Seriously, I mean absolutely no offense at all but these two look more masculine than today's Woke transitioners. Rachel Levine is a pretty young woman next to these two.
Parties do change over time though. Just a few years back all the republicans were supporting the warmongering neocons and the liberals were the sane ones
I remember Gloria Steinem and the National Organization for Women telling all the young impressionable women that they should all vote for Bill Clinton because he's "cute".
It was on that date that I knew the feminist movement was a grift.
Was watching one of my favorite small YouTuber doing a live stream reacting to libs freaking out over roe v wade. Lots of male feminist butt hurt. One even said he was getting a vasectomy (he also said he had a breeding kink 🤨)
Betty Friedan helped found the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966. Friedan lamented that -- “the women’s movement was not about sex, but about equal opportunity.... I suppose you have to say that freedom of sexual choice was part of that, but it should not be the main issue, the tail that wags the dog.” Friedan, Life So Far, pp. 223 and 249.
Friedan later worried that radical feminists were taking her principles too far, but she could not prevent the takeover of the movement’s direction. Lesbians—whom she called the "Lavender Menace"—were, Friedan worried, taking over the women’s movement and alienating most women. Indeed, misandronist (male-hating) lesbians did take over the women's movement and have controlled it to this day. They hated the concept of traditional marriage and the family, which is essentially misogamist (hatred of marriage) misopedist (hatred of children) .
It was the Christian family these empowered lesbians set out to destroy in the name of all women, which they stole just as transgenders are doing today in sports. They were well funded by Marxist benefactors. No-fault divorce has its origins in the Bolshevik Soviet Union and first appeared in America in the 1960s.
Prior to no-fault divorce, the leading cause of single-parent families was war mortalities. It didn't take long before Khazarian lesbians dominated the divorce industry as "experts" in virtually every profession. In the postbellum South, carpetbaggers, who were predominantly Khazarian took advantage of war-torn Southern families in much the same manner. The difference between these times is that post-Confederate states recognized and despised these carpetbaggers for their unsavory acts. Today, the average American is ignorant that the Cabal have made divorce acceptable for the first time in history.
Several statutes have been set into place that effectively relegates the father non grata to the status of a sperm donor. The Battered Woman's Act was the first of these. Indeed, it was originally thought to be a just act. In the years preceding its passage, many news reports sounded the alarm that domestic abuse was widespread and needed to be stopped. Although there are women who are beaten, and this is a problem that must be dealt with, there are traditional remedies. But, as with "hate" crimes, fake news reports miscast the nature of the problem to advance the Cabal's political agenda. For one thing, they portrayed males as the sole aggressors. But an analysis by Martin S. Fiebert at California State University, Long Beach, examined 130 scholarly investigations, finding that women are just as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners [8]. The Battered Woman's Act might not have passed in Congress if these studies had been publicized. But they weren't, because they didn't fit the Cabal's agenda. Instead, lesbian feminists with the aid of the ""newspaper of record" such as the New York Times and the Washington Post distorted the truth to advance their anti-woman, anti-male, anti-family, anti-White agenda.
The existing Battered Woman's Act is very oppressive and targets the working class. Under the present judiciary system, a male is required to prove his innocence if a female accuses him of any type of domestic abuse or harassment. Advocates for the battered women's shelter, who are often male hating militant lesbians, promote the filing of such domestic abuse complaints. These centers, supported by public money, serve primarily to promote the expulsion of men from their homes without due process. This is the first step in taking children away from the father and granting custody to the state-approved guardian-ward - the mother. These centers also serve to promote abortion and divorce, and prevent reconciliation between husband and wife. The affidavit forms women sign have become entirely automated for easiest filing and processing. Every technical and legal obstacle in the way of ripping families apart has been leveled by the Cabal-controlled System. All a female needs to do to get swept into the System is claim she "fears for her safety." An ensuing ex parte order will be signed by a judge or administrative officer to remove the accused male from his home, with further contact with his wife and children prohibited. A "fear" crime is ambiguous and extremely difficult to disprove. Evidence of physical abuse is not required -- all that is necessary to hit the "on" button is the female's declaration of fear. It is estimated that 66% of all domestic abuse charges are false. [9] Yet incarceration of the male based on accusations alone is common. After his release, he is always expelled from his own home and ordered not to return. A magistrate will hear the case, but he will not be allowed to return to his house unless she agrees to let him. Not since the days before the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 A.D., which guaranteed a sovereign citizen's right not to be ordered from his home, have such police powers been carried out. Yet as it stands today, in recent years literally tens of thousands of innocent men have been thrown out of their homes and onto the streets, unsheltered, often on perjured affidavits. Nobody is ever prosecuted for these perjured affidavits, even where the proof is abundant.
