Disgruntled LATINO TRANS teenage nutcase pulls up to school, shoots one round from a hand gun and is then shot by concealed carry IN THE PARKING LOT. It ended RIGHT THERE, IN THE PARKING LOT."
To be honest, the first thing that stood out was that everyone in every picture looked way too calm, relaxed. It’s didn’t look like it should. It makes me think it’s another Sandy Hook.
Hijacking for a narcissistic comment, but it's shit like this happening, whether real or a false flag, that makes me glad I've decided to not have a family. I was already under more than enough stress as a kid, and still am today, that worrying about my potential kid possibly being killed by someone might give me a stroke or heart attack.
It's everyone's choice. But kids die every day from a multitude of causes. In some parts of Africa you'd be almost guaranteed to lose at least one child from accident, disease, starvation or whatever.
The very first reports of the shooting mentioned 14 kids, 1 teacher, grandmother and shooter dead. Exactly 17 deaths. Same as Parkland shooting. I take it as a false flag that white hats managed to make sure no one died.
17 is apparently an Occult power number as well. You take power away when you repurpose it, focus good on it. It could be another use of Q. I don’t know...
People think all Occult is bad. Occult just means hidden knowledge. There are those who wield it for uplifting humanity and those who wield it for darkness.
I still havent come across proper explanation of significance of 17 in Occult.
Any knowledge of reality is neutral by its very nature because it's literally what just exists. It is what you do with that knowledge that makes it good or bad.
I strongly recommend watching Mark Passio's presentations about occult so you can get exposed to more information regarding Occult.
The preternatural is that which appears outside or beside the natural
Natural is, by definition, the nature of the universe. So everything that happens in the universe is natural. The only reason people buy into concepts like "preternatural" is because they have subscribed to the notion of "Only what we see around us and read in the text books in natural."
This is the limiting of the human psyche, by making us think that certain things are outside natural and are "bad".
supernatural is good but outside the realm of physics
preternatural is currently unknown to scientific explanation/unexplainable natural phenomena
occultism deals with the harnessing of preternatural forces i.e. kabballism demonology transcendental meditation witchcraft egyptian mystery cultism sex magick etc
but you have a youtube video guy to tell you it just means “secret”
The air-quoted phrase is, in the most common usage, a few words. Air quotes are often used to express satire, sarcasm, irony or euphemism and are analogous to scare quotes in print.
Use of similar gestures has been recorded as early as 1927,[1] and Glenda Farrell used air quotes in a 1937 screwball comedy, "Breakfast for Two." In 1889, in Lewis Carroll's last novel, the author described air brackets and an air question mark.[2] The term "air quotes" first appeared in a 1989 Spy magazine article by Paul Rudnick and Kurt Andersen, who state it became a common gesture around 1980.
Another popularization of air quotes was the character Bennett Brauer, played on the sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live by Chris Farley, an aggressive but socially awkward commentator who used air quotes to mock societal expectations of him. Additionally, in the Austin Powers film series, Dr. Evil makes exaggerated use of air quotes when explaining matters to his henchmen, particularly while using real phrases he erroneously believes himself to have coined such as "laser" and "Death Star." Donald Trump used air quotes when he criticized “quote-President” Obama’s refugee policies.
They underestimate the evil of the cabal. A group that has killed millions over the years doesn't care if they need to kill a few kids to get the people disarmed. They don't even care if they have to sacrifice their own useful idiots.
I don’t disagree that it’s possible they did kill them anyway.
The reason I think that may not be the case is that initial reports said the shooter was arrested, not killed, and that I’ve seen more pictures of people fake pouting and crying over this event than I have real emotional responses.
If these evildoers would crash an airliner and kill hundreds to get one or two main targets then killing innocent kids in school is easy. This whole story has way too many holes. They are tightening up the loose ends as they monitor comment boards (like us) to see where their slip is showing.
I don’t disagree. That’s part of the reason I get a little scared to fly, aside from potentially seeing a list of who is in the Assange files, of course.
