When I started digging into the origins of the term "Gaslight" I was amazed how it has made a literal 360 degrees since its origin more than a 100 years ago!
The 1944 movie was to obscure the origins even more. The original movie was a 1940 movie where it opens with the murder of Alice Barlow.
Alice Barlow was a real person. She was married to a guy called Barlow who was instrumental in creating the current corrupt FDA/CDC/medical system. He was so corrupt that he was able to authorize only deadly stuff and throw spanners at real healing medicines.
He became very powerful. He wanted to marry someone younger but his wife wouldn't divorce. So he did basically what the movie depicted - gaslighted her, until finally he drove her insane and she died in some questionable circumstances. He got away scott free.
I read all this long ago so lot of details are hazy, but to imagine the gaslighting making full circle back with Covid/CDC/FDA is just amazing to me.
No, it's a full circle. Read my comment explaining the gaslight history. It started under one of the original demons of CDC/FDA and now come back full circle under the current Covidians.
but is it also not a true statement that most lockdowns happened before Trump left office?
This is a very typical disinformation technique used by the left and media in general. They will phrase a technically true statement to make it sound like the situation was exactly the reverse of what happened.
In this example: This statement makes you think that Biden is anti-lockdown. Trump is pro-lockdown. But the truth is exactly opposite.
It is very important that humanity as a whole stops left brain thinking and starts balanced thinking. Do NOT accept facts when they are cloaked in fiction. We got into this mess because of this in the first place.
For sure - I'm aware of the technique used here, but I also see some people in the comments acting as if the inverse of this statement is true as well.
The inverse of the statement, not literal, but in spirit is what really matters.
Most lockdowns did happen under leftist leadership regardless of who the president was.
This is what I mean by left-brain thinking. Too much focus on precise wording and too little on the intended meaning. Try to get to the spirit of what people say, because most of the times that is what they are trying to communicate.
Trump never ordered a lockdown, he simply let governors do whatever they wanted, so totalitarian governors ordered lockdowns and Florida had beach parties
And was crucified for it! Every single draconian lockdown was done in liberal states and cities. He allowed the states to govern themselves, as he should have under the constitution.
Believe me I am NOT defending this pedophile - I just see people with what appears to be a factually wrong sentiment in this comment section. Facts absolutely matter - there's plenty to hate circle-back Jan and the rest of Biden's admin for, but let's just get it right.
She's literally gaslighting with a "technically true" statement that is meant to imply that Trump is pro-lockdown. He never was - and the vast majority of fascist scum lockdown governors were Democrats.
Gaslighting is meant to confuse in that it contains enough truth that it can smooth over the lie.
Weren’t they demanded by Fauci, who is still in charge of their coronavirus response? So it’s incorrect to say they are anti lockdown. If that were true, the father of them would be fired and not still on the payroll.
President Trump gave the power to the states where it belongs. Each governor is/was responsible for the lockdowns. That’s why Texas and Florida became magnets for Californians.
FL and TX is still nothing but trump
Flags. My son went to show a house with a couple from NJ, they were shocked when they went to eat and everyone had guns! Lol
Haven’t seen the little troll all week.
Weird how he’s been threatening us with death for years now a bunch of truckers has him back to torturing beagles?
It seems like she is saying that Democratic mayors and governors introduced lockdowns while Trump was president. Federal authorities were not locking down states.
The lockdowns happened during the Trump Admin but NOT by Trump. Anthony Mengele Fauci and were predominately in Blue states but Red states also followed suit. Trump agreed for a two week shutdown but after that he kept saying the cure cannot be worse than the virus. All this was to expose Fauci who has been hiding behind the curtain like the Wizard of Oz in the past. He put Fauci out front and gave him the rope to hang himself and many others. Trump allowed this to happen because if he did not, every death caused by the NIH protocol---murder--- they would have blamed on Trump. Fauci just got run over by the Cabal bus! KEK
Lockdowns did not happen under the previous president, they happened under the gullible society that allowed them to happen under certain incredibly scum criminal governors.
The globalist plan has been to roll the covid lockdowns into climate lockdowns. The camps that were supposedly built to keep people from spreading covid are to be used to keep people from using energy and food. This switcheroo would require intense spin doctoring and spell casting. I have a feeling that Psaki and the Biden administration didn’t consult with WEF/ NWO before blurting out that they aren’t pro-lockdown. Now it will be harder for them to lock people down for resource reasons. Part of The Plan?
Yeah that was the plan, but those gutless cowards couldnt even pull off covid properly, I would love to see them tarred and feathered if they bring up climate at this point.
Psaki and the Biden administration didn’t consult with WEF/ NWO before blurting out that they aren’t pro-lockdown
White hats have broken down the Cabal communications, hence everyone is running like headless chickens
Part of The Plan?