In 1992, the passage of the so-called Deadbeat Dad law further demonized working males and subjugated them to ruthless new federal hounding. At the same time, it encouraged women to trade their husbands in for this newly formed federal safety net.[10] Again, the media provided feminist militants vast publicity for pressuring Congress to pass the law. This Act -- federal code 42 USC Section 666 -- federalized child support and provided for its administration in Washington, D.C. States were offered federal money if they complied with the guidelines therein. Similarly, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 (also known as Welfare Reform) dictates that all states collect information about newly hired employees. Under new-hire reporting, employers must report information about newly hired employees to a State Directory of New Hires (SDNH). This act allows for the tracking of every new hire and allows for wage garnishment of all child-support payers.
Very few Americans realize the federal government pays each state an average of three dollars for every dollar of child support collected. Where does the federal money come from? Why, it comes from every tax-paying American. This revenue is used to fund an ever-growing bureaucracy of battered women's shelters, advocacy groups, sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, lobbyists, attorneys, and consultants. The Department of Health and Human Services has surpassed the IRS in power and abuse. Confiscation of property, seizure of assets, jailing of debtors, and suspension of licenses are some of the tools the DHHS uses against males. Even bankruptcy and death provide no protection. Indeed, this tyrannical system sounds eerily similar to the Bolshevik pogroms of the former Soviet Union in which literally almost every single male was perceived as a threat to the reigning Khazarians and apparatchiks. In today's America, equally a Marxist production, women are encouraged to apply for restraining orders to receive free representation and support. Little do females know they are joining the gynaeceum at this juncture. Conversely, the work-responsible male will be sentenced to pay the maximum financial liability for knowing her. And if he chooses to fight, no longer is he litigating against his wife. It is the all-mighty State that has become her sugar daddy and provides for all her legal representation at the taxpayer's expense. He will find out he is facing a tribunal: a Court without a jury. The judge, whose profession depends on the money brought into the State, is under constant pressure from feminist groups to tow the line.
There’s an easy answer for this: things change. The opinions of a person back in the late 1800’s don’t affect the opinions of a person today. So what if Susan B Anthony disagreed with a stance a person has now? Do feminists have to agree with everything she says no matter what?
Not gonna lie. Sometimes when I see those suffragettes I wonder if they were all actual women.
Some of them have such hard and stern crone-style faces that I actually find it hard to tell. Like the first one. I don't know if it's the old film, the lighting or the angle. But I look at her and my mind screams: that's a man.
Women and men lives were more physically demanding. No sunscreen and age defying creams to reduce wrinkles, no plastic surgery or orthodontic to fix the ugly nose and teeth. Poor hygiene and nutrients even among the rich. This is what we will look like when we can no longer afford these things. Not saying I can't agree with your statement but proof that many advances have come along to improve our outward appearances. Maybe why the stupid have multiplied, too?
Susan B Anthony
I'm pretty sure the "B" stands for BASED
Seriously, I mean absolutely no offense at all but these two look more masculine than today's Woke transitioners. Rachel Levine is a pretty young woman next to these two.
! 🐸🐸🐸🐸!!!
I'm 5' - 10" 180 lbs, and I would NOT want to make her mad in a dark ally.
Love it!
One of the ways I like to implode liberals tiny brains is to inform them that women's suffrage in the US was a GOP movement. REEEeeeeeEEE!
But but but muh party flip...
Thats what I was hearing as well.
Parties do change over time though. Just a few years back all the republicans were supporting the warmongering neocons and the liberals were the sane ones
Now you are talking about globalists and they infected both parties. I'd say they infected democrats to a much greater degree at this point.
Not sure what any of that has to do with the GOP's long history of supporting freedom and the actual words of the constitution.
Time to get back to our roots.
Woah, careful. GAW isn't ready for that redpill.
That face needs to be on our money.
Wow. Thanks for posting this.