I think Columbine was real. I’m not so sure this one was. I think they’re getting real desperate for news stories that distract and push the agenda.
Side note: my family has now barely missed three mass casualty events by the Grace of God: Columbine, the Paris attacks, and the Tunis bombings.
The most recent would be the Malaysian Airlines flight 370 I think. I forget where I read it but 70-80% of airline crashes are targeted kills. So take your pick and look at the passenger manifests for someone who would have something to out the cabal or better mankind...or both.
Some people's paradigm is so filled with the belief that because they are moral and good, and everyone they know is moral and good, that everyone else in the world is also moral and good.
The concept that some people are so evil they should just be shot on sight escapes them because of their own life experience with the good people around them.
Apparently his mom worked at the school, not confirmed but just rumors from someone I know that lives there. Interesting to see if she just let him in as most schools I’m aware of have badge entry only doors and the front you have to be buzzed in. If he got into from the side and looks like he didn’t have to wait very long, someone was waiting to let him in
It's a reverse/mock FF. Q posts stated incoming FF's. We have had two already this year. Their source is NOT the DS. These are their own FF's to keep the media busy. They don't know or care who is orchestrating these events, they just report them because they make money from the coverage. A call of duty, wendy's employed tranny? This is the height of meme operations if you haven't noticed. I could definitely be wrong but it's almost too easy.
Keep in mind, school shootings don't equate FF. Columbine was very real. But look at the differences. I still believe VT too was real.
You don't have to do much to stage stuff like this. It's more complicated to shoot a short film on an indie budget than it is to do something like this. Have you seen This Person Does Not Exist ?
Went to the site, those pictures look crystal clear to me, and not like they're an amalgamation of probably hundreds of different pictures to make one solid image. I'm not saying the site is bullshit, but I figure there would be some artifacts in the images as a kind of tell that they're non-existent people.
It's been up for a really long time. Just not well known. But with all the facial scanning form smartphones and social media apps, and to think data mining hasn't evolved even further than this might be an underestimation of the capabilities of AI. Bizzaro world indeed. It's crazy but I'm sure it's definitely possible.
In this case, if no one died, I think it’s a combination of actors and illegal immigrants told they’d be deported/separated from their kids or worse if they didn’t play along.
The truth always comes out - eventually. I think today the truth comes to light more quickly though, thanks to the internet. But it’s still suppressed.
Well this is what gets me. If nothing happened at the school, then every single student, every single parent, the relatives of the students and teachers, the teachers at other schools in the district(they communicate almost daily) would have to be in on it.
The police would have to be in on it too, because if the police on television are crisis actors, other police who work in that same area would call it out, which would mean also that the relatives neighbors and friends of those police officers are also in on it, the EMS workers would notice that there are actors in the news clips and not their peers, there would be, literally, tens of thousands of people who would know that this was fake.
I mean this is before you get into cafeteria workers, janitorial, the people hired as team coaches, PTA members, the other schools in the district that have interacted with these teachers and students, they would say “hey! That (actor) isn’t the science teacher!”
It’s one of the things that pisses me off the most about the “truth” community. Everything is a false flag. Everything. There’s never a real school shooting.
This went off the rails from me a few shootings ago when I was told that a school where a shooting took place wasn’t even open. So all of the neighbors that live around that school never noticed that it was empty. Or, “actors“ were attending school there every day for years upon years and not going to regular school somewhere else. So 700 kids were bussed in every day to pretend to attend the school for two decades.
The hundreds of cars dropping off students in the morning, obviously driven by actors. And then the same actors would show up at 3 o’clock to pick up all the fake kids. For 20 years. The delivery drivers who brought school lunch supplies, garbage pick up, the post office delivering mail and picking up mail from the school, all of them were in on it. Their friends, their relatives, for 20 years.
There is productive skepticism and then there is paranoid schizophrenia.
Isn’t it just so much more likely that they sent some brainwashed puppet in to do their dirty work? Do you know how much easier that is the convince tens of thousands of people to be quiet? I mean if people want to say that these are staged events with real shootings, that makes much more sense to me. We’ve seen them rile up patsies before.
