I'll add that John Deere is a terrible company, for not only this poor decision, but also because of their stance on "Right to Repair". They manufacture their tractors and parts in such a way, to force farmers to pay for expensive "authorized dealer" repairs only. Locking people out for being able to do routine repairs or repairs that should be self-servicable. They'll intentionally disable the vehicles automatically if "unauthorized" parts are installed or the computer codes aren't cleared after service performed (requiring the dealer equipment).
I'm not sure the best way to combat a company that has a clear monopoly on the markets, but trying to vote with our wallets is never a bad choice, in other scenarios.
Edit: going to plug Louis Rossman from YT, since he's now become a huge advocate for Right to Repair, along with handing out daily redpills (can't tell if he's conservative or liberal, but he absolutely sees the writing on the wall)
It doesn't have a monopoly. There are many alternatives readily available to farmers and others who need tractors and accessories. Older John Deere machines are still quality so long as its before this bullshit they're pulling, too.
That doesn't excuse their behavior as they're clearly jumping on the 'customer who buys our product really doesn't own it due to bullshit we slipped into a purchase agreement' shit. Like our cell phones, we legally don't own. Which is why they can force updates that end up causing battery life to plummet like Apple does.
You know there is a political party which claims to be 'for the little guy' and they've done nothing for well over a decade while this bullshit has been going on. Wonder if that means they're not for the little guy at all?
Party A lies to X supporters in order to get power.
Party B lies to Y supporters in order to get power.
Neither party gives up meaningful government power at the benefit of the citizen.
Both have their "party line" (lies) that they drone out.
This doesn't mean that either side doesn't have well-intentioned people rising up within the party that truly want to make a difference, but they eventually get ground down into being yes-men/women to the party or weirdo outcasts like Rand/Ron Paul who are the party punching bag.
Parties and other oligarchic cliques are what you get in a republic, which your sacred-cow Constitution empowers. Don't treat that anti-majority manifesto like Fundamentalists treat the Bible. It is a straitjacket on our political self-determination.
Thanks for the clarification - I thought John Deere had a bigger cut of the pie, but it sounds like there are alternatives, which is good.
Excellent points about many products nowadays, which we don't technically own. Apple is another egregious offender that has terrible engineering. There are many companies. Subscription services are right up there as well. Just another way to retain full control and for the little guys to get screwed.
And BOTH of our political parties are at fault here hence the new name Uniparty.
NY state of all places just passed a bill that requires electronics manufacturers to provide kits for self-repair. A right to repair bill. Waiting for the governor to sign.
All equipment that does not have the right to repair should be taxed heavily to encourage competition which will make better stuff (and Democrats love taxes so maybe they'll like this idea too)
What is stopping people from reverse engineering, pirating, or bypassing John Deere software in order to make the necessary repairs or customisations?
Surely it can't be complexity as the open source community would make short work of that. I think the real problem here is the socialist concepts of copyright and intellectual property law that use the public purse and public legal system to prevent people bypassing John Deere. If you were to do away with that then the John Deere monopoly would crumble. Of course, you would be waiving all warranties and would be personally assuming full liability if any changes were made outside of the John Deere ecosystem. We have to stop socialising the costs of running a business.
There are numerous videos about how farmers are having to learn to 'hack' their tractors so they can fix them. Its possible, but shouldn't be necessary. Its a shady business practice to force your customers to only be able to get their equipment fixed at YOUR dealers/mechanics.
I grew up on a farm, but decided that farming was not for me; so I became an Electrical Engineer.
Not many farmers have the "hacker" aptitude. These are people who get up early, work hard, plan their day, work the land, and make the best decisions they can, with the data they have. They go to bed each night, weary - and sitting down at a computer and placing their "livelihood at risk" by hacking code they do not understand, is not very highly rated on the risk/consequence table.
they screw up one variable on the tractor, they either disable it, or cause something to break - or - they pay an inflated cost at the dealership and operate under warranty of the manufacturer.
Now, if a farmer can SEE a part that is apparently built with the same quality, is half the cost, and fits in their tractor at half the cost - that's another matter.
Remember these new machines are 200-500k+ in some cases and may be on lease. Even if they own it, they need parts and if the dealerships cut them off they could have a large expensive piece of scrap metal for the sake of a $1k part.
Secondarily, hacker culture is typically liberal leaning and city based, not farmers playing as a hobby.
