Q posted midterms were safe before the midterms in 18. Except for correctly calling the Senate tally 53-47, there were many fraudulent results that year. I pray there is a lot being done behind the scenes to keep 22 secure. Right now, I do not see it. Not meaning to be a doomer.
I don't know how anything can be safe when absolutely nothing has been done about the previous stolen election. Even after several incidents of being caught red handed, they were brazen enough to not only deny but wipe the evidence. There was so many stories of corruption, but I can't find any of them anymore.
I still don't understand how Youngkin won election here in Virginia. What changed in regard to their fraud in Virginia? As far as I can tell nothing has changed, yet something obviously did, otherwise he never would have won. I can't wrap my head around it.
Former governor blackface was pulling a disney-esque move. Parents en masse voted him out. If we believe elections are fair and that they weren’t just sacrificing a pawn to keep us from burning down the country.
It was reported that so many lawyers were amassed around the state/local and voting venues to stop the steal. They were poll watchers. It was something like 85-90% watching the vote & count and reported on by these lawyers, patriots, mama bears and more! That's how they were able to keep the steal and fraud at bay.
Actually there is some movement to get rid of them. Kari Lake just filed an emergency injunction to get dominion and other voting machines removed from Arizona.
I could understand the move to let Biden “win” but with the amount of time that’s past and all the blank promises of election fraud justice, I just don’t see how they could bring the 2020 election back into the spotlight at this point.
What happened to Sydney Powell and Rudy? And all their big talk
That should be at the top of every thread.
.we speculate but in the end we take the leap of faith to trust Q info. In the end we have no impact or influence in the process. Our only move is to try to get the blind some eyesight.
Election Fraud can only be exposed when the devolution ends.
Devolution can only end once we reach the precipice, and we all walk in the darkness for a period of time, leading to the Great Awakening.
So if 2022 midterms are indeed "secure", then it could mean two things:
Devolution is still in progress, but fraud will not be allowed (just like in 2016) and there will be a proper red wave. I see limited utility in this, if we still haven't reached precipice.
Devolution would have ended, which means Great Awakening would happen before mid-terms.
How do you think a Trump will be back in office in 2024, if the elections aren’t safeguarded. The Deep State and the Left do not want Trump in office ever again. So unless elections are secure and Dominion systems are gone or something is in place to prevent the steal, he will not be re-elected. Remember Biden said,” The Democrats have put in place the greatest voter fraud” or words to that affect.
we're at the point in this show where we see just how bad the bad guys are. this is character building for the villains. we're also seeing how interconnected they are.
WE knew these things already, but the normies have to see too. it's painful having to drag them through this with us but if we do not do it then we are just helping them commit their culling, and we'd still be an island of freedom in a world owned by the evil shitlords.
Prepare for a shit storm of MSM complaining that (chooses a story card randomly) Racists are stopping poor people from voting, Qanon terrorists have (spins the wheel of mythicality) ursurped the true voters of X state.
When Newsom won his recall, that was my marker. No one is coming to save us. We have to do what's necessary to protect our family, hold the line, and be creative to survive.
With that mindset, if Q turns out to be Operation Trust, at least I already expected it. If Q turns out to be the most sophisticated operation ever to take down the cabal, that will be icing on the cake.
It's pretty clear that elections fraud will be openly dealt with only once we are at the precipice, because that has to happen while under Devolution with Dems in charge.
Not too worried about Newsome recall, it was too early in the timeline and deep state needs to feel in control until the precipice. Remember, they are the ones will will pull the plug for the precipice and people need to experience what their true intentions are.
if Q turns out to be Operation Trust
Operation Trust was aimed towards government officials, military generals etc to do nothing as they saw the Bolsheviks take over the government. Q drops are information dissemination for the masses. Not exactly sure what you mean by that. As far as I know there is no military general or a government official who decided not to do their job because they read Q drops.
If Q turns out to be the most sophisticated operation ever to take down the cabal, that will be icing on the cake.