Yep, you are watching this Movie. I heard the ending is Biblical.
The ending is Biblical? I may be a little doomed then cause I’m not fully vested in religion. I believe in good and evil and that these people ruining our country are purely evil, and that they should answer for their crimes against humanity. But idk if I believe in a God.
As a lifelong atheist and agnostic, I can give you some perspective.
If all this has taught me something, it's to keep my mind open as I explore the world. For example I was taught that religious people wanted to oppress women by banning abortion, but turned out they just wanted a market for baby organs. So need to really keep the mind open for everything.
Lets take a look at Jesus. I had watched passion of the christ and never understoof why everyone was so mad at Mel Gibson then. Now I see it, it depicted the real fight Jesus had with the Bankers. And how nasty the bankers were in forcing the king to punish Jesus horrifically.
Thinking back about this, piqued my curiosity - our fight is with the bankers too. Only the bankers are far more sophisticated. After Jesus exposed them and Christianity outlawed Usury, which was basically Bankers using predatory loans for stealing people's assets and enslaving them, the Bankers figured out they could do the same to governments using central fiat banking, and indirectly enslave us.
Is this a coincidence? Is it the same enemy we are fighting? Is Bible a record of actual happenings, if not literal? (I assume it has been warped very much, but still, I cant help believe that it was not a work of fiction - it was a recording of events)
What if the angles and demons were just aliens? What if the Bankers stole the technology of money magic from these aliens and used it to enslave humanity? What if Jesus defeated them once, and codified a set of rules to disallow this from ever happening?
What if the same evil people bided their time, almost 1666 years after Jesus, and burnt down the city of London and carved out their evil empire then? What if the saga continued and now we are again fighting the same evil but this time we dont want it to last only 2000 years, but we want it to last eternity?
I dont think "Its going to be Biblical" is just a saying. Keep your mind open, anything is possible. Just remember, religion and God has been warped just the same way the Cabal has warped everything else.
I’m a baptized Catholic (not practicing - lost interest when I was told about the murders Catholics committed to nonbelievers back in the day) so abortion has always been frowned upon but we had that issue of priests being inappropriate with young servant boys.. And I never understood the Pope thing. It’s like he’s a King or false idol and I thought that went against one of the Ten Commandments. My grasp of religion may be off because I’ve only recently been paying more attention again so correct me if I’ve got something wrong.
I’ve never seen that movie “Passion of Christ” but I may have to give it a look now if it’s possible. I’ve seen the talk on this forum about issues with central banks, Rothschilds, Federal Reserve, etc but all the research in that rabbit hole escapes me because I’ve never even heard of the Rothschild family. Others here have talked about all the similarities between current events and biblical times but that all goes over my head. I’ve definitely been keeping my mind open though. I don’t agree with canceling and berating people for their religious beliefs, and that’s actually part of the reason I couldn’t personally be religious. Another is I know too many people that “save their souls” in church and come out still being complete jerks. I feel like most modern churchgoers are hypocrites like politicians.
The Gaslighting Begins!
When I started digging into the origins of the term "Gaslight" I was amazed how it has made a literal 360 degrees since its origin more than a 100 years ago!
The 1944 movie was to obscure the origins even more. The original movie was a 1940 movie where it opens with the murder of Alice Barlow.
Alice Barlow was a real person. She was married to a guy called Barlow who was instrumental in creating the current corrupt FDA/CDC/medical system. He was so corrupt that he was able to authorize only deadly stuff and throw spanners at real healing medicines.
He became very powerful. He wanted to marry someone younger but his wife wouldn't divorce. So he did basically what the movie depicted - gaslighted her, until finally he drove her insane and she died in some questionable circumstances. He got away scott free.
I read all this long ago so lot of details are hazy, but to imagine the gaslighting making full circle back with Covid/CDC/FDA is just amazing to me.
Eustace Mullins - "Murder by injection"
Some anon uploaded the audio version: https://www.bitchute.com/video/B8GEYvqPDjXc/
Sounds like a real cunt to not sign the divorce papers imo.
I thought it was from that Simpsons episode where side show Bob tried to kill one of Marge's sisters kek.
Don't you mean 180 degrees ? :p
No, it's a full circle. Read my comment explaining the gaslight history. It started under one of the original demons of CDC/FDA and now come back full circle under the current Covidians.
Oooh yeah you're right my bad !
Haha. Morons.
We’ve always been at war with Eurasia!
2+2 has always been equal to 5
Doubleplus ungood
....Under democrat governors.
COVD? What’s that? Never heard of it. Now in to climate change: - Jen Psaki
Who never supported them. It was overwhelmingly Dem governors who did. FUCK YOU Psaki and FUCK YOU Jay Inslee.