In the right-to-repair/operate side of things, those with certain skills could make alternate 3D parts available to be machined. 3D scan stuff, use CAD to make part models to be shared.
Or reverse-engineer the computers in order to provide alternate operating systems.
If you don't have skills, but there are those who do, people could support them financially.
"Open hardware" is a path forward for this. Search the term for more information.
I believe some people are doing that with JD stuff, but don't quote me on that. I agree that the open source community can help, but there's many things which would be applicable - companies that are anti-consumer essentially. The entire economic system needs an overhaul, just like you stated.
I stopped watching Rossmann after he called all of his fans that were trying to warn him about the jab trolls and started deleting comments. That just made me sick.
He was always on point about everything else though.
He is still 100% right about right-to-repair. Not everyone is going to march in lock-step with us, and expecting it is leftist bullshit. His specialty is computer repair, he's not gonna know about all that Jab bullshit and trying to 'inject' that into his videos through comments to derail him from his mission to get 'right-to-repair' passed as national law is actually doing us all a disservice.
We have to fight the globo-homos on many fronts and can't expect warriors to fight in all battles all the time. Rossman is a valuable warrior on a very specific front, let him fight where he knows his battleground and stop trying to drag him off of it. Not accusing you of doing so, but his commenters definitely were.
Nobody gets everything right. I'm not going to dismiss someone on every issue just because they misbehaved on one.
He is a good guy, even if he lost the plot on the jab. At least he never required his employees to get the jab, and openly refused to comply with NYC's mandates for customers and employees. And spoke very openly about both of those. That means far more to me than deleting comments that talked about his personal decision to get the jab.
Hmm, I always knew he got the vax, but hadn't watched him consistently enough to know his full stance on it. I guess I don't get too worked up about people who advertise they got the jab, because they're likely not going to listen to you anyway, much like Louie and the trolls.
It's unfortunate his blind spot is the vax, but he isn't the first and won't be the last. Many people are going to have to learn the hard way :(
A populist president cares more about what people think of him than doing what's right. In many cases this was a good thing, but in the end, he wanted the support of leftists who would always hate him no matter what he did. That and everyone in the swamp worked to force him out. He didn't even have control of the military and that's why there was no crossing of the Rubicon.
"I would not have allowed this to happen without serious recrimination."
With all due respect to President Trump, he allowed that to happen quite a lot during his Presidency. To be fair, there's not a whole lot he alone could have done about it.
I think the only way to stop businesses from going overseas is to fix the tax laws involved with domestic/import production. I don't like the idea of the government sticking its nose into how individual companies are run anymore than they already do.
It's simple. Countries are going overseas because it is cheaper, even when you factor in the transportation costs.
So there are two ways to fix it:
Address what is making it more expensive to produce domestically. Labor and climate regulations in particular.
Have sanctions and tariffs against any country without comparable regulations in order to actually level (or give a slight advantage to domestic production) the playing field.
In the right-to-repair/operate side of things, those with certain skills could make alternate 3D parts available to be machined. 3D scan stuff, use CAD to make part models to be shared.
Or reverse-engineer the computers in order to provide alternate operating systems.
If you don't have skills, but there are those who do, people could support them financially.
"Open hardware" is a path forward for this. Search the term for more information.
The only logical reasoning for what is happening right now is to make sure that majority, if not all, people are awake. The most surprising part to me is that in this communication age where every small information reaches everyone almost instantly, it is taking so much time for people to realize and see the actual truth about COVID, MSM, Elections and basically about everything!
How are the sleepers supposed to wake up? Just because they get pissed about gas/grocery/rent prices doesn't mean they're going to know to dig into everything enough to understand what's going on.
You could say that's where we come - we're meant to redpill them. But people have been trying to redpill their friends and family for years, and what do they get for it? They end up looking crazy, because they get inflated on hopium and decodes that point to something huge being imminent then nothing happens.
The awakened's credibility is shot by now. It can't be up to us, because no one believes us and who can blame them?
Not trying to blackpill, but I'm at a loss as to what the hell we're waiting on and whether we're meant to form a militia against the government or not.
I have a couple of cousins who were into Q from the very beginning. They are the reason I know about it.
But they are constantly datefagging. And they get super hyped up whenever something big is looking imminent. And then they start in trying their damndest to redpill the family.
And what happens? Pfffffft. Nothing. I think this type of thing really kills any credibility that we have as a group.
Yes exactly. But it REALLY doesn’t help that you sometimes have the white hats datefagging us too. Trump has specifically said that both Easter and Christmas were going to be really good.