If you are referring to the plan by the white hats to accelerate the Cabal's plans in a controlled and guided manner, to mitigate the damage while also letting them expose their own plans in real time thus ensuring even the most asleep people wake up and realise who the enemy behind the shadows is - well you can see this happening already.
I know the "slow pace" of this gets a lot of people worked up, but you have to keep in mind that the Cabal's plan has been in motion for more than 300 years in this iteration, so yeah, it will take some time.
Post 2610 was a response to a question about voter fraud, to which Q said 2020+ safeguarded.
So you can interpret Q's response as strictly having to do with voter ID, but even then, Newsom's recall election was still full of voter fraud, no voter ID, and definitely not safeguarded.
I won't sit here and guess how many deltas and play mental gymnastics. 2021 was already 2020+, and a decision had to be made with regards to what to do next. In any good project management, often times you do have to accept sunk cost and just move on to the next option to achieve your objectives.
The Q movement did spark an awakening, so at least we can still push that forward.
I won't sit here and guess how many deltas and play mental gymnastics.
You dont need to. The way you look at the world is unique to you and all the experiences you have had so far. Those of us who have watched things unfold and make sense in hind sight, time and again, and watching where the world is going right now and how its getting there, have a different way to looking at reality. Does not mean everyone who reads Q posts will feel the same.
The Q movement did spark an awakening, so at least we can still push that forward.
That is the real goal of Q. To Awaken those who dont need to experience apocalypse to understand reality. As long as you are awake, it doesnt matter if you believe a decode or follow a delta or anything else.
Lol. This again. We get the same crowd who cried that before the Virginia election. Virginia was a hot bed of cheating. It always would flip at the very end, but lo and behold republicans curbstomped the democrats. Booted out the Leftists there.
But the hold lead it up it was cries of "They'll cheat! It's useless to vote." And they were all wrong. It didn't happen. The GOP had poll watchers everywhere and they decimated the democrats.
Then shills had to rush for a new narrative and a bunch of excused because they were desperate to doom. Shills began whining, "but.. erm... w-well! Youngkin is a rino!" Then Youngkin starts kicking ass on the first days. Shills scramble, "W-well they must have let us win!"
No, they are not going to give up a prize like Virginia. Norfolk and many DC politicians live in Virginia. Major power there. The desperate cope of the shills was beautiful.
I can't wait for shills copium when they get stomped in mid-terms. They've been losing special elections (they lost the Kenosha mayorship). Plenty of democrats know what's up.
If they were confident that "cheating" would save them you wouldn't have all these retirements. They know mid terms are going to be a red tsunami. In all my years of watching elections I've never seen generic ballots that favored republicans like they do know. Yeah their might be some evening out, but it would still mean nothing.
But we'll get the same kind of "Waaaaah, they'll cheat" like we did before the Virginia election. And it turned out conservatives were ready.
Texas has already neutralized the paper ballot problem. Many other states as well.
It's gonna be the shills whining and blubbering "They just let us win the midterms."
Ignore the doomer shills that are getting you down. They are very clueless. Nothing will ever be good enough for them.
Many did not pay attention during the Obama years and don't understand dark and twisted things were back then. Doomer shills are trying to blind people. They have played that "doom" game since long before Q.
Every time conservatives would get excited or hopeful the doomers would come and go "oh, we can't win. Republicans can't win against Obama". I remember those idiots well. They keep up the same game.
Maxwell is in jail. Epstein is suicided. Hillary is and will never be president. Oh, let me guess that's not good enough for you. The Lt. Guv of New York has been indicted and forced to resign.
Long before I studied Q I used to dive deep into polling data to predict mid terms and elections. From 2010 onward I got good at predicting the outcomes of elections before they happened. I've followed Real Clear Politics aggregate polling, the Rasmussen generic ballot, Larry Sabato's ect.
Leftists use to claim they only lost because Obama wasn't at the top of the ticket. Which was a weak excuse. They don't get how elections work and they definitely don't get how mid terms work. That is why Obama kept getting hammered in mid-terms and the Left couldn't get more than the House in 2018. They wanted the senate so BADLY but they failed in 2018 and were heartbroken when the senate remained in GOP hands. That wasn't what they wanted.
