I can’t imagine a more out of touch comment that perfectly portrays the modern left.
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They say that none of it is Biden's fault. He has no control over anything. Yet, if Trump used a stern voice he was accused of starting a nuclear war.
I’ve stopped trying to understand emotionally retarded, logically deficient posers
The same brain dead’s gave Obama credit for all Trumps successes
That was NYC in the 70's and 80's, until a Republican was elected mayor and cleaned the place up. After Democrats got back in power, NYC is slipping back into being the shithole it was.
And San Francisco now is a perfect example of where technocracy leads: extreme concentrated wealth surrounded by abject poverty.
Seattle is rapidly approaching this. It’s becoming impossible for an average person to have a decent life here.
And those idiots will still vote democrat. It is beyond me the level of idiocy in this country. So many stupid fucks
Yup. They even bitch about Bezos and Gates and STILL vote for Dems. It is absolute insanity with rampant homelessness, increasing crime, terrible traffic and low quality of life for non tech workers.
My daughter lives in Seattle. You described her perfectly.
Butt butt...muh feelings!!!
Yeah it is funny that all the big cities controlled by Democrats are actively doing exactly that. Allowing homeless to set up camps wherever they want, announcing that they won't prosecute any shoplifters, setting bail to zero so there is no point in arresting criminals; they will just be back on the street later in the day.
Obviously they are making it impossible to run a small business in the city. Obviously they are making the cities impossible to live in for the middle and upper middle classes. These city governments are actively trying to make their cities only have uncontrollable homeless and elites with walls and private security.
A big mistake many people make is in believing that these politicians are trying to make their cities better but are just incompetent at doing it. No, they have some other agenda.
If Republicans are still the party of big business and the uber rich then why are so many of the big businesses and uber rich Democrat donors? How are the Democrats the champion of the little man when they're in bed with mega donors like Bezos who actively oppose unionization in his own companies? It's maddening how even young people somehow see a public image that hasn't been true since before they were born.
Both parties are the parties of big business. They are on the same team, and it is called the UniParty.
The Republican party hates Trump, because he wants no part of the UniParty. He is a threat to all the RINOs, and threatens to eliminate them, thus causing the GOP to leave the UniParty and become a party of Patriotic Populism.
Hey, trump is working WITHIN the system to get rid of the Rinos and take away the party from them. And it seems he doing a pretty damn good job of it, considering he's not.....oops, YES he is OUR president.
Yep not making the mistake of Teddy Roosevelt and going third party which just split the vote and gave us Woodrow Wilson and the Federal Reserve.
It’s not such a Uniparty that any of these global corporations are identifying as Republican though. There is, what? Chick-Fil-A? And is that even global?
Try to name a major worldwide corporation that openly identifies as conservative/Republican. They are all progressive/Democrat.
Chik fil a isn't one either lol If they still identify as "conservative" they are lying to keep customers. Their original owner died recently, last couple years, and they have gone woke behind the scenes with new ownership, terminating a lot of their relationships with other conservative organizations. IMO, there are zero big corporations who are on our side.
We all want to believe in the inherent good of people. Unfortunately malevolence is often mistaken for incompetence and is therefore allowed to continue.
They hate the small local businesses, the middle class, the working poor and unemployed. They hate everyone but themselves and want to crush the rest of us.
I agree that the republicans ain’t good but this might be one of the least self aware comments I’ve read
They’re just easily manipulated by media
People like my uncle who just check a box that has (D) next to the name and has no clue that his own party is behind the stuff he's complained about for decades.
Yet nearly all liberal normies believe this. Or those I've talked with over the years.
Yeah, we definitely weren't living in some golden age a few years back, it's just getting worse.
One of the tougher things about being a part of all of this is seeing how brainwashed family and friends on both sides are. California relatives blaming the CA republican party for their predicament despite having had control for years. Other relatives talking up low-energy Jeb back in 2016 (or McCain 2.0 more recently). Other relatives saying how much of an amazing feminist Elizabeth Warren was/is.
As much as I've seen a lot of people wake up over the past several years, it is astounding to see how many are still asleep on both sides.
This is is exactly what I fell. They will never wake up! They live us these cities yet we think if we let they destroy the whole country they will somehow wake up? We have to stop this! Now!mbefire it's to late!
Yeah this is my major issue with the plan. Too many good people are getting crushed and have/had their lives destroyed by covid lockdown crap, inflation, rising gas/food costs etc.
I don’t see droves of people waking up. I still see a significant portion of the population triple vaxxed and masked up.
I really think the white hats underestimated the brainwashing/stupidity of a lot of the population.
