My dad took a job in lake Jackson back in the 70s. He ended up working late on contracts ( designs ) and kept seeing pregnant ladies showing up and Ron helping them. All hours of the night. He finally asked Ron what he was doing and Ron told him he was delivering babies - that they had nowhere to go. My dad was flabbergasted cuz he had seen SO MANY come.
Anyway they remained friends and checked in on one another. Then Ron got into politics and my dad just - he knew that was the first guy he ever wanted to vote for without question.
Fast forward to me and my wife about to have kids & Rons Daughter delivers ours. The Pauls are graced by God. Donβt listen to bullshit online anythings. Theyβre close. They support one another. And that leads to what happened in 2012.
Establishment was shocked in 2008 and changed the rules, on the floor, to stop Ron. He was going to win so they disqualified him and cheated him out.
In 2012 nothing was going to stop him. So they made threats and they executed on them. They told Ron all of the medical licenses wouldnβt just be suspended but charges would be made against every kid he had. Several of them have medical practices and the family wouldnβt ever want to just leave people out dry on their care. They told Ron basically to βNot Attack Romneyβ at all in the debates. If you remember he just sort of faded back and we didnβt see teeth. That was why.
They did the same thing to Perot. They go after the kids. Ron doesnβt make decisions without his entire family. So they decided they had no choice. Now during Covid? They were all in. They were willing to loose everything to speak some truth so know that
I loved Perot. He spoke out against the Media pitting the blacks against whites. He also hated welfare. " No body ever felt good about themselves when doin' nothing!" How true!
Ron Paul would have been president if they had not closed the Republican convention without allowing the vote. Too many people had traveled for hours to be there to vote for Paul.That is how they manipulated the votes for the Nominee.
Even his running mate Sarah Palin said she couldn't understand why the McStain campaign put a muzzle on her, and wouldn't allow her to go after Obama.
They pulled the same kind of dirty tricks to keep Perot out before RP. We have not had a free and honest election in the US in fifty years if not longer.
Remember Joe the Plumber, he later admitted that he didn't like no name? He also said that Sarah Palin was the real deal. He traveled on their campaign for a while.
2008 is when I realized that elections are fixed. Ron Paul Revolution was kicking some ass. No Name was way at the bottom. Out of the blue, he's getting all these endorsements. And, Fox News wouldn't let Ron Paul participate in the debate.
And the talking heads, in 2012, like Chris Wallace, were talking about the "top tier" in the primaries, and left out Ron Paul, although he was doing better than the others. Speaking of Hannity, it was because of my criticism of Hannity's treatment of Ron Paul's campaign, that I was banned from the Hannity forum. The mods didn't like the criticism of the narrative.
I guess it is surprising, but I'm weirdly not surprised about it. Ron Paul's just kinda somebody you want to like.
Plus the fact the "gay married couples using automatic weapons to defend their pot plants" hoax kinda endeared me to him, even though it turned out he didn't actually say that.
I came in to post the same. The Ron Paul Revolution was hot back then, I remember all the momentum online, bumper stickers everywhere, and people finally talking about ending the fed. Then the debates are held, with moderators and morning-after "news" synopsis clearly biased against him, "why are you a crazy old man?" Poof, he loses the party nomination to a centrist war hawk with no platform and no real accomplishment.
Ron Paul's always been somebody I respected. I'm sure I don't agree with him on everything, but unlike ninety percent of the swamp creatures, he makes fucking sense when he talks...
Consistency like this is what attracted me to libertarianism. Practically everyone else blows with the wind. Principled libertarians hold fast even in a storm. It's a shame many libertarians aren't principled. At least most of the LINOs exposed themselves during Covid and lost all credibility.
Just one of many reasons (((they))) couldn't allow him to become President.
A lot to that story.
Rand Pauls sister delivered my kids.
Theyβre family friends
So share more lol
My dad took a job in lake Jackson back in the 70s. He ended up working late on contracts ( designs ) and kept seeing pregnant ladies showing up and Ron helping them. All hours of the night. He finally asked Ron what he was doing and Ron told him he was delivering babies - that they had nowhere to go. My dad was flabbergasted cuz he had seen SO MANY come.
Anyway they remained friends and checked in on one another. Then Ron got into politics and my dad just - he knew that was the first guy he ever wanted to vote for without question.
Fast forward to me and my wife about to have kids & Rons Daughter delivers ours. The Pauls are graced by God. Donβt listen to bullshit online anythings. Theyβre close. They support one another. And that leads to what happened in 2012.
