
my mom in law did but that was because they kept giving her Remdivisir afterwards and oxygen. her lungs couldn't hold on. We couldn't be there in person and the doctors were lying to us about her care. WHo knews if she ever got it.
So sorry to hear that. I have a similar story but with a better ending; still, the doc told a family member "He'll be dead in a few days."
I had a doc say the same. Basically, she is going to die anyway.
And guess what? No one has ever died of COVID-19 (outside) of the hospital!
They also have scary ivermectin stories but they are different than the vaccine injuries/death stories we read. See of you can spot the difference:
Takes Ivermectin.
Recovers quickly and is fine.
No longer irrationally scared of the virus. Realizes MSM and government have been lying this whole time. Refuses to take any more COVID vaccines. Realizes that the government has has been unjustly stealing the people's rights and freedoms.
YES. THAT's the biggest problem they have with IVM, HCQ, and every other thing that helps people overcome COVID: it teaches people that those telling us what to do DON'T HAVE OUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART. They are interested in imposing tyranny upon us, not protecting our health.
And after typing that out, I think I like the way you said it better.
been taking horse paste regularly for three months. and I have had no adverse effects, the forced vax did give me bells palsy .... Although I do actually have an urge to run in the yard, and I have been sleeping standing up lately.
Interesting observation
Seen plenty of NPCs on plebbit spouting shits along the line of "acquintance of my acquaintance who is anti vax got rashes (or insert any allergenic skin reaction here) from gurgling horse dewormer" followed by victorius cheers from the sheeps...
. . . gurgling horse dewormer . . . LOL
🤡🤡 But…Rachel Madow—who would never lie—said kids were overdosing on horsepaste and it’s horse-paste for horses, and you aren’t a horse—a horse is a horse of course of course 🤡🤡
Well the MSM won’t talk about ivermectin because it kills parasites and not people
Exactly! Anyway you look at it, and any way you say it, the MSM is the enemy of the people.
I've taken ivermectin a bunch of times. All people have to do is try it themselves it's harmless.
Well IVM doesn't work on the flu, at least it didn't for us. No biggie, just glad it wasn't covid despite one positive test result. Would love to know how they worked that "magic".
Most people here showing great results with Ivermectin and others its hit n miss - not sure why.
Can I ask did you dose Ivermectin at at 0.4-0.6 mg/kg and were you also taking 50mg/day Zinc?
"Hit and miss" is the most common large-scale result of nearly ALL medicines and medical procedures.
Almost nothing works 100% including even the "miracle drugs" like penicillin. Plenty of drugs being prescribed today have essentially ZERO effectiveness or even NEGATIVE effectiveness (looking at YOU, Remsdesvir).
IVM is pretty effective (spend time browsing studies for a sense of it) but certainly not a magic bullet for COVID. Plus, even more important, it is very safe -- and also does OTHER positive things.
Yes, we both were.