You don't need it for defense, what the hell does that mean? Cops won't even protect school children. Not everyone has a 20 ft tall iron fence around their property like you do senator.
Well Senator, if you really care about the loss of innocent life, there is one thing that kills over 35,000 Americans each and every year, and leaves more that that maimed for life, but nobody ever talks about turning in your AUTOMOBILES.
Why don't you crusade for turning in automobiles? You will save at least 35,000 lives every year.
The irony of a Stein arguing for gun confiscation. Unless she is saying the holocaust was a hoax. You don’t think the Holocaust is a hoax, do you, Feinstein?
They already are crusading for extinction of gas fueled automobiles on the grounds of pollution and the green new deal push. Electric cars which have less range before a recharge is needed provide: less distance can be traveled before needing to recharge, unreliable charging stations that are convenient, expend a loss of time while charging, what energy ultimately provides the energy to charge your vehicle, and the ability to shut down your vehicle at government will. Ultimate goals: government power/control and rake in tons of money for a worthless cause that is more expensive.
I use my AR-15 to hunt (before that tragic boating accident took all my guns, etc.).
The biggest buck I ever took was with a 300blk AR-15. It's a brilliant platform to hunt with. Plus, you can defend yourself from a herd of angry boar with the spare 29 rounds (standard capacity).
Tweet is from 2018 but I'm sure we will be looking at the same thing after the next shooting. Because for all their whining, they still can't pass any gun laws.
Actually I'll answer her. To keep people like you from thinking they can do anything they want to us, the Deplorables as your party refers to We The People.
Edit: I was thinking that big mike would extra the lube and barry would need the cream all they up to his small intestine to accomodate the girthy sausage
They are used for hunting and self defense but their purpose is actually to enforce the 2nd Amendment against the obvious liberal/communist traitor. What she will not say is 120 million armed Americans with 400 million firearms have never shot anyone and never will, but the same 5000 gang members kill 10,000 every year.
We certainly need it for defense if a tyrannical govt takes over. It’s called freedom you dumb bitch. But you already knew that, you are just a puppet of the cabal pushing their narrative they need in order to take full control of us and strip what little freedom we have left
True. But Armalite designed the AR platform for military use. It doesn’t really matter since 2A is about the necessity of We The People being able to form a Militia. It’s not about hunting or anything else.
It is for defense against foreign and domestic enemies, if you have ever read the Constitution madam. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
You don't need it for defense, what the hell does that mean? Cops won't even protect school children. Not everyone has a 20 ft tall iron fence around their property like you do senator.
Well Senator, if you really care about the loss of innocent life, there is one thing that kills over 35,000 Americans each and every year, and leaves more that that maimed for life, but nobody ever talks about turning in your AUTOMOBILES.
Why don't you crusade for turning in automobiles? You will save at least 35,000 lives every year.
They are trying to ban cars, don’t give them ideas
The irony of a Stein arguing for gun confiscation. Unless she is saying the holocaust was a hoax. You don’t think the Holocaust is a hoax, do you, Feinstein?
They already are crusading for extinction of gas fueled automobiles on the grounds of pollution and the green new deal push. Electric cars which have less range before a recharge is needed provide: less distance can be traveled before needing to recharge, unreliable charging stations that are convenient, expend a loss of time while charging, what energy ultimately provides the energy to charge your vehicle, and the ability to shut down your vehicle at government will. Ultimate goals: government power/control and rake in tons of money for a worthless cause that is more expensive.
Andy_Man45 is not a senator.
In an ideal world, neither is this whore.
Haha, Yes, I was piling on his response to the Senator.
Can we stop spreading the MSM lie that there were any children at the school that day? No kids died, period.
Since when can you NOT use an AR to hunt? and NOT use it for defense????
How many times must I kill that girl and her dog? Wing Zero won't tell me, Wu Fei...
It’s logic from the same source that says that men can birth babies...
I use my AR-15 to hunt (before that tragic boating accident took all my guns, etc.).
The biggest buck I ever took was with a 300blk AR-15. It's a brilliant platform to hunt with. Plus, you can defend yourself from a herd of angry boar with the spare 29 rounds (standard capacity).
Right? Stupid cunt.
I'm liking James Wood way more as a Patriot, than I ever did as a actor.
It's encouraging to know redemption may await us all.
Love that she's using a photo of herself from 1955. So honest in every way.
Tweet is from 2018 but I'm sure we will be looking at the same thing after the next shooting. Because for all their whining, they still can't pass any gun laws.
But they are dedicated and devoted, lets thank God they're so incompetent..
Actually I'll answer her. To keep people like you from thinking they can do anything they want to us, the Deplorables as your party refers to We The People.
Really I don't see what they're so afraid of. Even with all these guns we still let them do whatever they want to do to us lol.
We need military grade weapons to wage war on the people who would take our military grade weapons.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,
Yep. A militia needs militia type weapons
I think I'd of been more to the point. It's for preventing tyranny in our government. That's literally what it's for.
we need the guns because of morons like you, swine-stein!!
I like that SwineStein.
I'm gonna put that in my pocket for later.
Do they make a cream for a burn that bad?
Isn't that what Big Mike uses?
Edit: I was thinking that big mike would extra the lube and barry would need the cream all they up to his small intestine to accomodate the girthy sausage
He probably had a special surgery to give him another poop hole because that one is wider than kamala's legs by now.
Like my freedom boner!
They are used for hunting and self defense but their purpose is actually to enforce the 2nd Amendment against the obvious liberal/communist traitor. What she will not say is 120 million armed Americans with 400 million firearms have never shot anyone and never will, but the same 5000 gang members kill 10,000 every year.
120 million people with 400 million firearms...
You usually don't stop at buying just one. 😏
We certainly need it for defense if a tyrannical govt takes over. It’s called freedom you dumb bitch. But you already knew that, you are just a puppet of the cabal pushing their narrative they need in order to take full control of us and strip what little freedom we have left
I betcha she didn't even enter that tweet. From what I hear she's in the same mental state as Biden
Why won't she just die of old age already
“modeled after military weapons” - not true. The AR-10 came first, then the AR-15, then the military wanted a version (the M-16)
True. But Armalite designed the AR platform for military use. It doesn’t really matter since 2A is about the necessity of We The People being able to form a Militia. It’s not about hunting or anything else.
For tyrants like you Feinstein.
Well we now have confirmation that the police wont use them to defend us so...
The Chinese spy knows why we need them, our founding fathers have told the world why we need them, to defend ourselves against tyranny.
With a title like that, I had to click.
Only 15 million? Everyone is slacking.
"Can't use it for hunting?"
It is for defense against foreign and domestic enemies, if you have ever read the Constitution madam. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The J_w lies awake at night dreaming of the day when they are able to take our guns away.
Theyre needed for defense more than ever now that we know that cops will stand back and let children be murdered. Treasonous hag.
YOU and your ilk
aSsAuLt WeApOnS screams the harpie who carried in her own purse and kept a Chinese spy as a driver. Fuck these globalist evil bastards.
Swearing in on a Talmud should be instant gallows for treason.
Based on nothing but the writings in that satanic book.
Amazing that the law makers dont know the laws.
We need guns because cops stand down if they even show up.
And Diane dear, do your security guards carry guns? Hypocrite!
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,
2A is very clear and specific about why
Theres way too many commas.
Seems the only thing that liberals can figure out to do with a firearm is a school shooting.
We learned that the cops you control won't stop this from happening so we the people must