We’ve seen them give some deranged lunatic a weapon and pointing in the right direction before. Doesn’t that make much more sense than all of this other bullshit?
These FFs have been going on for so long... Question - do you think Wray was in charge of this? or is he just compromised enough to have to look the other way while others gave orders? I suspect there are 'longer term' ds powers-that-be in charge of all of these things - perhaps in the Senate/House, that are giving orders for these things. I just find it really hard to buy that a 'private sector' person (Wray as atty in a firm for years) was tapped to lead FBI and then is calling these shots. I suspect he's just along for the ride and is powerless to change anything. (Does anybody still think he might be a WhiteHat?)
spez to add: Pelosi is supposed to announce her retirement after her nearly-guaranteed reelection in Nov - she has nothing to lose (if she thinks she is protected) at this point.
"THE ORIGINAL STORY OUT OF TEXAS Disgruntled LATINO TRANS teenage nutcase pulls up to school, shoots one round from a hand gun and is then shot by concealed carry IN THE PARKING LOT. It ended RIGHT THERE, IN THE PARKING LOT."
"There is no way that in 2022 the shooter had access to a classroom."
Blocked on work wifi;
To be honest, the first thing that stood out was that everyone in every picture looked way too calm, relaxed. It’s didn’t look like it should. It makes me think it’s another Sandy Hook.
I saw parents smiling. And insanely poorly staged “sad family” photographs with no tears, just pouty faces.
Hijacking for a narcissistic comment, but it's shit like this happening, whether real or a false flag, that makes me glad I've decided to not have a family. I was already under more than enough stress as a kid, and still am today, that worrying about my potential kid possibly being killed by someone might give me a stroke or heart attack.
Okay, narcissism off.
It's everyone's choice. But kids die every day from a multitude of causes. In some parts of Africa you'd be almost guaranteed to lose at least one child from accident, disease, starvation or whatever.
The whole of Africa is a third-world shithole.
If we don’t see an end to woke culture and grooming, I don’t think I’ll be having kids either.
I understand where you’re coming from.
The very first reports of the shooting mentioned 14 kids, 1 teacher, grandmother and shooter dead. Exactly 17 deaths. Same as Parkland shooting. I take it as a false flag that white hats managed to make sure no one died.
17 is apparently an Occult power number as well. You take power away when you repurpose it, focus good on it. It could be another use of Q. I don’t know...
People think all Occult is bad. Occult just means hidden knowledge. There are those who wield it for uplifting humanity and those who wield it for darkness.
I still havent come across proper explanation of significance of 17 in Occult.
Yep, it's neutral (occult), just like a gun.
occult specifically refers to preternatural knowledge aka spiritual or demonic knowledge
so yes
it’s bad
there is no good use of occult practices
this is the “white magic” or “good witch” myth
the Q movement literally uses gematria comms. Its doesn't get any more occult than the Kabbalistic practice of gematria.
'occult' just means 'hidden' or 'concealed'
not only does Q never use gematria (only grifting datefagging followers do), but also:
Occult does not “just” mean “hidden”
Occult practices involve spiritualism and a process of initiation into an esoteric knowledge only available to the initiate once initiated.
Gematria is not occult. Word puzzles are not occult. Occult practices may utilize them but they are not occult in and of themselves.
Sorry - you’re out of your depth on this topic.
Q = 17 in the English Ordinal cipher of gematria (a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 and so on)
can't tell if you are trolling me or not.
Merely having a number assigned to a letter does not constitute gematria.
Any knowledge of reality is neutral by its very nature because it's literally what just exists. It is what you do with that knowledge that makes it good or bad.
I strongly recommend watching Mark Passio's presentations about occult so you can get exposed to more information regarding Occult.
look up the word
the dude you linked is a deceiver
Natural is, by definition, the nature of the universe. So everything that happens in the universe is natural. The only reason people buy into concepts like "preternatural" is because they have subscribed to the notion of "Only what we see around us and read in the text books in natural."