Midterms don't work like presidential elections, but people who don't study and figure out the data won't get that. If they think it's just "They can cheat to win" they are especially clueless. They would have done that long before if it was that easy. There would have been no tea party wave in 2010 if they could just "cheat" their way to victory. There are limits on how the cheat occurs and where it occurs.
Democrats are heading to one of the worst curb stomp I have ever seen in my years of studying election data. They know it. I'm sure Leftists will be just as clueless and baffled as they were in 2018 when they couldn't cheat their way to controlling the Senate.
The real elections are the GOP primaries. That is where they are trying to either infiltrate as republican saboteurs or get a bad candidate to throw it. They know it's their only hope. Anyone who is familiar with election data would know this very well.
How's about you cool it with the dooming until then? If it's stolen, then we can figure out what happens next. You are correct in suggesting that we abandon waiting... IF that happens.
Q posted midterms were safe before the midterms in 18. Except for correctly calling the Senate tally 53-47, there were many fraudulent results that year. I pray there is a lot being done behind the scenes to keep 22 secure. Right now, I do not see it. Not meaning to be a doomer.
I don't know how anything can be safe when absolutely nothing has been done about the previous stolen election. Even after several incidents of being caught red handed, they were brazen enough to not only deny but wipe the evidence. There was so many stories of corruption, but I can't find any of them anymore.
Wiping the evidence alone should have been a death sentence.
Cruel? Unusual? Harsh?
Not when it comes to overwriting the will of at least 150 million other people.
Virginia is our template.
I still don't understand how Youngkin won election here in Virginia. What changed in regard to their fraud in Virginia? As far as I can tell nothing has changed, yet something obviously did, otherwise he never would have won. I can't wrap my head around it.
Former governor blackface was pulling a disney-esque move. Parents en masse voted him out. If we believe elections are fair and that they weren’t just sacrificing a pawn to keep us from burning down the country.
It was reported that so many lawyers were amassed around the state/local and voting venues to stop the steal. They were poll watchers. It was something like 85-90% watching the vote & count and reported on by these lawyers, patriots, mama bears and more! That's how they were able to keep the steal and fraud at bay.
How do you remove 1 million+ embedded spies? Without destroying your country in the process and thrusting it into Civil war.
We haven't avoided civil war. We just haven't seen it go hot yet.
I agree if something doesn't happen with the plan before the midterms it's gonna be ugly
Actually there is some movement to get rid of them. Kari Lake just filed an emergency injunction to get dominion and other voting machines removed from Arizona.
I could understand the move to let Biden “win” but with the amount of time that’s past and all the blank promises of election fraud justice, I just don’t see how they could bring the 2020 election back into the spotlight at this point.
What happened to Sydney Powell and Rudy? And all their big talk
Just because we are ignorant of what is happening behind the scenes doesnt mean nothing is happening.
Unless you are in the inner circle you have no idea what reality is.
That should be at the top of every thread. .we speculate but in the end we take the leap of faith to trust Q info. In the end we have no impact or influence in the process. Our only move is to try to get the blind some eyesight.
Like all Q posts, double meanings exists.
I wonder if he's referring to the 2026 mid terms, after President Trump is back in office. That would make a lot of sense.
Ah I see, a person who does not understand Devolution.
So what’s your take Anon?
Election Fraud can only be exposed when the devolution ends.
Devolution can only end once we reach the precipice, and we all walk in the darkness for a period of time, leading to the Great Awakening.
So if 2022 midterms are indeed "secure", then it could mean two things:
Devolution is still in progress, but fraud will not be allowed (just like in 2016) and there will be a proper red wave. I see limited utility in this, if we still haven't reached precipice.
Devolution would have ended, which means Great Awakening would happen before mid-terms.
My guess is (2).
