Our company hosted public school teachers to an event. The teachers at the luncheon were talking about vaxx and their dangers. The concensus from them was. We don't care if they are dangerous or will cause damage, we will push booster shots no matter what the conservatives say. They all sat nodding their heads yes like lemmings. I was disgusted. These people are retarded.
You would not believe how right u are. I have several family members and acquaintances that are, or were teachers. 100% are fuking sheep. Most are nice people but totally programable sheep. Its shocking. Cops too … not all. About half. Sheepity sheep sheep. Teachers tho … 100%.
Cops are so damn dumb most of them do not even realize how oppressive they are and how the Khazarian Mafia trains them to be more like Nazis and Bolcheviks at every turn.
One clear thing looking at libs of tik tok, is that these people are straight up narcissists.
Look at me me me. I am so brave brave brave. So disgusting. No one cares about you, your gender confusion, or your politics. You are not important just like the rest of us. Disgusting people.
This girl thinks she is so fresh, but does she realize she looks like a cartoon monkey? Like, your face looks ridiculous. Sit down.
I know but they do so much damage to young minds.and then their pension plans are ridiculous stealing from working families to pad their 9 months of work. Oh no so hard to work 9 whole month's OMG, the humanity...
I actually love monkeys, been obsessed with them since I was child. Real monkeys, cartoon monkeys, plush monkeys. I could go on, but if I saw her on a shelf, she is one monkey I would NOT buy.
You mean you’re a libtard pushing CRT, and disinformation to the kids? So you’re triple jabbed and all I can’t figure out is why you’re NOT wearing a mask. She’s exactly who I hate. Arrogant. Pride goeth before the fall.
I can't even with this bitch. I'm old enough to remember when teachers in elementary school were: mostly female, dressed like females, kept their personal business to themselves, taught us what we needed to know and never once discussed politics, religion or "causes". Where are you now Mrs. White (sixth grade teacher), when the world needs more like you?
burn it down!!! our education system needs to be stripped down to it's foundation and then rebuild with non-political teachers and a curriculum that teaches the constitution as a basic foundation and then go up from there. it's time to take our children back from these pathetic loser monsters! very few teachers are good... but for most of them, I would not give them a squirt of piss if their lips were on fire!
It all started with. Bush and his shit show no child left behind policy. It was projection, ALL CHILDREN ARE LEFT BEHIND. Then allowing the teachers to Unionize has flowed into corruption and the inability to fire these activist teacher imposters. Gates and his corrupt billions shoved Common Core into the schools. Permanently dumbing down entire generations of children. Our children who won't have the ability to think critically. It's a crime against humanity to purposely retard the intelligence of a nations children.
True, their are good teachers but you are outnumbered and the politics of your profession are entangled with government intervention and agenda driven $$ for your administration. They sold their children's needs for kickbacks and padded pensions. That money comes from parents working everyday to provide. It's not free. We will pay you. But in exchange we wanted our children taught to survive in this world. It was your duty to show them the path. And yes, their are poor and bad parents who do not hold up their end of the bargain. My friend is a school teacher and I am stunned by what parents do.
The teacher doesn't even know that Fox News is on her side.
Most teachers are dumb as dogshit
Our company hosted public school teachers to an event. The teachers at the luncheon were talking about vaxx and their dangers. The concensus from them was. We don't care if they are dangerous or will cause damage, we will push booster shots no matter what the conservatives say. They all sat nodding their heads yes like lemmings. I was disgusted. These people are retarded.
They will be judged for their role in this.
You would not believe how right u are. I have several family members and acquaintances that are, or were teachers. 100% are fuking sheep. Most are nice people but totally programable sheep. Its shocking. Cops too … not all. About half. Sheepity sheep sheep. Teachers tho … 100%.
Cops are so damn dumb most of them do not even realize how oppressive they are and how the Khazarian Mafia trains them to be more like Nazis and Bolcheviks at every turn.
Yep. They got Edjumukation Degrees because they can't actually think or do anything.
It's funny how she has a Malcom X poster. Malcolm X would've thought of her as an enemy.
Malcom and I agree on a lot lately...
I'm just wondering why that guy's name is Maxine.
i'll just go ahead and assume she's never opened the book, she just seen Theo on the Cosby show reading it and followed suit.
