He's not being arrogant. He's telling you what his people are doing to the rest of the world lol. Boomer American Evangels waiving Israeli flags have empowered people like this guy to be this "arrogant"
I think you need to spend some time and research just who is destroying America, Europe, the Middle East and South America right from within. You'll be hard pressed to find top positions in banking, media and college/university that aren't one of this "fake person's" people.
I think this is what they WANT, but more and more everyday I'm convinced it isn't going to happen. Hear me out here before anyone starts dooming about how "it's already too late". It's NEVER too late. All it would take is a series of mass deportations, ala Operation Wetback here in the US. These people never had the right to be invited into these countries in the first place. It was done against the will of the TRUE citizens. Yes some, especially those in intercultural relationships, would probably be butt hurt. But by the time everything is exposed, those people are probably going to be in the very small minority that comprises the 4-6%.
Likewise, people REALLY overestimate the birth rates of immigrants and "refugees". Pretty much the only ones who breed like rabbits are the first wave/generation. And they almost exclusively stick with their own race/culture and refuse to integrate or out-marry. As soon as you get into the second generation (the one's born inside of a country illegally), they typically have the same absurdly low birth rates, and often even lower birth rates, than the natives.
It's not a hard concept. When you come from a third world nation, part of the culture is having as many kids as possible since you don't know how many will survive into adult hood. On the other end of the spectrum, if you're born into and grow up in a first world nation with every amenity and luxury known to man and never have to struggle because most things are handed to you, then you don't have that same culture or drive to have a dozen kids.
If EVERY single descendent of an illegal bred like their parents/grandparents, then the US would have been a "hispanic" majority nation back in 2010. The same applies to Europe, if these people actually bred like some think they do every generation, Europe would already be North Africa. with a black/middle eastern super majority.
THIS is why the cabal has to constantly import new people into every country. They can't rely on successive generations to continue breeding this way, especially when they promote anti population growth/family policies that these people eat up because they're part of the actual liberal leftist population.
I know this is a bizarre concept for a lot of people, but ALL of these "replacement theory statistics" we keep seeing are only good for 20-50 years in most cases, and are constantly fluctuating. In fact if you look at each time they release them the white population actually goes up slightly, and the non white's collectively go down. How can this be you may ask?
Well thank orthodox religious Christians. They have THE highest birthrates on the planet. Greater than even muslims. Even with the manipulated statistics, if you go out far enough into the future (2100-2150 for example), the US is a super majority white Christian nation thanks to Baptists, Mormons, and Amish. Go out even further (2200+) and the nation is almost entirely Mormon and Amish.
This also obviously applies to Europe, but as the religious populations are somewhat smaller, the time line is longer. However with the religious parts of the Great Awakening in effect, that's kind of a null point in general and you can safely compress all of these timelines into a timeline that will end in our lifetimes.
So while this IS a legitimate problem, the solution isn't that complicated, and is in reality yet another of those many problems the cabal has caused that will simply work itself out when the cabal falls.
Operation Deportation will probably never happen because half of the electorate are women. They vote with their feelings and emotions. If they see one media clip of a 11 yo Mexican girl crying getting shuttled off on a Bus to Mexico its anathema in their eyes. They will vote for whichever political party wants to bring them back. Empathy is Caucasian's biggest strength and a weakness
Not really, Trump has hinted it's going to happen SEVERAL times. And like everyone on here is fond of saying, is there a single thing the man has ever said is going to happen so far that didn't eventually happen?
Last time I heard someone this arrogant they collapsed on a stage like a brick. This guy should know, there are no jews. Just believers aNd unbelievers now since Christ came. All the labels are just bullshit.
Breaking: fully-jabbed NPC fact-checked by FB is suuuuper great, definitely not a hypocrite. Mean people who disagree are 'racists' and 'anti-semites'.
He's right to some extent. Your grand children or great grandchildren are much more likely to have dark skin because of all the legal migration, h1b visa, open borders, anchor babies, birth tourism, et al...
One of their agendas is a melting pot and it will continue unless some unlikely drastic measure is taken to deport tens/hundreds of millions and then close the loopholes
"your grandchildren will be more brown and you can do nothing about it"
"my descedants will rule over yours"
"I have allies on FB" Zuckercuck is jewish as all other "investors" in ex darpa\s lifelog ....
So all are cucked, jews are going to try to kill us europeans or atlanteas and replace us with obedient black and their relatives muslims ...
Kalergi plan ?
Israel was setup after WW2 as an offshore money laundering operation controlled by the US Military Industrial Complex. Similar to the setup they have put in place in Ukraine. Most of the powerful people in Washington that pledge their affinity to Israel are on the take from this operation. This has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. However, religion and ethnicity are being weaponized in order for this laundering operation to continue for as long they can milk it.