I understand misinformation is necessary, but they, too, are destroying our credibility. And it gets to a point where there’s so much misinfo that you’ll drive away the people that support your movement. Somehow, someway we’re supposedly important so maybe that’s not a good idea lol.
And the leftist idiots just say "but the President can't control inflation, he inherited a pandemic, etc., etc." I don't think there will ever be a "waking up" of 30 to 40 percent of the population. Biden is still supposedly getting a 40% approval rating! (and that's from Rasmussen, which by their tweets, if the same people at Rasmussen who do the polls do the tweets, is a conservative outfit)
I know it is tough to understand this whole situation. But at the same time, I am surprised that things which seem to be so simple and crystal clear to us like MSM lies, election fraud, COVID amongst others does not make any impact on others and they seem to be living life as if everything is happening as usual!
Why do you think that it's necessary for everyone to be awakened about this stuff before anything can be done about it?
I'm not trying to be rude or argumentative about this. I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind it. I see this idea touted quite frequently here.
First, I don't think it's possible for everyone to be awakened. Some people will simply be too young, some will simply not care. And not everyone will agree with our stances on all subjects. Being awake isn't the same as being on the same side.
And I don't really see what can be done differently. If the majority of mentally functional adults aren't already aware of these issues, there's not much we can do to change that.
This whole "we have to wait until everyone is aware of the problem" mindset just seems wrong to me. There is still a large percentage of the world who has no idea that crimes like child sex trafficking happens. But we (as a society) don't just sit on our hands until everyone knows about it. We have task forces and other professionals working all the time trying to stop it.
Again, I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm just trying to understand your view point on this. Any feedback would be appreciated.
I totally agree with what you are saying. All I am saying is that it seems that the people who have created or are in know how of this plan (including DJT) are obviously waiting for something to happen and in my opinion, they are waiting for more people to be awake!
Wait, woke-ass, globohomo, John Deer shit on US employees, just like they shit on foolish customers who buy their non-repairable junk products? ...And Trump has been doing business with those woke fuckers, too!
The governments of this planet have all failed. Full stop
Was a plan in motion for a long time. God is working but he gives us paths to choose for ourselves maybe we have a path but fail to coordinate imo. I could be wrong.
I would say companies that don’t think that U.S. labor isn’t important, they are not worth buying from. Tax the imports heavily! Get a new President front and center-one who knows how to save AMERICA by negotiating. I wonder who that person might be!?
A company exists for exactly one reason - to make a profit.
Not to provide a service, goods or make you feel good. They exist, they have investors and customers; because they can make a profit.
Perhaps the question should be asked "What are the business factors, that are driving John Deere to make these decisions?" Behind every "stupid" decision, there are a handful of "stupid reasons".
The sad fact is that the majority of Americans have a Wal-Mart mentality. We want to buy the most stuff for the least amount of money. And if that means buying stuff made in China or Mexico, so be it.
How do we change our entire culture's mentality on this?
In the right-to-repair/operate side of things, those with certain skills could make alternate 3D parts available to be machined. 3D scan stuff, use CAD to make part models to be shared.
Or reverse-engineer the computers in order to provide alternate operating systems.
If you don't have skills, but there are those who do, people could support them financially.
"Open hardware" is a path forward for this. Search the term for more information.
And 'Us' will use force to compel companies to remain within our borders? This seems like an example of the kind of government we are trying to shut down.
I'll add that John Deere is a terrible company, for not only this poor decision, but also because of their stance on "Right to Repair". They manufacture their tractors and parts in such a way, to force farmers to pay for expensive "authorized dealer" repairs only. Locking people out for being able to do routine repairs or repairs that should be self-servicable. They'll intentionally disable the vehicles automatically if "unauthorized" parts are installed or the computer codes aren't cleared after service performed (requiring the dealer equipment).
Read all about them: https://www.qwant.com/?q=John+Deere+right+to+repair+laws&t=web
I'm not sure the best way to combat a company that has a clear monopoly on the markets, but trying to vote with our wallets is never a bad choice, in other scenarios.
Edit: going to plug Louis Rossman from YT, since he's now become a huge advocate for Right to Repair, along with handing out daily redpills (can't tell if he's conservative or liberal, but he absolutely sees the writing on the wall)
It doesn't have a monopoly. There are many alternatives readily available to farmers and others who need tractors and accessories. Older John Deere machines are still quality so long as its before this bullshit they're pulling, too.