I found out Malcom x was taken out. Did not hold the party line. Thus was an enemy.
Because our public schools are part of our ZOG.
They hate us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ.
That 1 monkey ear should let you know she's got some" tard " in her. Remember who is going to have the last laugh. It won't be DaLimbSwinger.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought she looked like a monkey.
🎶 Come Mr. Taliban, tally me banana.
Yep; cromaganese.
The real unhinged thing is the Maxine Waters poster. It's one thing to hate Trump, but another thing altogether to admire that piece of ... work.
Top kek , to you good sir... no insult to the almighty.
One clear thing looking at libs of tik tok, is that these people are straight up narcissists.
Look at me me me. I am so brave brave brave. So disgusting. No one cares about you, your gender confusion, or your politics. You are not important just like the rest of us. Disgusting people.
This girl thinks she is so fresh, but does she realize she looks like a cartoon monkey? Like, your face looks ridiculous. Sit down.
Exactly, it's all really pathetic and juvenile. The smug look on her face says it all.
She has no idea she's being used like a cheap whore by a satanic cabal that plans to enslave her and kill all of her descendents.
I know but they do so much damage to young minds.and then their pension plans are ridiculous stealing from working families to pad their 9 months of work. Oh no so hard to work 9 whole month's OMG, the humanity...
I actually love monkeys, been obsessed with them since I was child. Real monkeys, cartoon monkeys, plush monkeys. I could go on, but if I saw her on a shelf, she is one monkey I would NOT buy.
PLEASE. She lives in debt just like a majority of Americans. She doesn’t even own her money LOL
You mean you’re a libtard pushing CRT, and disinformation to the kids? So you’re triple jabbed and all I can’t figure out is why you’re NOT wearing a mask. She’s exactly who I hate. Arrogant. Pride goeth before the fall.
Notice that xir had deformed face. The bitter and miserable will always side with evil.
Turns out the the whole Star Wars thing about the dark side making you deformed and ugly has some truth to it.
And they’re always gremlin-looking feminists too. Like my mom says, modern feminism allows ugly women to feel like they’ve got a seat at the table.
She’s a good little nazi
Just wait, this issue will be fixed.
Oh wow, she really thinks she's the shit doesn't she🐸
I can't even with this bitch. I'm old enough to remember when teachers in elementary school were: mostly female, dressed like females, kept their personal business to themselves, taught us what we needed to know and never once discussed politics, religion or "causes". Where are you now Mrs. White (sixth grade teacher), when the world needs more like you?
I understand., this photo triggered me as well. I went on a full blown rant.
Schools teach, not this den of idiots.
So...she has sex with students and should be taken away?
burn it down!!! our education system needs to be stripped down to it's foundation and then rebuild with non-political teachers and a curriculum that teaches the constitution as a basic foundation and then go up from there. it's time to take our children back from these pathetic loser monsters! very few teachers are good... but for most of them, I would not give them a squirt of piss if their lips were on fire!
It all started with. Bush and his shit show no child left behind policy. It was projection, ALL CHILDREN ARE LEFT BEHIND. Then allowing the teachers to Unionize has flowed into corruption and the inability to fire these activist teacher imposters. Gates and his corrupt billions shoved Common Core into the schools. Permanently dumbing down entire generations of children. Our children who won't have the ability to think critically. It's a crime against humanity to purposely retard the intelligence of a nations children.
Makes one want to kick her in the c()nt.
Don’t worry VAIDS will take care of her.
She is hispanic, and someone has been using those ears for handles.
Not for long cunt
Trump is upside down, Biden is elevated. Who do you reckon is up above Obama/Trump? Hillary?
Has anyone exposed her. She should not be around kids.
Another brain dead twat that will quickly loser her head when we take power
She gives the rest of us a bad name. There are based teachers fighting for truth and patriotism.
True, their are good teachers but you are outnumbered and the politics of your profession are entangled with government intervention and agenda driven $$ for your administration. They sold their children's needs for kickbacks and padded pensions. That money comes from parents working everyday to provide. It's not free. We will pay you. But in exchange we wanted our children taught to survive in this world. It was your duty to show them the path. And yes, their are poor and bad parents who do not hold up their end of the bargain. My friend is a school teacher and I am stunned by what parents do.
That doesn't even look like a human bruh