In my neighborhood I'm seeing lots of liberal Jews marrying blacks, lesbians adopting baby boys and transitioning them to girls, ginning up protestors in advance of Roe v Wade being struck down, plenty of them hate Israel and side with the Palestinians every chance they get. Bottom line, Jews are extremely divided on many things including politics, religion, abortion, everything. A divided house falls and theirs is very divided. This guy is trolling. Don't give him the time of day. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
This is a perfect summary of one of the many agendas [they're] trying to implement. You see it in commercials and media now all the time, pushing the interracial couples, gays, etc. Oh and for any lefty lurkers, I'm Latino/Asian for the record.
Trolling? Why would this be an issue? Sounds like reversed racism. Or to be frank just plain old racism. People are People why would the color of my decedent's bother me?
In 50 or 100 years, I will be dead and uncaring. Jesus came for all of us including Jews and if the Jews choose to separate themselves like the Pharisees did, they will meet the same fate.
Nice try with the race baiting, faggot. But there's only one human race and if the Earth is getting warmer then best the skin be getting a little darker to compensate.
He's not being arrogant. He's telling you what his people are doing to the rest of the world lol. Boomer American Evangels waiving Israeli flags have empowered people like this guy to be this "arrogant"
anyone want to tell him hes not Jewish like Jesus and his apostles, moses, king david etc and that hes actually himself, eastern european mostly
Revelation 2:9 and 3:9
Want another ugly truth?
Didn't matter who was in power, Israel's needs were served first. And it didn't stop with President Trump.
(Now watch my post be down voted or reported.)
Israel is saved for last, play their game, take out the other players until there is nothing left to save them
That's a possibility, I won't deny it.
Elon Musk - flipping in the final stages causes the most pain for the left.
The best way to thwart a movement is to lead it.
Fuck You. He speaks for nobody and is a shill trying to provoke.
Bet he is not so bold face to face….
I think you need to spend some time and research just who is destroying America, Europe, the Middle East and South America right from within. You'll be hard pressed to find top positions in banking, media and college/university that aren't one of this "fake person's" people.
Doesn't make them jews. Just evil.
Do you know who pelosi is married to? Do you know who these people are "related" to?
If they arent one themselves, all it takes is a look into their family to see where they reside
I think you may be right, I thought the same thing
Less than 10% of Jews are orthodox
Practicing Jews are conservative and orthodox. It depends on the definition to drill down to the real political realities.
The real fun begins when you ask him to define the word 'jewish'.
Weird how the left says there is no planned white replacement as the crow about white replacement.
I think this is what they WANT, but more and more everyday I'm convinced it isn't going to happen. Hear me out here before anyone starts dooming about how "it's already too late". It's NEVER too late. All it would take is a series of mass deportations, ala Operation Wetback here in the US. These people never had the right to be invited into these countries in the first place. It was done against the will of the TRUE citizens. Yes some, especially those in intercultural relationships, would probably be butt hurt. But by the time everything is exposed, those people are probably going to be in the very small minority that comprises the 4-6%.
Likewise, people REALLY overestimate the birth rates of immigrants and "refugees". Pretty much the only ones who breed like rabbits are the first wave/generation. And they almost exclusively stick with their own race/culture and refuse to integrate or out-marry. As soon as you get into the second generation (the one's born inside of a country illegally), they typically have the same absurdly low birth rates, and often even lower birth rates, than the natives.
It's not a hard concept. When you come from a third world nation, part of the culture is having as many kids as possible since you don't know how many will survive into adult hood. On the other end of the spectrum, if you're born into and grow up in a first world nation with every amenity and luxury known to man and never have to struggle because most things are handed to you, then you don't have that same culture or drive to have a dozen kids.
If EVERY single descendent of an illegal bred like their parents/grandparents, then the US would have been a "hispanic" majority nation back in 2010. The same applies to Europe, if these people actually bred like some think they do every generation, Europe would already be North Africa. with a black/middle eastern super majority.
THIS is why the cabal has to constantly import new people into every country. They can't rely on successive generations to continue breeding this way, especially when they promote anti population growth/family policies that these people eat up because they're part of the actual liberal leftist population.
I know this is a bizarre concept for a lot of people, but ALL of these "replacement theory statistics" we keep seeing are only good for 20-50 years in most cases, and are constantly fluctuating. In fact if you look at each time they release them the white population actually goes up slightly, and the non white's collectively go down. How can this be you may ask?
Well thank orthodox religious Christians. They have THE highest birthrates on the planet. Greater than even muslims. Even with the manipulated statistics, if you go out far enough into the future (2100-2150 for example), the US is a super majority white Christian nation thanks to Baptists, Mormons, and Amish. Go out even further (2200+) and the nation is almost entirely Mormon and Amish.