This is the limiting of the human psyche, by making us think that certain things are outside natural and are "bad".
wrong again
preternatural is different than supernatural
supernatural is good but outside the realm of physics
preternatural is currently unknown to scientific explanation/unexplainable natural phenomena
occultism deals with the harnessing of preternatural forces i.e. kabballism demonology transcendental meditation witchcraft egyptian mystery cultism sex magick etc
but you have a youtube video guy to tell you it just means “secret”
on bud
Putting quotes around something is usually the equivalent of giving it finger quotes in real life.
This "jam" (if you want to call it that) is really good.
This "essay" is well-written.
Lots of folks here seem to think no one died.
They underestimate the evil of the cabal. A group that has killed millions over the years doesn't care if they need to kill a few kids to get the people disarmed. They don't even care if they have to sacrifice their own useful idiots.
Life of others means nothing to these demons.
I don’t disagree that it’s possible they did kill them anyway.
The reason I think that may not be the case is that initial reports said the shooter was arrested, not killed, and that I’ve seen more pictures of people fake pouting and crying over this event than I have real emotional responses.
If these evildoers would crash an airliner and kill hundreds to get one or two main targets then killing innocent kids in school is easy. This whole story has way too many holes. They are tightening up the loose ends as they monitor comment boards (like us) to see where their slip is showing.
I don’t disagree. That’s part of the reason I get a little scared to fly, aside from potentially seeing a list of who is in the Assange files, of course.
I think Columbine was real. I’m not so sure this one was. I think they’re getting real desperate for news stories that distract and push the agenda.
Side note: my family has now barely missed three mass casualty events by the Grace of God: Columbine, the Paris attacks, and the Tunis bombings.
Wow! Ps. 91 protection
Which aircraft are we talking (obv. not 9-11-01)
The most recent would be the Malaysian Airlines flight 370 I think. I forget where I read it but 70-80% of airline crashes are targeted kills. So take your pick and look at the passenger manifests for someone who would have something to out the cabal or better mankind...or both.
Fang-fang, swalwell’s ccp spy was taken out in intentionally crashed jetliner.
Q said that about 70% crashes being hits.
I knew I read that somewhere reliable. Thanks Pede.
Weren’t there a lot of AIDS researchers on board who were going home from a convention?
It’s almost as if they’re still holding on to wishing there was some decency coming from the cabal.
Why a hoax, when they can use death to try to further their agenda?
Some people's paradigm is so filled with the belief that because they are moral and good, and everyone they know is moral and good, that everyone else in the world is also moral and good.
The concept that some people are so evil they should just be shot on sight escapes them because of their own life experience with the good people around them.
Are these the same law enforcement professionals that failed to pursue the killer after engagement beforehand?
Video from the parking lot suggests he wasn’t being pursued at all and just walked up to the door.
Apparently his mom worked at the school, not confirmed but just rumors from someone I know that lives there. Interesting to see if she just let him in as most schools I’m aware of have badge entry only doors and the front you have to be buzzed in. If he got into from the side and looks like he didn’t have to wait very long, someone was waiting to let him in
It's a reverse/mock FF. Q posts stated incoming FF's. We have had two already this year. Their source is NOT the DS. These are their own FF's to keep the media busy. They don't know or care who is orchestrating these events, they just report them because they make money from the coverage. A call of duty, wendy's employed tranny? This is the height of meme operations if you haven't noticed. I could definitely be wrong but it's almost too easy.
Keep in mind, school shootings don't equate FF. Columbine was very real. But look at the differences. I still believe VT too was real.
I would imagine if the white hates were to stage a false flag, they'd have the alleged perp get shot before they can do too much harm.
You don't have to do much to stage stuff like this. It's more complicated to shoot a short film on an indie budget than it is to do something like this. Have you seen This Person Does Not Exist ?
Nothing on the Wayback Machine.
Are you a bot? You don't need wayback to view that link
Went to the site, those pictures look crystal clear to me, and not like they're an amalgamation of probably hundreds of different pictures to make one solid image. I'm not saying the site is bullshit, but I figure there would be some artifacts in the images as a kind of tell that they're non-existent people.