That doesn't excuse their behavior as they're clearly jumping on the 'customer who buys our product really doesn't own it due to bullshit we slipped into a purchase agreement' shit. Like our cell phones, we legally don't own. Which is why they can force updates that end up causing battery life to plummet like Apple does.
You know there is a political party which claims to be 'for the little guy' and they've done nothing for well over a decade while this bullshit has been going on. Wonder if that means they're not for the little guy at all?
I don't think any political party is for the little guy. Everything eventually boils down to who has the most money. And that's never the little guy.
Party A lies to X supporters in order to get power.
Party B lies to Y supporters in order to get power.
Neither party gives up meaningful government power at the benefit of the citizen.
Both have their "party line" (lies) that they drone out.
This doesn't mean that either side doesn't have well-intentioned people rising up within the party that truly want to make a difference, but they eventually get ground down into being yes-men/women to the party or weirdo outcasts like Rand/Ron Paul who are the party punching bag.
What Really Put the Crack in the Liberty Bell
Parties and other oligarchic cliques are what you get in a republic, which your sacred-cow Constitution empowers. Don't treat that anti-majority manifesto like Fundamentalists treat the Bible. It is a straitjacket on our political self-determination.
Thanks for the clarification - I thought John Deere had a bigger cut of the pie, but it sounds like there are alternatives, which is good.
Excellent points about many products nowadays, which we don't technically own. Apple is another egregious offender that has terrible engineering. There are many companies. Subscription services are right up there as well. Just another way to retain full control and for the little guys to get screwed.
And BOTH of our political parties are at fault here hence the new name Uniparty.
NY state of all places just passed a bill that requires electronics manufacturers to provide kits for self-repair. A right to repair bill. Waiting for the governor to sign.
Joun Deere has close ties to the PGA, they operate a huge "school" in central Florida meaning they probably have ties to Dis-groomers too!
All equipment that does not have the right to repair should be taxed heavily to encourage competition which will make better stuff (and Democrats love taxes so maybe they'll like this idea too)
What is stopping people from reverse engineering, pirating, or bypassing John Deere software in order to make the necessary repairs or customisations?
Surely it can't be complexity as the open source community would make short work of that. I think the real problem here is the socialist concepts of copyright and intellectual property law that use the public purse and public legal system to prevent people bypassing John Deere. If you were to do away with that then the John Deere monopoly would crumble. Of course, you would be waiving all warranties and would be personally assuming full liability if any changes were made outside of the John Deere ecosystem. We have to stop socialising the costs of running a business.
There are numerous videos about how farmers are having to learn to 'hack' their tractors so they can fix them. Its possible, but shouldn't be necessary. Its a shady business practice to force your customers to only be able to get their equipment fixed at YOUR dealers/mechanics.
I grew up on a farm, but decided that farming was not for me; so I became an Electrical Engineer. Not many farmers have the "hacker" aptitude. These are people who get up early, work hard, plan their day, work the land, and make the best decisions they can, with the data they have. They go to bed each night, weary - and sitting down at a computer and placing their "livelihood at risk" by hacking code they do not understand, is not very highly rated on the risk/consequence table.
they screw up one variable on the tractor, they either disable it, or cause something to break - or - they pay an inflated cost at the dealership and operate under warranty of the manufacturer.
Now, if a farmer can SEE a part that is apparently built with the same quality, is half the cost, and fits in their tractor at half the cost - that's another matter.
Remember these new machines are 200-500k+ in some cases and may be on lease. Even if they own it, they need parts and if the dealerships cut them off they could have a large expensive piece of scrap metal for the sake of a $1k part.
Secondarily, hacker culture is typically liberal leaning and city based, not farmers playing as a hobby.
In the right-to-repair/operate side of things, those with certain skills could make alternate 3D parts available to be machined. 3D scan stuff, use CAD to make part models to be shared.
Or reverse-engineer the computers in order to provide alternate operating systems.
If you don't have skills, but there are those who do, people could support them financially.
"Open hardware" is a path forward for this. Search the term for more information.
I believe some people are doing that with JD stuff, but don't quote me on that. I agree that the open source community can help, but there's many things which would be applicable - companies that are anti-consumer essentially. The entire economic system needs an overhaul, just like you stated.
I stopped watching Rossmann after he called all of his fans that were trying to warn him about the jab trolls and started deleting comments. That just made me sick.
He was always on point about everything else though.
