Ummm, I can't even title this, this is so insane. McDonald's is closing in Ukraine, laying off 62,000 workers, and it's REALLY affecting this guy! Is this funny? Or tragic?? Or both? Let's pivot this into a discussion thread, maybe... What are some of the most absurd aspects of the Ukraine war?

Did I miss something? The title talks about McDonald's closing in Ukraine and laying off 62K workers (SOURCE PLEASE), and the actual image talks about a fat guy in Moscow upset that McDonald's is closing in Russia. What exactly are we discussing?
Yeah, I screwed that up. It's still funny, and I don't care beyond that mate
If they're smart, they will leave him there until he drops a few pounds.
Looks like Chumlee from Pawn Stars.
Little does his guy know that it might just save his life. Supersize me showed how horrible that food is for you after just a month. It’s obviously robbed this idiot of brain cells too. Nice to know America isn’t the only place with this caliber of stupidity.
Putin may never allow them to return to Russia,
If not then Putin has got himself his own Burger chain.
macdonalds is a drug
Fatties of the world, unite! Eat the planet!
My dude, this is doing you a favor. Now you're free to find something healthy to consume without all the hydrogenated oils.
Chum Lee got fat af
The video game war footage
This move it not going hurt Putin at all or support for this war in Russia. I wonder if this is virtue signaling or are they trying to create 2 opposing mortal enemies, Russia and the West. In the old days, one of American's strategies on the world stage was to export its culture. While McDonald's isn't exactly high class, it was, up to this point, a little bit of American culture in Russia. It's more difficult to irrationally hate and go to war with someone if you have an occasional positive interaction with some of their culture. And the weird thing is, it's McDonald's itself that pulled the plug on this, not even Putin. It's like the West wants war with Russia and is even trying to remove any remaining cultural interchange to make that happen.
Interesting thought.
i didn't even laugh, this is just sad to me. So many people aren't going to make it.
Only if he knew he was consuming humans...
I never eat at McDonald’s, but I am kinda naive on some things. Tell me this is a sick joke, please.
No it's not. https://archive.org/details/InterviewWithRabbiAbrahamFinkelstein
Sausage McMuffin with egg. This guy knows what's up.
Body weight checks out!
He should get tested for Kuru
Believeable. Just imagine the normie NPC fallout if something like McD's closed nationwide here.
Plus, McD's is one of the super-woke companies as well. These NPC fattys are not only physically and chemically addicted, but psychologically also.
I call BS but the guy is telling the truth about his diet! Kek
“This just in; junk food is purposefully addictive. Film at 11.”
This is really funny. Is this real?
Well, evidently it didn't last too long...
I didn’t even know they made clothing that big. Dude is HUGE.
lmao, they say he was "carried away by police"
the handcuffs didnt even fit lmao
But... the McRib is Back!!!
Can we really deny the Russian people a McRib sandwich?
God works in mysterious ways.
Sometimes I feel sorry for huge mega fat fatties
All of his life and about 2 other people's lives too
I heard a Jewish bloke on a radio interview talking about them using McD for the purpose of getting rid of bodies, after they had drained the blood in a ritual, and consumed it. He laughed about not eating the flesh because they weren’t ’cannibals’.
You'd think feeding it to pigs would be quicker and easier. Anyhow that interview sounded so fake and gay.
I hope it’s not body art:..(
He has some bad luck, so sad!
I was trying to find that video but could only find him getting arrested and taken away from his beloved McDonalds.
Damn, movie Super Size Me comes to mind...
Good thing they are closing, dude may have a chance at another 30 years now.
Not being mean or anything, I've struggled with weight ups and downs my whole life, 360 at my heaviest, now 270. Luckily I'm 6'4 lol
Supersize me was bullshit. The dude in it regularly ate extra meals in between what he 'filmed' and also got bigger servings than he said he was getting. THEN when people asked for his data for verification he refused.
Both can be true, the film was bullshit but that doesn't mean mcdicks is healthy in any sense (the correct term to describe mcdicks is "Generally Regarded As Safe").
I don't even remember the last time I had it, but do remember the last time I did that it wasn't a 'full' feeling after but closer to a 'sick' feeling.
Sorry, my post was in no way inferring either legitimacy or illegitimacy of the film.
A mere reference to eating too much McDonalds which is associated with said film, verified or not.
I did watch it some time ago, and haven't heard about this data request, but I think we all can agree eating McDonalds regularly and always up-sizing aren't the best dietary choices. May not lead to huge weight gains for everyone, will for some but likely to have other health consequences as well.
Bullshit or not… served a purpose! Watched recently w/ my 11 yr old daughter / now she won’t touch McDonalds… McDonalds is nothing but a version of Soylent Green…
catsfive thinking Moscow is Ukraine
Its worthy of a repost. Kamala levels of speech
Found the Russian on Reddit
This is a good example of when you eat enough junk food, the parasites growing in your gut eventually take over your mind. That's why this guy has mindlessly chained himself to a McDonalds.