Well said and I hope you are right
How do you think a Trump will be back in office in 2024, if the elections aren’t safeguarded. The Deep State and the Left do not want Trump in office ever again. So unless elections are secure and Dominion systems are gone or something is in place to prevent the steal, he will not be re-elected. Remember Biden said,” The Democrats have put in place the greatest voter fraud” or words to that affect.
Yeah, I hear ya. But I'm still gonna research whose running in my state, and vote... and pray it counts this time.
Trump has been very clear that the expectation is that we turn out en mass again.
I wouldn't call the 2018 midterms "safe." Future proves past.
we're at the point in this show where we see just how bad the bad guys are. this is character building for the villains. we're also seeing how interconnected they are.
WE knew these things already, but the normies have to see too. it's painful having to drag them through this with us but if we do not do it then we are just helping them commit their culling, and we'd still be an island of freedom in a world owned by the evil shitlords.
Source: https://t.me/EightQBall/1464
Notice of manual ballot
CA voter fraud convictions
Voter fraud stats shown in the pic
"Midterms will be notjing like we have ever seen .... "
From a leftist blog REEEEEEing about how secure themidterms will actually be
Perfect Bubbles! You are simply amazing! :)
Prepare for a shit storm of MSM complaining that (chooses a story card randomly) Racists are stopping poor people from voting, Qanon terrorists have (spins the wheel of mythicality) ursurped the true voters of X state.
Dammit, Rhett.
Or prepare for the dems to gain more seats in the house and steal the senate. Nobody is going to stop the most blatant ballot harvesting since 2020.
Didn't Q also say elections 2020+ are safe?
When Newsom won his recall, that was my marker. No one is coming to save us. We have to do what's necessary to protect our family, hold the line, and be creative to survive.
With that mindset, if Q turns out to be Operation Trust, at least I already expected it. If Q turns out to be the most sophisticated operation ever to take down the cabal, that will be icing on the cake.
Did he? Remember which post you are referring to?
It's pretty clear that elections fraud will be openly dealt with only once we are at the precipice, because that has to happen while under Devolution with Dems in charge.
Not too worried about Newsome recall, it was too early in the timeline and deep state needs to feel in control until the precipice. Remember, they are the ones will will pull the plug for the precipice and people need to experience what their true intentions are.
Operation Trust was aimed towards government officials, military generals etc to do nothing as they saw the Bolsheviks take over the government. Q drops are information dissemination for the masses. Not exactly sure what you mean by that. As far as I know there is no military general or a government official who decided not to do their job because they read Q drops.
If you are referring to the plan by the white hats to accelerate the Cabal's plans in a controlled and guided manner, to mitigate the damage while also letting them expose their own plans in real time thus ensuring even the most asleep people wake up and realise who the enemy behind the shadows is - well you can see this happening already.
I know the "slow pace" of this gets a lot of people worked up, but you have to keep in mind that the Cabal's plan has been in motion for more than 300 years in this iteration, so yeah, it will take some time.
Post 2610 was a response to a question about voter fraud, to which Q said 2020+ safeguarded.
So you can interpret Q's response as strictly having to do with voter ID, but even then, Newsom's recall election was still full of voter fraud, no voter ID, and definitely not safeguarded.
I won't sit here and guess how many deltas and play mental gymnastics. 2021 was already 2020+, and a decision had to be made with regards to what to do next. In any good project management, often times you do have to accept sunk cost and just move on to the next option to achieve your objectives.
The Q movement did spark an awakening, so at least we can still push that forward.
You dont need to. The way you look at the world is unique to you and all the experiences you have had so far. Those of us who have watched things unfold and make sense in hind sight, time and again, and watching where the world is going right now and how its getting there, have a different way to looking at reality. Does not mean everyone who reads Q posts will feel the same.
That is the real goal of Q. To Awaken those who dont need to experience apocalypse to understand reality. As long as you are awake, it doesnt matter if you believe a decode or follow a delta or anything else.
I have been awake since 9/11, been trying to wake others ever since.
The engineered financial crisis of 2008 woke some others up so it started to make my job easier.
The Q movement was a great assist, but it actually showed me another rabbit hole by chance and awakened me even further.