He is still 100% right about right-to-repair. Not everyone is going to march in lock-step with us, and expecting it is leftist bullshit. His specialty is computer repair, he's not gonna know about all that Jab bullshit and trying to 'inject' that into his videos through comments to derail him from his mission to get 'right-to-repair' passed as national law is actually doing us all a disservice.
We have to fight the globo-homos on many fronts and can't expect warriors to fight in all battles all the time. Rossman is a valuable warrior on a very specific front, let him fight where he knows his battleground and stop trying to drag him off of it. Not accusing you of doing so, but his commenters definitely were.
Dude, HE brought it up, then his commenters talked about what happened to them and their friends, then he called them trolls and deleted them.
I will not respect someone who does that.
Nobody gets everything right. I'm not going to dismiss someone on every issue just because they misbehaved on one.
He is a good guy, even if he lost the plot on the jab. At least he never required his employees to get the jab, and openly refused to comply with NYC's mandates for customers and employees. And spoke very openly about both of those. That means far more to me than deleting comments that talked about his personal decision to get the jab.
Hmm, I always knew he got the vax, but hadn't watched him consistently enough to know his full stance on it. I guess I don't get too worked up about people who advertise they got the jab, because they're likely not going to listen to you anyway, much like Louie and the trolls.
It's unfortunate his blind spot is the vax, but he isn't the first and won't be the last. Many people are going to have to learn the hard way :(
You can't do anything about it by jawboning as a defeated candidate and former president.
It's way past time to take more decisive, much stronger action to restore yourself to the Presidency which is rightfully yours.
You can't bring everyone with you. Multitudes are hopelessly stupid and/or hopelessly corrupt. Leave them to nature.
Let's go MAGA - and stop bloviating about it.
We understand the codified reasons for waiting for the two year mark of the steal.
We understand that the WEF guys are cornered and in deadly earnest and may have various kinds of "super" weapons.
Take what care needs to be taken but show us we have a true leader.
Be cool bro
We’ve stood behind him and fought every step of the way. Am I wrong?
I still do not believe that man would just allow the election to be stolen from him
A populist president cares more about what people think of him than doing what's right. In many cases this was a good thing, but in the end, he wanted the support of leftists who would always hate him no matter what he did. That and everyone in the swamp worked to force him out. He didn't even have control of the military and that's why there was no crossing of the Rubicon.
You must be new here if you think it can summed up that simply.
"I would not have allowed this to happen without serious recrimination."
With all due respect to President Trump, he allowed that to happen quite a lot during his Presidency. To be fair, there's not a whole lot he alone could have done about it.
I think the only way to stop businesses from going overseas is to fix the tax laws involved with domestic/import production. I don't like the idea of the government sticking its nose into how individual companies are run anymore than they already do.
It's simple. Countries are going overseas because it is cheaper, even when you factor in the transportation costs.
So there are two ways to fix it:
How? Not buy John Deere? I already don’t
"USA MUST FIGHT BACK" How? What WE are supposed to do?
Just stating the obvious without instructions on how to remedy the situation is getting very frustrating.
"Just stating the obvious without instructions on how to remedy the situation is getting very frustrating."
It happens on PDW all the time. That's one reason I moved to GA.
Boycott, be loud? Spread some memes?
In the right-to-repair/operate side of things, those with certain skills could make alternate 3D parts available to be machined. 3D scan stuff, use CAD to make part models to be shared.
Or reverse-engineer the computers in order to provide alternate operating systems.
If you don't have skills, but there are those who do, people could support them financially.
"Open hardware" is a path forward for this. Search the term for more information.
Do it Q!
The only logical reasoning for what is happening right now is to make sure that majority, if not all, people are awake. The most surprising part to me is that in this communication age where every small information reaches everyone almost instantly, it is taking so much time for people to realize and see the actual truth about COVID, MSM, Elections and basically about everything!
How are the sleepers supposed to wake up? Just because they get pissed about gas/grocery/rent prices doesn't mean they're going to know to dig into everything enough to understand what's going on.
You could say that's where we come - we're meant to redpill them. But people have been trying to redpill their friends and family for years, and what do they get for it? They end up looking crazy, because they get inflated on hopium and decodes that point to something huge being imminent then nothing happens.
The awakened's credibility is shot by now. It can't be up to us, because no one believes us and who can blame them?
Not trying to blackpill, but I'm at a loss as to what the hell we're waiting on and whether we're meant to form a militia against the government or not.
