These idiots literally act like we don't have brains, hearts, or even souls... We're not computers, we are humans. And if you deprive us too much, there are repercussions. And those repercussions generally birth unintended consequences. No matter how prepared these people are for us to revolt, or how prepared they think they are from a fallout... That is where thier plans will fail. They think they can manage chaos. They haven't even seen chaos. Idiots.
I believe the war with AI has been happening for some time now. And AI-like the demons behind the worst of it, like Vigano says, don't understand the real human spirit. But NCSWIC
Not having to diagnose cause for unhappiness, or providing proof of cure for unhappiness as result of mental illness......THAT ought to make a lot of hack psychologists happy. Having a need.
Or, another way of thinking about it, they are saying that no matter how hard they tried spinning it, there is no way to spin "you own nothing" as being happy.
This was something a friend of mine and I were discussing yesterday. She studied medieval history - a useless degree by her own admission in terms of employment, but a good example of why we study history - it can lend some interesting perspective in conversation. Anyway, there is a theory that we are not headed towards communism so much as we are feudalism. But originally, the relationship between serfs and lords was an actual contract. In addition to providing goods in exchange for protection, there were provisions like you can let your sheep graze on the estate land (commons), etc. This changed around the time of the industrial revolution - I forget the name of the person- but essentially, it was the walling off of access. Basically, breaking the old compact. It seems to coincide with a lot of the history of the rise of other 'philosophies' that have landed us to where we are now.
Happiness and the pursuit thereof is a core part of life and the experiences it has to offer.
To try and strip that away and rationalize -- and normalize -- the population's unhappiness and dissatisfaction to make them further complacent is inherently an agenda-loaded statement.
Now I understand the reason behind that movie in the mockingbird propaganda. Its a subtle one, but after that movie was pushed to become huge, anyone hearing the words "pursuit of happiness" will immediately think of the movie and not its real connotation with the Declaration of Independence.
These idiots literally act like we don't have brains, hearts, or even souls... We're not computers, we are humans. And if you deprive us too much, there are repercussions. And those repercussions generally birth unintended consequences. No matter how prepared these people are for us to revolt, or how prepared they think they are from a fallout... That is where thier plans will fail. They think they can manage chaos. They haven't even seen chaos. Idiots.
I believe the war with AI has been happening for some time now. And AI-like the demons behind the worst of it, like Vigano says, don't understand the real human spirit. But NCSWIC
The first domino towards baseball's wokeness.
Thanks, Billy Beane. Congratu-fucking-lations.
Time that we send them a copy of the constitution, there is written something different.
Ah, wow, amazing. Where do I sign up?
"Shut up about your happiness if you know what's good for you." - will be the new slogan.
Once they deprive of us of liberty and the pursuit of happiness, you can guess what they'll come for next.
I thought thats what they were doing for the last 2 years!
Not having to diagnose cause for unhappiness, or providing proof of cure for unhappiness as result of mental illness......THAT ought to make a lot of hack psychologists happy. Having a need.
What a bunch of mental gymnasts.
Chop of yo dicks, that is the answer!!!
They're trying to explain away the fact that few are happy with the WEF or their program.
Or, another way of thinking about it, they are saying that no matter how hard they tried spinning it, there is no way to spin "you own nothing" as being happy.
when the end times come for these people, do the journalists get the tribunals too? want them off this planet too.
If American Civil War and WW2 are any indications, then yes.
Now you're talking, WEF. This refers to a life when you are in control of the serfs.
This was something a friend of mine and I were discussing yesterday. She studied medieval history - a useless degree by her own admission in terms of employment, but a good example of why we study history - it can lend some interesting perspective in conversation. Anyway, there is a theory that we are not headed towards communism so much as we are feudalism. But originally, the relationship between serfs and lords was an actual contract. In addition to providing goods in exchange for protection, there were provisions like you can let your sheep graze on the estate land (commons), etc. This changed around the time of the industrial revolution - I forget the name of the person- but essentially, it was the walling off of access. Basically, breaking the old compact. It seems to coincide with a lot of the history of the rise of other 'philosophies' that have landed us to where we are now.
Β«You don't need to be happy for us to be happyΒ» Well duh, WEFUCKERS.
What nonsense. You cannot have a "good" life without a meaningful life.
The "you will be happy" slogan reminds me of the music they played in the train cars. See, it's a party and YOU are MISSING OUT!
Happiness and the pursuit thereof is a core part of life and the experiences it has to offer.
To try and strip that away and rationalize -- and normalize -- the population's unhappiness and dissatisfaction to make them further complacent is inherently an agenda-loaded statement.
Now I understand the reason behind that movie in the mockingbird propaganda. Its a subtle one, but after that movie was pushed to become huge, anyone hearing the words "pursuit of happiness" will immediately think of the movie and not its real connotation with the Declaration of Independence.
Left eating left - Left will have plenty to eat
Yokes on them, we're fixing to trade in for a new boat and we intend to like it veddy muchly.
Just be a slave, and be unhappy. We don't care, it's your life, not ours.
WEF: youβre slaves. You have no right to happiness
Why bother living a βgoodβ life if your unhappy. And we find meaning in things we do to feel good. Like wtfβ¦
What a steaming pile these lizards are....
Spray paint this onto every sign that reads this to send a clear message to the globalist elite
Getting ready to? This is from almost a year agoβ¦
Wow, how the time flies when you are busy being oppressed...
"Good" for whom? Predatory lizard people?