Gaslighting at its finest
Especially fuck Jay Inslee. 😡
They're absolutely pro lockdown so that's for sure a lie, but is it also not a true statement that most lockdowns happened before Trump left office?
This is a very typical disinformation technique used by the left and media in general. They will phrase a technically true statement to make it sound like the situation was exactly the reverse of what happened.
In this example: This statement makes you think that Biden is anti-lockdown. Trump is pro-lockdown. But the truth is exactly opposite.
It is very important that humanity as a whole stops left brain thinking and starts balanced thinking. Do NOT accept facts when they are cloaked in fiction. We got into this mess because of this in the first place.
For sure - I'm aware of the technique used here, but I also see some people in the comments acting as if the inverse of this statement is true as well.
The inverse of the statement, not literal, but in spirit is what really matters.
This is what I mean by left-brain thinking. Too much focus on precise wording and too little on the intended meaning. Try to get to the spirit of what people say, because most of the times that is what they are trying to communicate.
Trump never ordered a lockdown, he simply let governors do whatever they wanted, so totalitarian governors ordered lockdowns and Florida had beach parties
In fact I remember him clamoring for the to OPEN UP. Repeatedly.
Time after time
And was crucified for it! Every single draconian lockdown was done in liberal states and cities. He allowed the states to govern themselves, as he should have under the constitution.
Sure, but neither did Biden, no?
Believe me I am NOT defending this pedophile - I just see people with what appears to be a factually wrong sentiment in this comment section. Facts absolutely matter - there's plenty to hate circle-back Jan and the rest of Biden's admin for, but let's just get it right.
I don’t he’s directing lockdowns but he is pushing vaccine mandates.
She's literally gaslighting with a "technically true" statement that is meant to imply that Trump is pro-lockdown. He never was - and the vast majority of fascist scum lockdown governors were Democrats.
Gaslighting is meant to confuse in that it contains enough truth that it can smooth over the lie.
The lockdowns were enacted state by state by tyrannical governors, there was no federal level lockdown.
And there still hasn't been? What's your point?
Biden's party are the ones forcing lockdowns and mandates, before and after Trump.
Weren’t they demanded by Fauci, who is still in charge of their coronavirus response? So it’s incorrect to say they are anti lockdown. If that were true, the father of them would be fired and not still on the payroll.
President Trump gave the power to the states where it belongs. Each governor is/was responsible for the lockdowns. That’s why Texas and Florida became magnets for Californians.
I hope they installed big nets to catch them all and fling them back to their hell holes.
You have no idea how crazy this makes me! They all proclaim TX and FL are horrible then run to freedom first chance they get.
Welcome to the left. Leave behind shit holes they created. Create new shit holes
FL and TX is still nothing but trump Flags. My son went to show a house with a couple from NJ, they were shocked when they went to eat and everyone had guns! Lol
Word vomit word vomit word vomit
So call your Dem Governor friends and tell them to lift the mandates.
Trump never ordered a "lockdown" the Governors did. Far worse are mandates, bitch, that is ALL on you.
Haven’t seen the little troll all week. Weird how he’s been threatening us with death for years now a bunch of truckers has him back to torturing beagles?
The "dark winter" they promised didnt come to pass lol
The whoppers these people tell the stupid masses is ridiculous.
Wearing 10 masks, with three Pfizer needles in her arm, and waiting for her 10th PCR test this week to come back
"What makes you think we're pro-lockdowns?
And most of those who locked down during the "previous administration" were....wait for it.....FUCKING DEMOCRATS!!!!
The Bride of Chuckie speaks!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha of course. This was always gonna be the play. It’s Trumps fault.
It seems like she is saying that Democratic mayors and governors introduced lockdowns while Trump was president. Federal authorities were not locking down states.
yeah its the technical double speak.
Except for the part where she is implying that Trump was pro-lockdown. The woman has a serpent's tongue.
Only the most braindead, die hard left wing lunatics would dare to even pretend to believe bullshit like this. So, a lot of folks.
Fast forward to 2023, after the class-action lawsuits against Pfizer start:
"We never asked you to get vaccinated. You chose to get vaccinated."
I have already had people say "Why werent you more forceful in telling us not to get vaccinated in the first place?"
Clown world
lol, the lockdowns were forced by Dem and Rino Governors. It was very clear to all. Good luck with this strategy.
The lockdowns happened during the Trump Admin but NOT by Trump. Anthony Mengele Fauci and were predominately in Blue states but Red states also followed suit. Trump agreed for a two week shutdown but after that he kept saying the cure cannot be worse than the virus. All this was to expose Fauci who has been hiding behind the curtain like the Wizard of Oz in the past. He put Fauci out front and gave him the rope to hang himself and many others. Trump allowed this to happen because if he did not, every death caused by the NIH protocol---murder--- they would have blamed on Trump. Fauci just got run over by the Cabal bus! KEK
Someone send that maximum overdrive trucker her way
Ooohhh— there’s blood in the water when tranny Zuckerberg backpedals on “science.” 🦈
Wow. They doubled down and increased lockdowns, masks and mandates of all kinds. Lie much?
