Democracy is officially dead in Canada. Trudeau's storm troopers are dragging protesters away. - LIVE FEED
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"Democracy" is majority rule, and NOTHING MORE.
So, IF the majority of Canadians WANT this, then this IS "democracy in action."
Democracy is UGLY.
OTOH, IF the majority of Canadians do NOT want this, then this is TYRANNY.
The desire of people in power to become tyrants is the REASON that the American founding fathers did NOT create a democracy, but instead they created a REPUBLIC, which has LIMITED authority for the government, because the RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL MUST BE RESPECTED, EVEN IF THE MAJORITY WANTS TO VIOLATED THEM.
We have seen all over the world that wannabe tyrants have violated the rights of the individual. The Canadian truckers have responded to THAT tyranny. The tyrants in government, including the police, are showing their TRUE COLORS -- they are tyrants and TRAITORS to the People of Canada.
They should be prosecuted for THEIR crimes when this is all over.
You are technically correct. Can you check my grammar next?
Stop promoting democracy as if it is a great thing, and then I will think about it.
In case you hadn't noticed, there is A LOT of "democracy" going on in the world right now.
All those school boards use MAJORITY RULE to violate the rights of those kids.
The fact that most people don't understand this is WHY it is happening.
Its just a pithy title. If you want to get "technical" Canada is a federal parliamentary system under a constitutional monarchy. But I am sure you knew that.
I rarely bother with down votes, even if I disagree. We are all good.
Bah, the poots are a mock social credit score. Fuck 'em.
You’re sick of people being wrong or you’re sick of people correcting the wrong-ness?
Yes, crystal clear, especially since you yelled and shit.
Majority is literal mob rule. Constitutional Republic is what we are.
Extremely well said. One of the most concise, cogent explanations of democracy vs. republic that we've seen in a long time. BTW it didn't strike me as going after the OP, just expanding the topic. If that's accurate, really well done
People are hard asses when they type, but god fuck it all if you criticize them with the wrong punctuation.
Doesn't sound very gender fluid, does it?
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.
Democracy is an evil political belief because mob rule is not a just way to govern.
Seems to be tyranny either way.
Someone please tell me im wrong. Did the biden admin not just explicitly tell the canadian gov a few days ago to use emergency powers and force?
Hes not taking orders from a dementia patient. Hes taking orders from a goa'uld that took biden as a host. Foothold situation got out of hand.
I missed that
Since this is sticked, if the stream goes down click here for more ottawa live streams:
Trudeau will never relinquish power at this point
Not until he is arrested for trying to overthrow President Trump, can't wait to see all them arrested. Leaders of the five eyes countries are going down.
The police will enforce communism on anybody. A child is in the way of them and a promotion/bonus? That kid had the beating coming. 80 year old veteran crossing the street when he doesn't have the light? He's getting a beating too.
Speak out against the government? The police will make you disappear.
They see us as the enemy. What do we see them as?
Police have always been little piggy henchmen for governments. It's sad that so many people are boot licking cop worshipers though and will defend those scumbags no matter what they do.
Lord Jesus, Keep your hand if protection and safety upon EVERY FREEDOM FIGHTER-SURROUND them with your army of angels, let no harm come to them and NO EVIL PLAN AGAINST THEM PREVAIL- let the truckers succeed in their goals for freedom and for mandates to be lifted and please remove EVERY SINGLE CORRUPT POLITICIAN and EVERY BAD ACTOR and ACTING PARTY- bring about their COMPLETE COLLAPSE, IMPLOSION and RUIN. CONFUSE and CONFOUND them Lord. In your Awesome, Almighty, All Powerful name, Amen
This feed is pretty much done covering the situation. Taking down the sticky.
I think the things happening in Canada might be tried in the USA. I just want to say Canada, unlike America, (at least for now) does have some Socialist leanings, their health care, their car insurance (I believe), and maybe a few other things that I can't think of right now. But they were being groomed for tyranny probably before America. This is what we can expect from our so called "leaders" in a short time frame now. We need to fight this because if we get our government "giving" us health care--you think mandates would be an issue--think death panels like, I believe, Sarah Palin said. We see what our politicians say currently without government-run health care; what would it be like with the government running it? A huge mess for certain and no choices in the matter at all. Thanks Justice Roberts for changing the Affordable Care Act instead of sending it back to Congress to be voted on as a tax. Just rambling, not sure if I am making a lot of sense as I am trying to hit more than one topic.
It has been often speculated that the globalists would use UN troops to do this, it has always been in their plan, Hitler used similar deception when he dressed German soldiers in Polish Army uniforms and executed his Kristallnacht false flag. Thus predacating his invasion of Poland.
Most of the upper echelons of the Nazi party were flaming gays. Check out the book 'Pink Swatztika.' Sexual perversion and socialism / communism go hand-in-hand.
"UN troops" in Canada -- on the USA border.
Surely we're getting closer to that central comms blackout.
Seems to be a different situation depending on the specific location.
Sounds like they are clearing block by block. So not much going on with one block while another may be receiving the full front of it.
Wasn't on the title feed, but someone stated a police officer crossed the line to support the people. We'll need to look for the video footage of that.
Beating a women with the butt of a rifle:
Instead of standing against tyranny it seems people would rather submit and allow pigs to arrest them and shut everything down then everyone else will believe it's a hopeless task and not join the fight later. People without the backbone to stand against pigs will never accomplish anything thus making their protests a complete waste of time.
At the age of 36, whilst married, Gandhi decided to become celibate in order to achieve a state of enlightenment (through the Hindu religion). As he got older, he became more and more fascinated with sex to the point that, second only to non-violence, it was the subject he most talked about.
In order to “perfect” his celibate state, Gandhi would sleep naked with young naked women including his grandnieces. One of the women was the 16 year old wife of his grand-nephew Kanu Gandhi. When he wanted to share his bed with his 19 year old grandniece Manu Gandhi, he wrote to her father and told him that they were sharing a bed so that he could “correct her sleeping posture”. When his stenographer R. P. Parasuram found him sleeping naked with Manu, he resigned in disgust. (Source)
Don't believe everything you read! Division tactics come in many forms.
They are trying to divide men and women. Attacking us by sex is an age old tactic. Don't believe the BS that women or men vote this way and that based on "polls".
Exactly my point to you!
Trudeau is criminalizing the funding of his political enemies. Soon it will be illegal to donate to any party other than the Liberals.
Democracy died in the USA on Jan. 6th, 2021
Well that is great because USA is a Republic anyways.
This. That moment in history. How many times must it be repeated? I've seen too many in my 3 quarters of a century.
Here’s a good live feed w front line audio.
I don't see anything. it's some weird robot intro