I agree with everything you've said here.
I have a couple of cousins who were into Q from the very beginning. They are the reason I know about it.
But they are constantly datefagging. And they get super hyped up whenever something big is looking imminent. And then they start in trying their damndest to redpill the family.
And what happens? Pfffffft. Nothing. I think this type of thing really kills any credibility that we have as a group.
Yes exactly. But it REALLY doesn’t help that you sometimes have the white hats datefagging us too. Trump has specifically said that both Easter and Christmas were going to be really good.
I understand misinformation is necessary, but they, too, are destroying our credibility. And it gets to a point where there’s so much misinfo that you’ll drive away the people that support your movement. Somehow, someway we’re supposedly important so maybe that’s not a good idea lol.
And the leftist idiots just say "but the President can't control inflation, he inherited a pandemic, etc., etc." I don't think there will ever be a "waking up" of 30 to 40 percent of the population. Biden is still supposedly getting a 40% approval rating! (and that's from Rasmussen, which by their tweets, if the same people at Rasmussen who do the polls do the tweets, is a conservative outfit)
I know it is tough to understand this whole situation. But at the same time, I am surprised that things which seem to be so simple and crystal clear to us like MSM lies, election fraud, COVID amongst others does not make any impact on others and they seem to be living life as if everything is happening as usual!
Why do you think that it's necessary for everyone to be awakened about this stuff before anything can be done about it?
I'm not trying to be rude or argumentative about this. I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind it. I see this idea touted quite frequently here.
First, I don't think it's possible for everyone to be awakened. Some people will simply be too young, some will simply not care. And not everyone will agree with our stances on all subjects. Being awake isn't the same as being on the same side.
And I don't really see what can be done differently. If the majority of mentally functional adults aren't already aware of these issues, there's not much we can do to change that.
This whole "we have to wait until everyone is aware of the problem" mindset just seems wrong to me. There is still a large percentage of the world who has no idea that crimes like child sex trafficking happens. But we (as a society) don't just sit on our hands until everyone knows about it. We have task forces and other professionals working all the time trying to stop it.
Again, I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm just trying to understand your view point on this. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Thanks. ✌️
There are a lot of stupid people that will never wake up.
If you wait for them to wake up before taking decisive action, America will die.
There is a point of diminishing returns. It's getting ridiculous.
I totally agree with what you are saying. All I am saying is that it seems that the people who have created or are in know how of this plan (including DJT) are obviously waiting for something to happen and in my opinion, they are waiting for more people to be awake!
Wait, woke-ass, globohomo, John Deer shit on US employees, just like they shit on foolish customers who buy their non-repairable junk products? ...And Trump has been doing business with those woke fuckers, too!
He shouldn't have told us to go home then on January 6th.
The governments of this planet have all failed. Full stop Was a plan in motion for a long time. God is working but he gives us paths to choose for ourselves maybe we have a path but fail to coordinate imo. I could be wrong.
I would say companies that don’t think that U.S. labor isn’t important, they are not worth buying from. Tax the imports heavily! Get a new President front and center-one who knows how to save AMERICA by negotiating. I wonder who that person might be!?
A company exists for exactly one reason - to make a profit.
Not to provide a service, goods or make you feel good. They exist, they have investors and customers; because they can make a profit.
Perhaps the question should be asked "What are the business factors, that are driving John Deere to make these decisions?" Behind every "stupid" decision, there are a handful of "stupid reasons".
John Deere clearly knows their customer is global farming conglomerates, not the traditional farmer.
Tax breaks
Sounds like John Deere is jumping on the "you will own nothing bandwagon," but will still have responsibility for repairs on machinery you don't own.
I'm not a fan of a government with enough power to intervene.
Of the people, For the people and By the people… That big Government is Us
So how do we, the people, deal with this?
The sad fact is that the majority of Americans have a Wal-Mart mentality. We want to buy the most stuff for the least amount of money. And if that means buying stuff made in China or Mexico, so be it.
How do we change our entire culture's mentality on this?
In the right-to-repair/operate side of things, those with certain skills could make alternate 3D parts available to be machined. 3D scan stuff, use CAD to make part models to be shared.
Or reverse-engineer the computers in order to provide alternate operating systems.
If you don't have skills, but there are those who do, people could support them financially.
"Open hardware" is a path forward for this. Search the term for more information.
And 'Us' will use force to compel companies to remain within our borders? This seems like an example of the kind of government we are trying to shut down.