This also obviously applies to Europe, but as the religious populations are somewhat smaller, the time line is longer. However with the religious parts of the Great Awakening in effect, that's kind of a null point in general and you can safely compress all of these timelines into a timeline that will end in our lifetimes.
So while this IS a legitimate problem, the solution isn't that complicated, and is in reality yet another of those many problems the cabal has caused that will simply work itself out when the cabal falls.
Operation Deportation will probably never happen because half of the electorate are women. They vote with their feelings and emotions. If they see one media clip of a 11 yo Mexican girl crying getting shuttled off on a Bus to Mexico its anathema in their eyes. They will vote for whichever political party wants to bring them back. Empathy is Caucasian's biggest strength and a weakness
Not really, Trump has hinted it's going to happen SEVERAL times. And like everyone on here is fond of saying, is there a single thing the man has ever said is going to happen so far that didn't eventually happen?
Very well said!
I guess god really does win
Last time I heard someone this arrogant they collapsed on a stage like a brick. This guy should know, there are no jews. Just believers aNd unbelievers now since Christ came. All the labels are just bullshit.
Spot on!
Always (them)
Asia isn't turning black and brown.
Yup tell that to China.
Breaking: fully-jabbed NPC fact-checked by FB is suuuuper great, definitely not a hypocrite. Mean people who disagree are 'racists' and 'anti-semites'.
I talked to a couple of Black people that believe they are Jewish and of the lost tribe! They believe they're under a curse!
I'm sure Israel will welcome them with open arms
He's right to some extent. Your grand children or great grandchildren are much more likely to have dark skin because of all the legal migration, h1b visa, open borders, anchor babies, birth tourism, et al...
One of their agendas is a melting pot and it will continue unless some unlikely drastic measure is taken to deport tens/hundreds of millions and then close the loopholes
It’s funny how these people go on about racists and anti semites whilst at the same time telling you they want you extinct.
Are you fucking surprised some people hate you?
Oh this is horseshit
a real example of jewish supremacy!
"your grandchildren will be more brown and you can do nothing about it" "my descedants will rule over yours" "I have allies on FB" Zuckercuck is jewish as all other "investors" in ex darpa\s lifelog .... So all are cucked, jews are going to try to kill us europeans or atlanteas and replace us with obedient black and their relatives muslims ... Kalergi plan ?
Stupid trash like him will pay. He is just to stupid to realize it, yet.
Israel was setup after WW2 as an offshore money laundering operation controlled by the US Military Industrial Complex. Similar to the setup they have put in place in Ukraine. Most of the powerful people in Washington that pledge their affinity to Israel are on the take from this operation. This has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. However, religion and ethnicity are being weaponized in order for this laundering operation to continue for as long they can milk it.
I just came here to say...what a fuck stick.
I mean, they rule over us now and there's nothing we can seem to do about it.
I believe we will taken away in the loving embrace of God and Jesus before that ever happens.
God will protect his people but the khazars and the synagogue will have a tough time at the eternal judgement of their souls.
Is he being Jewish supremacy?
In my neighborhood I'm seeing lots of liberal Jews marrying blacks, lesbians adopting baby boys and transitioning them to girls, ginning up protestors in advance of Roe v Wade being struck down, plenty of them hate Israel and side with the Palestinians every chance they get. Bottom line, Jews are extremely divided on many things including politics, religion, abortion, everything. A divided house falls and theirs is very divided. This guy is trolling. Don't give him the time of day. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
Satanic little prick can GFO.
What could be more racist or "supremacist" than to say your descendants will rule over someone?
Yet, he along with most other “Jews” is Jewish in religion and not race. Ignorance is bliss for most.
98% of Israelis are vaccinated. Just give it a few years and we’ll see who still exists.
Yes, but with what?
This is a perfect summary of one of the many agendas [they're] trying to implement. You see it in commercials and media now all the time, pushing the interracial couples, gays, etc. Oh and for any lefty lurkers, I'm Latino/Asian for the record.
Trolling? Why would this be an issue? Sounds like reversed racism. Or to be frank just plain old racism. People are People why would the color of my decedent's bother me?
An honest Jew. That’s a first
This is indeed the belief of the edomite Jew. And they have a plan in place that is working. Soros is one of many.
In 50 or 100 years, I will be dead and uncaring. Jesus came for all of us including Jews and if the Jews choose to separate themselves like the Pharisees did, they will meet the same fate.
Nice try with the race baiting, faggot. But there's only one human race and if the Earth is getting warmer then best the skin be getting a little darker to compensate.