The lower lip is also different. And the skin color. May be lighting but the second pic he was outside. How could he look so yellow under natural light on a snowy day?
I guess when you live to lie, it’s not good for your health. His masters have depleted his energy. The rhetoric is exhausting him. He knows the truth but he continues the narrative. It must be exhausting. This is their bed they have made. This is the way
Gaining weight will also do that to you. And the combination of weight gain and stress? Boom. Blowing up like a pig. The lighting is very clearly different also. Maybe he didn’t have his (undoubtedly) gay makeup artist available for the second picture.
Either way, he looks bothered by something. I wonder what it could be?
How come deepstate twats like Celine Dion and Johnny Depp and others have become hideously skeletal when deprived of adrenochrome, but Justine is fattening up?
When I saw the press conference with the “heavier” idiot, I seriously thought that is not him. Something is not right between these two photos. One of them is real and the other must be CGI. First one CGI and second is real? More flaws
Normally I shit all over these "it's not the same guy!" photos, but this is legit not the same guy.
The nose is completely and totally off.
Also, for that amount of fat to start building up on the face would mean he would have had to gain 40+ pounds. The face is one of the last places that the body starts storing excess fat, which means he gorged himself like a bear out of hibernation in the past 30+ days.
Is that him?? I commented the other when I saw a pic of him that he looked fat. Is that a mask? Where is he really? Gitmo? I wouldn't be surprised, we know things are happening behind the scenes.
Bad hair dye job. Must be the same person who does his eyebrows. I thought the other day he looked like his face was puffy more than he'd gained weight. Perhaps from the sedatives they gave him so he could give the speech without shaking in fear. See his "fringe minority" speech and how scared he is.
Welcome back my friend to the show that never ends... We're so glad you could attend come inside, come inside...
Right behind the glass there's a real blade of grass... Be careful as you pass move along, move along... By Emerson, Lake and Palmer
The top right looks like Tucker Carlson 😂😂😂
Omg it does lol
It’s the camera.....adds like 10#. However, in this case it appears he has gained the freshman 50.
When I first saw the footage of him coming off that porch I thought who the F is this fat bastard? Had a far more feminine quality about him as well.
This show sucks - somebody fast forward To the end please
This movie is longer than godfather II
Maybe he's been boosted.
Accelerates aging.
Looks like the offspring of castreau and tucker got old
He forgot his make-up artist.
His credibility is so wafer thin.
Haha... who am I kidding... he's got no credibility at all.
“Bring me a Bucket!”
The lower lip is also different. And the skin color. May be lighting but the second pic he was outside. How could he look so yellow under natural light on a snowy day?
I guess when you live to lie, it’s not good for your health. His masters have depleted his energy. The rhetoric is exhausting him. He knows the truth but he continues the narrative. It must be exhausting. This is their bed they have made. This is the way
Gaining weight will also do that to you. And the combination of weight gain and stress? Boom. Blowing up like a pig. The lighting is very clearly different also. Maybe he didn’t have his (undoubtedly) gay makeup artist available for the second picture.
Either way, he looks bothered by something. I wonder what it could be?
Wait… What’s that sound I hear the distance…?
Listen Fat, corn on the cob was a bad bad dude.
The jingle of handcuffs?
How come deepstate twats like Celine Dion and Johnny Depp and others have become hideously skeletal when deprived of adrenochrome, but Justine is fattening up?
Something tells me he has a fresh supply.
The border is open again they got their blood.
Looks like water retention.
Too much estrogen?
And fat Justin has a gap in his teeth, while skinny Justin doesn't.
When I saw the press conference with the “heavier” idiot, I seriously thought that is not him. Something is not right between these two photos. One of them is real and the other must be CGI. First one CGI and second is real? More flaws
Who knows? I’m sure where ever he is hiding, he can still here the honking
Shit-tier meme (that's goood) 🐸🐸🐸
Normally I shit all over these "it's not the same guy!" photos, but this is legit not the same guy.
The nose is completely and totally off.
Also, for that amount of fat to start building up on the face would mean he would have had to gain 40+ pounds. The face is one of the last places that the body starts storing excess fat, which means he gorged himself like a bear out of hibernation in the past 30+ days.
That or he’s retaining water—he looks ill and almost like he’s in pain.
Just one wafer thin (freedom) mint!
Is that him?? I commented the other when I saw a pic of him that he looked fat. Is that a mask? Where is he really? Gitmo? I wouldn't be surprised, we know things are happening behind the scenes.
I hear Adrenochrome withdrawals are a bitch
Hahah, no doubt
The doppelganger is wearing a wig too. No way it's the same guy.
it's Tucker Carlson
The truckers really did a number on this guy !
They rearranged his face!
When did Paul McCartney take over on Canada?
I realize this is probably just a trick of the different lens' DOF (Depth of Field), lighting, etc.... but those two do not look like the same person.
no.... fat pussy!!!
Bad hair dye job. Must be the same person who does his eyebrows. I thought the other day he looked like his face was puffy more than he'd gained weight. Perhaps from the sedatives they gave him so he could give the speech without shaking in fear. See his "fringe minority" speech and how scared he is.
BTW, any meme involving Basil Fawlty is an A+++!
The one on the right has 2 moles under xirs right eye. Make up over one and not the other?
😆They/Them stress moles
"You can eat just one more biiiite!" BOOM! Grossest movie ever.
I thought he looked like fat Lee Adama. From Battlestar Galactica.
Looks like a wig in the pic on the right. Nose is straighter too
Wait this is really him? Thought it was a shitpost
two different people...
It's not him obv.
Could that TV address have actually been a deepfake?
Yes it could. Easily.
Pretty boy looks a little jaundiced unless that's been photoshopped.
Reminds me of psalm 73
Adrenachrome drying up?
Doppleganger isn't cut out for the job. The nose is different, and so are the moles to the left of it.
just one more bite
Welcome back my friend to the show that never ends... We're so glad you could attend come inside, come inside... Right behind the glass there's a real blade of grass... Be careful as you pass move along, move along... By Emerson, Lake and Palmer
I'd be telling his double to lose a few pounds.