John Paul Rice is absolutely amazing. He was in the Hollywood scene and then woke up and realized what a cesspool it was.
He went on to make a movie called A Child's Voice about ritual abuse. It's been banned everywhere, but I think you can find it on Vimeo.
This is pretty old. Perhaps we should have a lists of these res pill posts that we rotate in periodically for the noobs and those who miss it the first time.
I don't quite think it was all for "the rain" and stuff like that, though the podcast, "the Martyrmade Podcast" has a great episode on them (and one the communists of the Soviet block titled the anti-humans as well as a solid history of Russia and Ukraine and stuff)
I think a lot of it was smoke and mirrors to include rituals to keep the population in their clutch.
Rice made a supernatural thriller called "A Child's Voice" to put some light on trafficking. About the only place left to watch it is on Vimeo. $3 to watch, $8 to download and stream it. I am going to buy it. It's here if anyone is interested:
Right on. Mentioning hollyweird made me think of Caviezel.
I'm guessing the reason The Sound of Freedom has been delayed to correspond with some of the other declas etc evidence in order to pile on so even normies have to acknowledge these animals' sins.
Indeed, humans are, at the start of our lives, among the most uniquely useless creatures in the entire animal kingdom. Paradoxically this may be part and parcel of the dominant position we hold today—via the so-called Baldwin effect, where we blend adaptation by genetic mutation with adaptation by learning. We are, in effect, tuning ourselves to our environment in software, rather than in hardware. The upside is we can much more rapidly adapt (including genetically) to selective pressures.
John Paul Rice is absolutely amazing. He was in the Hollywood scene and then woke up and realized what a cesspool it was. He went on to make a movie called A Child's Voice about ritual abuse. It's been banned everywhere, but I think you can find it on Vimeo.
This is pretty old. Perhaps we should have a lists of these res pill posts that we rotate in periodically for the noobs and those who miss it the first time.
oh sorry, I just saw this on Bitchute, it's new to me.
Doesn't matter how old. It's quality info for anyone who hasn't seen it. Glad you posted it fren 🐸
Don't be sorry. A lot of folks haven't seen it before.
No apologies needed...tho I saw this some time ago, there are many who have not...powerful, and very sobering!
I haven't seen it and I've been here since the beginning. Thanks.
I hadn't seen it before. Thanks for sharing it.
If i'm correct, this came out in 2020, although it's possibly older.
Well worth reposting. Having a date on things sometimes helps, but what's really important is that this is on point.
Well done, fren.
Full video:
Approx 38 minutes.
I saw this so long ago that I had forgotten all about it.
Human sacrifice. The Mayans had nothing on the modern elites.
Elites can't build a universal timetable with nuclear accuracy
I don't quite think it was all for "the rain" and stuff like that, though the podcast, "the Martyrmade Podcast" has a great episode on them (and one the communists of the Soviet block titled the anti-humans as well as a solid history of Russia and Ukraine and stuff)
I think a lot of it was smoke and mirrors to include rituals to keep the population in their clutch.
Gotta check this out later
Oldie, but goodie.
Rice made a supernatural thriller called "A Child's Voice" to put some light on trafficking. About the only place left to watch it is on Vimeo. $3 to watch, $8 to download and stream it. I am going to buy it. It's here if anyone is interested:
I believe this is almost 2 years old but still interesting
My timelines also says first half of 2020.
That's wild.... I'm glad people are starting to come out about this. Also, THIS MAN DID NOT KILL HIMSELF. just saying....
No he didn't, the monster isn't dead
Right on. Mentioning hollyweird made me think of Caviezel.
I'm guessing the reason The Sound of Freedom has been delayed to correspond with some of the other declas etc evidence in order to pile on so even normies have to acknowledge these animals' sins.
I keep hoping they'll run that when the big ebs comes and they run 8-hour cycles.
Unless you live in a large urban city run by democrats, wherein learning stops and humans devolve into, what word did Biden use? “Savages”
great to watch. from a few years ago but still def worth watching
I should have brought my surprised face. Sorry, Pedes.
two thumbs up. worth the watch.
Follow up: from a friendly old soldier:
Hollywood Censorship with John Paul Rice | Ep. 15 of The Breuniverse Podcast with Jim Breuer
Fwiw I looked up his IMDb profile and did not see Hunter Games
Does anyone have a link to the entire video? Or other videos by him!
A Child's Voice
John Paul Rice videos
Full video, approx 38 minutes. Slightly better resolution.
Oh yeah I remember watching the full video of this in early 2021, very good find OP, it will help any new people out.
She can't pass bills, here is refresher.
Who?? I cant find where he is tied to Hunger Games.