The O.G. feminists. These I agree with and respect.
3rd wave feminism, as they label what the train wreck is today, is 180 degrees opposite from the original. Despicable.
Love that term.
I remember Gloria Steinem and the National Organization for Women telling all the young impressionable women that they should all vote for Bill Clinton because he's "cute".
It was on that date that I knew the feminist movement was a grift.
Bingo. Vote for the rapist because he's cute. Disgusting.
That was true of many of the Feminist foremothers as well. ( Great post, well deserves the stickie!)
These women look more manly than Chuck Shumer's wife.
Jesus, your post needs a NSFW warning! It curdled the milk in my coffee. 🤢
Is that Lt Col Vindman in drag?
Was watching one of my favorite small YouTuber doing a live stream reacting to libs freaking out over roe v wade. Lots of male feminist butt hurt. One even said he was getting a vasectomy (he also said he had a breeding kink 🤨)
Maybe no need for a vasectomy if he's fully boosted.
The 19th amendment was a mistake.
The left will say the patriarchy was forcing their hand.
They also will neglect to apply that to modern day religious women from around the world, like orthodox jews, Muslims, etc.
Try asking one and see what they actually say. It'll probably have more to do with the world being a different place than well over a century ago.
Betty Friedan helped found the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966. Friedan lamented that -- “the women’s movement was not about sex, but about equal opportunity.... I suppose you have to say that freedom of sexual choice was part of that, but it should not be the main issue, the tail that wags the dog.” Friedan, Life So Far, pp. 223 and 249.
Friedan later worried that radical feminists were taking her principles too far, but she could not prevent the takeover of the movement’s direction. Lesbians—whom she called the "Lavender Menace"—were, Friedan worried, taking over the women’s movement and alienating most women. Indeed, misandronist (male-hating) lesbians did take over the women's movement and have controlled it to this day. They hated the concept of traditional marriage and the family, which is essentially misogamist (hatred of marriage) misopedist (hatred of children) .
It was the Christian family these empowered lesbians set out to destroy in the name of all women, which they stole just as transgenders are doing today in sports. They were well funded by Marxist benefactors. No-fault divorce has its origins in the Bolshevik Soviet Union and first appeared in America in the 1960s.
Prior to no-fault divorce, the leading cause of single-parent families was war mortalities. It didn't take long before Khazarian lesbians dominated the divorce industry as "experts" in virtually every profession. In the postbellum South, carpetbaggers, who were predominantly Khazarian took advantage of war-torn Southern families in much the same manner. The difference between these times is that post-Confederate states recognized and despised these carpetbaggers for their unsavory acts. Today, the average American is ignorant that the Cabal have made divorce acceptable for the first time in history.
Several statutes have been set into place that effectively relegates the father non grata to the status of a sperm donor. The Battered Woman's Act was the first of these. Indeed, it was originally thought to be a just act. In the years preceding its passage, many news reports sounded the alarm that domestic abuse was widespread and needed to be stopped. Although there are women who are beaten, and this is a problem that must be dealt with, there are traditional remedies. But, as with "hate" crimes, fake news reports miscast the nature of the problem to advance the Cabal's political agenda. For one thing, they portrayed males as the sole aggressors. But an analysis by Martin S. Fiebert at California State University, Long Beach, examined 130 scholarly investigations, finding that women are just as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners [8]. The Battered Woman's Act might not have passed in Congress if these studies had been publicized. But they weren't, because they didn't fit the Cabal's agenda. Instead, lesbian feminists with the aid of the ""newspaper of record" such as the New York Times and the Washington Post distorted the truth to advance their anti-woman, anti-male, anti-family, anti-White agenda.
