They removed the W's from the computers too. In retrospect maybe because they didn't want winning to be an available option for the White House just like America.
I left the Church over 25 years ago because the priest, during mass, talked about politics and who we in the congregation should vote for (mostly demoncraps). Then the pedophilia by priests came out in the news. That was the last straw for me. I believe and trust in God and Jesus, but do not financially support the church or attend Sunday masses for a religion that has gone off the deep end being woke. I am not alone.
There are bad apples in every church sadly, but when Jesus Christ returns, i want desperately to be found guilty of following and living for Christ. I wonder how many churches will be……
I'm talking about Christians taking payment to shutter their doors in the name of healthcare, Christians condoning abortion, the list goes on. Jesus was hands on and preached compassion, this lot preach compromise.
It’s not a religion anymore but an organization that uses religion as their front.
And like most organizations, they are many many good and well intentioned people. But the ‘bad apples’ assholes are the ones to rise in ranks the fastest - politics, etc.
IF the Church was serious in cracking down on bad behavior of their clergy, none of these ‘priests’ would’ve gone anywhere high up in the chain.
So it’s very clear to me, the leadership knew, they let it slide for decades - either they didn’t want a PR nightmare, or they too were in on the activity.
In any of those reason, that is not how a ‘Chuch’ functions, that is how a Corporation functions.
He may be a phony but im not sold on the LoA being phony necessarily. At the core its collective consciousness if we are talking about all of us praying to come out of this darkness for example
Hope they invited Dr. Yuval Noah Harari.
According to Klaus Schwab’s advisor, People are now “hackable animals,” who also warned that humans no longer have “free choice” and will be “re-engineered” by Bill Gates.
An official WEF contributor, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, was recorded giving a speech in which he clarifies what Klaus Schwab means when he says “it’s you who are changed.”
Schwab is referring to humanity and the abrupt change that the elites have planned for the rest of us, according to Dr. Harari. “Many tyrants and regimes tried to [hack millions of people in the past], but nobody knew biology well enough,” Harari says.
Makes you wonder what they're planning... to be honest and no one really understands me irl but the covid shots i got i feel hit my consciousness or soul. Like mentally and psychologically i feel different. Its as if my soul was ruined or taken from me. Idk how to explain it.
What you feel may be a deep ‘regret’ maybe? Or even sadness that you see how plugged in the world is … every now and then, a pede will post something on this board on how to cope with all the shit going on.
I've been vaccinated and I haven't ever felt such a thing since, and neither do the other people I talk to who have been vaccinated. I haven't heard of such a thing from anyone or online before even. I'd guess you're in a depressed state, which can truly suck and which does feel physically wrong as well. Mental depression and anxiety can stress the mind and nervous system and immune system to the point where your body physically hurts or feels weird. I hope you can keep finding your way forward.
I'm pretty certain at this point that God isn't checking our weekly attendance at church. He probably likes it a lot better when we treat others with respect and dignity and help those in need. We also don't need middle men to speak to our Creator.
Since the Vatican invited a Clinton... they'd better count the silverware before and after the dinner.
Clintons will walk away with whatever they can steal.
The Clintons had to return Funiture they stole from The White House.
Yes they did. They also destroy some computers which they had to pay for.
They removed the W's from the computers too. In retrospect maybe because they didn't want winning to be an available option for the White House just like America.
Wouldn’t that be mainly cash and people’s children?
That include flynn?? The entire organization is cabal.
This is from last April. Damage already done.
So many reposts lately.
It's a deliberate attempt at sliding the forum and burying real news
I left the Church over 25 years ago because the priest, during mass, talked about politics and who we in the congregation should vote for (mostly demoncraps). Then the pedophilia by priests came out in the news. That was the last straw for me. I believe and trust in God and Jesus, but do not financially support the church or attend Sunday masses for a religion that has gone off the deep end being woke. I am not alone.
There are bad apples in every church sadly, but when Jesus Christ returns, i want desperately to be found guilty of following and living for Christ. I wonder how many churches will be……
The Church today serves Mammon.
I'm talking about every Christian that places greed over service to God. The covid debacle being a case in point
I'm talking about Christians taking payment to shutter their doors in the name of healthcare, Christians condoning abortion, the list goes on. Jesus was hands on and preached compassion, this lot preach compromise.
Churches in the Netherlands closed their doors to their congregations and accepted money for this. Only the evangelicals continued worship.