I mean a lot of normies care about entertainment more then their own children. What makes white hats think they will wake up.
Oh well buckle up fren and prepare for the collapse.
It makes you wonder how much of a bubble some of us might be in even as if we get surrounded by people who are waking up it's easy to forget about the sheer number of NPCs outside that circle.
Indoctrinated fools….
It's conservatives, not Republicans, who are the solution to the scenario described by the indoctrinated idiot. The Republicans have sabotaged the conservative agenda as soon as Reagan left office.
I respectfully half disagree. Reagan’s hero Barry Goldwater was also a member of the bohemian grove club. Barry defined modern conservatism. He attended before the disastrous 1964 election when facing Lyndon Baines Johnson. In my opinion Conservatism was always a neutral force that could be used by Black hats or White hats(freemasonic imagery) to get things done. I think that, to a certain extent, conservatism and the conservative agenda were always compromised. I agree that republicans are bad though. They were always openly tied to big money and big business. Wendell Willke, who I was always told was a super isolationist, was a Marxist Wilsonian Republican who dreamed of “One World”. Theodore Roosevelt, who I was always told was a super anti big business man, actually didn’t mind trusts as long as they “played fair” and he was considered to radical by the democrats. He wasn’t “too radical” because he broke up some trusts, no, he was “too radical” because he was too pro business for the southern democrats. He even got an invitation to the bohemian grove club, which every republican president since Hoover or maybe Coolidge was a part of. A club for the ultra wealthy elites: musicians, artists, business men, politicians, all go there to practice satanic rituals and pray to moloch. This club obviously has such huge ties to the Republican Party.
You're describing the neocons.
The lack of conscious awareness is maddening. These dipshits live in a fantasy.
Literally every major city in America, where everything he just pointed out is true, is run by Democrats.
The left can't even think.
Finley, what a moron.
The political parties in this country are truly bipartisan when it comes to greed, they both support each other and their constituents never enter the equation until a bone is thrown to quiet the masses, and then it's typically just another money making proposition that both parties feast on ... like The Ukraine.
Los Angeles is basically Gothan City with good weather. We have all of the corruption and the only person who cares is Sherriff Villenueva, who is our Commissioner Gordon.
He just described Democrat-run cities. LA is bringing back Bubonic Plague.
I’m surprised Benjamin isn’t wearing a mask in his photo. Oxygen deprivation can really mess with the brain.
sounds like California to me.
Never really thought I'd see the day when the "left" in this country fully supports elite corporations, big pharma, wealthy executives, and global initiatives.
You at least used to have a token few who remained somewhat principled, but now the neoliberal DNC has completely taken over. And they still run this bullshit narrative that they are the "part of the little guy" complete and utter nonsense.
California went to sh1t like that under Jerry Brown's governorship.
Those people are so fucking brainwashed that I sometimes feel that nothing will wake them up, ever, that they'll forever be asleep.
There's a picture of some soulless cunt having her son forcibly injected. You can see it in her eyes.
Mr. Finley, what altered state of mind are you living in. Must be all those masks have caused hypoxia for you to believe the Republicans caused the mess this country is now in.
The reply summarizes it perfectly.
My guess is Mr. Finley has never visited one of the democrat-run shithole cities at any time in his young life, which are now and have been the he describes for many decades now.
Must live in a safe white suburb where he never sees the reality of what's on the ground in those cities.
Kamala has the same condition that the Joker had in the movie, laughing at inappropriate times.
The perception was before covid everything was going great the economy was good, fuel prices were low food prices were low we had an abundance jobs and low unemployment. But that was nothing but perception. Trump new behind-the-scenes everything was horrible, pedophiles, child trafficking the abject criminality of the DNC with Ukraine, biolabs and terrorism that the United States is directly responsible for. No, everything was not great before covid but thanks to Trump we know that now and now its being fixed. everything that's happening now unfortunately has to happen for future generations to live in a world where this evil has been abolished.
And I think "Idiocracy" portrays what would happen if the Libs remain in 'control'...
2 more weeks to let more normies wake up before any whitehat action. These people won't wake up! They are a lost cause
I call that comment a BOOM!!!!
"a very small wealthy elite" (gavin newsome, pelosi, etc.) "lots of crime" (see san francisco looting) "garbage" (see every california freeway and underpass) "unemployment" (see homeless tents on every corner)
Boy he just described California perfectly, a DEMOCRAT State.
The three-letter bois will wonder why every large tree on the property is range-marked.
Hope they like surprises.
Retards gonna retard.
Ben describes Seattle perfectly only it is entirely run by Dems. Lol
Foolish man his head is on backwards.