I did a jen psaki retrospective you guys may enjoy https://youtu.be/-pEKM5ogRgU
Can I get a reality check. Was the office of the President ever involved in promoting or advocating for lockdowns? Was this even in his jurisdiction?
I would have thought that this was in the jurisdiction of the states.
Lockdowns did not happen under the previous president, they happened under the gullible society that allowed them to happen under certain incredibly scum criminal governors.
Won't work.
Next on gaslight news network: nobody forced you to get it!
The lockdowns may have happened under trump, but he let the states run themselves. He never stepped in and ordered everything to lockdown
Legit psychopath then again she’s a liberal so I’m being redundant.
Did they play the video where Trump said to shut down businesses and shelter in place? Oh, there's not one? Thought not.
The globalist plan has been to roll the covid lockdowns into climate lockdowns. The camps that were supposedly built to keep people from spreading covid are to be used to keep people from using energy and food. This switcheroo would require intense spin doctoring and spell casting. I have a feeling that Psaki and the Biden administration didn’t consult with WEF/ NWO before blurting out that they aren’t pro-lockdown. Now it will be harder for them to lock people down for resource reasons. Part of The Plan?
Yeah that was the plan, but those gutless cowards couldnt even pull off covid properly, I would love to see them tarred and feathered if they bring up climate at this point.
White hats have broken down the Cabal communications, hence everyone is running like headless chickens
Yep, you are watching this Movie. I heard the ending is Biblical.
The ending is Biblical? I may be a little doomed then cause I’m not fully vested in religion. I believe in good and evil and that these people ruining our country are purely evil, and that they should answer for their crimes against humanity. But idk if I believe in a God.
As a lifelong atheist and agnostic, I can give you some perspective.
If all this has taught me something, it's to keep my mind open as I explore the world. For example I was taught that religious people wanted to oppress women by banning abortion, but turned out they just wanted a market for baby organs. So need to really keep the mind open for everything.
Lets take a look at Jesus. I had watched passion of the christ and never understoof why everyone was so mad at Mel Gibson then. Now I see it, it depicted the real fight Jesus had with the Bankers. And how nasty the bankers were in forcing the king to punish Jesus horrifically.
Thinking back about this, piqued my curiosity - our fight is with the bankers too. Only the bankers are far more sophisticated. After Jesus exposed them and Christianity outlawed Usury, which was basically Bankers using predatory loans for stealing people's assets and enslaving them, the Bankers figured out they could do the same to governments using central fiat banking, and indirectly enslave us.
Is this a coincidence? Is it the same enemy we are fighting? Is Bible a record of actual happenings, if not literal? (I assume it has been warped very much, but still, I cant help believe that it was not a work of fiction - it was a recording of events)
What if the angles and demons were just aliens? What if the Bankers stole the technology of money magic from these aliens and used it to enslave humanity? What if Jesus defeated them once, and codified a set of rules to disallow this from ever happening?
What if the same evil people bided their time, almost 1666 years after Jesus, and burnt down the city of London and carved out their evil empire then? What if the saga continued and now we are again fighting the same evil but this time we dont want it to last only 2000 years, but we want it to last eternity?
I dont think "Its going to be Biblical" is just a saying. Keep your mind open, anything is possible. Just remember, religion and God has been warped just the same way the Cabal has warped everything else.
I’m a baptized Catholic (not practicing - lost interest when I was told about the murders Catholics committed to nonbelievers back in the day) so abortion has always been frowned upon but we had that issue of priests being inappropriate with young servant boys.. And I never understood the Pope thing. It’s like he’s a King or false idol and I thought that went against one of the Ten Commandments. My grasp of religion may be off because I’ve only recently been paying more attention again so correct me if I’ve got something wrong.
I’ve never seen that movie “Passion of Christ” but I may have to give it a look now if it’s possible. I’ve seen the talk on this forum about issues with central banks, Rothschilds, Federal Reserve, etc but all the research in that rabbit hole escapes me because I’ve never even heard of the Rothschild family. Others here have talked about all the similarities between current events and biblical times but that all goes over my head. I’ve definitely been keeping my mind open though. I don’t agree with canceling and berating people for their religious beliefs, and that’s actually part of the reason I couldn’t personally be religious. Another is I know too many people that “save their souls” in church and come out still being complete jerks. I feel like most modern churchgoers are hypocrites like politicians.
ok bitch what about the mandates then u dirty slut?? this bitch HAS to hate her life lmao
They really think what they say still matters. They really are fucking stupid.