It’s not a religion anymore but an organization that uses religion as their front.
And like most organizations, they are many many good and well intentioned people. But the ‘bad apples’ assholes are the ones to rise in ranks the fastest - politics, etc.
IF the Church was serious in cracking down on bad behavior of their clergy, none of these ‘priests’ would’ve gone anywhere high up in the chain.
So it’s very clear to me, the leadership knew, they let it slide for decades - either they didn’t want a PR nightmare, or they too were in on the activity.
In any of those reason, that is not how a ‘Chuch’ functions, that is how a Corporation functions.
What the fuck is a "Deepak Chopra"?
He may be a phony but im not sold on the LoA being phony necessarily. At the core its collective consciousness if we are talking about all of us praying to come out of this darkness for example
That’s an annoyingly noisy troon, IIRC.
Some newage figurehead? The newage teachings are so sus.
New Age guru
Hope they invited Dr. Yuval Noah Harari. According to Klaus Schwab’s advisor, People are now “hackable animals,” who also warned that humans no longer have “free choice” and will be “re-engineered” by Bill Gates. An official WEF contributor, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, was recorded giving a speech in which he clarifies what Klaus Schwab means when he says “it’s you who are changed.” Schwab is referring to humanity and the abrupt change that the elites have planned for the rest of us, according to Dr. Harari. “Many tyrants and regimes tried to [hack millions of people in the past], but nobody knew biology well enough,” Harari says. ****>
Isn't he the pits! Where's a cauldron of boiling oil when you need one?
Makes you wonder what they're planning... to be honest and no one really understands me irl but the covid shots i got i feel hit my consciousness or soul. Like mentally and psychologically i feel different. Its as if my soul was ruined or taken from me. Idk how to explain it.
What you feel may be a deep ‘regret’ maybe? Or even sadness that you see how plugged in the world is … every now and then, a pede will post something on this board on how to cope with all the shit going on.
It’s hard being awake fren.
I've been vaccinated and I haven't ever felt such a thing since, and neither do the other people I talk to who have been vaccinated. I haven't heard of such a thing from anyone or online before even. I'd guess you're in a depressed state, which can truly suck and which does feel physically wrong as well. Mental depression and anxiety can stress the mind and nervous system and immune system to the point where your body physically hurts or feels weird. I hope you can keep finding your way forward.
Believe me, Satan will be there.
I'm pretty certain at this point that God isn't checking our weekly attendance at church. He probably likes it a lot better when we treat others with respect and dignity and help those in need. We also don't need middle men to speak to our Creator.
Matthew 18:20
I think it’s hard for most people to know if they are worshipping correctly .. so as humans we create some form of rite or tradition, etc.
Jesus kept it simple, I like that. That’s the foundation. Everything else is ‘tradition’.
I think this is old...didn't it happen 2020 or 2021?
what is the date of this?
Same Satan, just in multiple different forms.
"How to kill both"... lovely
Now that is a line up fit for the Vatican. I wonder which one gets to be the centerpiece at the ritual sacrifice after-party this year.
Satan was busy with Nancy Pelosi!
I was raised Catholic but this is one of many reasons on many levels I do not play with them anymore.
Oh please, even Satan has higher standards than that...
Are you kidding? Satan would play 2nd fiddle to that team
Where are the so called Box Cutter carrying 9/11 terrorists when you need them?
In Saudi Arabia.
Oh Dear Lord.........
Nope the poop is said to be attending
No! Not at all!
That's Satan's house FFS! (geeze ppl, pay attention) /s
Well, isn’t this the place where they’ll be speaking?
I read somewhere something about “symbolism” being important…
A good location for a missile Putin...
Absolutely ridiculous - the Vatican should never do this, it’s anti-thesis to their teachings.
But hey, Vatican is hardly a ‘Catholic’ organization now are they? It’s literally a Government, Bank and State.
Satan sent his daughter.
he is the guest of honor
I think he is present in each of the aforementioned.
Yeah, check out the Pope's audience room. (Where people flock to see his satanic self).
Yeah George Soros is busy dealing with the collapse of Ukraine so i guess he couldn't make it.
this is beyond ridiculous
What a zinger!
Nah, Satan was already there.
I don't go to parties, so I guess this would suck even more for me.
Yet another example of why no one that claims to be MAGA should have anything to do with the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church is evil and has been for a very, very long time.