The existing Battered Woman's Act is very oppressive and targets the working class. Under the present judiciary system, a male is required to prove his innocence if a female accuses him of any type of domestic abuse or harassment. Advocates for the battered women's shelter, who are often male hating militant lesbians, promote the filing of such domestic abuse complaints. These centers, supported by public money, serve primarily to promote the expulsion of men from their homes without due process. This is the first step in taking children away from the father and granting custody to the state-approved guardian-ward - the mother. These centers also serve to promote abortion and divorce, and prevent reconciliation between husband and wife. The affidavit forms women sign have become entirely automated for easiest filing and processing. Every technical and legal obstacle in the way of ripping families apart has been leveled by the Cabal-controlled System. All a female needs to do to get swept into the System is claim she "fears for her safety." An ensuing ex parte order will be signed by a judge or administrative officer to remove the accused male from his home, with further contact with his wife and children prohibited. A "fear" crime is ambiguous and extremely difficult to disprove. Evidence of physical abuse is not required -- all that is necessary to hit the "on" button is the female's declaration of fear. It is estimated that 66% of all domestic abuse charges are false. [9] Yet incarceration of the male based on accusations alone is common. After his release, he is always expelled from his own home and ordered not to return. A magistrate will hear the case, but he will not be allowed to return to his house unless she agrees to let him. Not since the days before the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 A.D., which guaranteed a sovereign citizen's right not to be ordered from his home, have such police powers been carried out. Yet as it stands today, in recent years literally tens of thousands of innocent men have been thrown out of their homes and onto the streets, unsheltered, often on perjured affidavits. Nobody is ever prosecuted for these perjured affidavits, even where the proof is abundant.
In 1992, the passage of the so-called Deadbeat Dad law further demonized working males and subjugated them to ruthless new federal hounding. At the same time, it encouraged women to trade their husbands in for this newly formed federal safety net.[10] Again, the media provided feminist militants vast publicity for pressuring Congress to pass the law. This Act -- federal code 42 USC Section 666 -- federalized child support and provided for its administration in Washington, D.C. States were offered federal money if they complied with the guidelines therein. Similarly, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 (also known as Welfare Reform) dictates that all states collect information about newly hired employees. Under new-hire reporting, employers must report information about newly hired employees to a State Directory of New Hires (SDNH). This act allows for the tracking of every new hire and allows for wage garnishment of all child-support payers.
Very few Americans realize the federal government pays each state an average of three dollars for every dollar of child support collected. Where does the federal money come from? Why, it comes from every tax-paying American. This revenue is used to fund an ever-growing bureaucracy of battered women's shelters, advocacy groups, sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, lobbyists, attorneys, and consultants. The Department of Health and Human Services has surpassed the IRS in power and abuse. Confiscation of property, seizure of assets, jailing of debtors, and suspension of licenses are some of the tools the DHHS uses against males. Even bankruptcy and death provide no protection. Indeed, this tyrannical system sounds eerily similar to the Bolshevik pogroms of the former Soviet Union in which literally almost every single male was perceived as a threat to the reigning Khazarians and apparatchiks. In today's America, equally a Marxist production, women are encouraged to apply for restraining orders to receive free representation and support. Little do females know they are joining the gynaeceum at this juncture. Conversely, the work-responsible male will be sentenced to pay the maximum financial liability for knowing her. And if he chooses to fight, no longer is he litigating against his wife. It is the all-mighty State that has become her sugar daddy and provides for all her legal representation at the taxpayer's expense. He will find out he is facing a tribunal: a Court without a jury. The judge, whose profession depends on the money brought into the State, is under constant pressure from feminist groups to tow the line.
There’s an easy answer for this: things change. The opinions of a person back in the late 1800’s don’t affect the opinions of a person today. So what if Susan B Anthony disagreed with a stance a person has now? Do feminists have to agree with everything she says no matter what?
Honestly don’t understand this angle
Not gonna lie. Sometimes when I see those suffragettes I wonder if they were all actual women.
Some of them have such hard and stern crone-style faces that I actually find it hard to tell. Like the first one. I don't know if it's the old film, the lighting or the angle. But I look at her and my mind screams: that's a man.
Women and men lives were more physically demanding. No sunscreen and age defying creams to reduce wrinkles, no plastic surgery or orthodontic to fix the ugly nose and teeth. Poor hygiene and nutrients even among the rich. This is what we will look like when we can no longer afford these things. Not saying I can't agree with your statement but proof that many advances have come along to improve our outward appearances. Maybe why the stupid have multiplied, too?
I think it's just a facial structure that I'm not used to seeing and is not common in my community.
I recently met someone who I know for a fact is a woman and I found she had a very masculine hard face like the suffragettes.
Well yeah it used to be that men forced the deaths of illegitimate children
Abortion is not about "women's" rights, it's about Moloch's supply chain.
I have always believed that abortion protected sorry ass men a lot more than it protected women. If anything, it made women bigger victims.