It's been up for a really long time. Just not well known. But with all the facial scanning form smartphones and social media apps, and to think data mining hasn't evolved even further than this might be an underestimation of the capabilities of AI. Bizzaro world indeed. It's crazy but I'm sure it's definitely possible.
I never understand this though....
So if nobody died then who are all the grieving parents? Law enforcement officers?
Are they all fake? Crisis actors?
In this case, if no one died, I think it’s a combination of actors and illegal immigrants told they’d be deported/separated from their kids or worse if they didn’t play along.
Old pictures, crisis actors, you name it. You can’t take anything they say at face value.
you would think it wouldn't be a problem for the real info to get out
The truth always comes out - eventually. I think today the truth comes to light more quickly though, thanks to the internet. But it’s still suppressed.
I would previously have thought the crisis actor thing was not real until I experienced it myself in real life.
Well this is what gets me. If nothing happened at the school, then every single student, every single parent, the relatives of the students and teachers, the teachers at other schools in the district(they communicate almost daily) would have to be in on it.
The police would have to be in on it too, because if the police on television are crisis actors, other police who work in that same area would call it out, which would mean also that the relatives neighbors and friends of those police officers are also in on it, the EMS workers would notice that there are actors in the news clips and not their peers, there would be, literally, tens of thousands of people who would know that this was fake.
I mean this is before you get into cafeteria workers, janitorial, the people hired as team coaches, PTA members, the other schools in the district that have interacted with these teachers and students, they would say “hey! That (actor) isn’t the science teacher!”
It’s one of the things that pisses me off the most about the “truth” community. Everything is a false flag. Everything. There’s never a real school shooting.
This went off the rails from me a few shootings ago when I was told that a school where a shooting took place wasn’t even open. So all of the neighbors that live around that school never noticed that it was empty. Or, “actors“ were attending school there every day for years upon years and not going to regular school somewhere else. So 700 kids were bussed in every day to pretend to attend the school for two decades. The hundreds of cars dropping off students in the morning, obviously driven by actors. And then the same actors would show up at 3 o’clock to pick up all the fake kids. For 20 years. The delivery drivers who brought school lunch supplies, garbage pick up, the post office delivering mail and picking up mail from the school, all of them were in on it. Their friends, their relatives, for 20 years.
There is productive skepticism and then there is paranoid schizophrenia.
Isn’t it just so much more likely that they sent some brainwashed puppet in to do their dirty work? Do you know how much easier that is the convince tens of thousands of people to be quiet? I mean if people want to say that these are staged events with real shootings, that makes much more sense to me. We’ve seen them rile up patsies before.
We’ve seen them give some deranged lunatic a weapon and pointing in the right direction before. Doesn’t that make much more sense than all of this other bullshit?
"Everything is a false flag. Everything. There’s never a real school shooting."
Not all shootings are false flags, but not all false flags are fake. You can have a false flag perpetrated and innocent people die.
Q said follow the money, it's always the money.
And the wives
Nice reply....for once
That's all you need to know....
Doesn't 'so-called' do the same job? This so-called massacre.
Which will never be forgotten… Until next week when they do another mass shooting
If there is no security camera footage, it's most certainly a FF.
These FFs have been going on for so long... Question - do you think Wray was in charge of this? or is he just compromised enough to have to look the other way while others gave orders? I suspect there are 'longer term' ds powers-that-be in charge of all of these things - perhaps in the Senate/House, that are giving orders for these things. I just find it really hard to buy that a 'private sector' person (Wray as atty in a firm for years) was tapped to lead FBI and then is calling these shots. I suspect he's just along for the ride and is powerless to change anything. (Does anybody still think he might be a WhiteHat?)
spez to add: Pelosi is supposed to announce her retirement after her nearly-guaranteed reelection in Nov - she has nothing to lose (if she thinks she is protected) at this point.
I have seen one photo so far and have yet to see anything confirming any sort of event even happened...
This one feels EXACTLY like HG Wells War of the Worlds radio play right now...