Are you completely heartless to the needs of the delta river smelts? In order for the 13 fish there to not die, CA needs to be continuously dumping all their water reserves AND not drill for oil.
Oil is a product of the earth itself. Calling it fosil fuel is only right if you mean in the sense that it is old. It is not ancient flowers and dino poop.
Empty oil wells refill. There are hydrocarbons on other planets. Titan never has dino crap and grass but has hydro carbon seas. Thinking oil comes from dead plants and dino poo is retarded and an the level of the flat earth theory.
Whoa... all I did was ask for some sauce, which... you failed to provide. All you did was get aggressive with that unnecessary 'retarded' shit. Ill just take it that you don't have any sauce.
Hydrocarbons can in fact be made from plant material RIGHT NOW in a lab... how retarded is that?
I'm genuinely interested in learning about how the earth itself could create hydrocarbons. But you can FUCK RIGHT OFF.
no dude the retard was not directed at you personally it was just at the promoted theory of dino poop oil. And yea organic carbon can be converted to long chain hydrocarbons, but so can carbon that naturally is in the planet.
I have read papers on it in the past, but I aint going to go searching for it. Just do some internet searches there is info out there
Not millions of years but we are sitting atop trillions of barrels that would last about 2000 years, and if we could drill for it would drop price per barrel to under 20, a price we haven’t seen in decades. Gas would be like 50 cents a gallon.
The Bakken aka Williston Basin in north Dakota has an estimated 500+billion barrels of oil. This came from a 2008 us geological study. Also 1000 ft below the Rockies is supposed to lie the world's largest reserve estimated to be more than 2 trillion barrels. The US is by far the world's best and biggest oil reserves...way more than the middle east. I'll have to see if I can find the studies one was from I think April of 2008 and the other was April of 2006.
In fact Saudi Arabia could have made public how much they have left. But in doing so with Aramco going possibly public they would have to disclose how much they have left.
They are not going to run out in our lifetimes contrary to the 1970s and 2oth century scares. It was pure propoganda.
North American craton has so much oil potential untapped while there is a lot of oil in the ocean oil seeps throughout the world. With proper technology this can be extracted as well in the near future.
I heard on fox business that the U.S. has enough oil to supply the world for 500 years. Five hundred years, the whole world, I am not worried about the earth running out of oil in mine or my children, or my children's children's lifetime.
It takes a lot of energy to keep society going so that people can discover ways to harness other forms of energy humans can harness (nuclear fusion being one such example). Your typical braindead liberal can't wrap their programmed brains around that fact. Windmills and solar panels won't cut it.
There used to be a concept thrown around by the talking heads called "Peak Oil" or the "Hubbert Peak Theory" that tried to predict the end of oil production. I haven't heard it mentioned much in the past 10-20 years, probably because the predictions were always wrong. 🤔
Sweet Christmas. You can't drill for oil in CA!
Are you completely heartless to the needs of the delta river smelts? In order for the 13 fish there to not die, CA needs to be continuously dumping all their water reserves AND not drill for oil.
Everyone knows that.
They actually drill with rigs disguised as sky scrapers.
Crazy the first time I went in one
Holy FUCK!
I thought you were joking.
There is a cognitive dissonance party going on in my brain right now.
Gotta go, Keg Stand time!
Im not to far ahead of you on this one. I just learned about it and honestly was kinda giddy to share it.
Can you say hypocrites!?!?
It blew my mind, a stones throw from the Orange County beaches, oil derricks, pumping away.
Are you familiar with the La Brea Tar Pits??
Of course. I knew there was oil there. I just didn't know there were oil wells hiding in buildings all throughout the city!
Ahhhhh, gotcha.
Wild, isn't it??
That used to be the oil capital of the US but many do not know this. That has a lot to do with the faults and the anticlines that trap oil.
That is why Seal Beach for example is literally a bunch of oil wells as you approach and a nearby protected wetland.
I'm old enough to remember Huntington Beach Pics with hundreds of wells in the background.
Home of the La Brea tar pits...
Oil is a product of the earth itself. Calling it fosil fuel is only right if you mean in the sense that it is old. It is not ancient flowers and dino poop.
I have heard this before, but never seen any sauce or evidence etc.
I would love to know where you have received the info that you used to form this opinion. Any hints or links?
Empty oil wells refill. There are hydrocarbons on other planets. Titan never has dino crap and grass but has hydro carbon seas. Thinking oil comes from dead plants and dino poo is retarded and an the level of the flat earth theory.
Whoa... all I did was ask for some sauce, which... you failed to provide. All you did was get aggressive with that unnecessary 'retarded' shit. Ill just take it that you don't have any sauce.
Hydrocarbons can in fact be made from plant material RIGHT NOW in a lab... how retarded is that?
I'm genuinely interested in learning about how the earth itself could create hydrocarbons. But you can FUCK RIGHT OFF.
no dude the retard was not directed at you personally it was just at the promoted theory of dino poop oil. And yea organic carbon can be converted to long chain hydrocarbons, but so can carbon that naturally is in the planet.
I have read papers on it in the past, but I aint going to go searching for it. Just do some internet searches there is info out there
I didnt mean to insult ya dude, sorry.
Both of you seem to be a touch too aggressive in this one
To punish us and try to crush us so we'll comply
Not millions of years but we are sitting atop trillions of barrels that would last about 2000 years, and if we could drill for it would drop price per barrel to under 20, a price we haven’t seen in decades. Gas would be like 50 cents a gallon.
At trump prices just tax cuts would get that price point
That oil is not for us, plebs. Just because it is under US, we have zero rights to it.
The Bakken aka Williston Basin in north Dakota has an estimated 500+billion barrels of oil. This came from a 2008 us geological study. Also 1000 ft below the Rockies is supposed to lie the world's largest reserve estimated to be more than 2 trillion barrels. The US is by far the world's best and biggest oil reserves...way more than the middle east. I'll have to see if I can find the studies one was from I think April of 2008 and the other was April of 2006.
The massive oil field under Montana and the Dakotas found in 2005 has enough sweet crude to feed the US for nearly 3000 years.
Yes it is very true.
In fact Saudi Arabia could have made public how much they have left. But in doing so with Aramco going possibly public they would have to disclose how much they have left.
They are not going to run out in our lifetimes contrary to the 1970s and 2oth century scares. It was pure propoganda.
North American craton has so much oil potential untapped while there is a lot of oil in the ocean oil seeps throughout the world. With proper technology this can be extracted as well in the near future.
Bakken Oil Field. 8x as much oil as Saudi Arabia.
That would be cool... USA Oil!
Not would be cool it is cool We have thousands of years worth of coal that's easy to get to as well.
When you can break free from the thinking that its made from dinosaurs, and realize it's actually mineral deposits. It make a lot of sense.
Yes! Largest reserves in Alaska, Texas, California and Colorado
I heard on fox business that the U.S. has enough oil to supply the world for 500 years. Five hundred years, the whole world, I am not worried about the earth running out of oil in mine or my children, or my children's children's lifetime.
500 years assumes no new energy technology too!
It takes a lot of energy to keep society going so that people can discover ways to harness other forms of energy humans can harness (nuclear fusion being one such example). Your typical braindead liberal can't wrap their programmed brains around that fact. Windmills and solar panels won't cut it.
There used to be a concept thrown around by the talking heads called "Peak Oil" or the "Hubbert Peak Theory" that tried to predict the end of oil production. I haven't heard it mentioned much in the past 10-20 years, probably because the predictions were always wrong. 🤔
Edit: some man-made climate change propaganda in the link that can be ignored.
I've heard 50 years but that might as well be a million at this rate