Many of the so-called white hats are former black hats, I'll just leave it at that.
Not surprising since a lot of people took deals. Do you have any concrete examples though?
We have been getting calls wanting to know if we plan on voting, we don’t answer, we let it go to voicemail.
They're going to cheat again in 2022 aren't they? Then we're gonna do the whole "just wait" bullshit rinse and repeat cycle all over again.
Lol. This again. We get the same crowd who cried that before the Virginia election. Virginia was a hot bed of cheating. It always would flip at the very end, but lo and behold republicans curbstomped the democrats. Booted out the Leftists there.
But the hold lead it up it was cries of "They'll cheat! It's useless to vote." And they were all wrong. It didn't happen. The GOP had poll watchers everywhere and they decimated the democrats.
Then shills had to rush for a new narrative and a bunch of excused because they were desperate to doom. Shills began whining, "but.. erm... w-well! Youngkin is a rino!" Then Youngkin starts kicking ass on the first days. Shills scramble, "W-well they must have let us win!"
No, they are not going to give up a prize like Virginia. Norfolk and many DC politicians live in Virginia. Major power there. The desperate cope of the shills was beautiful.
I can't wait for shills copium when they get stomped in mid-terms. They've been losing special elections (they lost the Kenosha mayorship). Plenty of democrats know what's up.
If they were confident that "cheating" would save them you wouldn't have all these retirements. They know mid terms are going to be a red tsunami. In all my years of watching elections I've never seen generic ballots that favored republicans like they do know. Yeah their might be some evening out, but it would still mean nothing.
But we'll get the same kind of "Waaaaah, they'll cheat" like we did before the Virginia election. And it turned out conservatives were ready.
Texas has already neutralized the paper ballot problem. Many other states as well.
It's gonna be the shills whining and blubbering "They just let us win the midterms."
Uh-huh. Riiiiight.
Ignore the doomer shills that are getting you down. They are very clueless. Nothing will ever be good enough for them.
Many did not pay attention during the Obama years and don't understand dark and twisted things were back then. Doomer shills are trying to blind people. They have played that "doom" game since long before Q.
Every time conservatives would get excited or hopeful the doomers would come and go "oh, we can't win. Republicans can't win against Obama". I remember those idiots well. They keep up the same game.
Maxwell is in jail. Epstein is suicided. Hillary is and will never be president. Oh, let me guess that's not good enough for you. The Lt. Guv of New York has been indicted and forced to resign.
Long before I studied Q I used to dive deep into polling data to predict mid terms and elections. From 2010 onward I got good at predicting the outcomes of elections before they happened. I've followed Real Clear Politics aggregate polling, the Rasmussen generic ballot, Larry Sabato's ect.
Leftists use to claim they only lost because Obama wasn't at the top of the ticket. Which was a weak excuse. They don't get how elections work and they definitely don't get how mid terms work. That is why Obama kept getting hammered in mid-terms and the Left couldn't get more than the House in 2018. They wanted the senate so BADLY but they failed in 2018 and were heartbroken when the senate remained in GOP hands. That wasn't what they wanted.
Midterms don't work like presidential elections, but people who don't study and figure out the data won't get that. If they think it's just "They can cheat to win" they are especially clueless. They would have done that long before if it was that easy. There would have been no tea party wave in 2010 if they could just "cheat" their way to victory. There are limits on how the cheat occurs and where it occurs.
Democrats are heading to one of the worst curb stomp I have ever seen in my years of studying election data. They know it. I'm sure Leftists will be just as clueless and baffled as they were in 2018 when they couldn't cheat their way to controlling the Senate.
The real elections are the GOP primaries. That is where they are trying to either infiltrate as republican saboteurs or get a bad candidate to throw it. They know it's their only hope. Anyone who is familiar with election data would know this very well.
How's about you cool it with the dooming until then? If it's stolen, then we can figure out what happens next. You are correct in suggesting that we abandon waiting... IF that happens.
Until then, figure out who you're voting for.
The most extensive voter fraud organization in history...don't even feel the need to hide it, any more.