Establishment was shocked in 2008 and changed the rules, on the floor, to stop Ron. He was going to win so they disqualified him and cheated him out.
In 2012 nothing was going to stop him. So they made threats and they executed on them. They told Ron all of the medical licenses wouldnβt just be suspended but charges would be made against every kid he had. Several of them have medical practices and the family wouldnβt ever want to just leave people out dry on their care. They told Ron basically to βNot Attack Romneyβ at all in the debates. If you remember he just sort of faded back and we didnβt see teeth. That was why.
They did the same thing to Perot. They go after the kids. Ron doesnβt make decisions without his entire family. So they decided they had no choice. Now during Covid? They were all in. They were willing to loose everything to speak some truth so know that
I loved Perot. He spoke out against the Media pitting the blacks against whites. He also hated welfare. " No body ever felt good about themselves when doin' nothing!" How true!
Imagine if they listened to him about NAFTA and GATT. βThat giant sucking sound.β
I think they shared too much already to remain anonymous
Plot twist: her name is Ru.
Ron Paul would have been president if they had not closed the Republican convention without allowing the vote. Too many people had traveled for hours to be there to vote for Paul.That is how they manipulated the votes for the Nominee.
McStain was the designated loser.
Even his running mate Sarah Palin said she couldn't understand why the McStain campaign put a muzzle on her, and wouldn't allow her to go after Obama.
They pulled the same kind of dirty tricks to keep Perot out before RP. We have not had a free and honest election in the US in fifty years if not longer.
Remember Joe the Plumber, he later admitted that he didn't like no name? He also said that Sarah Palin was the real deal. He traveled on their campaign for a while.
2008 is when I realized that elections are fixed. Ron Paul Revolution was kicking some ass. No Name was way at the bottom. Out of the blue, he's getting all these endorsements. And, Fox News wouldn't let Ron Paul participate in the debate.
That year, I voted for him and also in 2012.
Yes I remember Hannity completely omitting him and acting like Ron Paul was a joke candidate, although he was tearing the primaries up.
And the talking heads, in 2012, like Chris Wallace, were talking about the "top tier" in the primaries, and left out Ron Paul, although he was doing better than the others. Speaking of Hannity, it was because of my criticism of Hannity's treatment of Ron Paul's campaign, that I was banned from the Hannity forum. The mods didn't like the criticism of the narrative.
Future proves past with Hannity. Another example of doing the bidding for the DS.
Trump/Ron Paul ticket would destroy the polls in 2024... Even a lot of lefties like the guy...
Especially with what's going on today, the polls would be destroyed.
Also, I have a lot of siblings. Found out the other day that the lefties really liked him. I was pleasantly surprised.
I guess it is surprising, but I'm weirdly not surprised about it. Ron Paul's just kinda somebody you want to like.
Plus the fact the "gay married couples using automatic weapons to defend their pot plants" hoax kinda endeared me to him, even though it turned out he didn't actually say that.
Honestly, I wish trump would say it...
I don't remember that. But, will look into it. πΈ
It was technically some candidate for the "Libertarian" Party, but it's been blamed on so many people, it doesn't really matter anymore.
Honestly, it sums up my feelings pretty nicely.
I came in to post the same. The Ron Paul Revolution was hot back then, I remember all the momentum online, bumper stickers everywhere, and people finally talking about ending the fed. Then the debates are held, with moderators and morning-after "news" synopsis clearly biased against him, "why are you a crazy old man?" Poof, he loses the party nomination to a centrist war hawk with no platform and no real accomplishment.
Very well said Fren. πΈ
Dr. R. P. - Dr. Red Pill π
Dr. No was ahead of his time.
Brilliant Patriot love Dr Paul always ! Learned so much from him
It shows that NATO wants war.
Why did Oliver Stone vote for Biden?
#VaxxFog - he must have forgotten all of his own movies.
Nah, it's just different when Democrats do it.
You know, because reasons...
Ron Paul is an anagram for Our Plan. Just FYI.
Ron Paul has been running on βAudit the Fedβ for years and years. He knows, and has always known.
Ron Paul's always been somebody I respected. I'm sure I don't agree with him on everything, but unlike ninety percent of the swamp creatures, he makes fucking sense when he talks...
I voted for him for President. Not a bad move.
Consistency like this is what attracted me to libertarianism. Practically everyone else blows with the wind. Principled libertarians hold fast even in a storm. It's a shame many libertarians aren't principled. At least most of the LINOs exposed themselves during Covid and lost all credibility.
Mr. consistent.